I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 1131: Sister Yuxi was accosted

Hmm... At least that's what Ren Xiyun speculates. In their eyes, this is already a terrifying growth rate. You must know that after Li Ming obtained the inheritance of light, his growth rate has already surpassed that of ordinary outstanding talents. Ren Xiyun Yun put Luo Huai and Li Ming on the same level, which already shows his high opinion of Luo Huai.

But at least... even if he loses, it would be good to be able to fight against someone who is ahead of him like this, even if he knows the gap between them, it will be fine for him to have a goal to catch up to!

Ren Xiyun, as a young master from a rich family, the growth of his mentality is really gratifying.

However, Luo Huai still didn't want to let him get his wish.

"Sorry, forget it." Luo Huai turned his finger and pointed to Ren Xiyun's other hand.

Zi... This time it was even more ferocious. The purple ring that emerged did not lock the energy, but directly extinguished it.

Ren Xiyun only felt that the energy in his hand had suddenly lost contact with him, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

The energy output from the body suddenly lost its target, and he only felt weak for a while.

After realizing the reality, he felt even more powerless psychologically.

What is frightening is not how wide a chasm lies between you and the person in front, but the mist that covers the chasm, making you unable to see the width of the chasm clearly, and the faint feeling makes you You realize in your heart that the breadth is hopeless, which makes you lose the courage to know the truth.

"It seems that I should honestly find a target to catch up with and compare it." Slowly squatting down, Ren Xiyun seemed to have turned gray with autism.

Even the students around are silent. A big mountain may make people feel amazed, but when a moat is lying in front of them, it will only make people feel suffocated, not to mention that there is already one person who made a desperate voice first.

"Don't be discouraged, the outside world is so vast, no one can say that they have no chance." Luo Huai handed Ren Xiyun a golden carrot to help him recover from the damage that was interrupted just now.

He didn't say this politely. If he was on the other side of the moat, then he was someone who had seen the wider world on the other side of the moat.

Even he has met many distant places that he can hardly imagine.

"You're right." Ren Xiyun is indeed a passionate person, and a short word of encouragement can cheer him up again.

"Then my next goal is to practice spellcasting more secretly, so that next time you won't even see the brilliance of magic."

"Then I'll look forward to it." Luo Huai made this agreement with him with a smile.

Looking at both the future and the current self, such a person will have a good future.

"Okay, okay." Yu Xi and A Lang sat on the side, seeing that the group of hot-blooded boys was almost here, so they stood up and clapped their hands, ready to form a team.

Everyone skillfully found their positions and lined up in a square line, and Ah Lang also stood in the line.

Luo Huai thought that she should have nothing to do with herself, so she prepared to stand up and go to Sister Yuxi's side.

In the end, Sister Yuxi slashed back with a knife.

"Come on, since you've all come to the academy to experience life, just line up honestly and stand beside Ah Lang."

There was a burst of laughter in the phalanx, and Luo Huai, who was a rare exception, was treated the same as them.

Luo Huai had no choice but to walk to the back of the line scratching his head.

According to today's arrangement, the first step is to warm up by running.

Not many, just three laps on the playground. After all, it is for training actual combat, not physical fitness, so the number of laps is relatively small.

How should I put it, it's a bit boring for sure, but for Luo Huai, whose teammate hasn't seen him for a long time, it's a bit novel.

Anyone who has fought with the evil **** will feel that daily life is so beautiful.

Besides, this level of jogging, let alone him, is already a trivial matter to other students.

But just when Luo Huai was about to enjoy this pleasant time, he felt the eyes of his classmates.

"Uh... What's wrong with everyone?" It wasn't a malicious look, so Luo Huai was puzzled.

Then everyone pointed to him, and looked along, it was Sister Yuxi.

She was originally standing and running to the side to supervise, but now a few soldiers came over to chat with her.

It seemed that they were talking and laughing, the two soldiers were tall and strong, they looked like they should be instructors, and there happened to be a few pairs of soldiers training beside them.

"Uh...what's the matter?" Luo Huai turned around and asked, the soldiers were all pretending to be regular, they didn't look like they were pretending to be fake.

"Ah..." The students were shocked, "Luo Huai, don't you feel jealous?"

The relationship between Yu Xi and Luo Huai has been spread in the class for a long time, even the matter of Ah Lang... I understand everything. At first, everyone was a little confused, but after knowing a lot of things later, plus Luo Huai, it is almost no longer a big deal. Now that I'm a student, everyone doesn't have much to say about the teacher-student relationship.

Besides, Luo Huai's deeds are also respectable.

In contrast, if you love me, I wish outsiders would naturally have nothing to say.

So now they are completely on Luo Huai's point of view. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But looking at Luo Huai's current state, even Ah Lang couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ah Luo, even though boys shouldn't have too much possessiveness, they should still have a certain degree of possessiveness."

"Hmm..." A group of CP leaders around strongly agreed.

In the past few years, all the things that should be done in the class have been done right. Without any worries, everyone is of course busy eating dog food.

"This..." Luo Huai thought that he wasn't so careless, but now he was just chatting with Sister Yuxi, and the content was normal—laughing, in fact, he had noticed it a long time ago, and sent an eavesdropper The bugs used to be closely monitored.

But Ah Lang is still in a hurry, it's almost as if A Luo doesn't care about them.

"But those uncles have "coincidentally" bumped into the schedule with our practical training several times, and it seems that they are plotting to do something wrong! They seldom come here before."

A Lang was like a little girl who was about to be kidnapped, almost crying in anxiety.

The surrounding students also confirmed this statement.

"Hey..." Luo Huai's eyes suddenly changed.

In this way, both Sister Wutong and Alang can refuse to chat casually, but Sister Yuxi has her own social circle in the workplace. If she is strong, she will definitely not give up her career casually, so she will not be too arrogant in her life. , at least not mindless and cold.

And the guidance of these instructors is actually very popular in the academy, and the teachers of all classes are actually quite polite to the instructors.

Although the soldiers also have their own discipline and are not the kind of brainless bastards, but even if they don't seek development and just strike up a conversation, after a few deliberate "coincidences" of this kind, it will still make people feel a little uncomfortable.

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