I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,497 [Zhang Ye reaches the top of Asia! 】

The music is gone.

The live broadcast was cut off.

The concert is over.

Zhang Ye looked relaxed, smiled and said to Director Dong and others who came over: "Let's go."

A policeman took out an arrest warrant. It was not the seal of the branch or the municipal bureau. It was stamped with the seal of the Ministry of Public Security. "Zhang Ye, we are now officially notifying you to accept investigation as a suspect. Follow us." Let's take a walk." After that, he took out the handcuffs.

Fan Yingyun shouted: "Let me see who dares to torture Teacher Zhang!"

Meng Yi, Fang Xiaoshui and other people also stared at him fiercely!

The policeman said: "Officer Fan, this is a routine matter, you..."

Director Dong spoke, "Put down your handcuffs!"

The policeman hesitated and had no choice but to put away the handcuffs.

Then, Director Dong walked up to Zhang Ye with a complicated look on his face, "Teacher Zhang, originally we were not responsible for this arrest, but you have worked in our department. We are colleagues and comrades-in-arms. I think at the end of the day , you definitely don’t want someone else to come, so I asked the leader for permission and took the initiative to come.”

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Thank you."

Leave the venue.

Get in the police car.

Zhang Ye left.

Walking gracefully.

This concert is destined to go down in history, because no one has ever held a concert in such a large venue, and no star has ever said goodbye in this way. This is Zhang Ye. Even if he leaves, he must leave with a bang, and even if it comes to an end, it must end in a soul-stirring way!

At this moment.

The outside world is boiling!

All of Asia is in a state of panic!

The incident happened so suddenly that no one was mentally prepared. Zhang Ye's home, friends, Zhang Ye's studio, the domestic entertainment industry, and the Asian media were all in chaos at the moment. Some people even stared blankly at the computer screen where the live broadcast had been cut off, unable to believe the news they had just heard. This is the largest concert in Asia. This is Zhang Ye's most glorious moment! Many people cannot accept it!

Zhang Ye was arrested by the police!

Hacker 2’s true form!

Shocking! Zhang Ye is actually the hacker with the highest reward in the world!

The Asian entertainment industry is facing the biggest "earthquake" in history!

The police revealed: Zhang Ye surrendered!

Lawyer analysis: Zhang Ye may face many years in prison!

on Weibo.

"He's going to be a father!"

"Why are you arresting people?"

"Back then, it was Korean hackers who deserved to be beaten!"

"Let them go!"

"Let them go!"

"Let's petition!"

"Okay! I'll write a petition!"

"Count me in!"

There is an uproar on the Japanese Internet!

"Zhang Ye?"

"Hacker 2?"

"So it's him?"

"He, doesn't he draw comics?"

"Isn't he the host?"

Juvenile Hall Comics Magazine.

"Oh my god, Hacker 2 is him!"

"Why does he know everything?"

"Who the hell is this guy!"

"The comic book eunuch, he went into the hacking industry again?"

South Korea.

The people were petrified!

"Why is it him?"

"Why is it him again?"

"He was the one responsible for the panda burning incense?"

"my God!"

"Why did he just catch us doing it!"

"The two biggest enemies of the people in South Korea, Zhang Ye and Hacker 2, are actually the same fucking person? Is there any mistake? This guy is too cruel!"


"This this"

"Teacher Zhang"

"Just leave like that?"

"How could it be him!"

Zhang Ye's studio.

"What should I do!"

"Sister Ha, Brother Zuo, what should we do now?"

"Stop talking, go to Director Zhang's house first. Director Zhang's parents must have only known about it. The old man will definitely not be able to accept it. Xiao Wang, go drive!"

Lao Rao's family.

"Dare to arrest my senior brother? I'll go rescue him!"

"Xiao Yang, come back here!"

"But my senior brother can't do it. I have to save people!"

"Your three-legged cat kung fu,

Who are you trying to save? You are causing trouble for him by going now. With his skills, if he wants to leave, who can stop him? "

"But! But"

Dong Shanshan’s family.

Several classmates are here.

"This guy is such a jerk!"

"Just slap your butt and leave?"

"He is so cool! He has never thought about others!"

Xu Meilan's family.

"Sister Lan, this"

"Go to Zhang Ye's studio immediately."


"If you need help, let them talk."

Internet monitor.

"What will happen to Teacher Zhang?"

"Fortunately, although the whole world has sounded a red alert for the virus, it has not spread after all, but the pandas burn incense."

"Actually, taking the lead in arresting Teacher Zhang should be a form of protection for him from above. South Korea and the United States have been asking for people, and we definitely can't give them. The higher-ups have reached a consensus."


"Being able to do this is already the greatest effort from above."

"Yes, but I really like him."

"Me too, Zhang Ye is really special."

Some cried.

Some scolded.

Some shouted.

There are also those who have to hold back the robbery.

This night is destined to be uneventful. The whole of Asia is in chaos because of one name!

Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye!

It’s still Zhang Ye!


South Korea.


All Asia is buzzing about this name and his story.

Even many of Zhang Ye's enemies are in very complicated moods at this moment. This name has made them gnash their teeth countless times, but when they really knew that Zhang Ye was leaving, and when they knew that the entertainment industry would lose this name in the future, they actually felt sad in their hearts. Some sigh, but also a little envious of him. The largest concert in Asia, with 100,000 people on the same stage, live broadcast across the country, attracting attention from all Asia. He chose to put an end to his acting career at this time. As expected, he is still the same Zhang Ye, in the end, this guy's death was so earth-shattering. In the end, they didn't even defeat him once.

There has never been such a star in the entertainment industry!

Not before!

It won't happen again!

That night.

Amid the excitement, the Asian celebrity popularity rating list has been updated!

Some Chinese people opened it and were stunned when they saw it!

Some Korean people saw it and their faces turned pale instantly!

Some Japanese people went up to take a look and were stunned!

“The Asian list has been updated!”

"Go check it out! It's been updated!"

"how's it going?"


“It’s one of the best in Asia!”

"Teacher Zhang has reached the top!"

"Teacher Zhang has reached the top of the Asian entertainment industry!"

this day.

This night.

Zhang Ye's popularity is almost overwhelming. From the first and third position in Asia, he has directly rushed to the top of Asia and has become a new generation of Asian superstars. This is the highest honor in the Asian entertainment industry. Zhang Ye has been struggling for a long time. His goal was finally achieved on the last day of his departure!

Haqiqi cried!

Many people in Zhang Ye's studio shed tears!

Director Zhang, you have reached the top!

Domestic and Asian, you have reached the top!

Did you see it?

Did you see it? ?

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