I’m an Olympic Superstar

Chapter 49: 5 blind kills

He snapped to E, slowed Bobby and the troll, and then started walking A.

All operations seem to be done in one go in the tourmaline fire.

There was no trace of confusion.

的 The player who operated Bobbi frowned: "If this goes on, I should be killed by him, go away."

"Retreat a little, I will go up, when you turn back, we two will kill him." The troll didn't want the duck to fly.

Pouting a big mouth is a big head, killing him very much.

Also, there is Lulu with residual blood next to it ...

After the troll had finished speaking, he dared to pour into the big mouth in front of him.

But before the troll came to the big mouth, Lulu put an E skill [help, Pixar] on the big mouth.

[Help, Pixar]: If you cast on an ally, you will order Pixar to jump over an ally to protect it, and then follow and assist the target (not Lulu) to attack.

If cast on an enemy, Pixar will jump on the enemy and cause damage, then follow and provide vision of the target.

After Xiao Ran saw Xiaoqiang gave himself E skills, he hurriedly said, "Q skills hit Bobbi."

If it wasn't for Xiao Ran's voice, Xiaoqiang would definitely throw Q skills at the trolls.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran said in a timely manner, Xiaoqiang snapped, and then controlled Lulu to send a Q skill [Blazing Spear] towards Bobbi.

[Blazing Spear]: Lulu and Pixar each launch a piercing missile, causing a severe slowdown on the enemy. An enemy will only be damaged by one missile.

After being slowed down, Bobby was having a hard time trying to run. Xiao Ran controlled the big mouth and chased after him.

He had a small amount of blood. After being beaten by Dazui and Lulu for a few more times, a trace of blood was left.

"Wo grass, what a ghost hurt!" Bobby cursed, and then gave a flash of "slam".

But at the moment of Bobby's cross, the big mouth also raised his head and opened his mouth, and a R came.

After a bang, Bobby flashed a distance, widening his mouth and Lulu's attack distance.

But I haven't waited for Bobby to stand still, and it was a bang again. The big mouth R skill dropped from the sky, and just hit Bobby.

boom! !! !! ——

This solid, heavy sound sounded like a drop of water falling into a boiling oil pan, directly blasting Ergua, Jay Chou, and Fat Girl, including Xiaoqiang who was still trying to hunt down Bobby! !!

Ying Bobi responded and fell to the ground.

The killing sound of the female voice of the system is also ringing through the Summoner Canyon with a high-pitched voice at this moment:

"QuadraKill (four kills) !!!-"

巨 Abyss huge mouth.

Hunger never sleeps! .

Open your mouth and kill four! !!

Uh ...

"66666666 !!!" Ergua couldn't help but praise loudly.

"Wow, God operates!" Fat sister covered her mouth in surprise.

As Xiao Xiaoqiang, the only one who survived, Xiao Xiaoqiang knows how fierce this battle is, and he can't help saying: "This hand speed, this reaction! My God!"

杰 Jie Zhou also touched his chin: "Well, four kills, good!"

"Smell the tender meat!"

This battle is not over.

Amidst the exclamation, Xiao Ran's big mouth under the control of Xiao Ran still didn't stop.

Ping A, level A in a small step.

The troll's health began to decrease.

After taking A for a few times, the W skill of the big mouth was cooled down, and Xiao Ran immediately pressed the W key.

This time, Xiao Ran didn't even leave A, he stood up and taught the troll to be a man.

Live demonstration of what a turret is.

According to the attack speed of the current big mouth, Sanxiaping A flew out in an instant.

For the half-tan, which is assisted by trolls, the new big mouth that stands in front of him at this moment is a nightmare!

Finally, Xiao Ran pressed the R skill again, cooperating with the general attack station, and turned over the trolls.

The troll's body fell down in empty blood.


女 System female voice killing sound sounded brutally.

Annihilation is coming!

Standing with his mouth open, he shook his head.

In the field of vision, there are no standing opponents.

"Ace (offset)-"

Inside luxurious Internet cafes.

One of the young people tilted his head and glanced at his mid-single teammate, saying, "This big mouth is too fierce."

"Wo grass, actually turned over by this big mouth?"

"This big mouth ... is a bit powerful."

"Well," the excavator player finally nodded in approval this time, then shook his head and said, "Since I came into contact with this game, I have been playing the jungle position. It really made me think that even a big mouth can be stronger Here it is. "

"He's just a Golden 2 and I don't believe it if he killed it. The big mouth of Golden 2 can play so 6".

"Fucky, I must have met the drill."

Uh ...

After the five kills, Xiao Ran's record of hitting the wild mouth came steadily to 9/0/0.

Xiao Ran 瞅瞅 his own performance data, haha ​​laughed: "My mouth is so good, I killed five more."

Such a wave of five kills.

What is so special is the stunning audience!

But what do you say about yourself?

Er Ergua, Xiaoqiang and Fat Girl could not help but rolled their eyes.

He was only Zhou Dong, and said solemnly: "Hey, five kills, yes, it's as good as my swordsman. I tell you, my sword master also has five kills."

"Yes, yes, I also took five kills with the sword master, my sword master is also very powerful." Xiao Ran nodded hard. He likes to use the sword master to cut vegetables, and the audience in the live room also like to watch.

Every time I use Swordmaster to abuse food, the worship value goes crazy.

"Have you gotten five kills with Swordmaster? 诶 呦, like me 叼, and my werewolf is also very wild."

Uh ...

Er Ergua, Xiaoqiang, and Fat Girl were silent again.

It was enough for Zhou Dong to have a stinky fart, but now another one is added.

The two stinking people also swayed the bad things together ...

It ’s not right, Xiao Ran has some real skills, but Zhou Dong is really doing bad things ...

After such a wave of dragon team battles, the battle situation of the entire game has also been determined.

Xiao Ran had two fire dragons on their side, leading the advantage of three defensive towers.

Especially Xiao Ran's big mouth with 9/0/0 record data, at this time, almost everything can be ignored.

W once opened ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ See who sprays who, and finally add an R, it is simply an inhumane unilateral slaughter.

Uh ...

The next battle is basically no suspense.

Not only is Xiao Ran's advantage in hitting the wild and big mouth in economic equipment, but also in this tailwind situation, the remaining people hold their thighs to the fullest.

The fat girl's stone man made a mistake?

It does n’t matter, there is a big mouth behind you, it ’s a big one, you start a group, ace!

Zhou Dong's VN was topped by an excavator?

I'm not afraid, the big mouth is behind, EQWR, the thick-skinned excavator is over, and even the ice that came with it hasn't had time to zoom in, it also fell in love with the excavator.

Grasshopper and troll finally caught the big mouth of the single take-up?

Hehe, I have [God ob perspective], I knew you were here already, but I was afraid that you would not come.

Grasshopper is a big deal. Did n’t I see the mercury scimitar? Did a mercury release and another EQWR? Double kill!

Now Xiao Ran's attacking wild mouth can easily break the meager armor of any hero on the opposite side. Turn on the W skill station to hit the output, and he is already a horrible tank killer.

Not to mention Han Bing's little crispy skin.

"Ah, ah, my jungler is so strong now"-

Xiao Ran sighed.

Er Ergua, Xiaoqiang and Fat Girl looked at each other.

Never seen such a brazen person!

Oh oh no!

I have another such cheeky person ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Mobile users please read.

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