“The boat transport, is following the big wave of the river following Tiger Lao Quan a straight line to the capital, the route is more than 800 miles! But, if Jiang Nan wang wants to steal the boat for food, the most suitable location is at the nearby mountain park.”

“Because here, there is a direct connection between Jiangnan and the river. Considering the roadside, the roadside also compares smoothly and conveniently! At the same time, this place is far away from the two distant urban factions, and the court is difficult!”

“This stretch of road, about 200 miles.”

The Female Emperor nodded slightly: “Continue to talk down!”

“It’s the best location! But if you want to steal food, you must be fully prepared! The first needs to be transported, and the second must be fully saved by the imperial court!”

Lin Beichen raised 5 fingers: “I guess, this needs 5 6 lakh horsemen!”

“In short, if Jiang Nan wang wants to steal food, it will most likely send out 5 6 lakh horsemen under the mountain, so we just need to protect this place well, basically don’t worry!”

“So, it’s this kind of thing!”

Lin Beichen smiled darkly: “We can take nominal food, at the mountain park outside 100 inside the place, all of them set up gates, guards, do not allow anyone to approach, all passersby want a detour! But, we can crack a torn line, just bribe the soldiers, and then sneak it out!”

“In such a situation, Jiang Nan wang wants to take food, he can’t empty the gong to send troops, it’s not like that will be revealed soon! Therefore, the most capable opponent is a passerby, divided into a small group to enter the mountain!”

“But to go into the park needs to be handed over the money! Ordinary people do not want money, volunteer a lot to go to the road, and do not want to hand over money! So once he delivers the money, then prove that this people are eight-nine-tenths right, Jiang Nan Wang disguised himself, we can gradually break down, the whole capture, give Jiang Nan Wang a general!”

The Queen’s eyes lit up: “Yao!”

“But, what if Jiang Nan wang doesn’t come?” Someone asked.

“Not coming from but nothing, coming of course becoming a fish in a pot!” Lin Beichen spoke with mettle.

“Do you love me, what’s next?” The Queen asked.

The two-faced official looked at each other, and exclaimed: “We don’t have an opinion either!”

“How now!” The Female Emperor beat the beat of death.

Then, send out the weight, centered on the mountain needle to the outside 100 inside the place, set up the gate, not allowing anyone to approach.

At this time, a group of imperial officials on the spot dispelled the needs of the people.

“This place is sealed, you don’t allow it to come near!”

“For what is it?” The people don’t understand.

The officials said loudly: “Because the imperial court is about to pass through this place! For safety reasons, we temporarily sealed this section of the road and the river, not allowing anyone to approach!”

“But, we want to go to the capital!”

“You detours, two or three days have come!”

“My god, why is that?”

. . .


The people were complaining.

This situation, very quickly, was supervised by Jiang Nan wang.

Hurriedly rushed back to report: “Royal Family, big things are not good!”

Jiang Nan wang came out: “What’s so terrifying, let the king meticulously talk about it!”

The detective said: “The royal family is such a figure, because of the escort of the ship, the court brings the mountain all the way . . .”

Jiang Nan wang after hearing this, his expression was low: “The imperial court’s movement this time is clearly aimed at us!”

Wang Fuqing smiled and nodded: “That’s right, royal family! They know we’re short of food, they’re afraid we’re going to hit food on purpose, so they’re going to keep us on guard!”

Jiang Nan wang didn’t have a heart: “Can’t you just ignore it? Fu Gui, you quickly let the king think of a little measure!”

Wang Fuqing was also extremely frantic: “Your Royal Family wait a bit, let me think a little!”

A day later, Wang Fuqing returned with a happy face: “Royal Family, subordinates think of measures!”

Jiang Nan wang urged: “Hurry up!”

“Royal Family, it’s this kind of thing!”

Wang Fuqing clasped his hands and said: “Subordinates make people look like ordinary people, go to the imperial court, what do you guess? They are all extremely greedy, just give three or four amounts of silver, the soldiers’ court will give it away!”

Jiang Nan wang’s eyes lit up: “There is this again?”

Wang Fuqing smiled and said: “The royal family, the court from top to bottom are all greedy, great officials, small officials visit, sometimes you are young, you don’t have to know!”

Jiang Nan wang nodded: “That’s right!”

“So, it’s this kind of thing!” Wang Fuqing said in a low voice: “We can give our soldiers a masquerade as elders, bribe the soldiers’ court, divide into small groups to enter the mountain, and get food!”

“They insist that they don’t think so, in such a serious situation, there are people coming to them for food, of course there will be a place to relax, there is a great benefit in us!”

Jiang Nan wang repeatedly nodded: “It’s not wrong, you’re right!”

“On the other hand, we send tens of thousands of soldiers outside to respond, once we reach the external response, of course, we can bring back the imperial court to kill in time, and at the same time we can bring back food!”

Jiang Nan wang said with great joy: “Good good!”

“Royal Family, we can also contact The Northern King – according to this community! Since then, the imperial court has of course gained one and lost another, and our victory has been greatly enhanced!”

Jiang Nan wang repeatedly clapped his hands: “You’re right, just do it!”

After that, he allowed himself to be the elite of the horsemen, disguised as having to go through the mountain of people walking.

“Mandarin, I want to go to the capital to earn a living!”

“This place is sealed off, no access is allowed, you detour through!”

“Detour? The detour is too far, you want to go a lot, don’t look at me healthy body, but the body is extremely nihilistic! Mandarin, bother you for mercy, please!”

“I’m a principled preacher, this doesn’t say!”

“The official . . .”

Masquerading as jiangnan soldiers, he sneaked out a quantity of silver, stuffing it into the soldiers’ court in his hand.

The other court soldiers as if nothing had happened put the proceeds in their pockets.

At this time, the other soldiers saw it, and they coughed for a few hours.

Jiang Nan’s soldiers were very knowledgeable, each of them filled with a quantity of silver, which was quickly accepted by them.

“It seems that you really don’t have a problem, so you go in! But to let you know not to run around, especially if you can’t get close to the river, no, don’t blame yourself for not reminding you!”

“Rest assured, elders, we are all ordinary people, know what to do!”

The court of soldiers pulled out, “Come in!”

“Thanks! Thank you, elders!”

Successfully bribed Jiang Nan soldiers, heavenly grace entered.

However, going in not long after, he ran into a line of soldiers, which seemed to be even more elite.

“Don’t budge! Quickly lie down, raise your hand!”

“Elders, you misunderstand, I’m just an ordinary citizen, I’m giving money to come in!”

“Scratch that you guys pay people, bring it to me!”

After that, the people who protested, could not resist, and were taken away.

However, outsiders didn’t know, Jiang Nan wang didn’t know, constantly sending people to put their heads in the net.

Just like that, the imperial court captured 5,000 Jiangnan soldiers.

One day, Jiang Nan wang was a little agitated.

Because the boat eventually slowly drove into the mountains, the action was about to begin. As long as he regained this group of food, he lacked food the problem solved, at least he could cook until this year’s autumn weather.

Once he solved the problem, he could continue to seek the throne.

This was very important, Jiang Nan wang also came personally.

Waiting left and right, frantically: “How come you haven’t started yet? Is it or isn’t it?”


“Royal Family, this is not in a hurry!” Wang Fuqing smiled and said: “The imperial court has just entered the mountain park, waiting for him to drive to the mountain park, at least two days and a night, we can wait slowly!”

“And yet, in charge of the operational command, General Zhao! The general has always been stable, he will probably choose the evening when the centaur is tired, the defense relaxes the time of departure, so he will do little work!”

“Just want to win later, General Zhao will send a signal to remind us, so we can act! External relations, bringing the imperial court back in time, regaining food!”

Jiang Nan wang clapped his hands and said, “Good! The king waited until evening, waiting for your good news!”

“Yes, royal!” Wang Fuqing clasped his hands.

Time passed quickly, and night finally fell.

The weather wasn’t bad tonight, the moon was bright, and the cool breeze was blowing, especially pleasant.

Jiang Nan wang ate all the dinner later, and was frantic: “General Zhao, how can there be no signal, now there is no signal?”

“Royal Family, don’t rush!” Wang Fuyu smiled and said: “Now that the big man has just finished dinner, the spirit is very enough, and it is not a good opportunity! Come after midnight, General Zhao will have to leave!”

“Good, the king is waiting for him for two hours!” Jiang Nan wang bit his teeth, looking for a place to rest.

The two hours passed very quickly.

Jiang Nan wang, looking at the time, asked the left: “How can there be no signal?”

Wang Fuqing remained very calm: “Royal Family, at the moment, the big man has just fallen asleep, if you want to go to Zhao General, you need to prepare for action, let’s give him some time!”

Jiang Nan wang said loudly: “Good! The king gave him a time, and immediately woke him up!”

An hour passed very quickly.

Without a caller, Jiang Nan wang himself was awake, dreamily said: “Done? To avoid wanting it to be light!”

Wang Fuqing was also a little furrowed, but tried to pretend: “The Royal Family, however, is not good, but we must trust Zhao General, he will definitely not let us down!”

Jiang Nan wang said anxiously: “There has been no news for so long, is it or is it not? Let’s kill you directly!”

“Royal Family, this is absolutely not okay, there will be a shock to the imperial court, it will probably ruin Zhao General! We’re patient again, it’s good to talk very quickly!”

“Good, wait a minute!”

Just like that, a very quick night passed, it was all morning.



Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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