I’m in Marvel: The Diga Magic Wand Is Smashed At The Start

Chapter 82 The disagreement between Steve and Nick

Chapter 82 The disagreement between Steve and Nick

The blue meteorite giant sword spewed out two magical attacks, one ice and one fire, like two dragons, instantly shrouding Killian in it.


Killian, who was wrapped in ice and fire, continued to let out a miserable howl, as if he was suffering great pain!

It stands to reason that after the transformation of Extremis, the fire damage has no threat to him.

After all, the temperature of his body has far exceeded that of ordinary flames!

But what is terrifying is that the magical attack spewed by the blue meteorite giant sword is not only flame, but also extreme cold!

The cold air touched Killian's body, and the extreme heat suddenly encountered extreme cold, which instantly brought great damage to Killian's body!

What happens when extreme heat meets extreme cold?

Tony At the moment met.

I saw Killian in the flames, and his body suddenly looked like broken porcelain!


Inch by inch, broken piece by piece!

It's so broken!

S.H.I.E.L.D, Steve, who had just returned from a rescue mission, walked into Nick's office angrily with anger on his face.

"Nick, I need an explanation."

"Why are there tasks I don't know about in this operation, you lied to me!"

It turned out that just last night, Steve and Natasha Romanoff set off together and went to the sea to perform a rescue mission to rescue a hijacked warship belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D.

While completing the task, Nick suddenly found out.

The so-called S.H.I.E.L.D's warship is actually a lie, and Natasha Romanoff even has other tasks assigned by Nick privately - copying classified documents on the warship!

It made Steve feel like he was being used by Nick right away.

The so-called rescue is actually an invasion!

"I'm not lying, Steve." Nick looked up: "It's just that Natasha Romanoff has a different mission than yours."

"What about that warship?"

Steve continued to question: "The warship you and I were talking about, it's not actually a S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Steve is a person with strong principles, or a sense of justice.

Since I went to war, I've always believed in fighting for justice, fighting for freedom -- and that's what makes him a hero.

But at the moment, he felt that his power was being abused and turned into a tool in the hands of others for ulterior motives!

So Steve was furious that Nick cheated on him.

Faced with Steve's questioning, Nick frowned deeply, as if struggling to think.

Finally, he stood up.

"follow me."

With a catch-up look to Steve, he walks out of the office.

Steve frowned slightly, didn't refuse, and followed into the elevator.

The elevator descends step by step.

When it descended to the deepest underground level of the three-curved wing, it stopped.

Steve was about to go out, but Nick stopped him.

Nick tapped the floor button a few times, as if entering some code.

And when he finished counting, the elevator moved again.

Watching the elevator start to descend again, Steve's face is solemn.

At the bottom of the Sanqu Wing headquarters, there is even a deeper place!

And what secrets does that place hide?

Soon, he knew.

When the elevator doors opened again and everything unfolded in front of him, there was an expression on Steve's face called shock!

I saw a huge amount of underground space in front of me!

It is no exaggeration to describe the underground world!

And in this underground world, there are actually three behemoths that are not much smaller than the sky carrier!

"That's the truth you want to know."

Tony took a deep look at Steve and walked into this extraordinarily large underground space!

"Here is the Insight program, and the mission that Natasha Romanoff is doing is about it."

"Three new-generation aerospace carriers, no, they should be called Insight Motherships now."

"When the insight plan is launched, the three-body insight mothership will be sent to the sky by us."

Nick took Steve to an InSight mothership, looked up at the behemoth, and said.

"Once they're in the sky, they never have to land again."

"The new shock engines can keep them in suborbital flight, and the weapons they carry.

Tony pointed to the densely packed weapons at the bottom of the Insight Mothership, and the countless drones parked on the deck.

"And the weapons they carry can kill a thousand enemies in one minute!"

"For KB elements like the Ten Commandments, even if they don't show up, the mothership can read their location and strike from the sky.

Steve "The Insight Project is the truth you want to know." Nick turned to look at each other: "It can nip a lot of threats in the bud."

"Nick, don't you know that only people who do bad things deserve to be punished?"

However, Steve mockingly said, "This kind of plan, it won't bring peace, it will bring more chaos."

Steve, we can't wait for the enemy to do bad things to punish them.

Nick said: "We have to eliminate the danger before it arises."

We "? Who are we?" Steve asked.

Hearing this, Nick turned around and continued to look at the Insight Mothership in front of him.

After the event in New York, I persuaded the council. "

We "need sophisticated threat analysis at the quantum level, and the ability to embrace the ability to protect the entire world before danger occurs."

"Do you call this act of holding a gun at everyone protection?"

Meeting Steve's gaze, Nick was suddenly at a loss for words.

For a while I didn't know how to answer.

-After the unhappy showdown, Steve's displeasure didn't ease in any way.

On the contrary, because of the Insight Project, he gradually became more dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hold a gun at everyone and call it protection.

He also did it during World War II.

But what that action brought back was a memory that he dared not look back.

Deep down, Steve felt that S.H.I.E.L.D had made a very wrong decision.

And Nick sat in the office, thoughtful, wondering if Steve's words had shaken the Insight project too.

"Open the Lemuria Star satellite launch file.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to revise the Lemuria satellite launch file, which contained the information of the first batch of targets of the Dong (Zhao Hao) investigation plan.

"access denied."

However, the answer of artificial intelligence made him somewhat unexpected.

Can't open it?

Nick frowned.

He also participated in the formulation of the list of the first batch of clearing targets.

"Start the decryption program.

"Decryption failed, missing permissions.

The file seems to be locked with a very complex lock that cannot be deciphered by force.

"Authorize, verify identity, Chief Nick Fury."

"Attempted authorization, authorization failed, all files are sealed."

Nick's face became more serious.

A list that has already been established, and that is through its own participation.

However.. he couldn't open it.

It seems that someone is blocking him from letting him know about the clearing list!

"Boss, I need your help."

And At the moment, in Su Yang's store.

Thor, who had not left Earth for a long time, actually reappeared.

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