Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 115: Aojian disciple, not weaker than others!

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It is not the first time that Silver Moon and Huang Bo have done this.

Regarding age, Huang Bo is actually the younger of this generation of Yaozu Tianjiao.

——Everyone is a talent of the same level.

——The practice time is even longer.

Moreover, because Huang Bo loves books too much, his actual combat experience is far inferior to that of Silver Moon.

Learn from the past.

Prince Yinyue always overwhelmed Huang Bo.

But this time...

It seems to be different.


The prestige of Yiyin broke out.

The Silver Moon held his knife in front of him.


Unimaginable huge force slammed into the knife.

Silver Moon's pupils shrank.


He burst back into shape until he was a hundred meters away.

Even with a long knife deep into the ground.

Still unable to stabilize his figure.

The blade rubbed the ground, bringing out a straight and long spark.

The sound of air-conditioning was heard from all around.

Bai Lin's eyes widened and she lost her voice: "How come..."

Zhu Gongzi did not speak, his eyes fixed on Huang Bo, his dark lips tightened.

Silver Moon son raised his head slowly, gasping slightly in his mouth.

His hand holding the knife kept trembling.

Still haven't completely got rid of the aftermath of that huge force.

But now he doesn't have the mind to care about those.

His pupils have shrunk into mung beans, and a bloodless paleness has added to his face.

The power of Huang Bo's move!

It was so huge that it shocked him!

Huang Bo slowly stood still, with one hand behind him, and his right hand print never disappeared.

He said seriously: "I have no intention of working with you!"

"Go down the mountain! I'm doing it for you!"

"If the son is angered, he will do it himself..."

"You have no chance!"

After that, he turned around and walked towards the original kneeling position.

Intend to continue kneeling.

At this moment, a **** strong wind came from behind him.

"Pretending to be, my son doesn't believe me, you can surpass me in such a short time!"

Huang Bo frowned slightly, and sighed, "Stubborn!"

He tilted his head slightly.

The right hand Yinjue silently patted behind him.


In an instant, rich golden Buddha's glory emerged from Huang Bo.

The huge golden lion phantom seemed to pace out of the void.

The gaze full of Zen fell on Young Master Yinyue.

Silver Moon's heart trembled.

The gaze fell directly into his heart, reaching his soul.

Sanskrit sounds sounded in his ears.

Like an ancient Buddha chanting scriptures, to wash away his sins!

Unspeakable pain rose from the depths of his soul.

The heavier the blood on his body, the stronger the killing intention, and the more terrifying the pain he suffered!


The eyes of Silver Moon are scarlet.

The silver moon on the eyebrows kept flashing.

His hand holding the knife suddenly lost strength.


Fo Guang turned into a fearless lion seal and bombarded him, hitting Young Master Yinyue's chest like a heavy hammer.

The Silver Moon flew out again.

Huang Bo has turned around, the Buddha's light in his eyes keeps on, and he faintly stretched out a palm.


The golden lion phantom swept out.

Like a mountain, Lord Yinyue was pressed heavily on the ground, unable to move.

There was a dead silence.

Bai Lin stared at Huang Bo, her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes filled with puzzlement.

It seems to be judging.

Is the person in front of him Huang Bo who he knows?

How long has it been since the last time we parted?

How could he have made such horrible progress?

Master Peacock and Master Zhu were silent, their faces solemn.

They are most familiar with Lord Yinyue.

In terms of cultivation base bloodline, they are comparable.

But when it comes to fighting head-on, they are far away!

As Silver Moon said before.

He is an out-and-out combat genius!

Overcoming the strong with the weak is almost as common in him as eating and drinking.

His fighting skills!

Enough to make the older generation of powerful people in southern Xinjiang feel inferior.

But now this battle...

Silver Moon's fighting skills failed to show the slightest.

He was being beaten by Huang Bo from start to finish.

——In that form of crushing!

They can feel that Huang Bo's cultivation has not made much progress.

But why is the power of that trick so terrifying? ?

Bai Lin suddenly said, "That trick just now is your new magical power?"

Huang Bo walked to the place where he was kneeling, without looking back, "This is the magical power of my clan, son..."

"Tell me a quarter of an hour!"

A quarter of an hour?

Bai Lin and the others looked dazed and glanced at each other.

It's incredible.

The more powerful the supernatural powers, the more time and energy it takes to comprehend.

It is often a retreat, decades or even hundreds of years.

A quarter of an hour?

What can I do?

Young Master Peacock sneered and said, "What a joke!"

"He Li Hanguang is a young Tianjiao, and he is not a celestial person who has proven himself!"

"Can a few words have such a big effect?"

"Even if it is an innate Taoist body, it won't turn stones into gold, right?"

"If this is the case, would Aojian Fairy Gate be just a Fairy Gate?"

"Apart from him in the entire Aojian Immortal Clan, how can there be no disciple who can do it?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Lin and others nodded subconsciously.

There were indeed few disciples of Aojian Immortal Clan they met along the way.

Compared with the holy land disciples they challenged, it was far worse.

Just then.

A cold female voice came from a distant hillside.

"I'll wait, although it's not as good as big brother in case!"

"But you don't deserve to say this kind of thing!"

"Aojian disciple, not weaker than others!"

Bai Lin and the others turned their heads and looked.

A barefoot woman in Tsing Yi came from Ling Xu.

Behind him, the jade belt flew up and down.

The face is so beautiful that there is a coldness from the soul, which makes people not feel blasphemous at all.

The Peacock's eyes widened: "Good...beautiful!"

He has always regarded himself very high.

It is believed that in this world, only the Peacock tribe can perfectly unify nobility and splendor.

And he is the most beautiful person in the Peacock tribe.

But when he saw the woman coming from Ling Xu, his previous views were completely overturned.

The beauty of this woman makes him feel ashamed~

Lord Zhu narrowed his eyes.

Ye Chengying stepped into the air.

Every time you move forward, a black breath continues to spread under your feet.

A short moment.

Tsing Yi turned into a black dress.

The force of terror that swallowed all vitality spread like a tide.

It will break out at any time!

Zhu Gongzi's pupils suddenly shrank: "Be careful, this woman is poisonous!"

The Prison Suppressing Spider is a race known for its poison.

Their spider venom is so impressive that no one in southern Xinjiang knows it.

But right now.

The virulent smell emanating from the beautiful woman.

Even he felt frightened.

Bai Lin stared at Ye Chengying very cautiously.

Unexpectedly, except for Li Hanguang.

Aojian fairy gate, there is such an amazing character!

"Hey! Why do I dare to come and pick things up in front of the big brother!"

"It turns out that there are just two or three kittens like this!"

Another voice came from the back mountain road, full of joking meaning.

Everyone followed the prestige.

Two teenagers came side by side.

One of them has a pale face, dark circles under his eyes, and looks like a kidney deficiency.

I feel it carefully, but there is a force that is hidden in every move.

Looking at him, it was like being pointed at by Wan Jian, the hair was terrifying!

The other person looked resolute, carrying a long sword, and staring firmly at everyone in the demon race.

The sword is unsheathed.

The extremely fierce sword intent has already rushed towards the night, making all the demons terrified.

The momentum is pressing!


Feeling the powerful aura emitted by the two, the eyes of the monsters gradually became solemn.

However, all this is just the beginning!

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