The ear bandage has passed, to pick up is also to restore production, give the country normal operation.

However, at this time, the inner ear bandage, Dai Vo suffered heavy losses, and the people also suffered significant losses, but fortunately the guard.

As long as there are people, a lot of problems are not problems.

A lot of shops and shops are open for business, a lot of factories are open, the fields are a little bit of labor, on the road is once again bustling.

However, time is still the same, but one can go through.

In comparison, other countries don’t have such good fortune.

It must be known that at this time, each country has lost 10% or more of its demographics.

But they are all relatively poor demographics, but these are all countries that produce major military labor, produce food based on them, produce production based on them, protect the country also rely on them.

This person represents a dead area, bringing a huge ten-part influence, directly leading to economic difficulties and weakening national power.

For example, the same Xia dynasty, 2500,000 people died!

These people are all poor, the vast majority are distributed in the countryside in the town, there are all villages, the whole town, even the whole district is empty, turned into death!

There is also not enough labor to produce resources, which means that no one grows fields, a lot of good fields want to be abandoned.

There are no people working in the fields, so the next year food claims to have to reduce production, the food country is threatened.

Demographics are few, capacity spending confirms under reduction, the economy is of course difficult.

Food can’t be, economy can’t, this country insists it can’t!

Except for that, the people of the time are not very pleasant, because the survivors claim to go to the evil religion, kill the looters, go to the forest to rob even the minor insurrection, these things will certainly not be lacking.

The imperial court, in order to maintain a stable country, had to spend a lot of money on policing.

This loss is huge, not inferior to fighting a hundred thousand or more national battles!

This is even more serious!

Without 10 years or more, basically no restoration!

But The Great Martial, however, has no small loss, but protects the most important person, a year’s time can be restored!

Before The Great Martial, the sand king, the territory cut off!

The gods, the raging sightseeing!

It’s hard, the people are miserable!

Latter-day power, heavy figure!

Only the prestigious imperial court, not the real chi dynasty.

It’s not just around the great nation, it’s like a small country wants to take a bite.

But it was an ear-splitting battle later, another country collapsed on the table, the national power weakened, turned out to be unable to walk.

On the contrary, in the past, students who were inferior to Dai Vo, the brightest manifestation, the transcendence of other countries, prospered!


Just want to continue to develop, you can definitely speed up the transcendence of other countries, the first world!

It was resting the Female Emperor, every time she thought of this, she could laugh out loud!

“Definitely want to be good!” The Female Emperor waved her hand: “It’s time for lunch, hurry up and invite the minister! At the same time, tell The Good Guard, do a lot of food to eat!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Not long after, Lin Beichen came: “Your Majesty, I have come!”

The Female Emperor glanced back, momentarily terrified: “Love, how did you turn into this form?”

At this time, Lin Beichen, with dark circles in his eyes, pale face, walked on the road with a little vanity, seemed to be too tired like.

“Your Majesty, because you have spent the past few days and days toiling, so you are too tired, scare your majesty, and invite your majesty to forgive you!” Lin Beichen was a little scared.

The Goddess inwardly cut an hour.

You are a Grand Master-level peak, your body is still strong, and you and others will not be tired for a few days and nights, immediately approve a little chapter, handle a little national affairs, and then shout hard?

Obviously wanting to cheat at me, then being lazy!

“Ah, it’s okay?” The Queen asked concernedly.

“Your Majesty, it’s hard, but it’s okay! The body is the reigning general, the shoulders of the people, must definitely take the bach as the root, take the society seriously! It’s worth it, it’s worth it!” Lin Beichen was stunned.

Mentally said quietly: Your Majesty, I have all come to this division, you let me continue to play I can’t believe it!

Pity me this sage, let me go back to rest!

The Female Emperor was naturally moved: “Love, toil! We Great Martial have you, I’m so lucky. Good luck too! Regardless, it feels okay, it can be hard, the other one doesn’t advise you to rest! But you want to take care, you don’t want to die, you know?”

“um? ? ?” Lin Beichen in a flash fell away.

How does that mean?

Now – based on common sense, shouldn’t we just let me go to rest?

How could you not advise?

Lin Beichen’s face became more and more grayish-white, and his body was about to collapse.

The Female Emperor was terrified again: “Love, what do you do?”

Lin Beichen shook his head, a little naughty and said: “I don’t know what it is, suddenly a little stunned . . .”

The Queen exclaimed, “Quickly help the minister sit down!”

Lin Beichen sat at the Female Emperor in front of him.

The Female Emperor said with concern: “Ai, how do you feel now?”

Lin Beichen said weakly: “Your Majesty, it is much better now, even if the body is still a little uncomfortable! It could be that it’s been too hard these days, and it’s a little uncomfortable!”

The Queen was very touched: “Love, it’s too hard for you, can you persevere?”

“Your Majesty, it’s hard, but you can be tough!” Lin Beichen woke up: “If these things, you don’t go to work, you are also your majesty! Your Majesty is seriously ill, and your body is not good!”

In his heart silently said: Your Majesty, all speaking of this division, are you or are you not very touched?

Is it or isn’t the other one on our behalf?

Quickly take you my love, I can take it!

The Female Emperor was indeed very touched, and there was a flash of tears in her eyes: “Ah, at this time, you still have a mind to take me, I . . . It’s so touching!”

Lin Beichen silently nodded in his heart, it’s okay!

Quickly change practice!

“For one thing, I’ve been so sympathetic to you, the other one is so obstinate, I’m so sorry!” The Female Emperor solemnly promised: “Ai khanh, you persevere for a few days, wait for the cultivation of the dragon body, and replace you!”

“A? ? ?” The 2nd Lin Beichen fell away.

And let me continue to persevere?

I can’t persevere!

I’m thinking about resting now, I want to make a salted fish head, give me a chance!

At this time, Lin Beichen fell again.

“Love!” The Female Emperor’s eyes were quick, but her arms wrapped around Lin Beichen, preventing him from falling.

“How are you, don’t want to panic?”

Lying in the Female Emperor warm in his chest, however, it made people a little lingering, but Lin Beichen turned even more weakened: “I don’t know what it is for, suddenly I have lost my aura! Your Majesty, I . . . I can’t resist right now!”

Less bluntly, let me go one way of life, the other let me go back to rest!

“Love, you can’t stand it!” The Old Lady cried out: “I can’t be without you, the court can’t be without you, The Great Martial can’t be without you!”

At this time, the Female Emperor left Lin Beichen on the side of the soft flesh, then pressed with the force, 360 degrees of rotation . . .

Lin Beichen opened his eyes, and the whole person shot up, smirking.

“Pain hurts pain . . .”

Jubilant dancing, where is there a bit of a weak figure?

A little broken mind turned his head, and found the Main Emperor laughing coldly and looking at him: “Brother, when do you still want to deceive me?”

Lin Beichen added: “Your Majesty, how do you see it?”

The Queen laughed coldly: “Because I love you better than yourself! Just now, I learned through The Good Room, you have a plate of peanuts, a piece of cake, and a good wine, so I will enjoy it, this is like a tired weakening of people, can make love?”

Lin Beichen: “. . .”

“Quite! For rest, and yet deceived upon him! Sweetheart, your liver is really getting bigger and bigger!”

Lin Beichen gasped: “Your Majesty, I . . .”


The Female Emperor waved her hand: “Good, don’t talk anymore! Immediately go back and sit down, finish eating and go to work!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Lin Beichen sat down, sneaking a glance at the side of the Female Emperor, and found that he didn’t have any reproach either.

Not long after that, The Good Man in the food room came up.

Lin Beichen looked at it, jerking himself up: “This . . . I love to eat food!”

The Female Emperor smiled lightly: “Ai qing, this is the order of the Expert Defense to prepare for you, like to eat a little more!”

Lin Beichen was moved to tears: “Your Majesty, I will definitely die, and stop dying!”

“As long as you’re playing around with some trickery, I’m satisfied enough!”

Lin Beichen: “. . .”

Next, the two of them reached up to the bowl of chopsticks, eating up.

“Sweetheart, eat well?” The Queen asked.

“Um, good food . . .” Lin Beichen nodded on one side.

Looking at Lin Beichen with a large piece of meat, the Female Emperor was ten parts happy, and ate half a bowl of rice.

At this time, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, the five of you are also getting closer and closer.

However, having experienced a hundred years of experiencing ear ice, causing both Dai Vo and the people to suffer great losses, but because the living person can continue, the whole family can unite, which is indeed great in misfortune.

So, everyone prepares to celebrate the New Year, through good days.

The inner city, restored to its former bustle.

The giants are all busy shopping for new year’s items, preparing for the next year.

At this moment, Lin Beichen saw a familiar purple figure.

“Zi Yue, why did you come back? The other party is done?” Lin Beichen said with a smile.

In front of him, it was at the Great Moon Dynasty that restored the Great Moon Princess, the other a pair of divine words, seemed to know how to talk purple eyes, which people will never forget.

She was three-legged and four-legged, walked gently into Lin Beichen in front of her, lifted her head slightly, her eyes were deep, and she carried an unknown dao, and said: “It’s mainly a memorial to Lin, so you can’t go back to look at you! Master Lin, more than half a year has come, how are you doing? Like it or not?”

Lin Beichen didn’t finish in a flash!

This woman really, just came back and poked people, not at all timid!

It’s hard to blame people who claim to love women!

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Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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