As soon as the words fell, everyone felt the sound of propellers coming from above their heads, and then a strong wind blew overhead.

Helicopter, but doesn't look like any Terran vehicle.

"This... won't trigger the air defense alarm?" Although the coaches were a little calmer than the soldiers under their hands, they also stopped the food in their hands, and looked at their posture, ready to draw their guns at any time.

"Sometimes, permission is indeed a good thing." Luo Huai said with a smile, the wind blew his hair, making him look more calm.

This further shows that this is his arrangement.

But to be able to mobilize armed forces to act on his own, what level of authority does this young man have?

Hmph... But it's not at all. This helicopter is Luo Huai's own inventory. An hour ago, he went to download a dungeon by the way and added a wave of "props" temporarily. After the modification, it is a very good exercise vehicle.

The only thing he did with his authority was to let the official side not be scared to throw missiles here when they found out that there was an omnic here.

But even so, there are still people on the official side who are always paying attention to this place. There is no way, the old school district is the center of the academy city and an important hinterland.

If a real omnic enters in troubled waters, the consequences will be very serious, so Luo Huai also made a deal that each simulated omnic will send out a signal to prove the difference between it and the omnic, and the official can also closely monitor it through this signal Every simulated omnic.

Feng Shu volunteered to act as the supervisor this time, and he can be regarded as one of the main characters who promoted this performance.

A group of soldiers drinking porridge just watched a big man fall from the carrier plane and fall into the ruins of the old campus.

Boom... This sound is a big guy hundreds of meters away.

Although they couldn't see it, the soldiers' eating mood was obviously not as relaxed as before.

After eating, there is a sudden sense of déjà vu that this is the last meal.

After that, several planes appeared out of thin air and dropped a lot of omnics towards the old campus surrounding Hanoi below.

You can see some with a telescope, but they fall so fast that it's impossible to tell what model those omnics are.

The soldiers finished their breakfast almost at the same time. Although the meal was enough, they did not overeat, and stopped when they were satisfied.

Luo Huai looked at these, nodded, and finally exchanged glances with the instructor, and he disappeared in front of everyone.

The next moment, the instructor stood up and shouted loudly: "The whole team! Our task is difficult this time! Everyone must listen to the command..."

After simple lectures, the soldiers gradually felt the atmosphere of acting, and their state adjusted.

"Everyone, wear this well..." The instructor gave everyone a bracelet, which was given to them by Luo Huai.

"This bracelet is very important, it is a safety device, everyone must wear it."

Next, the soldiers learned about the situation. The ruins of the old campus in front of them were equivalent to a copy, and the bracelet was the emergency release device.

Luo Huai is equivalent to directly creating a real copy, just like the world of Resident Evil.

After checking everyone, the instructor turned around and stood in front of the team, stepped on the broken bridge first, and said as he walked, "Okay, next we are an assault team, the goal is to pass through this city inhabited by omnics, Destroy the omnic core in the center of the city, then evacuate through the four exits."

After briefly summarizing the course of action, the team stepped into the ruins of a city that was quietly different from last night.

The team of nearly thirty people followed the three instructors and divided into three teams, which were separated at the entrance.

The instructors are all veterans who have come down from the front line, and no matter how many missions and training the recruits have performed, as long as they have not been on the front line, they are still recruits.

There was an obvious difference in their reaction to entering the state. The instructor just looked back and didn't say much.

Before he went to the front line, he was so naive at that time.

And since it was an exercise where omnics were enemies, he had to treat those enemies in front of him as real omnics.

One, two, three teams.

Team No. 1 went straight in and entered the bunker immediately.

There were only three or four floors of the original teaching buildings that were dozens of stories high, and some of them collapsed in half sideways. After the trees were removed, the teaching buildings that could be seen before were basically collapsed.

The first and second floors were buried by the debris from the upper floor, forming a basement.

The three teams hid in such basements respectively, and they needed time to formulate a forward plan.

"Squad leader, this seems to be the case." A recruit said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the instructor raised his head fiercely, "I know you guys think this exercise is not organized by the army, so you don't think it's so formal, but don't make a playful smile, right now, here is the battlefield, understand?"

"Understood!" The recruit immediately put a smile on his face.

"Okay, next time there will be someone with a playful smile on his face, I will directly give him extra training when I go back." The instructor at this time is more serious than usual.

In the following actions, the recruits obviously felt a tighter command rhythm than usual.

The difference between drills and training was also immediately reflected.

"Be careful... Be careful..." The instructor seemed to have returned to the omnic battlefield, UU reading www.uukanshu. com recalled that he left his teammates because of some mistakes, and he wanted to avoid that situation more and more.

But even so, it is still a bit difficult for a group of recruits who have never been on the front line to understand it. Even if they understand it, experience also limits them.

And this kind of experience had to be taught by Luo Huai.

"Little Alice, do it."

Luo Huai, who didn't know where he was, gave the order to fire, and the first shot rang out in the old campus.

The purple energy bullets that came from nowhere cut across the shoulders and side faces of several people, and mercilessly printed on the forehead of a soldier in the center of the team.

Suddenly shot, the impact was applied to the protective helmet, and the person who was shot fell back and fell to the ground without a pit, but he was not killed directly, but fell to the ground a little dazed, the impact of the bullet was extremely real .

At this time, the team was in the middle of two ruined bunkers, and the directions that could be attacked were extremely limited, only the front, back and top.

Although the surrounding soldiers were astonished, they immediately activated the energy shields on the wrists around the wounded as they did during training, and an egg-shaped shield was instantly formed.

The two picked up the wounded, and the instructor who was the captain immediately confirmed a position while taking advantage of the retreat.

The attack came from there, and the energy detection eyepiece on the helmet quickly found a fading energy source.

The sneak attacking omnics were leaving quickly.

A team member wanted to shoot, but he stopped him.

"Keep in mind our purpose at all times, impulsiveness will only make the situation more critical, don't forget there are other teams."

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