I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 895: [Don’t blame the table tennis team...

There is a huge battle to denounce the book!

People are very willing to watch, and many people who have nothing to do with themselves come to watch the excitement. Zhang Ye, who just made a scene in the music industry a few hours ago, has offended the sports world again! Many people couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that this guy was really a warrior, he couldn't sit still every day!

How will you fight today?

Will Zhang Ye apologize?

Who will public opinion favor?

Everyone was so curious that they all watched the incident without blinking an eye!

As soon as the denunciation was released, countless people in the sports world came out and made their voices heard immediately after!

Liu Yifeng's humble words stopped, "I really can't bear it anymore. Today, the national table tennis team must speak! Otherwise, if we continue to remain silent, others will think that we are easy to bully! Vulgar entertainers like Zhang Ye should be severely boycotted!" a Zhang Ye! Apologize immediately!"


"It's so funny! Are you still silent?"

"You scolded "A Letter from Home" for a long time during the live interview. After Han Li said his teammates, he said, and after his teammates said you, every word you said was to blame Zhang Ye for the reason for the Korean team's loss this time. Thanks to him, you are really 'silent'! If this counts as silence, then what will happen when you are not silent! Why don't you bomb Tian'anmen?"

"Hahahaha! It's light upstairs!"

"What a fool!"

"aLiu Yifeng! If you can't speak, get out! Don't be embarrassed!"

"Director Liu, you are so disappointing today!"

"It's natural for you to scold others, but you can't stand it when others scold you a few times? I'm watching this from a neutral standpoint. Although I also think there's something wrong with Zhang Ye's lines in the skit, at least Zhang Ye is better than Zhang Ye. You guys are more tolerant. After being scolded, he didn't complain, condemn, and ask others to apologize like a bitch. He didn't appeal to fans, but scolded him directly! Not like you! Two things are the same. Hey, compared to Zhang Ye, you are far behind in terms of being a good person and doing things well!"

"Apologise, sister!"

Almost as soon as Liu Yifeng posted this Weibo, there were an astonishing number of more than 200 comments below, which shocked Liu Yifeng. E Xiao┇ said `---1After reading,

His face turned green with anger. Among the hundreds of comments below, no one supported him. They were all scolding him!

Close combat!

The battle has begun!

Li Qi, a member of the national table tennis team, said: "Boycott Zhang Ye! I am here to call on my fans to never watch any programs about Zhang Ye again from now on!"

After a while, Zhang Ye's fans arrived!

"Hey, friend, where are your fans?"

"Are you alone? Where is the person you called for?"

"We deliberately waited for a minute, but no one responded to your Weibo. Thinking that you are too lonely, we should come and help you. If you refuse zero reply, you're welcome. Please call us Red Scarf!"

"Classmate Li Qi, do you need us to pretend to be your fans? At least let you not look so ugly, otherwise no one will respond to you if you shout a call. How embarrassing."

What a slap in the face!

After Li Qi saw it, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

At the same time, Han Zhaoguang, the current captain of the national football team, also came out to firmly support the national table tennis team, "Support coach Liu Yifeng and support the table tennis team. This kind of thing is really intolerable. When you should be fierce, you must be fierce. Otherwise, people won’t know where your bottom line is. Zhang Ye’s skit is really too much! Even if Han Li said a few words to you during the interview, you can’t criticize table tennis for being bad!”

Another football player tweeted, "Support the brothers of the table tennis team! I have never liked Zhang Ye, so I can only laugh!"

"Yo, who did I see?"

"Han Zhaoguang? Do you still have the nerve to come out?"

"The big smelly feet are out!"

"Go back quickly. Don't be embarrassed. Today is Teacher Zhang's fight with the table tennis team. What does it have to do with you? Since when did your sports community become so united?"

"Come on, let's fight one by one!"

"Yes, let's fight one by one!"

The runner-up of the last badminton world championship, "a Zhang Ye, please apologize to the table tennis team!"

A not-so-well-known female tennis player said, "Sports are sacred, glorious, and healthy, and cannot be slandered by anyone! From now on, don't watch Zhang Ye's programs!"

"Sports are sacred? They cannot be slandered?"

"Co-author Zhang Ye is born dirty, so he can be slandered casually?"

"The table tennis team first slandered Zhang Ye, and it was the head coach and the team members who slapped him in the face. Holy? You call this holy? You're making fun of your grandma!"

"You guys in the sports world are so united. Are you going to work together to cause trouble? Okay! Let's see who has more people!"

"Zhang Ye doesn't need you to watch the show! Anyway, I won't watch your games in the future!"





By the end of the comment "Same as above", there were actually thousands of people, many of whom were real tennis fans. They really would never watch this person's matches again!

When the female tennis player saw this, she was also dumbfounded!

Basketball team.

Of the swimming team.

Of the track and field team.

Many athletes and coaches from the sports world came out to support!

But without exception, as soon as their Weibo posts were posted, they were instantly flooded with countless scoldings, complaints and sarcasm, which was heartbreaking! They say one thing, the sailors say a hundred words, they curse two words, and the navy soldiers curse a thousand words. These sports stars are not without support from fans, but their numbers are quite limited. After all, the popularity of sports stars cannot be compared with that of stars in the entertainment industry. The most important thing is that this time because of Zhang Ye's cross talk in "Everything is Alright", Because of the touching feeling of "A Letter from Home", countless people have turned to fans or unfans of him. Today, Zhang Ye is very popular. Many fans of these sports stars, some of them are unconditional in this matter. Support Zhang Ye!

There is a sports star who speaks fiercely, and his Weibo followers even dropped from 50,000 to 41,000! Lost a total of 9,000 fans!

"A bunch of clowns!"

"Silly x!"

"More than people? Come on!"

"You think you guys can guide public opinion just by posting on Weibo? That's nonsense! Look at your faces! Are you disgusting?"

"I also like table tennis, but the table tennis team ignored me this time, so I'll scold each one!"

"I'm going to spend all my time with you today!"

"No one can scold Zhang Ye today!"

"You still fucking condemn it? Okay! Let's see who condemns whom!"


Countless netizens rushed to support Zhang Ye!

There are too many people! I can’t even count them! It’s like a sea of ​​people!

These athletes who stood up to support the table tennis team had not expected such a situation at all, and they were all stunned. Looking at the scoldings and seeing their followers on Weibo losing one by one, they finally realized The difference in the number of their fans and Zhang Ye's fans is so great! It’s not of the same magnitude at all! Even if all their Weibo followers were added together, they probably wouldn't have half as many as Zhang Ye!

how so?

Their hearts were chilled!

The situation is simply one-sided!

Han Li also made a small contribution at this time, "I started practicing table tennis at the age of eight, joined the team at the age of eleven, and officially entered the national team to play games at the age of eighteen. Who can know the injuries I have suffered and the hardships I have endured? I have to practice when the temperature is minus ten degrees in the winter, and when the temperature is over 30 degrees in the summer, I have to practice when I am injured, and I have to practice when I am sick. The status of table tennis in my heart is just like that of my parents. It has become I have a belief and I won’t allow anyone to insult it!”

Several more people from the sports community came forward.

A coach in the football world: "It's difficult for athletes, it's not easy for them!"

A coach of the table tennis team said: "I watched Xiao Han grow up, and we all see his hard work. This kid works too hard, and all the members of the national table tennis team work too hard." Now, you only see their grace on the field, but not the hardship behind them. Now, there are still people who want to slander table tennis? I really don’t know what such people think!"

Some netizens laughed.

"Stop talking, the more you hear it, the more disgusting it becomes!"

"I still don't know what you think!"

"You are the only one who has worked hard? You are the only one who has worked hard? Teacher Zhang has not worked hard? Teacher Zhang has not worked hard? Then why do you scold others for no reason? Damn!"

""A Letter Home" sung by Zhang Ye is the most touching song I have heard in the past few years, but you use it as an excuse and reason for losing? And you also publicly slander this song? Why! Why do you just You can slander others, but others can’t scold you?”

"You're still losing after working so hard? Then how stupid you are! Let's look at Teacher Zhang Ye and Bangzi fighting and swearing. Which time have they ever lost!?"

The more these people in the sports world continue to talk, the angrier the netizens who support Zhang Ye become!

Suddenly, Zhang Ye's meager body lit up without any warning!

Zhang Yewen: "Don't scold the table tennis team!"

Liu Yifeng was startled.

Han Li smiled, you finally came out!

Zhang Ye's fans were also stunned.

"Teacher Zhang is here!"

"Stop scolding?"

"Why? Why?"

"Isn't this an apology?"


"Don't bother me!"


The eyes of other people in the sports world were also focused here for a moment, and they were all in high spirits. They had just been scolded by Zhang Ye's fans for so long, and they were all depressed. Now the real owner finally showed up and stopped his fans. Swearing, obviously, this is due to pressure to apologize! It seems that their voices are still very loud! The sports world has become a tightrope today. Even a star of Zhang Ye's magnitude cannot ignore such a huge force!

Weibo seemed to be silent for an instant. Everyone was looking at Zhang Ye's meagerness. No one understood why Zhang Ye didn't let them scold him. Was he compromising?

However, Zhang Ye's next Weibo post made all netizens laugh!

Zhang Ye said righteously: "Stop scolding, stop scolding, do you know how hard the members of the table tennis team work? The players have a fever of 62 degrees, but they still insist on playing for the waiting of many fans and spectators. Even though he suffered comminuted fractures in both hands during the competition, he still insists on practicing his swing. He trains for more than hours every day. He has hundreds of millions of fans around the world but is never proud. He also holds charity performances on February 29th and February 30th every year, and will receive All the $2 trillion in ticket sales will be donated to children in Switzerland who cannot afford to go to school, so please stop hacking our table tennis team, okay?”

Head coach Liu Yifeng was shocked!

Han Li was shocked!

Friends from the sports community who came to support us were also shocked!

Suddenly, they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

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