I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1694: [This is a music animated film? 】

The next day.

in the morning.

Beijing, a theater.

"Going to work."

"Little Liu, check the equipment."

"Xiao Wang, how many movies are there today?"

"There are four, but most of the games are "Frozen."

"Hey, an animated film gives this level of filming rate, is it true? Is there anyone who will see it?"

"Han sister, booking statistics are out!"

"How is the ticket sold today?"

"Sold out!"

"What? Sold out?"

"The "Frozen" games are sold out."

"Ah? Someone bought a movie ticket in the morning?"

"I rely on, Teacher Zhang has too many fans!"



A certain movie city.


"Isn't that director Li Ke?"

"he came?"

"Ah, I saw Xu Meizhen!"

"Sister Sister is also coming to join us?"

"And Jiang Hanwei, is that Jiang Hanwei?"

"It is him, Lao Jiang recently filmed in Shanghai."

"The screening room was wrapped up today, it’s all stars."



new York.

Several Hollywood animation directors came together.

These people are well-known animation directors in the Hollywood industry. One of the directors still maintains the top three in the history of Hollywood animated film. Well, although compared to other Hollywood live-action movies, this box office number is not so conspicuous.

"Really to see?"

"Let's see."

"Two hundred million dollars, I also want to see what he can shoot."

"I don't expect it."

"Now the new director is too self-sufficient."

"Yeah, how hard is the animated film, who doesn't know? He is a guy who only took a live-action movie, what animated film? What Hollywood animation movie?"




"Who is that?"


“Lelia took her family to the movies?”

"Is it necessary to see Pete's new film?"

"Definitely it? She also has a guest role in the movie."

"Oh, no, he didn't go to that movie theater!"

"There is - "Frozen VIP Auditorium?"

"What? Lily went to see Zhang Wei's animated film?"

"On the first day of the premiere, Lilyan actually came to cheer for Zhang Wei? Didn't even watch his own movie?"

"Hey, I also want to see "Frozen" a bit."

"Would you like to buy a ticket?"



A movie theater in the central area.

Several acquaintances met in the crowd.

"Ah, Kyoko."

"Ah, how late?"

"Fuji editor, how come you are here?"

"Cough, you also come to "Frozen"? Didn't you boycott Zhang Wei in the editorial department yesterday? Why are you still coming?"

"You are! Every time you open a new work, you are the first one. You are not here too?"

"I am not curious."

"Oh, we are too."

"This matter is kept secret, we will not meet."

"Oh, okay."



A special media.

Many media practitioners have come, and there are still many film critics. At the moment they sit in the cinema, they have come up with pens and books, and they are all ready to write a film review.

"The farce is going to end."

"Yeah, Zhang Wei is too impulsive."

"In fact, he is very good at the international entertainment circle."

"Who told him not to work with Hollywood directors."

"The movie hasn't seen it yet. Let's talk after reading it."

"Is it still used? Do you really think he can win?"

"When the Nobel Prize was won, when I was in Warrior 2, when I was a wilderness, I had eaten Zhang Wei’s loss. The manuscripts written several times in advance were abolished, so I have already decided, as long as I’m reporting about Zhang Wei, I must see the final draft this time. This person is very special."


On the world network.

Netizens from all over the world have bubbled up.

A number of self-media people have also joined the feast, using their own methods and fans to broadcast the ultimate bet of Zhang Wei and Hollywood directors.

"Get started!"

"Frozen" live text live!"

"I went to the theater. What did Zhang Wei's new movie look like, I will tell you right away, haha."

"Countdown for two minutes!"

"The lights are gone, I can't wait."

"Everyone is waiting for my film review."

"The biggest investment in history, the most junk animated film will come out."


The first day of the premiere.

National media were present.

The global industry is concerned.

Many ordinary people also entered the theater for the first time.

Zhang Wei’s several sisters.

Xu Meizhen.


Fan Wenli.

Jiang Hanwei.

Zhang Xia.

Countless friends and family have also come to the premiere.

Many people know that Zhang Hao is very powerful and knows Zhang Wei’s ability, but this time the opponent is too powerful. Wilson’s box office of more than 7 billion US dollars directly forced Zhang Hao to a dead end. They never used to. Seeing that Zhang Wei has lost, but they know that it is impossible for a person to win in a lifetime. If Zhang Wei really loses one day, then it may be today.

at this time.

The world premiere of "Frozen".

When the first picture of the film was revealed, many people were shocked!


on the screen.

"Aisha, Aisha, wake up, wake up."

"Anna, go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep, let's get up and play."

"You can play it yourself."

"Do you want to make a snowman?"


"Go fast, go fast, use magic."


"Wow, that's amazing."

"Hey this."




A movie is in vain.


"What is this picture?"

"This is too refined?"

"The people are so beautiful!"

"Two girls are so cute!"

"I have never seen such a good animation!"

"It’s really a frame by frame!"

"Is this two billion dollars?"

"Zhang Wei, the ruined family, is so dare to play!"

"Yeah, no one dares to play so big!"

"Ah, Anna is hurt!"


on the screen.

The plot continues to develop.

Anna was eliminated from memory.

Aisha was shut up and restricted from contact with people.

Everything seems to return to calm.

At this time, Anna knocked on Aisha’s door and a song rang. “You want to make a snowman, come with me. I haven’t seen you for a long time, the door is open, you are not there. We are The best sister, this is not the reason, you have to say it. You want to make a snowman, isn’t it as a snowman.”

Aisha: "Go away, Anna."

Anna is low: "bye."

Once the song came out, I was once again thrilled by countless moviegoers around the world.


new York.

Several Hollywood veteran animation directors are stunned.


"How is there music?"

“Is music integrated into the plot and lines?”

"Can you still do this?"

"Wood, did anyone ever shoot an animation like this?"

"It seems - never!"

"Zhang Wei actually will shoot Hollywood animated movies!"

"This is really Hollywood style! But it's not the same!"



Zhang Wei’s theater where several sisters are located.


"It's so cute, Anna!"

"sounds amazing!"

"How is this song so good!"

"It's so cute!"

"I thought it was a sad plot. How come a song suddenly, the rhythm is different? And can you use the lyrics to speak lines?"

“Is this a music animation created by my brother?”

"Great my brother!"



The Lilian family was a little surprised.

"How? Did you bring you wrong?"

"Sister, your Chinese friend is really amazing."

"At the beginning, I have already attracted people."

“A brand new music animated film? Really can’t imagine it.”

Lilian smiled: "This guy, I have always been very courageous, but these may not be able to compete with those Hollywood directors. See what other tricks are behind him."

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