Xia Tianyi was dumbfounded, because Lin Beichen was too moral.

Lin Beiyu in The Great Martial , it can be said that the body has reached the same level, the power has reached the peak. But he is young, and the Female Emperor is trusted, if the peace and stability develop, the future has the opportunity to become a general.

If you follow him to Daxia, you can’t really do this step.

After all, he wanted to expose him to the old god.

The old god followed him for a few decades, there were still two senators, high virtue, profound courtesy, over the years there was no merit, there was also suffering, it must be given!

If you let the person who comes after you, step on everyone’s head, how do others see him, how do you see him?

Of course, he would be extremely disappointed, resentful!

Humanly, the team was not good.

The position was so much, for the old god, it was impossible for Lin Beichen.

Therefore, it was only possible to yield to Lin Beichen.

In the noble realm, Lin Beichen currently eats, enjoys, is already a top-level contemporary, and the emperor is useless. In a way, compared to him, the prince wanted luxuries.

He himself did not pass on such a life, what could he give Lin Beichen?

Considering that he could give up, he was afraid that the other god would not respond!

Regardless of the incompetence a, this morality is all standard!

Xia Tianyi finally found out, but lin Beichen didn’t want the thing.

It was hard to blame him for not leaving The Great Martial, in return, he didn’t want to.

Regardless, Xia Tianyi was not completely disappointed, on the contrary, he said in advance: “Lin, you are right! But, you think of a problem that doesn’t exist? Great Martial every situation, is about to succumb!”

“Inside, there is a powerful divine pavilion, the domain is disturbing, the Gypsy is shaking, and there is the United States looking around, depending on the time of entering Zhongyuan! Great Martial Sect, sooner or later! Great Martial Vong, it’s a matter of sooner or later!”

“Do Great Martial not have, you little death eater, which way to go?”

Looking at Lin Beichen without speaking, Xia Tianyi considered that Lin Beichen’s mind wavered, and his smile was bright, and said: “Because of the so-called, wise birds choose trees and perch! You’re a rare genius, you shouldn’t be!”

“Follow the palace to Daxia, the palace does not allow you to be the same official as Fu Gui, but can definitely protect you, so that you can open up your aspirations for talent! However, the steps are a little low, but you are young, you are also young, we have a lot of time to enlighten the great career! Wait for those old gods to leave, who can stop you?”

“Climbing to the top, under one person per thousand people, isn’t it a matter of sooner or later? Are you right?”

Lin Beichen clasped his hands and said, “Your Highness said that there is not much morality, no matter how much it is, it is still the decision to stay in The Great Martial!”

Xia Tianyi was stunned: “Why is it stupid? You have to know, the Great Weapon is taken away!”

“Your Highness, this is too much! Although the Great Martial Water of the River is receding, there are all kinds of problems, but it is not without solving the dharma! After all, as you said, the Great Weapon is taken away, and there is a self-interest!”

Lin Beichen shouted: “The Great Martial Heaven collapsed, let me reach the top! Dai Wu’s spine is broken, let me come next! The Great Weapon is taken away, let me join! As long as the mandarin is still in the Great Martial for a day, the mandarin will go all out for prolonging the Great Martial Throne!”


The sound of speaking with mettle, ears aching, in the air!

The yellow light flickered on Lin Beichen on his face, at first glance, it was so steadfast, so holy!

Xia Tianyi stared at Lin Beichen in shock, seeming to reconceptualize him.

For a long time, he said: “Don’t think about it, you are a great visitor, you are also a middle god!”

Not knowing is applause, still sarcasm!

“It’s because of greed, so it’s middle!” Lin Beichen said bluntly: “It’s not, where do you go to find such a good place to embezzle the land? Go to you Daxia, can you give yourself thousands of thousands of opportunities?”

Xia Tianyi: “Gao!”

Just a little less deceived by you!

You’re still that teenager, without a hint of change!

Xia Tianyi said: “Great Martial Arts, you alone can’t change anything, you can’t change anything! Regardless, the precious palace, gives you a chance! I hope you can make a wise choice!”

The two chatted to the end, the great airship slowly descending.

Arriving at the service, Xia Tianyi said to himself: “Today, take the great airship of the time, the palace to recruit Lin Beichen, it is not too much for him to refuse!”

“Rebuff? Why would he refuse?”

“Didn’t he look out, Great Martial didn’t work?”

“The wise bird knows how to choose a tree and perch, it’s so simple, he doesn’t understand?”

The old god rushed to show that he didn’t understand.

Xia Tianyi was quiet, he didn’t give Lin Beichen a reason to refuse to say it.

In his heart, there were a few flashes of urgency.

“The timing is not very different, we will leave for Daxia tomorrow!”

He ran back to launch hostilities, invading The Great Martial!

Not only did he want to expand his territory, fulfill his wishes, but he also wanted to bring Lin Beichen under him, let him use it!

On the 2nd day of the dynasty, Xia Tianyi, a group of people who worshipped the Female Emperor, set off for Xia.

The Female Emperor stayed for two days, and it was up to him to leave.

Taking it, the Female Emperor at the court asked Lin Beichen: “Ai qing, these days are all from you to the Grand Prince Xia Tianyi, how do you feel about this person, for us Great Martial is it a threat?”

“Your Majesty, I feel that this person is too threatening!”

Lin Beichen sighed and said: “Although I have only been with you for a few days, I consider this Great Xia Crown Prince, dare to because the previous person, whose eyes are as bright as torches, only use the person I know, the heart is large, there is a renaissance of chi chi general! The Great Xia under him, of course, will grow constantly! For us Great Martial to speak, it is extremely disadvantageous!”

The Female Emperor nodded slightly, Lin Beichen’s opinion with her was the same.

Xia Tianyuan, who is extremely rare to see the master, outstanding ability, great heart, only using people he knows, is extremely powerful!

If this person becomes emperor, for The Great Martial Emperor!

“Gentlemen, how do we treat this person later?” The Queen asked.

Each person expresses his opinion, expresses his own view of France.

But at this moment, Lin Beichen said to himself: “Your Majesty, I feel, the biggest one immediately took him back, locked him up, tightly guarded, did not allow him to return to Xia!”

As soon as the words were spoken, the whole hall was startled!

“Bring the Grand Prince back?”

“I’ve been here since ancient times, the Great Xia crown prince came to us here as a guest, we want to bring him back, what’s the matter? How do people in the world look at us?”

“Great Lin, do you or don’t you want to harm me in the Great Martial Group? If the enemy launches a war now, you come to the top?”

“Great Xia, but no less than us, how can we start a war?”

“We Great Martial are full of chaos, can’t rebel again!”

“Master Lin, are you or are you not crazy, say something like that?”

The Female Emperor hurriedly asked, “Why say that? Do you or don’t you see what’s coming?”

Faced with a questioning martial artist, Lin Beichen had a calm expression on his face: “I suggested it, it’s really about avoiding hostilities, reducing The Great Martial Losses! So far, The Great Xia has been immortal! Over the past few days, they have traveled to the capital with Dan Tam, seen the prosperous capital and revived the statue, and in their hearts, there is a sense of danger!”

“The better Ta Great Martial develops, the more disadvantageous it is for him! The longer it lasted, the more disadvantageous it was for him! The enemy hurriedly returned, the possibility is also to return to the institution aimed at me Great Martial Strategy, extremely capable of launching war!”

“So, the first xia master, the rear guard of me! We can’t bring him back first, use this to intimidate Da Xia! Having the crown prince in his hand, Dai Xia also did not dare to move, he could protect Dai Wu! Your Majesty!”

The Female Emperor frowned, saying nothing more, but the group official disagreed.

“Master Lin, it’s all you doubt, broken promise! The enemy could have something else running back! After all, being a crown prince, it’s very normal!”

“The enemy also does not do anything to us that is unfavorable, if we are currently caught, on the contrary, the people in the world are brazen, moreover, it is easy to become bitterly conflicted, leading to hostilities, extremely unstable!”

“We’re ritualists, not bandits, how can we do that?”


After all, the Queen and the group did not accept his opinion.

Lin Beichen didn’t take a step back.

After all, he was only in charge of making suggestions, not receptive, not having a hair for her.

So after a few days, disappearing a few days Da Lai Huong returned, his expression was a little sorrowful.

Lin Beichen smiled and said, “Looking at you in this form, is it impossible?”

Before that, Da Laixiang immediately took revenge on Xia Tianyi, only to be pressed down by Lin Beichen, waiting for the opponent to leave Dai Vo later, to allow him to move. Da Lai Huong disappeared for a few days, which is the same reason.

Da Laixiang lay down, unhappy, and said: “Don’t talk anymore, Xia Tianyi is with the person who has The Master’s protection, I just leaned close and was discovered, there is no good chance of teaching him a battle!”

Lin Beichen shook his head and smiled, he had already guessed that.

Xia Tianyuan next to him had a person in black robes, who seemed to be usually not strange, who was also a Sect Master.

With him at, how did Da Lai Huong get there?

“The thing is, although there is no success this time, there is a chance, I don’t believe there is a Master next to him!” Da Lai Huong was satisfied.

Lin Beichen asked again: “That’s right, Great Xia border army, is there something to change?”

Da Laixiang’s face was serious: “There is a little transformation, the defense is very serious! There’s also the dispatch, the training horse, which comes a lot!”

Lin Beichen nodded slightly.

“Do you or don’t you want to fight? Dai Xia and Dai Wu are going to fight?” Da Lai Huong queried.

“Most likely, want to prepare soon!” Lin Beichen let out a sigh: “One layer has leveled, another layer is up, Great Martial is really a lot of accidents!”

A week went by very quickly.

Eight hundred miles of emergency! ! !

The frontier of hostilities finally arrived!

The Great Xia Dynasty deployed 30,000 troops in the two border countries, invaded the Great Martial Frontier, and started 1 unannounced war!

“Great Xia… Hit it! ! !”



Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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