I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 1090: eye-catching


The summoned eyes stared directly at Luo Huai, making him feel a stronger mental disturbance than before, but this was nothing compared to the intensity of the mental disturbance near the gap in the mortal space.

With a wave of his hand, this ridiculous attack was eliminated.

"!" Seeing that even the summoned servants of the evil **** couldn't do harm to this guy, the evil believer became even more irritable.

If its ability is to be brought into play, it needs some conditions, such as making the opponent fall into a mentally unstable state first, otherwise the display of many abilities later will be restricted.

When I first came here, the spiritual interference of this world simply fascinated it, because everyone's spirits here are in an unstable state, and this place is simply its home field, including breaking the disguise of this world, in the "eyes" In front of ", all pretense is illusory.

"And all illusions can also be real..."

'Although I don't understand what this guy is talking about, it should be right to give him a beating. ’ Luo Huai didn’t cancel his invisibility, which is more or less a kind of protection, anyway, it’s also the ability of the ender particles, and the light that shines on him is absorbed.

Quickly rushed forward, the blade of the rune sword drew an arc, and was about to cut off the head of the evil believer, but when the blade slashed, the black robe of the evil believer was shattered into pieces, and the evil believer inside was also shattered. With the black robe disappeared.

"Run away?" Luo Huai thought for a while, and when she raised her head, she found that the pupil in the shadow was much more solidified, and a shock ray that was so substantial that it could be seen with the naked eye shot out from its pupil, directly hitting Luo Huai's brow.

Luo Huai immediately twisted his footsteps and dodged sideways, and the ray passed by him and hit the floor tiles under his feet.

I saw that the floor tiles hit by the rays disappeared after a strange distortion, "What is the principle?"

It doesn't look like matter has been broken down, nor has it been teleported away...

Forget it, at least it's definitely dangerous and can't be shot.

Thinking clearly, Luo Huai immediately started teleporting, jumped to the back of that eye, and was about to do a backstab.

But after the teleportation ended, he looked back at that eye, only to find that that eye was still looking directly at him, as if he knew where he was going to appear, and it seemed to be staring at him from beginning to end.

"In front of the eyes, your tricks are very ridiculous..." The voice of the evil believer came from the eyes, did it just disappear and ran into it?

After trying it out, Luo Huai didn't get close immediately, but took out a gun from behind with his left hand, and fired a shot in the eye.

’ Is this thing a phantom? 'The bullet passed through the center of the eye and hit the ceiling tiles behind.

The bullets of the gun are energy bullets. If the energy ratio is high, they should also be hurt. Luo Huai's understanding of this thing has been refreshed again.

That's unrealistic to cut hard, the opponent's attack method is mental, so that means you can fight back with fire.

Thinking of this, Luo Huai's gesture changed, and the weapon in his hand turned from offensive to defensive, opening the eye of fate.

The Eye of Destiny has actually been working all the time, but it has not been opened.

Now the boss who is also playing psychic attack can make a move.

The two eyes looked at each other, seemingly calm, but the mental fluctuations released by the two collided instantly in the spiritual field.

Luo Huai only felt a trance in front of her eyes, and was pulled into another space.

Mr. Gu

It's like someone's spiritual space here, but it's definitely not his own.

It was pitch black and nothingness.

"How dare you enter here..." The figure of the evil believer suddenly appeared in front of him, only a few meters away from Luo Huai, but it gave the impression that it could cross this distance at any time.

"It seems that this is your spiritual space." For spiritual contact, Luo Huai only needs to imagine and communicate.

"Yes, this is a dreamland, a place to communicate with the great 'eye'." The evil believers seemed not in a hurry to attack Luo Huai, because this was a spiritual space, and there was plenty of time here.

"Your spiritual power is very strong, and your eye is so beautiful..." The evil believer suddenly began to boast, it stared at the eye of destiny, and seemed a little intoxicated.

"Do you want me to join the religion?" Luo Huai joked.

But I didn't expect that the other party seemed to really take it seriously, and asked a little happily: "Can you also understand the sacredness of the 'eye'? Great, I know that only people with strong spiritual power can understand this, those... "

Asking and asking, it fell into inexplicable thoughts, even ignoring Luo Huai's existence.

Even if there are many aristocratic families in this space, Luo Huai didn't want to spend it with it, so he could only spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have any intention of becoming a teacher, please don't be too sentimental."


As if something exciting was interrupted, the evil believer's mood suddenly calmed down. The face under his black robe was still blurred, but Luo Huai probably knew that it was looking at him.


"No, it's not, I'm even a little happy." The evil believer was not as irritable as he was outside just now, and at this time it even gave people a sense of reason.

"I have already seen through reality and illusion, and the me in the dream is the real me."

The skinny arm was raised, and the cuff was stretched out again, and the pupils of the two eyes opened in the palm.

This time they didn't just open, the center of their pupils split further, splitting into two mouths full of sharp teeth.

"So that jellyfish was written by you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Now Luo Huai knew what would happen to his spirit and soul if he was corrupted by this so-called "eye". The scene under the black robe Can probably guess some.

"Ask me one last time..." The evil believer seemed to want to ask again, but Luo Huai didn't give him a chance.

"Sorry, I refuse."

"Then hand over your eyes." The evil believer finally couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward with his arms waving.

This is its spiritual space, and it can indeed reach Luo Huai in an instant.

Any prey pulled into its mental space will be instantly torn apart by the eye, because the fragile mental power of those prey is so fragile in front of the "eye".

In this space, only the existence with the most powerful spiritual power is the only reality, and other weak people are illusions that can be easily torn apart. The gap between strong and weak is infinitely enlarged here, even if it was only spiritual power. Opponents who are only a little behind will be as helpless as fish at the mercy of others.

The prey will be deprived of eyes and soul here, and in reality it will be reduced to a monster.

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