On the city gate everyone rolled their eyes!

The Northern King of the Great Army attacked the city, and wanted to attack the imperial city, and as a result, killed each other?

Later Tian martial artist killed the great army, Fairy Tian martial artist killed The Northern Prince!

Kill the other one viciously, it’s like a sheep’s blood leopard!

To tell the truth, they were extremely good at explaining these people.

Every person who hates the most is also a traitor, especially the most betrayed by himself, the most trusted, the most loved by the traitor!

Just thinking of himself suffering, endangering his life because the enemy expanded his territory, the result was that the enemy was in the dark, wanting their lives, wanting to control them, absolutely will let the madman be angry!

How deeply you loved before, how much pain there is now, how much hatred!

So it’s like the moment, of course!

“Sign the Northern King!”

“Evil Leopard! For the fact that he has a heart, he takes advantage of everyone, and even the closest person who trusts him does not let go, makes the person despise, the heart is icy!”

“That’s right! The other person in front struggled because he fought for the world, the result was that he was behind the human back, compared to the creature! What a wolf head in sheep’s clothing!”

“He’s a daoist, of course it’s because of the dao and he loses everything!”

“He’ll be torn apart by himself! If you don’t die, you don’t have him anywhere!”

“Sign The Northern King . . . It’s almost done!”

. . .

At the same time, the great man couldn’t help but look towards the head of the young man’s wall, inwardly filled with deep respect!

Before the opponent opened his mouth, there was no need to do anything to prepare, of course, what to prepare did not need to be done!

With just this one mouthful, let them kill each other!

Unexplained, too strong!

Apostasy! ! !

At this time, The Northern King had lost one and the other, his psyche was cold.

The 30,000 great troops themselves, who were killed by the angry martial artists, were not very different!

He himself was able to cultivate 15 Fairy Tian, who were also killed by a bunch of angry Wei Xiantian step by step, two of them lost their lives, oh my god!

But the imperial court of horsemen is like a flap, can always emit a certain amount of wisdom!

Originally a great set of people, they all collapsed on the table!

The four of them are all enemies!

The present was not to consider jiangshan huang at the moment, but how to defend himself.

“Dragon Dragon Tiger two great masters, quickly save the king!”

“Yes, royal!” The Two Apostolic Masters appeared at the Northern King in front of them.

“First save the Fairy Tian King!” The Northern King called again.

“Royal Family, how did the others Wei Xiantian handle it?” Hang Long asked.


The Northern King’s heart was vicious: “Over the years, they ate the king, in the king, held the king, in turn, they tried all the time unwillingly, they were all inadvertently meaningless, they all killed!”

“Yes, royal!” Hang Long Tong Master without hesitation appeared.

Each of them carried a thousand soldiers, carrying away a mortal Wei Xiantian.

Behold, a group of high beings in the Celestial Realm, in front of him, were like chickens and ducks of a kind, arbitrarily killed, terrorized like that.

“Sign the Northern King here, the big man follows me to kill!”

“Definitely want this vengeance!”

“Crane, leave your life! ! !”

. . .

Having killed The Great Northern Army of martial artists, the flames of anger filled the sky towards The Northern King.

This one shot up into the flames of anger, looking at The Northern King who was three parts scared.

But, in front of him, The Tiger Sect Master had a calm expression on his face: “Royal Family, how are these people handled?”

The Northern King exclaimed angrily: “All killed, one did not leave!”

“Yes, royal!” The Tiger Sect Master came out.

He stretched out his arms, like a kind of person who was constantly in power!

Every right to strike out was a landslide, a huge power, like a kind of bombing, frantically killing great martial artists!

Great martial artist, casualties expansive!

On the city gate, the Queen opened her mouth and said, “Do you want to help them or not?”

Lin Beichen shook his head: “Your Majesty, it’s best not to!”

The Queen didn’t understand: “Why?”

“Your Majesty, in recent years, they have joined the spears, and we have been in opposition, not knowing how many crimes they have committed! Besides, we 40,000 troops are also killed by them, each of them is guilty, the crime deserves to die a thousand times!”

The Female Emperor nodded slightly, carrying a flash of pleasure: “You say extremely right, let them all die well!”

Lin Beichen smiled and said: “At the moment, they killed each other, it is true that we think of a way to save the time!”

As soon as they finished speaking, the others were attacked by the imperial court and Tien Tian, and there appeared an old master, full of compassion, and said: “Ahhh Master, please come and think of a way to save you!”

The old master’s aura on his body was shaken, these things were taken prisoner, and all of them were released.

Everyone who received it, this was to follow Lin Beichen to the Apostolic Master, saying thank you continuously.

“Master Jingtai help!”


The old master in the front led the protection path, The Northern King, The Dragon King, the Dragon Tiger they could see, could not do anything, could only watch them leave.

At this moment, Lin Beichen sensed a danger.

Looking towards the danger, there was a white human shadow, quickly directing Lin Beichen to fight.

“Do like guests!”

“Dangerous Lin, get out quickly!”

. . .

The giant rushed out in panic.

But there’s a speed, compared to this person who’s faster.

Da Laixiang let out an hour, but the latter surpassed the former, bringing Lin Beichen to kidnap, avoiding this one.

At this time, the giant finally saw clearly the person coming, too scared.

“Celestial Sect Master Tianyi!”

“How did he get here?”

“Why do you want to kill Lin?”

. . .

The Celestial Sect master standing in Lin Beichen had just stood there, his cold eyes staring at Lin Beichen, and he said: “Little brother, you spoiled the good story, you deserve to die a thousand times!”

Then again!

Da Laixiang put down Lin Beichen, took the opposite sword and said: “You find a safe place to hide, I stopped him!”

The Female Emperor exclaimed, “Sect Master, stop him quickly!”

An Apostolic Master who followed the Female Emperor behind him appeared, directly towards the Heavenly Sect Master.

There was also the old master, who also quickly struck.

The two Great Sect Masters, in turn, held the Apostolic Master of the Da Laixiang Realm, and the three of them joined the Tianmen Sect Master.

But, the male Celestial Sect didn’t hide either, and his eyes stared at Lin Beichen.

She wanted to kill him.

At this time, under the gate of The Northern King’s face, he saw that the murderer was not very different, and exclaimed: “Dragon Dragon Tiger, hurry up and kill Lin Beichen! The king gave him a restless death!”

“Yes, royal!” The two Apostolic Masters headed towards Lin Beichen to kill here.

The Female Emperor exclaimed, “Master, catch them!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” There were two court servants again, stopping Hang Long and Fu Tiger.

Seven Great Masters, at the gate of the upper city arose a great war!

Hit the landslide, the moon is invisible!

Lin Beichen calmly looked at this, and there was a flash of purple in his eyes: “Come, you don’t need to go!”

Da Laixiang had a sword in his hand and slipped out, then disappeared without seeing anything!

Didn’t see it, didn’t see it, didn’t see it!

Reappeared at the moment, having plugged into The Heavenly Sect Master Of Heaven on his forehead!

Tianmen’s face was filled with shock, and he whispered: “The sword is really fast!”

Slightly turning his head, there was no look towards master Da Laixiang, but rather looked at the distant place with a smile on Lin Beichen’s face, in his eyes full of shock . . . Remorse!

Then he lost his aura, and fell to the ground.


The whole school was in shock!

Holding the Celestial Sect Master, he was killed by a small sword!

The giant looked at the master in unison — — Da Lai Huong!

Da Laixiang trembled: “It’s not me!”

The inner giant cut an hour.

This is your sword, still in your hand, don’t you have anyone?

What about the page now, do you mean?

Da Laixiang’s face was filled with indignation: “It’s not me!”

At this time, seeing this scene, The Two Sect Masters were stunned.

This place has someone who can kill The Master!

He could kill the Heavenly Sect Master, he could also kill them!

Can’t fight, immediately hide!

Collecting two hours, running faster than lightning, blinking, he did not see the figure, and The Northern King did not pay attention.

The Northern King met the lost world, and without hesitation turned to flee.

The Female Emperor looked at the three bodies, gave up the basic capture of the Two Great Sect Masters, and exclaimed: “Sect Master, please help me capture the Northern King to ask questions!”

Lin Beichen looked at the Dragon Tiger again, and said: “You can’t escape!”

Thus, the great war ended, the imperial court sent troops out of the city, collecting the remnants.

Shortly thereafter, The Northern King was arrested and sent into the imperial court for interrogation.

At this time, The Northern King, had completely changed.

His body had been torn to pieces, his hair was disheveled, his face was as pale as a sheet of paper, and the corners of his mouth were stained with blood. Because the martial artist was destroyed, the body was extremely weakened, and the standing was also unsteady.

The Extraordinary Female Emperor was told: “Good emperor, did you ever think that there would be today?”

“The winner is the king, the loser is the king, the king is nothing to say!” The Northern King’s face was exhausted: “Regardless of the Female Emperor, you are not defeated, the king is not losing to you, but losing by an apple tree fenced fig tree, cunning little man!”

“Which one is the little one?” The Queen asked.

The Northern King angrily pointed at Lin Beichen: “It’s also you, Lin Beichen! You’re spoiled, you’re not dead!”

The other pair of eyes inside the fire were angry, wanting to turn Lin Beichen into ashes!

Lin Beichen felt very complacent: “Royal Family, this word of yours has passed! I’m sure you’re a good thing, but it’s the masters! You say I eat the fig tree, and you say I’m cunning, I don’t agree!”

“Ha ha ha . .” The Northern King was so angry that he laughed: “Good! Good you Lin Beichen! The king is really looking wrong! All day beating geese, finally being pecked by geese! Regardless, you shouldn’t be surprised, today the king wants to expose you! Let the giants come and see, how do you eat the fig tree? How cunning are you?”

Lin Beichen made an inviting gesture, and said with a smile: “Royal Family, please start performing!”



Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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