
Half past ten.

The door downstairs rang and Wu Zeqing came.

Zhang Ye said to the person downstairs: "Old Wu, have you bought it?"

"Well, there are a lot of people in the vegetable market today, and we waited in line for a long time." Wu Zeqing put down the vegetables in his hands, went upstairs, and walked to the room, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I have nothing to do, just play chess for a while."

Wu Zeqing's nose twitched, "Are you smoking?"

Zhang Ye said sheepishly: "Hey, I like to smoke when I'm focused. I just opened the window to let out the smell." He quickly wiped away some scattered cigarette ashes on the table.

"It's okay." Wu Zeqing said, "I'll buy you an ashtray."

Zhang Ye said hurriedly: "No, no, I won't smoke anymore. I'm ready to quit."

Wu Zeqing found a small plate for him and said, "Take this to flick the ashes first."

"Hey, thank you." Zhang Ye said, "My old Wu is better."

Wu Zeqing smiled, "You should smoke less, it's not good for your health."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, remember, I will listen to whatever you say."

Wu Zeqing chuckled and said, "You can continue playing. I'm going to cook. I'll call you when the meal is ready."

the other side.

Lao Wu's parents' house.

A business car suddenly stopped in front of the courtyard door. As soon as the door opened, a dark-skinned young man in his twenties was the first to rush out of the car and ran in, holding a wooden stick he found from nowhere and shouting. In the courtyard, two or three men and women followed, also running inside.

"Teacher! Master! I'm here! What happened? What happened at home?"

"Hu Liang, what are you doing with the stick!" the only girl inside said hurriedly.

The oldest among the group, a man in his thirties, said loudly: "Let me ask you something first, Xiao Hu, don't be impulsive, ask clearly before talking!"

Several people entered the courtyard.

Li Qinqin heard the sound and came out,

Startled, "Xiao Hu, where are you from?"

Hu Liang asked anxiously: "Master's wife, what happened?"

Li Qinqin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You threw the stick away first, which made me dizzy. A top chess player in the world who is currently popular, look like this."

"Hey, hey, hey." Hu Liang immediately threw the stick.

Tian Weiwei, the youngest, scratched his head, "Master, Brother Liang is also anxious. The teacher called us and we thought something big had happened."

Li Qinqin pouted, "What big trouble can happen to him?"

Chen Ying said: "What's going on, Master?"

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "Your teacher has lost the chess game."


"Is this all right?"

"Don't teachers always lose at chess?"

At this time, Wu Changhe strode out from the north room, blowing his beard and staring at the group of apprentices, "Who always loses? Who? I usually lose to you. I was instructing you, but I was not serious. Do you understand? Each of you is still far behind, and you don’t know how to be humble at all!"

Chen Ying said with a smile: "Yes, the teacher is the best."

Xu Han, who is slightly older, said: "You called us here just for this? There will be competitions next week. Chen Ying will beat South Korea's Park Jae-ha in the 8th dan, and I will beat Japan's Shin in the 2nd and 7th dan. They are all tough competitions. ah."

Wu Changhe glanced at him, "You talk a lot and have a lot of things to do. How about a small international competition? I let you come today, just to find an opponent for you! Come with me!" After helping his apprentice into the house, he pointed at the computer screen and said, "Did you see that? This is the man, torture him! Torture him to death!"

A few people took a look.


"Who is this?"


"There aren't many anonymous professional chess players here, right?"

"Have you never heard of this person before?"

"Master's wife, who is this person?"

Li Qinqin was about to speak, "He, he is"

Wu Changhe interrupted: "Don't worry about who he is. Anyway, I can tell you that this is a layman. He is not a professional chess player at all. He has not received professional training. You just treat him as a sparring partner and torture him!" Until he cries! Torture him until he trembles all over when he mentions Go!"


What a hatred!

Several disciples sweated and looked at each other.

Li Qinqin smacked her lips, "Did Xiao Zhang provoke you?"

Wu Changhe said: "He recruited me, and he also provoked me!"

"I'm not from the Go world at all. You're really good at it, so why are you always competing with him?" Li Qinqin was really convinced by her wife, "Can you act like an elder? If you lose, you lose. Why can't you afford to lose?" "

Wu Changhe was anxious, "Who can't afford to lose? Who?"

Li Qinqin pointed at him and said, "Look."

Hu Liang was the first to stand up, "Teacher! I will avenge you!"

Wu Changhe nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, Xiao Hu, come on!"

"Wait until I log in to my account." Hu Liang said.

Wu Changhe said calmly: "No need to log in to yours, it's too troublesome. Isn't there a ready-made account? I've already logged in, just use my account."

Hu Liang: "Ah?"

Wu Changhe stared, "Ah what?"

Hu Liang wiped his sweat and said, "Uh, it's okay."

Wu Changhe's two-finger meditation has already started typing on the keyboard: "Boy! It's time to start! I'll teach you this! Don't run away!

How are you doing?

Shouldn't I do it?

what is this? Fighting on your behalf?

Hu Liang and several of his fellow apprentices coughed for a long time without daring to say a word.

YE replied: "I've been waiting for a long time, come on!"

Wu Changhe patted Hu Liang on the shoulder, "Come on! Use your best attack and hit him to death!"

Hu Liang rubbed his hands, "Okay teacher! Just a layman, leave it to me!"

Hu Liang.

Seven pieces of Go.

This year's top professional chess player, ranked 27th in the world and 11th in the country, entered the professional circle at the age of seventeen. At the age of twenty, he defeated a legendary Japanese chess player. He became famous in one battle and reached the pinnacle of his career. Known for his ruthless chess style, he is an offensive chess player.

Different from Wu Changhe, Hu Liang is currently a top star professional Go player. In terms of experience, he is definitely far behind Wu Changhe, and his vision is not as high as Wu Changhe, otherwise he would not accept him as his teacher. But if In a real ordinary game, Wu Changhe obviously can't beat Hu Liang. If the two of them play ten games, Hu Liang may win nine. This is the difference between active chess players and retired chess players.

Therefore, no one thinks that Hu Liang cannot win.

YE may have won against an aging 9-dan chess player, but it is absolutely impossible to win against an active 7-dan chess player. No matter how good the amateur chess player is, even the current guy with the title of Amateur Demon King can only win at most. Just beat a dozen professional second- and third-level chess players. It’s simply impossible to go above fourth-level!

Wu Changhe thought so, so did Li Qinqin, and so did the top domestic chess players in the room. They had already found a place to sit down, and they all watched it as a spectacle and fun.

The room is open!

Chess players are excited again!

"I'm coming!"

"It starts again!"

"Haha, let's see who can win this time!"

"Teacher Changhe was tortured so badly just now!"

"Yeah, it hurts when I look at it!"

"Could it be the vest of the amateur devil?"

"No, his level is not as high as YE!"

"YE must be a professional chess player, right? If he is really an amateur, then he is not the devil, then he has to be called the God of Amateurs!"

Countless people came to watch again!

Some people are analyzing the chess game, and some are gossiping.

The old Wu family.

In the room, Zhang Ye had already made a move. This time he took the lead with black, but this time he chose a diagonal layout for the start!

The opponent made a move.

Zhang Ye smiled, made another move, and turned on the music. He was humming a song while playing chess. His mind was not entirely focused on this. Without giving up, he could have played with Wu Changhe so casually. After passing the move, he didn't know that someone had actually changed on the computer side. He had played more than a dozen moves of chess. Zhang Ye didn't notice it because he was not from this world and had no idea what Wu Changhe's moves were. He even only learned this name yesterday. Can you expect him to recognize people based on his chess style?

On the fifteenth move, the opponent hit one on the corner!

Zhang Yeyou shouted and said to himself: "This old comrade can do it. His level has improved. Do you know why you don't want to deal with me anymore? Are you taking the initiative to attack? Come on, let me see how you take this step!"



"Hey, ok, what about this step?"

"Haha, are you stupid?"

"Come here, I'll give you another tough move!"

"Hey, struggling to the death? Let's go! You are struggling! You struggle one more time!"

"Hey, you dare to resist? Are you taking a small corner?"

"See if I can't surround you! You've thrown yourself into a trap! Haha!"

Over there at the computer.

The room was completely silent!

Li Qinqin was stupid!

Chen Ying was stunned!

Hu Liang was also stupid!

At this point in the chess game, Hu Liang found that he could no longer make any moves. The chess piece in the upper left corner was dead, the right corner was passive, and the layout in the middle was restricted and could not be opened!

Hu Liang gave up and gave up!

Chen Ying: "This, this person"

Xu Han was shocked and said: "Who the hell is this?"

Tian Weiwei was shocked: "Brother Liang has lost?"

Hu Liang couldn't help it anymore and looked bitterly at the dark-faced Wu Changhe, "Teacher, I'm sorry, I, I was too careless."

Wu Changhe said angrily: "You can't even win as an amateur?"

Hu Liang smiled bitterly and said nothing.

main idea?

This is actually his way of looking for face for himself!

In fact, he was not careless at all. The person who could beat his teacher was at least at the level of a professional chess player. The teacher and his wife were watching, so it was impossible for him to be careless. But Hu Liang still lost. A thirty-year-old star professional chess player actually lost to an amateur? And he was tortured like a human being? Thinking that Wu Changhe had just asked them to torture this person named YE to death, Hu Liang felt like vomiting blood!

Who the hell is torturing whom? ?

However, Hu Liang had no temper at all. He had no temper at all in the game just now! He didn't say anything more, because he knew that even if he had another set with the opponent, he wouldn't be able to win!

In fact, Wu Changhe was even more shocked than Hu Liang!

He never expected that this kid named Zhang would actually win Hu Liang, an active seventh-dan player!

Damn it!

You're so damn drunk! ?

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