I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1380 [No. 1 running script in the world! 】

Running script?

Miyamoto Xinchang was a little annoyed!

Many Japanese celebrities and businessmen in the audience were also amused by this man's arrogance! Compete with Master Miyamoto Shinmashi in calligraphy! Actually wrote a running script similar to Master Miyamoto? How audacious is this? How arrogant is this! Since you know calligraphy, don't you know that in the field of running script, there is no second living calligrapher in the whole world who can be as famous as Master Miyamoto!

But what made them even more unbelievable was yet to come. When Zhang Ye wrote the second, third, and fourth words, they discovered again——


People's knowledge!

I rely on!

Like Master Miyamoto's work just now, he actually wrote about the characters' knowledge!

The same ancient background!

The same running script!

The same people have seen and heard!

Are you being provocative?

To provoke a world-renowned calligrapher?

They are just incredible!

But at this time, when others were still secretly scolding Zhang Ye for overreaching, Miyamoto Xinchang, who was standing four or five meters away from Zhang Ye, was the first to be stunned!

The second person who was stunned was a Korean businessman who knew calligraphy!

The third one was Li Xiaoxian, she was dumbfounded!

Then there is Qian Haitao, the richest man in China!

The crowd stayed there one by one!


"What's wrong?"

"What happened, Master Miyamoto?"

"What happened?"

"Old Qian? Boss Qian?"

But those few people didn't reply a word, they all stared at the rice paper in front of Zhang Ye with a look of shock!

Zhang Ye put pen to paper like flying:

[In the ninth year of Yonghe, at the age of Kuichou, at the beginning of late spring, I will meet at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin, Kuaiji, to repair the auspicious things. A group of virtuous men arrives, and young men and women gather together. Here there are lofty mountains, luxuriant forests and bamboos, as well as clear and turbulent streams, which are reflected on the left and right. Although it is not as prosperous as the silk and bamboo orchestra, a glass of wine and a chants are enough to express the quiet feelings. 】

Zhang Ye wrote down his pen calmly, and with the swaying of the pen tip, various colors appeared on his expression.

or calm.

or exclamation.

or sad.

or joy.

[It’s the day, the sky is bright and the air is clear, the wind is gentle and smooth, looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down at the abundance of categories, so wandering around the eyes and bosom is enough for extreme audio-visual entertainment and trust in Coca-Cola. 】

Finally, Li Xiaoxian couldn't bear it anymore!

"Oh my god!" Li Xiaoxian was shocked!

Xu Meilan was stunned: "This, this word—"

Zhang Yuanqi laughed, beaming with delight!

Chen Guang was dumbfounded: "Is this written by Zhang Ye?"

Even Jiang Hanwei, who didn't have a good relationship with Zhang Ye, gasped!

Many of them don't know calligraphy very well. Even if many calligraphy works are presented to them, they don't understand what is written on it, what style of brushwork is used, whether it is regular script or official script, and many people don't know anything about it. , Many people were suddenly shocked!

No reason!

There is no reason!

They themselves don't know why!

It's shocking!

A shock from the soul!

how so?


The Japanese star group is also stupid!

"how come!"



There is one person present, and everyone is shocked!

Zhang Ye didn't stop.

He didn't even look at the expressions of the people below.

[Madam's relationship, I look up to the whole life, or take all the arms, and understand the words in the same room; or because of the entrustment, let go of the waves. Although it is very interesting and restless, it is different from being calm and restless. When one is happy with what he meets, he is temporarily content with himself, and he is happy and self-sufficient, and he does not know that old age is coming; Xiang Zhi's delight, between pitching, has become a thing of the past, I still have to be happy with it, let's make short and easy changes, and the end will come to an end! The ancients said: "Death and life are also great." Isn't it painful! 】


Yao Jiancai's home.

"This word is amazing!"

"I'm going!"

"My Uncle Zhang is possessed by a soul!"




"I'm stupid!"

"Zhang Ye is amazing!"

"This word is against the sky!"

"Is this really what he wrote?"


Chinese Calligraphy.

"Master Wu! This—"

"How could running script have such artistic conception!"

"Is there anyone else in the world who can write this kind of running script? How is it possible! To put it bluntly, the level of this kind of running script may not have been reached by the ancient masters of running script!"

"This is Zhang Ye's calligraphy level?"

"How did he practice?"

"Stop talking, look at the word 'Zhi'!"

"Which 'of'?"

"Look carefully at all the 'zi' characters!"

"What? Why is it different?"

"Oh my God!"


Korean Calligraphy.

"Master Jin, what do you think?"

"have no idea."

"Ah? Why don't you know? What is the level of this word?"

"I'm not qualified to comment on the level of this calligraphy."


"All I know is that there is another calligraphy master in the world!"


Japanese Calligraphy.

"Who the hell is this person!"

"An entertainer."

"How is it possible! How could a star write this kind of calligraphy!"

"Brother Yamada, who is more skilled than Master Miyamoto?"

"Brother Xiaojing, can't you really see it?"

"I, I——Which rock crevice did this person emerge from? Why has the calligraphy world never heard of this person before!"


on site.


Only static!

Everyone looked at the rostrum in shock, the more shocked they became, the more amazed they became!

Only Xinchang Miyamoto is different, he sees more things than others!

"Zhi" word!

His eyes are full of the word "Zhi"!

The first one: "At the Beginning of Late Spring", the dots look like a horizontal painting, the horizontal dots are clearly drawn, the folds are folded and circled, and the strokes are restrained and fronted. The cloth is white and well-proportioned.

The second one: "Meeting at the Lanting Pavilion in the shade of the mountain", the horizontal strokes overlap almost a line, the brush strokes can be turned, and the strokes are light. The top is tight and the bottom is loose.

The third one: "Although there is no flourish of silk and bamboo orchestra", the point is like a goose's head, and the turning point of the horizontal stroke is obvious.

the fourth!

the fifth!


All are different!

Every word is different!

This technique is simply amazing!

Miyamoto Xinchang looked at the picture, his eyes almost popped out!

What the hell is this article?

What kind of calligraphy is this?

Zhang Ye also wrote faster and faster, his wrists were flying, and he was fluent:

[Every time I look at the reasons for the excitement of the past, if they are united, it is not impossible not to mourn in the text, which cannot be described in my heart. I know that death and life are false births, and Qi Pengshang is false. The future looks at the present, and the present looks at the past. sad husband! Therefore, to list the people at the time of the narration and record what they said, although the world is different and things are different, so they are happy, and they are all the same. Those who read it later will also feel the gentleness. 】


Receive the pen.

All in one go.

Zhang Ye took a deep breath before he calmed down. Only then did he see the crowd in the audience, Miyamoto Xinchang, Xiaodong, Amy, Zhang Yuanqi, Li Xiaoxian, Chen Guang, Ning Lan, Chinese businessman, Japanese businessman, Korean The star group, even the camera and the host were all stunned there!

This is "Lanting Preface"!

The best running script in the world! (To be continued.)

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