At that time, the Great Martial Court was definitely losing face, becoming all over the world laughing!

After the lofty ideals, they would definitely not choose The Great Martial!

The human heart is thoroughly dissipated!

Besides, doing so would be even more likely to win Da Laixiang, with him behind The Master’s back, if the opponent finds trouble, they will all be able to bear it.

It can be said that bringing Da Lai Huong out, hundreds of harms without a benefit!

At most, it is also to achieve The Great Xia some praise, but what is the use of this?

So, why do they want to hand over Da Lai Huong?

The Female Emperor’s face fell: “Grand Prince, this person is too wordy! Da Lai Huong is currently me Great Martial Man, I Great Martial Four Sword Guard, there is Dai Miao! Taking office in the meantime, volunteering to take the lead in committing crimes, preserving the city of peace! This is the pillar of water, the heroic people, how can we bring ourselves heroically to the door?”

Xia Tianyi’s face did not change: “And invite Your Majesty Great Martial to think again! Da Laixiang is a thief, he is also a thief from the beginning to the end, don’t think that he is currently performing well, it is a correction! Because the so-called, jiangshan is easy to change, his nature is also difficult to move, he later claims to reveal his nature! At that time, you regretted it!”

The Female Emperor said heavily: “I trust him to repent to be a new person!”

Xia Tianyuan said loudly: “You definitely refuse, don’t you Great Martial Court, cover up criminals, and hide tigers?”

The Female Emperor’s countenance changed, her countenance changed.

“Do it! This place is the Great Martial Court, you can’t do it!”

“Grand Prince, please speak carefully!”

. . .

Xia Tianyi smiled coldly: “Is it wrong to say that the palace is wrong?”

The big man couldn’t answer, because they were definitely covering Da Laixiang.

What kind of person is Da Laixiang, what has happened, people all over the world know, this does not allow them to argue.

At this time, Lin Beichen smiled and stood up: “Listening to The Crown Prince, I remember one thing, and now the situation is exactly the same!”

The Female Emperor is a little confused, at this time, do you still want to tell the old story?

But, Lin Beichen had never let her down.

He’s out on the field now, absolutely not going to talk nonsense.

After that, the Female Emperor laughed and said, “What did you hear, let the big man listen a little!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Lin Beichen straightened up and said: “I have heard: The tangerine tree grows in Huaihe in the south, it is also a tangerine tree, it grows in Huaihe in the north, it is also a tree, the leaves seem to be very similar, but the fruit is completely different! One is deliciously sweet, loved by everyone, another is hard to get into your mouth, hated by everyone!”

Lin Beichen clasped his hands and said with a smile: “Please ask your majesty, Grand Prince, and you are here, why is that?”


“A this . . .” The giant couldn’t help but fall into inner contemplation.

The first Queen asked, “Is it a different plant?”

Lin Beichen smiled and shook his head: “They are all tree-like, there is no difference!”

Xia Tianyi asked, “Is it not the same method?”

Lin Beichen shook his head again: “It’s all like that!”

The giant pondered, wanting nothing after all.

The Queen urged: “Don’t let the water drop, quickly bring the cause out!”

“It’s very simple, it’s because of the circumstances! The climate has changed, and the fruit is not the same, one is preferred by everyone, one is hated by everyone!”

“It’s like saying – it’s a piece of grass inside, there’s Thao Kinh that usually has the sun shining, so it’s lush! There’s a lack of sunlight, so it’s relatively withered!”

The giant was awakened: “Makes sense!”

“Tangerines living in Huainan make tangerines, born in Huaibei do only!”

Lin Beichen smiled and said, “Da Laixiang, it’s the same situation! Why did Da Laixiang in Daxia on the other side steal things, enter us Great Martial later, radically change to be a good person! Because circumstances change, people change too!”

“So . . .” Lin Beichen spoke with mettle and said: “We Great Martial are not the holy dragons of the earth, but the holy limbs, the senses of the limbs, the Saints who love the limbs, the Da Lai Huong this kind of daoists, will all be sensitized, be good people!”

“On the contrary, you Great Xia are in your mouths! Because like you on the other side of the situation, you can only nurture thieves, foster pirates!”

Everyone clapped and said good.

“Well said! It’s too moral!”

“Tangerines living in Huainan make tangerines, born in Huaibei do only! The Dao of Da Lai Huong came to us this place to change for the better, proving that we are not a tiger land, on the contrary, it is a holy land, holy land!”

“You Great Xia can’t even shamelessly criticize us?”

. . .

The Female Emperor didn’t say a word, but her brow furrowed, obviously happy.

Lin Beichen looked at the pale face of The Crown Prince Xia Tianyi, and said with a smile: “Because in order to prevent Da Laixiang from falling into the demon dao again, causing people to panic, we Great Martial thought deeply, feeling that we still don’t want to hand it over!”

“We’re not doing it for ourselves, it’s for the sake of mercy, for the sake of the people! The official believes, as the reigning Grand Prince, of course, understands the great cause, will definitely explain and support it at the same time!”

Xia Tianyi’s face turned black and green!

Quite, let you say alive, let you get bitten back!

If he wanted him, he wasn’t right!

To make it clear he didn’t understand the great cause well enough!

Make it clear that he is self-centered, has pity, does not pay attention to the people, does not pay attention to the people!

At this time, Xia Tianyi laughed: “Actually, just now, the palace is just a joke, and I invite you to ignore it!”

Chasing without losing face, the giant smiled, as if this was over!

Taking it, Xia Tianyi conducted a bit of a greeting ceremony, and said goodbye to the Female Emperor.

Before he left, he looked towards Lin Beichen: “Lin, we will see you tomorrow!”

Lin Beichen said loudly: “Your Highness the Grand Prince!”

Leaving the imperial palace later, Dai Xia a group of people began to strongly condemn Lin Beichen.

“It’s really a sharp tongue, and that’s how to arrange me Da Xia!”

“Don’t be afraid of Da Xia, disrespectful Your Highness, this person is worth slashing!”

“Your Highness, do you want to tell him what it’s like to have a good look?”

. . .

At this time, Xia Tianyi’s expression was restored, and he shook his head with a smile: “No! He’s just preserving the Great Martial Face, this is the body of death, what’s the sin?”

“On the contrary, the palace is extremely fond of him, can speak skillfully, multi-mindedly! Such talent, if you can work for me well! We’ve got a few days to finish, slow contact, no rush or not!”

On the other side, Lin Beichen was soon below the tide, Da Laixiang hurriedly came over.

“I heard that today, the Grand Prince of the Imperial Court, let the Female Emperor take me over, is there such a thing or not?”

Lin Beichen nodded slightly: “There is such a thing!”

Da Laixiang became even more frantic: “So how do you do it?”

Lin Beichen smiled: “What to worry about, we are absolutely incapable of bringing you out, considering that the Great Xia Emperor is useless! You’re being honest here to make you Miao!”

Da Laixiang let out a breath: “Nothing good!”

He really didn’t want to leave this place!

Although he had only been here for a month, there were too many of them to cut things!

This place is all, give him ten parts!

At this time, it was okay, the fan opened, and he was the handsome one of The Lai Huong.


“That’s right! What did you come to the Grand Prince do? Today, I found him talking to you at the time, his inner eyes hiding a flash of hatred!” Lin Beichen asked with a smile.

“I didn’t really do anything, it was me in the inner palace at the time, not careful to let him wear the green hat!” Da Laixiang waved the fan on one side, and said angrily on the other.

Lin Beichen was shocked: “What is this called not doing? You all wear green hats, this is a grudge wife, a man can’t stand this!”

“No you think it’s that complicated, in fact I said at the time, there was a green hat in his hand, which he fit in front of me, and then handedly let him carry it up!”

Lin Beichen sighed in frustration: “It’s this kind of thing, white agitated!”

“It’s just that at that time I said success, ten parts of self-restraint, then refrained from shouting, saying the prince wore a blue hat, then the whole city knew!” Da Laixiang said with a dark smile.

Lin Beichen shook his head: “It’s not feces right now, it’s hard to blame people like that!”

Da Laixiang smiled darkly, his intelligent irises spinning around, not knowing what to do with bad intentions.

Lin Beichen exclaimed: “I tell you, maybe don’t mess up! Xia Tianyuan is the Grand Prince of the Crown Prince, representing The Great Xia, if there is a problem here, a lot of things will not be good! Until then, we can’t handle you!”

Da Laixiang waved his hand: “Rest assured, I have completely amended, know what the other does, what should not be done! I wait for him to leave The Great Martial Arts and then act, I will absolutely not get involved with you!”

Lin Beichen said in a low voice: “Remember the camouflage solution! It’s best to disguise yourself as Xia Huang, the old man beats the child, the heavenly graveyard!”

Da Laixiang excitedly patted his thigh: “You are still yin enough! It’s so much fun!”

On the 2nd day, Lin Beichen went to the service, and treated Grand Prince Xia and Dai Xia a group of people.

Lin Beichen clasped his hands and said apologetically: “Your Highness, there were many desecrations yesterday, please forgive me!”

“Serious Lin, you keep the imperial court’s face, what’s the crime?” Xia Tianyi said: “Yesterday, after returning to think about it, I found that I had a disrespectful expression, and invited Lin to forgive me!”

“Your Highness!”

The two sides exchanged a laugh, laughing and talking, yesterday upwards just like that.

“Your Highness, you are coming to the sutra for the first time, what can be arranged for the journey? Please speak, help you arrange! If there is no arrangement, the official will take over for you!” Lin Beichen said with a smile.

Xia Tianyi shook his head: “There is nothing specific arranged, it is also to go a little, walk around, look a little, there is something incomprehensible, it is considered to come to relax ! Regardless, the capital outside The Heart City is bound to look!”

“It is said that The Heart City can hold more than a hundred thousand people, the result is not even three months, building up, claiming to be a miracle is not enough! So, I want to see firsthand what kind of miracle this court is!”

Lin Beichen smiled: “Good, this is the arrangement for you!”


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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