The eighth day of the lunar month.

It's time to go to work.

It might have been set off during the Chinese New Year. The air was not good today, so Zhang Ye put on a mask designed to protect against fine particles and went out to work early.


In fact, the New Year is not over yet, and the CCTV employees who come to work still have a bit of a New Year flavor on their faces. Some are discussing how much money to give out this year, some are discussing where to get together for a drink or two in the evening, and some are even He came to work with a big suitcase crunching in his hand. At a glance, he knew that he must have just gotten off the train. He had just returned to the capital from his hometown during the Spring Festival travel season.

Suddenly, someone looked in one direction.

"Teacher Zhang?"

"Good morning, Teacher Zhang."

"Congratulations, Teacher Zhang!"

"Congratulations to you!"

"Teacher Zhang, I wish you a happy new year."

"Congratulations on getting on the front line!"

When a small number of people passed by, they all said hello to Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ya from the CCTV News Channel also came at this time. After seeing Zhang Ye, she also smiled and waved.

Zhang Ye also smiled and said: "Happy New Year, thank you."

In fact, after Zhang Ye was involved in a lawsuit with CCTV and after Zhang Ye made a big fuss at the CCTV annual meeting, many people would hide and avoid him even if they met at work. They would not dare to say hello to Zhang Ye for fear of getting into trouble. But today, many people were more enthusiastic because Zhang Ye's identity was different from before!

A-list star!

How many top-tier stars are there among current CCTV employees?


not a single one!

Zhang Ye is the only one!

If Zhang Ye, who first came to CCTV, could only be regarded as one of the most popular hosts on CCTV, he could only be regarded as one of the pillars of CCTV. But now, this one has no meaning. He is now the most popular host on CCTV. Host, mainstay! Um,

It's just that this pillar probably won't be around for long. Everyone at CCTV knows that Zhang Ye's contract with CCTV is about to expire, not long after, and CCTV will definitely not retain Zhang Ye, and Zhang Ye won't. I will definitely not renew my contract with CCTV!


CCTV 14 sets.

Documentary Channel.

My colleague was halfway there but not all the way there yet.

"Teacher Zhang!"


"Teacher Zhang, Mr. Yan asked you to come to his office."

"Okay." Zhang Ye greeted, put down his bag, and knocked on the door of Yan Tianfei's office. Lao Yan was sipping tea inside, "Mr. Yan, are you looking for me?"

Yan Tianfei sighed, "The Dahongpao you gave me is really delicious!"

Zhang Ye sat down generously and said, "Haha, I'll get you some later."

"Come on, I can't afford it." Yan Tianfei waved his hand, put down the teacup, and said with a smile: "When this year is over, you should be free."

Zhang Ye sighed and said, "Yes, it's really fast."

Yan Tianfei smiled and said: "It's quite fast. It's already been a year. What's going on? What are your plans for the future? What are you going to do next? Are you still working at a TV station?"

Zhang Ye shrugged, "I really didn't think about it."

Yan Tianfei asked, "You are on the front line now. People who want to poach you can probably level the threshold of your family, right? You don't have any ideas yourself?"

Zhang Ye shook his head and said with a smile: "It's really not true. Anyway, some talents' contracts are still expiring. I just want to take a break during this period. After working with CCTV for a year, I don't have time to take a breath. Anyway, I don't have time to take a breath." Don't be in a hurry, just think about it while you rest, and I will make plans when the contract ends."

Doing a show?




writing a novel?

He now has too many choices, so he doesn't know what to do next.

Yan Tianfei nodded and said: "You need to think more about how to go in the future. The competition in the first-line ranks is so great that it can even be described as cruel. It is already very difficult to maintain the first-line rating, not to mention that you will definitely still have It’s even more difficult to move forward, so it’s right to be cautious.”

Chatted for a long time.

At this time, the secretary came in and said, "Mr. Yan, everyone is here."

Yan Tianfei looked at his watch and said, "Okay, let me inform everyone? There is a meeting in the conference room."

meeting room.

Everyone from Channel 14 is here.

The first thing Yan Tianfei said when he opened his mouth was, "During the Chinese New Year, Director Zhang is treating guests. Many people have returned to their hometowns. Let's take this opportunity to congratulate Director Zhang for his promotion to the front line!"

Thunderous applause!

Everyone clapped excitedly!

"Director Zhang, congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Director Zhang!"

"You are amazing!"

"Yeah, when I heard the news in my hometown, I was dumbfounded!"

"Our record channel shows up again!"

Colleagues who were not in Beijing during the Chinese New Year all sent their congratulations.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Mr. Yan, how can such a trivial matter like mine be worth mentioning in a meeting?"

Yan Tianfei said: "How many CCTV hosts have appeared on the front line? Almost none. Besides, you are still on our Channel 14. Is this a trivial matter?

The meeting continues.

As usual, he summarized the results of last year. The time was very short, and he finished it in a few minutes. Yan Tianfei was not a lazy person, and he quickly entered the work arrangement process, "In the new year, our channel is under heavy pressure, and everyone is also We all know that Director Zhang will leave soon." At this point, Lao Yan smiled and said, "But the results Director Zhang left for us are so earth-shattering. A documentary has had ratings for more than two consecutive months. Being No. 1 in the country has become a pressure for us, but it is also a motivation, pushing us forward."

Everyone looked at Zhang Ye with a wry smile. Yes, their halo is too big now and their achievements are too brilliant. What will they do when Zhang Ye leaves? How do they make a documentary like "Tongue"? Just thinking about it gives me a headache. But looking at it from another perspective, this is actually a good thing. Once upon a time, they were a record channel that grandma didn’t love and uncle didn’t love. Even if they wanted to get this attention, they didn’t have the chance. Zhang Ye laid a solid foundation for them before leaving. , and it also makes their future journey much easier!

Yan Tianfei took out something and asked his secretary to distribute it to everyone, "During the Chinese New Year, firecrackers were set off everywhere, making the city full of smog. I coughed for several days and felt very uncomfortable, but I saw some news papers I don’t pay much attention to new terms like smog, PM time, etc., and many people don’t have any awareness of protection at all. I noticed that those who wear masks to work are Teacher Zhang and Xiao Huang, right?”

Huang Dandan coughed and said, "My lungs have been feeling uncomfortable recently."

Her boyfriend, Tong Fu, handed her hot water with concern, "Drink something."

Zhang Ye asked: "Is it serious?"

"Ahem..." Huang Dandan coughed a few more times, "It's not bad, just a cough, maybe a cold."

Zhang Ye said: "Everyone should wear a mask on hazy days."

Yan Tianfei said: "Director Zhang is right, take good precautions. I have several expert friends in relevant departments. They told me that this thing is really harmful, and it is a long-term and chronic injury. But why now?" The media and the government don't pay attention to it? When it comes to smog, it's just a scratch? There are too many things involved, including economic factors and social factors. It's quite complicated, so I thought, can our record channel Fire the first shot? Let’s make a documentary about smog to make the people pay attention, make relevant companies sweat, and let the environmental protection department increase their efforts to get rid of the smog! What do you think?”

"This is good!"


"We will do what you say!"

"Yes, you assign the task!"

Yan Tianfei said: "Okay, then this is the first project of our documentary channel this year. We will set up a column group to be responsible for the data collection, interviews, on-site shooting, etc. of this documentary. As for the general director of the program... well , let me think about who is suitable."

Zhang Ye was amused, "Mr. Yan, are you trying to exclude me?"

Yan Tianfei looked at him and said, "Of course I know you are the most suitable, but your contract will expire in a few days. I can't hold you back and not let you go?"

Zhang Ye said directly: "I work at the Documentary Channel for one day, and I'll say I'm leaving after I leave. And, I'm also thinking of making a film about smog investigation, and the ideas are all in my head. In general. I don’t care about directing, I think Lao Ha and Zhang Zuo are both suitable, so I will be responsible for making suggestions.”

Yan Tianfei thought about it and said, "Okay! That'll do!"

The meeting adjourned.

Ha Qiqi and Zhang Zuo came over.

Zhang Zuo said helplessly: "Director Zhang, how can we film if you don't lead the team?"

"Yes." Ha Qiqi said without confidence: "We cooperate with you every time, but the director and we are not good at it."

Zhang Ye said: "When it comes to work experience, you two have more work experience than me. What's wrong? I'm leaving soon. I don't know if I can wait until the documentary is finished. You two will definitely have to take the lead, haha, and I'm so I want to take a short vacation for a few days, rest at home for a while, and relax leisurely. You will definitely have to keep an eye on the interviews and recordings here. Don’t worry, I have listed the interview and shooting outline for you. Please refer to it. Just take pictures, and if you really encounter something that you can't solve, or people you can't interview, wait until I get back to work after a break, and I'll help you with it!"

Only then did Zhang Zuo smile, "Yes, with your words, I feel at ease."

Zhang Ye said: "Don't worry, I won't give up my choice. I will write the outline for you today."

They left.

Assistant Xiao Wang came in with a cup of hot tea and water for him, and then went out.

Zhang Ye was left alone in the office, picked up a pen, closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then started writing on the paper!

Documentary about smog?

The first thing that came to his mind was the famous "Chai Jing's Smog Investigation: Under the Dome" which Chai Jing once caused great controversy on his own earth and became popular all over the country! This is also the first documentary that made people on his planet fear and pay attention to smog on such a large scale. It is so influential and controversial that it is unprecedented.

Zhang Ye naturally wanted to learn from it.

He spent the whole day bored in the office and finished writing the outline!

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