The 666th chapter of the main text covers ~ Ya!

Many components of the Gaia card group need to revolve around the fusion monster named "Dragon Knight Gaia" to function.

For example, "Spiral Fusion" can only increase its power when the Fusion summons "Dragon Knight Gaia"; the field magic "Walked Gaia" can only block all the effects of the opponent during the battle phase when "Dragon Knight Gaia" is on the field; When the "cursed dragon-cursed dragon" enters the graveyard, you must also select the "Dragon Knight Gaia" on your field to negate the effects of the monsters on the opponent's field.

However, now, the invincible Gaia was blown up directly by a thunderbolt, and all the above components became invalid.

"Then when I started'Thunderbolt', the card I discarded from my hand was'Legendary Shiraishi'." Qisala said, "If this card is sent to the graveyard, I can put a'Blue Eye' from the deck. White Dragon' joins the hand."

She drew a card from the deck and briefly showed it to You Yu. At that moment, You Yu seemed to see the endless void illuminated by the silvery white light, and the noble white dragon spread its wings and roared.

But You Yu's side is not over yet: "Then launch the quick attack magic'The Price of Desire' from your hand! This card can be activated when the opponent adds cards to the hand other than the usual draw. A monster is special summoned." (Animation card)

You Yu showed the hand that had been shown earlier this round.

"The "Dragon of Hellfire Curse" in the hand is a special summon!"

Lava that had been accumulating for a long time broke through the earth, and a red-hot beam of light rushed into the sky. A pair of red wings like soldering irons cut open the light curtain sharply, just like sharp blades just out of the oven. The red dragon flew high into the sky, breathing the scorching light and heat in his mouth.

[Dragon of Hellfire Curse, Attack Power 2000]

"The effect of the'Hellfire Curse Dragon'," You Yu waved his hand, "Once in a round, you can send this card on the field and other cards that are used as fusion materials to the Graveyard, without the need for a fusion card for fusion summoning. !"

Qisala was surprised: "Can you continue to fuse?"

"I will send the Dark Knight Gaia King and Hellfire Cursed Dragon on the field to the cemetery!" You Yu said, "The fusion condition is that the Dark Knight Gaia monster plus the level five dragon monster! Fusion call!

Dragon Knight·Gai~Ya——! ! ! "

The dragon's bones are like golden armor, and the dark knight's spiral double spears stirred up the red-hot torrent!

[Dragon Demon Knight Gaia, Attack Power 2600]

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Qisala watched the imposing dragon knight flying in the air, and seemed to realize something: "This fusion monster, is it also a dragon knight..."

"That's right, when'Dragon Knight Gaia' exists on the field, the name is also used as'Dragon Knight Gaia' in terms of rules."

You Yu smiled.

"In other words, the effects of the field magic'Walking Gaia' are also applicable. When there is a'Dragon Knight Gaia' on our side, the opponent player cannot activate any magic, trap, or monster effects during the battle phase."

A complete blockade was built again.

Originally, when the "blue-eyed girl" became the target of an attack, it could change to the defensive position by itself, and by the way, a "blue-eyed white dragon" would fly out of the deck. But in this venue, she couldn't exert her abilities and could only be beaten obediently.

If it is Zhengerbajing against the enemy, You Yu may not be so intimate to help the opponent explain the effect of the venue before entering the battle phase.

But after all, the opponent is Qisala, not a foreign enemy, and You Yu didn't take her so much advantage.

That said, but even if the information about the venue is revealed to the other party in advance, the blockade is not so easy to break through.

But the girl quickly gave her solution: "Flip Gaika! Trap Card-Subspace Material Transport Device!"

"Oh?" You Yu showed an expression of interest.

"Choose the monsters on the field and remove them from the game until the end of the round." Qisala said, "I removed myself-the ‘blue-eyed girl’ from the game!

Then at this moment, the effect of the "Blue Eyed Girl" was activated.

When she became the target of the card's effect, she was specially summoned from the deck——

——Blue-eyed Bailong! ! ! "

The dimensional transmission device emerged, locking the silver-haired and blue-eyed **** the field. The girl closes her eyes, her fingers close together, her long silver hair is flying behind her, the dazzling brilliance soars into the sky, the silver-white dragon flies out of the waterfall of light, spreads its silver wings, and the blue eyes are full of endless The prestige.

[Blue-eyed white dragon, 3000 attack power]

"I removed the blue-eyed girl from the game, not only avoided the risk of being attacked by the monster with 0 attack power, but also triggered the ability of the blue-eyed **** this basis to special summon the blue-eyed white dragon... ."

You Yu smiled slightly.

"You are pretty good too."

"Thank you." Sister Bai Long was very polite.

But in this way, the strength is reversed again. Demon Knight Gaia's attack power is 2600, which is not the opponent of the powerful blue-eyed white dragon.

However, You Yu still has cards to play.

"The magic card'Boza of Heaven's Fall'. Both players will draw cards from the deck until the hand is filled with six cards!"

With ammunition filling, the key to counterattack also reappears.

"Fight!" You Yu waved his hand, "Use'Magic Knight Gaia' to attack the blue-eyed white dragon!"

The golden dragon flapped its wings, the giant dragon swooped down, and the two spiral spears made a sharp howling sound, like two red lightning!

Qisha Laqi said: "Do you still want to attack if you don't have enough attack power..."

But she had no choice but to confront. The blue-eyed white dragon's mouth has been opened, endless white light condenses in its mouth, and milky waves of air are sprinting around!

"Quick Attack Magic'Dull Heavy'!" You Yu waved his hand to reveal a magic card, "Choose a monster on the field. Until the end of the turn, that monster's attack power will be reduced by the value of its defense power!

The one I want to choose, of course, is "Blue Eyed White Dragon"! "

The pressure on Bailong who was accumulating his energy surged, and he couldn't help but screamed The energy brewing in his mouth overflowed for most of it.

[Blue-eyed white dragon, attack power 3000 → attack power 500]

The strength is reversed, and the dragon knight has the upper hand instantly! Without any suspense, the twin spiral spears slashed down the jet white light whose power was greatly weakened, and the white dragon pierced through it with one blow!

【Kisara, lp4000→lp1900】

"The effect of'Dragon Demon Knight Gaia'." You Yudao, "When he destroys the opponent's monster in battle, his attack power increases by 2600 points!"

[Dragon Demon Knight Gaia, Attack Power 2600 → Attack Power 5200]

Qisala's face turned pale: "It's 5200 attack power again..."

"The battle phase is over." You Yu said, "Start the magic card "Phoenix God's Feather" from your hand. Abandon a card from your hand and return a card from the graveyard to the top of the deck.

The card I want to return is the magic card ‘Spiral Fusion’. "

Spiral fusion, special fusion card for dragons. When this card is used to fuse and summon "Dragon Knight Gaia", the monster's attack power increases by 2600 points, and it can attack twice in one turn.

A fusion card with devastating slaying ability.

"With two more cards, the round is over." You Yu said.

"At the end of the stage, the effect of the'Subspace Material Transmission Device' is also over," Qisala said, "My own'blue-eyed girl' will return to the field."

The transmission device appeared, the dimensional wormhole opened, and the blue-eyed girl returned to the field again.

[Blue-eyed girl, 0 attack power]

"Then it's your turn." You Yu folded his arms and smiled, "Go on."

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