I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 1173: follow the convoy

Relying on the brain that has read n piles of novels, Luo Huai tentatively completed his background.

"You mean, the ones that destroyed your planet were mechanical lifeforms similar to ours?" Optimus Prime pondered for a while, and then asked the ambulance beside him, "Is it possible that they were Decepticons?"

"It's not impossible. The Decepticons need a lot of energy to maintain their base. If they find a planet with resources, they will definitely plunder energy without mercy."

Ambulance, Ironhide, Jazz... These are all old subordinates who have followed Optimus Prime for many years. Autobots are not like Decepticons. Most of Cybertron's armed forces are basically in the hands of Decepticons. Also a fugitive.

The Decepticons have a complete army in space, and their demand for energy is huge. They should not have reached the vicinity of the earth at this time, but if you remember correctly, there is a Cybertron base on the back of the moon, where many Decepticons, but the appearance of those guys is enough for the plot of the third movie.

In fact, there are really many cybertrons that have appeared on the earth from the past to the present, but even the current Optimus Prime doesn't know these.

"Anyway, there is still hope for my planet. If possible, I hope to get some of your technology to deal with those robots, even if it's just a part." Luo Huai was talking nonsense, and didn't expect the other party to believe that and give him the technology. After all, in the movie, humans obtain technology from Optimus Prime, but Optimus Prime has already known the war history on this planet through the Internet.

Optimus Prime, who has personally experienced the destruction of his homeland by war, knows very well what the consequences will be if Cybertron's technology falls into the hands of this baby-like civilization. The fate of the earth will only be worse than that of Cybertron.

Including the young man in front of him, there are actually many loopholes in his words, or lack of information.

"If that's the case, I'm deeply sorry for the war my planet brought on yours."

Although those were Decepticons, Optimus Prime belonged to Cybertron after all, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Of course, the premise of these is that what this person said is true.

"To be honest, although we can detect high energy from your body, we still doubt whether your body strength can really sail in space? Or is there any vehicle." The ambulance is both a doctor and a technology He said that this was tantamount to doubting Luo Huai's authenticity.

"Hmm..." Luo Huai nodded and didn't say much, because he was really just saying hello.

Anyway, he is also Optimus Prime who has lived for tens of thousands of years, how could he be so easily fooled.

"Anyway, I'm not a normal person anyway, so how about following you first?"

"..." the Autobots looked at each other, feeling a bit troublesome, "We may fight the Decepticons at any time, it is very dangerous, you have the same appearance as the people on this planet, so there is no need to follow us?"

They don't want to have too much intersection with humans, and even Sam just wants to get the position of Tinder through him, and then get Tinder.

With kindling, their members can increase again, rather than go extinct.

To put it bluntly, it is almost extinct.

"So I can help you if I follow you?" Luo Huai is addicted to it anyway, so instead of having a love affair with that boy Sam, it would be more exciting to follow this gang of iron bumps.

And...Luo Huai glanced at the Autobot closest to him, his name was Jazz, and his body was even smaller than Bumblebee, and he was also the only Autobot who died in the first step movie.

"What's the matter..." Jazz found Luo Huai looking at him, and asked strangely.

"It's nothing." Luo Huai remembered that Kepu said that Jazz was actually injured in the previous battles with the Decepticons. The injuries accumulated one after another, and he had already formed a serious injury. That's why he resolutely fought in the final decisive battle. Resolutely challenged the most powerful Megatron, delaying the arrival of Optimus Prime.

Do you want to save it? Luo Huai thought about this question.

But if you look around, the Autobots in front of you have been sacrificed one after another in the following plots. Some were killed by the Decepticons, some were killed by the senior leaders, and some were killed by human backstabs. A family full of loyalty.

If you save one, you won't be able to save it later.

"What's your decision?" Optimus Prime couldn't help asking again.

The main reason is that the change in the eyes of this little guy is very subtle. In the words of this planet, it is: looking at the expression of a dead person is... very awkward.

"I'll follow you guys." In the end Luo Huai decided to make things better.

This is a real world, unlike movies where the plot is already fixed, as long as a few key points are changed, many things will be different in the future.

"Okay..." Optimus Prime didn't know what he was thinking, but he could see that he was a little concerned about Luo Huai's eyes just now, "Sir, you can carry him."

"Ow...why?" Jazz was clearly reluctant, but who made his car the most like a normal car? Although the cars at the auto show are quite luxurious and eye-catching, they are better than trucks, ambulances, tractors...whatever.

"That's troublesome." Luo Huai got into Jazz's car very bluntly.

"Sit tight, boy, I'm not slow." After speaking, Jazz rushed out first, somewhat angry.

They will then go to Sam's house to get the glasses, but there will be some unpleasant plots later, because the official organization of this world has come to find them.

The Seventh District, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Since Sam’s great-great-great-grandfather discovered the fallen Megatron, the organization was secretly established by the government. The movement of Decepticons and Autobots these days made them discover abnormalities. Through a powerful intelligence network , they found Sam's house.

"Actually, I don't think you all need to go there, it's so easy to overturn the car." Luo Huai lay on the window of the car, driving in the wind, not at all frightened by the continuous flying.

"Eye is very important. We must ensure its safety. If the Decepticons pass by, they will definitely kill innocent people indiscriminately." Brother Zhuzi's voice sounded from the car radio, it seems that they are still monitoring Luo Huai all the time.

"It's okay." Luo Huai doesn't plan to intervene here, because it will promote the subsequent plot. If this is gone, then the official and the Autobots will lose the first opportunity to contact and communicate. According to the world's official urine 80% will directly classify the Autobots and the Decepticons into the same category to attack.

Moreover, the Tinder Rubik's Cube placed in the seventh district also needs Bumblebee to put it away, and the hero and heroine need to be captured to the seventh district by the way... All in all, the only place where Luo Huai needs to intervene is actually at the end.

Tinder, he has to keep this, so that there will be a lot less messy things in the future.

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