I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 203 Leave

On the way home, Bai Mufan thought of his two older sisters who were waiting to be fed, so he stopped by to buy some eggplants and shiitake mushrooms at the vegetable market, and picked some fresh pork. With the beef and vegetables bought in the morning kept in the refrigerator at home, it is enough to make a hearty dinner.

The food intake of warriors is much larger than that of ordinary people, because they need to take in more energy every day to maintain physical activities. Bai Mufan used to buy vegetables according to the food intake of normal people, but later found that the eldest sister and second sister ate them all lightly, and only ate When I was 30 to 40% full, I tentatively began to increase my appetite slowly.

Today, Bai Mufan has gradually figured out that line and has become a qualified warrior breeder, so he is not worried at all about whether he can finish cooking so many dishes at night, but only worries about whether he will buy less.

Bai Mufan walked back home slowly on the setting sun, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Yu Qinzhu standing at the entrance, fully dressed, with a big bulging suitcase next to him.

He was slightly taken aback, a premonition arose in his heart, and he couldn't help asking, "Sister Yu, what are you?"

Seeing him coming back, Yu Qinzhu first smiled, then sighed, and said quietly: "I just received a call from the school, and now I have to go back to school early."

"So early?" Bai Mufan was a little surprised. Yu Qinzhu said that she could stay for another half month, but it's only been more than a week now.

"Well, although I also want to stay here for a while longer, half a month, but I have to go now." Yu Qinzhu nodded. Of course, she was reluctant to leave so early, but Bai Ruoyan had already returned. It was a little unruly for her to force her to stay, and it was actually pretty good to be able to stay for more than a week.

Bai Ruoyan walked over, she kept a polite smile and said, "I wish you a smooth journey."

Yu Qinzhu was about to leave, so Bai Ruoyan naturally raised her hands in approval.

This woman always stood between her and her younger brother at home, like a big light bulb. As a result, she hadn't had a proper conversation with her younger brother after coming back for so long. This made Bai Ruoyan very upset, so she had long been looking forward to Yu Qinzhu leave.

"Is that so..." Bai Mufan was a little disappointed.

After this period of getting along, especially when Yu Qinzhu saved him from danger twice, the relationship between the two quickly improved. Now that Yu Qinzhu left, he naturally felt a little bit reluctant.

Yu Qinzhu stepped forward, took out a jade bracelet, and said softly, "Brother Bai, I give this to you as a parting gift."

Bai Mufan took a look, the whole body of this jade bracelet was snow white, extremely delicate, cold to the touch, dotted with a lush willow tree, it looked very valuable.

He didn't refuse, and carefully put the jade bracelet on his wrist. The size was just right. It is estimated that Yu Qinzhu had already prepared it in secret, and he took it out today to surprise him.

"Thank you sister Yu." Bai Mufan smiled. He didn't care about the material value of this jade bracelet. Just because it was the first gift Yu Qinzhu gave him was enough for him to cherish this gift.

Watching him put the jade bracelet on carefully, Yu Qinzhu couldn't help showing a gentle smile, patted his head lightly, and said, "Take care of yourself."

She didn't say too many provocative words, one sentence was enough.

And in Yu Qinzhu's view, this is just a temporary parting, she will definitely find a way to return to Bai Mufan's side again!

Bai Mufan nodded seriously.

Yu Qinzhu turned his head to look at Bai Ruoyan again, and said lightly: "Bai Ruoyan, I can feel how much you cherish your brother, but it's not enough just to have this kind of heart, you need to have enough strength to do it. Okay. If you are not strong enough, even if you are by Xiaofan's side right now, you can only watch him get hurt."

Bai Ruoyan was startled and fell silent.

Only strength was something she couldn't refute.

She started a year late, and she is still on the way to catch up with her sister Bai Ruoli. And Yu Qinzhu is a competitor at the same level as Bai Ruoli, and they are both the top young talents of the No. 1 Martial Arts School, and their strength is a line higher than her own. Bai Ruoyan knows this very well.

After more than half a month of subliminal training in the No. 1 Martial Arts School, Bai Ruoyan thought that he could catch up a little bit, but found that Yu Qinzhu had completely substantiated his martial soul, and even passed away in the realm of refining gods. For a certain distance, although Bai Ruoyan never showed anything on the surface, she was actually very unwilling in her heart.

Bai Ruoyan looked at her younger brother, and couldn't help but secretly clenched her fists. She was still too weak. Although she practiced hard every day, the process of materializing her spirit was still very slow.

And without enough power, if I were to face the succubus that attacked that night, I am afraid that my performance would only be worse than that of Yu Qinzhu!

Yu Qinzhu pulled the suitcase and walked to the door, his footsteps paused slightly, and the voice came: "I hope that after I return to school, I won't hear the news of Xiaofan's injury."

"Absolutely not!" Bai Ruoyan raised her head abruptly, her eyes determined.

Yu Qinzhu beckoned and left without looking back. She was worried that if she turned around and saw Bai Mufan's face, she would become reluctant to leave again.

Watching Yu Qinzhu's back disappear from sight, Bai Mufan took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and turned to look at Bai Ruoyan.

Although Sister Yu left, he still had another sister to accompany him, so he was very satisfied. Now, it was much better than when he was alone at home.

"I'll make dinner right away." Bai Mufan said with a smile. Yu Qinzhu's sudden departure caught him by surprise, but he still had to make dinner, but the amount needed to be reduced a little.

Bai Ruoyan nodded, looked at him softly, and said softly, "Xiaofan, sister will definitely work hard to improve her strength and protect you."

"Sister, don't force yourself too much." Looking at Bai Ruoyan's expression, Bai Mufan couldn't help feeling a little worried. As the saying goes, haste makes waste, he was worried that something would happen if the second sister was too eager to improve her strength.

"Don't worry, I won't force it." Bai Ruoyan smiled gently, and gently patted his head.

This boy is her most important treasure, she will never let him get hurt in the slightest!

Although Bai Mufan was still a little worried, he could only nod and went to the kitchen to cook with the ingredients.

Yu Qinzhu's sudden departure made Bai Mufan depressed for a few days, but he quickly adjusted his mood and devoted himself to the exam preparation.

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