This, quickly spread throughout the world, all over the world in awe!

“Great Xia Emperor, and you’re dead?”

“I heard that the cultivator who made it to the Immortal Medicine Immortal, can’t stand a curse!”

“The Great Xia Emperor cultivated the Immortal Immortal Medicine Formation, which was because of the longevity of his life, not thinking about his destiny, is really funny!”

“That’s right, who would have thought of it, the god of knitting turned into a potion, too sarcastic!”

“Didn’t the other master successfully cultivate the Immortal Immortal Medicine? Why this time . . .”

“Immortal Medicine is a magic potion, how can it be so easy to make it, maybe this time it will fall?”

“That’s right! No matter what, The Great Xia Emperor died, this day really has to change!”

. . .

All eyes converged on Daxia.

It must be known, the Great Xia Emperor of the Dynasty, but as the three peaks of the first level of the countries, the Great Xia Emperor is the most powerful person today, and his every move will attract the eyes of the people in the world.

Now, ice will of course bring a huge chain reaction.

As a blessing, every nation cannot be unprepared.

The Great Martial Emperor was in the library.

The Female Emperor learned this news later, and ten parts sobbed: “Don’t think about it, make the three Great Emperors today, the Great Xia Emperor died so quickly! What’s more, it’s the biggest self-indulgence within! An era, finally wanting to end!”

“That’s right, The Great Xia Emperor died like that! It is said that before death, diarrhea does not stop, the whole palace is filled with rotten smell, death is really a miracle!” Lin Beichen also felt ten parts sobbing.

According to the secret agent who obtained the news, the Great Xia Emperor was also devouring the pill that was called the Black Immortal Medicine, then a relentless, fresh diarrhea ink dragged to death.

From time immemorial, there wasn’t even an emperor who died like that.

This way of dying, which is historically enlightening, predetermined the name recorded in the history books, so that the reputation is eternal.

At the same time, Lin Beichen also betrayed the dishonest Taoist, he really had the courage to deceive a, from the head of deception to the tail, bringing the Great Xia Emperor and the martial arts office to deceive around.

In the meantime, as long as he was cured in time, the Great Xia Emperor would probably not die.

As a result, it doesn’t hurt to cure a good chance.

“So, your majesty, absolutely do not fall in love with longevity! You don’t have longevity, the more you crave longevity, the more you lose, even your own life!” Lin Beichen admonished.


“Rest assured, I would absolutely consider setting an example!” The Female Emperor was still scared, her unbridled gaze glancing in Lin Beichen’s direction.

The Great Xia Emperor died, and this was a great deal.

If it weren’t for him first through various kinds of methods, creating divine relics, deceiving The Great Emperor and everyone, The Great Xia Emperor would not have done it, would not have eaten the wrong poison.

This is the biggest pit, full of bad thoughts, and the emperor is all killed by him!

If, she didn’t have to know the magic inside, she was just afraid of being killed by her opponent.

Lin Beichen felt that The Emperor’s eyes were a little monstrous, groping his own face: “Your Majesty, what do you look at the micro-god for, is there a flower on the face?”

The Female Emperor shook her head: “Nothing! Ai khanh, The Great Xia Emperor died, how do you feel that coming to pick up the Great Xia will change, what kind of transformation will the Tianxia Assembly arise? Give me the thought of saying it, let me hear a little!”

“Yes, Your Majesty! I think that The Great Xia Emperor died, first of all, Great Xia!”

Lin Beichen slowly said: “Having experienced it before, Da Xia died more than 2000,000 people, and the rest of him was indignant, little insurrection, Da Xia was soon in unbearable chaos!”

“Later, The Great Xia Emperor, because of the cultivation of Immortal Medicine, did not pay attention to the main court, followed all over the world to collect treasures and medicinal treasures, once again caused a complaint, and the chaos became even more chaotic!”

“At the moment, the Great Xia Emperor is dead, the Great Xia Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty, of course, is even more chaotic!”

Lin Beichen sat seriously, and continued: “It must be known, Great Xia has a crown prince, but as The Great Xia crown prince is being caught in the inner court, Great Xia does not have a new crown prince, this means that every prince has a chance to climb to the emperor’s throne, take power of the world! Since the other part of Chi Sun is powerful, of course it will be performed . . . Dragon trousers!”

“Your Majesty, you are not ignorant, the path so far is fishy blood! Because of the Nine Five Zhi Sun position, fraternity is not uncommon! At such a time, Da Xia naturally shook uneasily, precariously, the nation would rather be by day! Considering that it is very close to here, it will also be reduced, no longer before!”

“Thus, for us The Great Martial is extraordinarily beneficial! We can from there intrigue, harvest hard to imagine good places! Just like before, they are looking at me Great Martial in a form!”

The Female Emperor smiled and nodded: “I said the right thing, I think so too!”

“It’s just, it’s good to be bad!”

Lin Beichen clasped his hands and said: “Your Majesty, in our hands Great Xia Crown Prince, has basically lost its value, there is no longer a way to follow Dai Xia in his hands, harvesting compensation for supplies!”

“It really didn’t work anymore, you look, what time did you bring her back, give The Great Xia a fire bait, water a stick of oil?” The Female Emperor smirked, her inner gaze filled with no good intentions.

“Your Majesty, then let’s see how the Grand Prince fights!” Lin Beichen smiled at the same time: “At the moment, because of the competition for the imperial throne, they will naturally beat you to death, and at the same time, they will also destroy the Crown Prince! As the power of all the forces is equal at the moment, we immediately bring the Great Xia crown prince back, so that they will fight more and more viciously!”

The Female Emperor laughed, “You’re right!”

At this moment, the eunuch went to convey the news.

“Your Majesty, The Crown Prince hopes to meet with you once!”

The Female Emperor laughed: “The Grand Prince claimed to have known that he had died, so he wanted to convince me to let him go! Love, I heard that you and him have a bad relationship, you can meet him once!”

Lin Beichen was a little sweaty: “Your Majesty, you and him are only superficial acquaintances! Compared to strangers who are a little stronger, friends don’t count, your majesty should absolutely not misunderstand!”

The Female Emperor scolded: “Rest assured, whoever you are, you are all clear, absolutely will not doubt you!”

Reaching the Female Emperor only later, Lin Beichen went to the heavenly lao, and met the Grand Prince Xia Tianyi.

At this time, the Grand Prince was dressed a little messy, his eyes were red, and he seemed to cry, right in the cell burning like a fire going back and forth, occasionally looking towards the cell outside.

Straight to Lin Beichen, he rushed over, and hurriedly shouted: “Lin Cheng, are you or are you not the Female Emperor’s representative?”

Lin Beichen nodded slightly: “It is!”

“What do you say?” cried the Grand Prince.

“Your Highness, you must already know The Great Xia!” Lin Beichen said angrily: “I know you are very miserable, very much want to return! But, you must know, we are absolutely not going to let you go!”

“But, the bow didn’t work! Now release the palace, isn’t it exactly what you want?” the Grand Prince shouted.

Lin Beichen nodded: “Yes, we are going to let you go, but not right now! After all – there is no fire on the other side of the fire, now water the oil up, it’s a little early!”

“Worth dying for! Worth dying for! Worth dying . . .” The Grand Prince angrily hit the cell.

Beating his hands to his skin, bleeding, he didn’t care at all.

Taking it, the legs lost their uniform aura, turned to The Great Xia and knelt down, loudly moaning: “Father, the child can’t come back to take your place with the Coffin, the unholy child! Father . . .”

What a mournful listener, a tearful one.

Hearing Lin Beichen’s compassion.

After all, the Grand Prince and his father’s relationship should be extremely good.

The Great Xia crown prince had been fostered by the Great Xia Emperor since childhood.

The Great Xia Crown Prince also did not have expectations, the martial arts mastery, the courage, the power was ten parts outstanding, the achievement of the martial arts dynasty, all over the world approved, was soon determined to be the Eastern Palace Master.

Therefore, he suddenly died, the opponent must be very pitiful, very uncomfortable.

Considering that, it was not yet time for Dai Wu to release him.

The nation in the middle, only says benefits, not sympathies.


For The Great Martial, it is only possible to sacrifice him a sense of humanity!

Lin Beichen let out a sigh: “Your Highness, I know you really want to return, but I can only express regret! The reason for that, without me saying many words, you need to explain! I just hope you don’t want to resign, it’s good to survive, to be alive after all! You also don’t expect Great Xia Jiangshan himself, trampling at you in your hands, are you right?”

The Great Xia Crown Prince moved slightly, and said: “General Lin, bother you to help the palace prepare some white items and banknotes, the palace wants to stay here instead of the emperor’s father standing by the Coffin!”

Lin Beichen nodded slightly: “Good!”

After going out, Lin Beichen immediately sent someone to prepare white clothes, banknotes, candles and incense of all kinds, after all, the funeral was necessary, for all of them, to give the Grand Prince a good place to stand by the Coffin.

At this time, Daxia.

Just as Lin Beichen guessed, the national mourning was not over, the great princes had already fought.

Each other comes out, eliminates the enemy on the wing, uses any tricks.

Except for that, princely places, princes of all kinds, also have heteronormative places, controlling generals a little more times. After all, they were members of the royal family, and they also had the opportunity to sit in that position.

There were also a number of courtiers, generals of all kinds, who were not alone.

In short, the entire Great Xia was in chaos.

This chaotic situation, compared to the previous Great Martial Bureau, wanted chaos.

However, the attack was very aggressive, but they did not make an appointment, but the prince surrounded the arm.

After all, their biggest threat was the crown prince.

The crown prince is the rightful name of the heir, moreover, he holds the most powerful Eastern Palace power, so it is necessary to inherit the crown prince before coming, eliminate it, and eliminate the greatest threat.

After that, the methods rushed to rape the crown prince, either adding to it the power that gained protection, or waiting for death.

Some of the unsteady wills of the ministers, for preserving themselves with the clan, could not help but change their status.

Since then, the Eastern Palace power collapsed not far away.



Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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