Pyramid of Light, launch!

The sudden appearance of the field of light, the huge crystal-like pyramid, and the site change, You Yu felt an extremely strange sense of oppression without accident, the illusion that the soul was grasped by someone and bound by something.

A powerful force that can match the level of "Olihagan's Enchantment" that Da Zi used at the beginning.

The entire duel site was wrapped in a pyramid, and everything except the two warring parties was isolated, even the tomb itself.

...Of course, several front-row onlookers were also isolated from the pyramid, and unfortunately they could not continue to watch the duel.

And this animation of the Pyramid of Light is also very confusing.

Although it was not written on this card, during the duel, Seahorse tried to destroy the Pyramid of Light with the effect of the "Glaucoma Light Dragon", but failed.

It appears as if this card does not accept any card pays attention to the public.. Book friends base camp, read books every day and draw cash/points!

However, outside of the duel, the table game found the slate of the engraver "Pyramid of Light" in the maze of thousand-year blocks. After throwing it out and destroying the slate, the "Pyramid of Light" card in the dark game's duel The resistance magically disappeared.

So the animation performance of this card is very puzzling. It seems that this Pyramid of Light is protected by some kind of metaphysical power outside the duel rules...

But after all, the strength is enough to match the god's card, and it doesn't seem strange to have this level of power.

And of course the power contained in this card is more than that.

At the same time this perpetual trap was activated, Anubis' body also changed slightly. A piece of his breast bulged out, and what appeared to be the shape of a pendant appeared.

That part of the physical body gradually changed into brilliant crystals, condensed into the shape of a pyramid, with the bright red eye in the center, and the mysterious red light carried indescribable coercion.

It seems that at the same time that the "Pyramid of Light" is launched, it also means that Anubis is sealed and unlocked for true power!

"When the'Pyramid of Light' exists on the field," Anubis said in a majestic voice, "These two powerful monsters can be called directly.

bring it on! Sphinx Andrew, Sphinx Delia! Animation effect)

The voice fell, and two cards flew directly out of the deck of Anubis floating on the side. Obviously, the animation effect here is that when the "Pyramid of Light" exists, these two monsters can be Special Summoned from the deck.

In fact, Anubis has already been considered to save face, anyhow he was specially summoned from the deck. You should know that when Anubis played cards with Wang-like in the animation, these two monsters forcibly entered the game from outside the deck...

The first to appear is Sphinx Andrew. It was a monster with a lion-faced human body, with a male figure, strong muscles, and blue armor, but with the face of a lion.

He has a golden hair, sharp fangs in his mouth, mucus entangled in his teeth, and a foul smell is exhaled from his mouth.

At his side, there was a woman with red hair and a pretty face--but only her face. Her body is a reptile with white wings, and a thick silver chain is tied around her neck.

The human face and animal body, this is Sphinx Delia, another monster called by the power of the "Pyramid of Light".

Sphinx Andrew, 3000 attack

Sphinx De Leia, attack power 2500

No matter which of these two, it is impossible to break through with the attack power of Masked Hero Mist.

"Then the battle is rolled back, and my attack is terminated." You Yu drew a card from his hand, "cover a card, and the round is over."

"Yes, that's it. It's good to kneel down before the absolute power of the King of Destruction, a fighter of this era." Anubis sneered, "My power is beyond your comprehension!

It's my turn again! "

Another new card appeared out of thin air in front of him.

"Let you feel it with your body now." Anubis raised his eyelids, "Seal in this secret pyramid, the absolute power of the beast of sanctions!

Go on, Andrew, turn that blue warrior into your food! "

Andrew the Lion Face screamed and rushed forward with a roar. He opened his mouth wide, his thick arms swept across the floor.

Wushui tried to block, but the opponent's strength was too strong, and he threw his back to the ground through the armor. The mucus-wrapped fangs snapped down at his shoulder.

"Open the cover card!" Youyu flipped the cover card in front of you, "Trap card-invincibility of attack! This card can choose to make the battle damage of this turn 0, or choose a monster that cannot be destroyed by battle.

I choose "Masked Hero: Mist", this round will not be destroyed by battle! "

Anubis snorted: "But you still have to bear the damage yourself."

The power of the trap blessed the masked hero with an invisible defense, barely resisting the attack of the lion mask. But the aftermath of the opponent's power still swept over You Yu, shaking his body slightly.

That was a pain different from the previous dark games-since the launch of the Pyramid of Light, it has become more intense than just now. It felt like a cold dagger pierced through the body, pierced into the depths of the soul, dug a piece from it, turned it into nourishment and was absorbed into this huge pyramid.

You Yu, LP2300LP1700

"Followed by the attack of'Sphynx De Leia'!"

Poor Wushui hit the oncoming monster before he could stand still. Delea's two front paws slammed him to the ground, and her entire weight fell on the misty body. A small cherry mouth suddenly opened on her beautiful face, and it instantly turned into a big mouth full of fangs and blood dripping with it. Even the muscles of the face were stretched and deformed, making it look very hideous.

Of course, with the protection of trap cards, Mist still survived this round of attacks.

You Yu, LP1700LP1600

At the end of the battle, two mythical monsters returned to Anubis's field one after another. The poor masked hero staggered to his feet, and when he got up, he fell to his knees once when he got up.

Mist gasped violently, and there were multiple battle damages on the blue-and-white mythical monsters sealed in the Pyramid of Light, regardless of their attack power or effect, these two monsters The power contained in the body is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary monsters.

It's hard to fight these two monsters one enemy and two in a row because of Wushui, it seems that they have become a little weak.

But he stuck his knees and stood up with difficulty.

It's like an indomitable knight.

You Yu couldn't help but glance at the hero's back, thoughtfully.

The subtle feeling that had appeared more than once in the previous duel reappeared. You Yu feels like he feels a faintly faint spirit of spirit from Mist at this moment, but he perceives it carefully and feels that there is something different...

"Huh, are you trying to survive?"

Anubis waved his arm, and two more Gevkas appeared in front of him again.

"My round is over."

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