I’m in Marvel: The Diga Magic Wand Is Smashed At The Start

Chapter 117 Crazy shaking people, children who can spit cobweb~[Please customize~~~)

Chapter 117 Crazy shaking people, children who can spit cobweb ~ [Please customize~~~"

As the doctor slowly chants out the spell word by word, Bucky suddenly loses control!

The sturdy alloy wire that bound his limbs was suddenly freed by him.

Bucky clenched his fist and slammed the glass cell that trapped him.

And his expression was very painful, as if he was going through huge amounts of torture.





The doctor held a red leather notebook in his hand, still chanting the spell on it.

With each word he uttered, the pained expression on Bucky's face became more visible to the naked eye, and the force with which he slammed into the glass cage increased.

He wanted to rush right away, break the doctor's neck, and stop him from chanting that damn spell!


Finally, kick.

Bucky kicked out the glass prison that trapped him.


And it was at this time that the doctor finally finished reciting all the spells.

Suddenly, Bucky, who had rushed out of the cage, stopped.

Just stood there, motionless.

And like he had been re-brainwashed and controlled countless times before, his eyes were blank.


The doctor stood in front of Bucky.

Bucky's eyes moved.

"Please order."

"Mission Return, December 16, 1991."

By the time Steve and Sam arrived, the soldiers guarding Bucky had all fallen.

And Bucky, has disappeared.

"Sam, the roof!"

Steve knew it was impossible for Bucky to leave the normal passage in such a short time.

And the roof is the apron, where there are helicopters!

Immediately, Steve quickly went upstairs.

And just when he got to the roof, he saw Bucky who was starting the plane.


Steve yelled and rushed over quickly.

Roar Roar Roar--

At this time, with the rapid rotation of the propeller, the helicopter began to take off.

Never let Bucky run away again!

Steve At the moment only had this thought on his mind, so he didn't care about anything.

Grab the helicopter with one hand, and firmly grasp the railing on the roof with the other hand!

The wings of the helicopter kept spinning, bringing up gusts of wind.

But something surprising happened.

I saw how the plane was spinning its wings with all its might to take off, but under Steve's firm grasp, it just couldn't take off even a foot!

In the helicopter, Bucky glanced at Steve who was blocking him from leaving, and suddenly, he controlled the plane to tilt, and the huge amounts of the wing went straight to Steve quickly!

It looked like it was about to be slapped on Steve's head.

But At the moment Steve suddenly let go, letting go of the hand holding the roof railing.

This sudden release made the plane suddenly lose its balance.

The wings flapped on the roof, splashing countless sparks, and the wings were broken one by one.

come down!

The wingless plane began to fall, with Bucky on it.


Steve yelled and jumped right after!

Bucky and Steve swam from the bottom of the water to the shore, as they did when the Tri-Wing headquarters exploded.

But the difference is, last time it was Bucky with a comatose Steve.

And this time it's Steve with the unconscious Bucky.

Country D, an airport.

The doctor who provided Bucky's psychiatric test, At the moment, is here.

There was a backpack beside him, as if he was going to go out.

"James Barnes, the suspect responsible for the bombing of the LHG building in Vienna, escaped custody today."

"And with him disappeared Avengers captain Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson"

The news of Bucky and Steve's escape was playing on the airport TV.

Seeing this news, the corner of the doctor's mouth suddenly twitched, like an inexplicable smile.

And the boarding pass in his hand clearly wrote one location - Moscow.

Abandoned factory somewhere.

Bucky woke up from the coma again.

His hands and feet were tightly bound, preventing him from moving.

Bucky turned his head slowly.

Somewhat blankly looked around.

And this time, it can be clearly seen that his eyes have returned to the previous aura.

After all, the doctor only learned a simple spell, and did not copy the complete brainwashing process of the HYDRA Corps.

So after being in a coma once, and waking up again, Bucky also recovered from the state of being brainwashed.

"Thankfully, he seems to be recovering.

Sam was relieved to notice that Bucky didn't immediately fall into a state of out-of-control tyranny when he woke up, but rather calmed down.

He knew Bucky was Steve's friend, but he had to fight him every time.

He still didn't dare to kill him, this fight was too suffocating.

Compared to Sam's optimism, Steve wasn't happy so early.

He had to find out if Bucky was really back to normal.

"Which Bucky are you?"

Steve stepped forward, without much expression on his face, and asked.

Bucky laughed suddenly.

"Your mother's name is Sarah."

"You used to put newspaper in your shoes."

"These are not seen in museums." Steve laughed suddenly too.

It was the kind of smile that came out after the relief, finally settled down.

"Welcome back, Bucky."

He stepped forward and gave Bucky a hug.

Immediately, he began to untie the ropes that tied Bucky - this was to prevent Bucky from escaping again.

"what did I do?"

Some of the numb wrists that were tied with loose blood flow were loosened.

Bucky asked.

He had no idea what happened after he was controlled.

"You've done a lot, Bucky, Steve shrugged.

The soldiers guarding him were all beaten to the ground.

"I knew it would be like this.

Bucky was a little helpless.

HYDRA "The stuff that's been instilled in my brain is still there, as long as someone says that damn spell, I'm going to be controlled."

This time "Who?" Steve frowned.

Bucky's sudden re-brainwashing of the control room occurred after he was captured and returned.

And after that, not at all. No, that doctor!

Steve suddenly remembered.

The soldiers guarding Bucky had already been beaten, but when the doctor entered by himself, he was still awake to save Roar!

"The doctor?" Steve's expression turned serious. "What is the purpose of his control?"

"I have no idea.

Bucky shook his head.

Hearing this, Steve also frowned.

"He wants to know about Siberia." At this moment, Bucky suddenly seemed to recall something.

"That's right, Siberia, where I've been.

"He wanted to know the exact location.

Bucky thinks back little by little.

"Why does he want to know this?" Sam asked.

"Because..." Bucky At the moment's expression suddenly became serious.

"Because, I'm not the only Winter Soldier.

Memories flooded his mind, and Bucky remembered what happened 70 years ago after he was captured by HYDRA.

He is not the only captive in HYDRA's secret base in Siberia.

From country M, country Y, and country G, like him, there are still a lot of prisoners in that secret base.

And Bucky found that these captives, like him, were basically the strongest, the best soldiers, and the best fighters.

With so many good fighters held captive in one place, Bucky initially thought that HYDRA might be training them to become HYDRA's cannon fodder, trying to tame himself to join them.

But later things made him realize that what he thought was too naive.

No taming, no brainwashing.

Instead, HYDRA adopted the simplest and crudest way--to transform these powerful warriors with their latest researched super soldier serum!

Yes, super soldier serum.

Since a super soldier like Steve appeared on the battlefield, HYDRA has also started a research project on the super soldier serum.

Unlike the version Steve injected, HYDRA destroyed the super soldier's brain in addition to adding substances that stimulate the human body's potential in the super soldier serum.

Raise them into a killing machine that only knows how to obey orders!

This killing machine, known as the Winter Soldier.

And Bucky isn't the only one!

"Can that doctor control them?"

Steve realized the most dangerous point.

Since he can control Bucky with that spell, if he can control other super soldiers too..

"Yes, he can control it.

And Bucky's answer is a complete confirmation of the conjecture that Steve is extremely uncomfortable with.

"Steve, we have to tell Tony.

Sam At the moment also has a solemn expression on his face.

A Winter Soldier like Bucky has already caused so much havoc in the world, and when all the remaining Winter Soldiers are thawed and controlled by the Doctor?

Sam couldn't imagine the consequences.

The Winter Soldier is good at assassination. Once hidden, it will bring huge amounts of danger to many countries around the world.

"He won't believe us.

Sam thinks it's time to tell Tony to gather all the power of the Avengers to crush the Doctor's conspiracy, but Steve thinks it's too hard.If it was a week ago, before the SOKOVIA protocol had appeared, it might have been possible.

But now, the entire Avengers has split.

Tony has even signed the SOKOVIA agreement, recognizing the leadership of the special operations team.

Not to mention whether Tony would take Bucky's word for it, that there was an ambitious guy ready to wake up all the Winter Soldiers.

Even if Tony believed it, would the special operations team with the power to decide whether he could act would believe it and approve this action?

"", Sam, this time we had to go by ourselves. "

"I know a guy who, maybe, can help us.

And Sam At the moment suddenly remembered a person.

That's a very interesting guy.

When the Avengers headquarters was just finished, the man sneaked into the Avengers headquarters and took some things.

The Winter Soldier still doesn't know how many.

It is not known how many enemies will be encountered in Siberia by then.

Sam was the first to think of him in times of need like this.

And Steve also thought of a few helpers.

"I guess you don't know where they are either, Tony?"

Bucky's escape, and the disappearance of Steve and Sam, the Avengers who refused to sign the SOKOVIA agreement and had obvious betrayal intentions in the capture of Bucky, made General Ross suppressed a lot of anger.

Tony At the moment was having a headache for that too.

He's trying to dispel the mistrust of the Avengers, and at the moment, Steve's actually choosing to side with Bucky, which annoys him a bit.

But he still patiently explained to Ross.

"The border defense special forces have covered the entire border, and the reconnaissance planes fly 24 hours a day. As long as there is a clue, we will solve it immediately."

"Stark, you probably don't understand yet."

And Ross seems to have some disbelief in Tony's words: "This matter is out of your control now."

"Obviously, in this incident, you can't be objective (Zhao Wanghao), Steve is your partner, we understand, so the next thing is left to us, you just need to find them."

"I have sent a special action team, although they do not have your super ability, but at least, they will obey orders."

"If there was a fight and Steve was there, what would your task force do? Kill Steve?" Natasha Romanoff's expression was also ugly.

At the moment she had a faint regret of signing the agreement before.

"If he chooses to be provocative." Ross shrugged and spit out two words: "Definitely.

If it weren't for "Steve's mess, Barnes would have been eliminated by us long ago."

"And those who were supposed to be alive aren't going to die either."

"With all due respect, Ross."

Tony said, "It can't be solved with soldiers and bullets alone."

"You have to let me go to bring them back."

"Will the result be any different from last time?"

After speaking, Ross gave Tony a warning look: "If you don't want to retire, obey the team's orders."

"Don't forget, the SOKOVIA agreement has your signature on it.

After speaking, Ross pushed the door open and left.

inside the room.

Tony threw his hands at Natasha Romanoff a little helplessly.

"Is that what we look at, Tony?"

"Definitely not.

Tony replied without thinking.

Although he signed the SOKOVIA agreement, Tony knew that this time things were different from ordinary tasks.

Ordinary soldiers and bullets can't bring back Bucky and Steve.

"I need to go to London and meet a funny little guy, Natasha Romanoff, and you're in charge of finding Steve.

"Funny little guy change?"

"Yes, a little kid who vomits cobweb."

With that said, Tony also pushed the door and left.

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