Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 119: Hunyuan Jindan! Wanhua Taoism!

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Li Hanguang stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands under his shoulder, looking at the cloud tower in front of him.

Let the mountain breeze move his robes.

The red-robed old man stared at his back, his eyes were thick and puzzled: "How did you find the old man?"

Li Hanguang didn't look back, and said flatly: "It's not a difficult thing!"

The red robe old man's mouth twitched slightly.

What a god, it's not a difficult thing!

If this is to let those old guys who were intercepted halfway by him listen.

Estimated to jump up and fight Li Hanguang desperately!

With his realm, he really wanted to hide his figure deliberately, except for the top old monsters in the entire five domains...

No one can find it at all.

Let alone juniors like Li Hanguang!

It seems that there are many secrets hidden in this disciple who has not yet started!

The red-robed old man Shen Cangyun became excited.

Good to have a secret!

The more secrets, the more hole cards.

The more cards you have, the more you can have the last laugh!

This is the unchanging law of the spiritual world.

What's more, Li Hanguang's talent is so evil!

It really made him very satisfied!

Shen Cangyun looked at Li Hanguang's back with satisfaction, and said, "It's worthy of being an innate Taoist body."

"Even in Huafan, the aura it exudes is still extremely powerful!"

In Li Hanguang's eyes, a ray of light flashed.

After gaining golden and earth spiritual roots, his speed of practice skyrocketed ten times again.

Experienced practice for seven days and seven nights.

He successfully reconsolidated the golden core with the five elements of the best spiritual roots, the three spiritual bodies of gold, earth, and void.

Back to the peak cultivation base!

The difference is that his current Golden Pill, he does not know how much it crushed the water system's best Golden Pill.

There is a small bronze seal as proof.

[Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Pill: Contains the power of Hunyuan, good potential, and the appearance of a great emperor! One is better than six, but there is still a lot of room for improvement, which is fair. 】

Li Hanguang at the moment.

The vastness and depth of mana surpasses the previous ten times!

Even if you just do it casually, the power is definitely more than the previous full blow!

Frankly speaking, he doesn't know how strong he is now.

only know.

If now he faces the young arrogances of Tai Cang Mansion.

Even if they go together.

They can only be beaten with one hand by Li Hanguang!

Really proud of the younger generation, crushed by absolute strength!

at last.

Don't worry about it again, the pretense will be exposed!

If you want to pretend, pretend to be real and presumptuous!


Li Hanguang turned his head and looked at the old man in red robe.

A line of small print appeared before her eyes.

[Shen Cangyun: The Lord of the Supreme Hall, the Great Holy Realm of Eleven Tribulations...]

The shameless old man in front of him was actually a peerless powerhouse in the Great Sacred Realm of Eleven Calamities.

Li Hanguang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he said flatly: "Your Excellency is not far away, so why did you come?"

Shen Cangyun stared at Li Hanguang, the more he looked, the more satisfied.

He said: "Naturally it is for you!"

Li Hanguang: "Any advice?"

Shen Cangyun smiled and said: "You have the supreme physique of innate Taoism, so it's a pity to stay in the mere Aojian Immortal Gate!"

"Why don't you worship me as a teacher and join the Supreme Hall?"

"Supreme Hall?"

Li Hanguang frowned slightly: "What kind of power is that?"

Shen Cangyun was not annoyed when he saw that he didn't know.

With his hands behind him, he looked up at Yunding and chanted:

"Under Heaven, there are five realms and eight wilds, and a hundred holy land, I alone dominate!"

When he said this.

The sky and the earth seem to have a sense, the wind and clouds are turning sharply, and the clouds in the mountains and the sea of ​​fog have layers of smoke.

Gradually surging like a sea tide.

The squally wind came suddenly.

Rolled up Shen Cangyun's robe.

He wore a red robe, clinging to Shen Cangyun's body.

In that slightly rickety figure, it really exudes the domineering and domineering majesty!

In an instant.

The mountains and forests are silent, and the calls of insects and birds cease.

The whole world seems to be surrendered to this figure, or to say... surrendered to the supreme palace in his words!

"This is the Supreme Hall!"

Shen Cangyun finished speaking earnestly and looked at Li Hanguang: "The Supreme Palace has been passed down from generation to generation, and has no dispute with the world, so its reputation is not as deeply rooted as the major holy places."

"Except for the top-notch figures in the major holy sites, ordinary people have no chance of contacting them at all!"

"You have been staying at Aojian Immortal Gate. It is normal if you haven't heard of it!"

Li Hanguang: "That's it."

Shen Cangyun said, "How? Do you agree now?"

Li Hanguang shook his head and said, "I need a reason to join the Supreme Hall!"

Just a name.

An introduction.

It's too simple.

Shen Cangyun was startled, then smiled: "Good boy, very pragmatic! Yes, old man, I admire you more!"

"Although the Supreme Palace has been passed down from generation to generation, but in terms of its foundation, there is no holy land comparable to the Five Territories and Eight Desolations!"

"The Supreme Palace has been in existence for a hundred thousand years!"

"Over the past 100,000 years, the Supreme Palace has walked out more than a dozen quasi-emperor-level powerhouses, and even the Great Emperor has appeared more than one!"

"That is to say, there are countless strong people in my Supreme Palace. If you join, they will all be your backers!"

"This alone is enough to crush all the rest of the holy land!"

"What's more, there are a large number of quasi-emperor ranks in my Supreme Palace, and even the emperor scriptures, which have a profound heritage."

"It's just right to give play to the supreme talent of your innate Taoist body!"

When the words fell, he stared directly at Li Hanguang, with expectations hidden in his eyes.

Li Hanguang shook his head flatly: "Not enough!"

Shen Cangyun said in surprise: "Not enough?"

Are there enough emperor scriptures?

That is the inheritance left by the great emperor-level powerhouse.

Li Hanguang said indifferently: "For such things as the Emperor Jing, it is enough to have one as a reference!"

"After all, it's the way of others. What's the use of learning more?"

Shen Cangyun was shocked when he heard the words.

Then his pupils were gradually filled with surprise and appreciation.

Ordinary people hear the word Emperor Jing.

I'm afraid I jumped up with excitement a long time ago, so where can I care about other things?

Li Hanguang is different.

His calmness and calmness without any pretense.

Shen Cangyun realized that the young man in front of him was far more mature and rational than he thought!

Looking at the calm youth in front of him.

Shen Cangyun couldn't help sighing secretly: "There is indeed the shadow of the young emperor on this son!"

"The future is limitless!"

"I must earn him into the Supreme Hall!"

There was a look of excitement in his eyes.

To Li Hanguang again: "Innate Dao body is one of the top physiques in the spiritual world!"

"Born to see through all inheritance, Dao Fa!"

"But that's why."

"The entire world of practice, all the holy ground techniques, can't reach your full potential!"

"Even one or two is difficult!"

"Except for "Wanhua Daojing"!"

"Wanhua Taoism?" Li Hanguang frowned slightly.

"Not bad!"

Seeing this, Shen Cangyun said, "That's a technique specially created for the Innate Dao Body!"

"You can deduce and simulate all inheritance, Taoism, and magical powers!"

"In other words, practicing Wanhua Taoism is equivalent to mastering the top inheritance of all the holy places in the world!"


Li Hanguang was slightly surprised: "This Dao Sutra is so powerful? How come you have never heard of it?"

Shen Cangyun explained: "Although Wanhua Taoism can imitate other Taoism, it has a premise, that is..."

"It is necessary to have a sufficient understanding of the simulation!"

Li Hanguang: "If you have already learned to understand, what else do you need to do with Wanhua Taoism?"

Shen Cangyun chuckled: "For ordinary people, to thoroughly understand a powerful technique, cultivation is the only way!"

"However, there are many sacred lands and more immortal gates in five regions and eight wilderness. How many ancient classics are there?"

"I want to use one person's energy to cultivate all the powerful inheritances and achieve accomplishments, how is it possible?"


Shen Cangyun said: "In this world, there is only the Innate Dao Body. You can understand the advantages, defects, and flaws of a practice without practicing!"

"So, "Wanhua Dao Jing" is the most suitable exercise method for the innate Dao body..."

"none of them!"

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