The eunuch smiled and said, “According to Yun Oanh, this is the great man who invented a new kind of eating method, called a hot pot! The food was still meat, it was all raw, but it was cut into one piece! Just put them in the boiling water inside, roll hot one, add some spices, and eat!”

“Really? Listen to ten parts that make sense! I’ve come to taste it today, there’s something magical about this fire!” The Female Emperor was excitedly lifted.

Taking it, the eunuch on the table set up a soup cooked with a coal fire, and there were lettuce and fresh meat, spices, all brought up.

These are all sub-populations, the coal fire burns itself, the main broth boils – can directly start eating.

The Female Emperor looked at the hot broth in front of her eyes, looked up at the lettuce and fresh meat, and then clamped a piece of fresh meat with her chopsticks – according to Lin Beichen, put it in the broth inside, hot one.

Because the fresh meat is extremely thin, so in the blink of an eye, it was cooked by the hot broth.

Then, being placed in a cup by the Queen not inside, cautiously tasting a piece.

However, the cooking ingredients are delicious, but warm, but the taste feels a little poor.

At this time, she saw that the side was full of spices, there was pine, sesame seeds, soy sauce, sesame oil, peppers of all kinds, thinking of the eunuch who, based on his mouth, poured them into the cup.

Give in to the flesh, full of fuss, again into your mouth.

“Mmm! Eat like that!”

At this moment, the Queen absolutely knew how to eat hot pot.

Excitement washed over a piece of meat to the broth inside, waiting for him to ripen later, into the spiced cup.

At this time, being infected with spices was not so hot, but there was fresh spices, this one ate a piece down, it was just right, the Queen in her heart was full of satisfaction.

“That’s a pleasant start to eat!”

Next, the Female Emperor basically stopped, ate a block, and the speed became faster and faster.

Next to the eunuch, his eyes widened.

Is it really that good to eat?

Want to, turn yourself around at the same table?

After about half an hour, the Queen ate well.

She was however noble Nine Five Zhi Sun, but there was very little chance of eating to such pleasure.

Because she normally had a lot of business to do, very little could be on time to eat rice.

On the other hand, The Defense was a little far away.

Making food at a time when it was basically warm, even a little cold.

Therefore, this emperor was extremely difficult to eat to a hot bar stewing food.

Especially now in the middle of winter, it’s harder to eat to a hot bar.


But at the moment, there are hot pots that are not homogeneous. Directly can eat to the hottest and freshest food, want to eat what immediately eat, want to eat immediately, completely arbitrary, comfortable and refreshing!

“I invented the hot pot method of eating, so suitable! Speaking of The Good Room, these days are based on the hot pot!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Eating well later, the Queen began to care about the nation again.

However, making her see a part of the chapter at the moment, she raised her eyebrows: “Jiang Nanzhi, the weather is yin, it rained down for a few days . . .”

Winter rains down a few days, which is not a good thing.

Winter yin, which is easily freezing to death.

After a few more days of rain, the water easily soared, the river water flowed backwards, covered the fields and villages, and drifted everywhere.

It’s cold again and it doesn’t eat, making it easier for people to die.

This kind of thing, too, is not uncommon.

The Female Emperor shook her head: “Hopefully, it’s just unprovoked sadness!”

And yet, Murphy’s law will work.

If the situation changes the possibility, no matter how small the possibility is, he will arise.

In other words, the more you don’t want to arise, the more you live.

For several days, the Female Emperor every day received bad news to Jiangnanzhi, raining down to a low level, on the contrary, there was a strong trend.

The countryside inside the area depression, now basically covered by water, travels ten parts hard.

There are a few good fields and villages, which are now also sunk.

Fortunately, the peasants soon moved away.

But, the most dangerous is still Qin Huai Mesopotamia, the river water has gradually passed all over the.

Once the levee is not reached, the river water overflows, the mesopotamian basin will be in disaster, more than a hundred thousand people will drift everywhere.

The Female Emperor repeatedly pointed out that Jiang Nan wanted to hold the, and at the same time quickly move the people’s basin, reducing the accident situation.

And yet, the scariest thing is still arising!

In the face of terrible natural accidents, manpower sometimes ran out, in general, the levee, the river water overflowed, boiled fiercely, covered along the road all villages and good fields, destroyed all, more than hundred thousand people have lost their families!

The only good news is that, because of the timely movement, the casualties are not great.

But, the food that had not yet moved, was destroyed.

This on over a million people, how is there no rice now?

The Female Emperor immediately pointed out to Jiang Nan the officials: Open the granary, devote all your efforts to saving the people!

However, Jiang Nan replied: Jiangnan has no food, begging the imperial court to support him!

At this time, the Female Emperor slapped the dragon with force, and said indignantly: “Dare to say Jiangnan has no food? I soon found out, they were all well-fed, but they were all taken away by Jiang Nan wang!”

“Your Majesty is less angry!” The mandarin exclaimed.

“How do you yield to anger?” The Female Emperor continued angrily: “The other Jiang Nan wang is a beast, a little bit of a prince! There was no sitting on the other side, which brought the interior scene unnoticed! So for self-interest, black greed, if you let him climb to the throne, do you still have a way to live?”

“Your Majesty is less angry!” He exclaimed again.

“Jiang Nan wang, let’s say, the most important thing right now is to save the people!” The Female Emperor said with a headache: “Gentlemen, Jiang Nan wang is not a paddy, what do you have?”

Speaking, his gaze turned to the senior minister of The Far Dark.

The minister stood and walked out, clasped his hands and said: “Your Majesty, this year the weather has changed unpredictably, the food harvest is affected, it is estimated to reduce the yield by two! The ministry inside, the food is limited, wants to save hundreds of thousands of people, can be compared to try their best!”

The Queen’s eyes darkened.

The minister said: “But your Majesty, we are quite far from Jiangnan, it seems that the whip of the horse also needs 2 days! It’s that we’re bringing food through now, just afraid it’s slow!”

“Whoa!” The Female Emperor sighed.

The unbridled gaze was cast on Lin Beichen, carrying an expectant look.

But, very quickly, it was gloomy.

Considering that he was supremely intelligent, what could he do?

At the moment, there is no food, there is no food, is it all talk, can’t he even turn out food?

He was a human, not a fairy!

At this moment, a soldier rushed in.

“Leopard! Jiang Nan wang and Jiang Nan the officials, bringing all the calamities out of Jiangnanzhi! At the same time, outwardly shouting propaganda, the inner capital has food! If you want to live, go to the capital to get food!”

“Peng ”

The Female Emperor was angry again: “Good a Jiang Nan Wang! Good a poison!”

“It’s evil!” Gao Tianyu smiled bitterly: “Jiang Nan wang, it is clear that you will bring hundreds of thousands of people to the court! If we ignore it, of course we lose the people, the court is in danger!”

“If we manage and let go of the granary to save the people, the victims are to save, but we do not have food on our hands, the impact is even greater! If there is a war, or there is another situation, it is absolutely unfavorable for us!”

The other officials all nodded slightly.

“That’s right, it’s a bit malevolent! Regardless of whether we govern or not, it will be lost!”


“Either lose your people, or you lose your food!”

“What’s wrong with me, what’s the point of being okay?”

. . .

With a headache, the Queen added to her headache: “Gentlemen, but what’s the matter?”

“This . . .” Bai Guan shook his head.

“Your Majesty, I have a sentence I can’t help but say!” The standing infantry came out.

“Li, what do you have to say?” The Queen asked.

“Your Majesty, at present, the great kings are extremely belligerent, there are also great states exploring, I can say that it is precarious, ten parts dangerous! Therefore, you must ensure that you have a wealth of food, so that you can deal with all the disadvantages!”

“If now, we use this food to save the people, at most it is just to harvest some good reputation! What does it do for us? Can this reputation be considered eating rice?”

“Impossible! Great kings, so fighting is still going to fight! The other nations, still the same, will continue to probe us – waiting for the opportunity! Therefore, the two generals have the right to take it lightly, they must protect the food! To the extent that the people can only see the will of God!”

“Master Li, don’t you want us to take the people unnoticed? Where do you read the sage book all your life? Are you still an individual?”

“Great Zhao, your indignation is extremely indifferent! But right now, being angry is useless! The nation, wanting to have the talent of the country with a home, we can’t keep it, how do we protect our people?”

Li Kai guang asked loudly: “Therefore, the destruction and sacrifice is not this hundred thousand people, but thousands of thousands of people! Great Zhao, the official asked you, this loss, you bear the responsibility?”

“This . . .” The minister couldn’t answer, angrily returning.

“Besides, considering you’re going to save now, you can save it?” The high priest said loudly: “We are more than 800 miles away from Jiangnan, bringing food to Jiangnan, the fastest time is 10 days, everyone is starving, how can we save? You say to yourself, how do we save? Save it?”

Everyone was asked unanswered.

Li Kai guang sighed and said: “Your Majesty, say a difficult word, at this time, the people can’t calculate people! They were hungry, they all ate, risked their rituals, and held animals no differently! So, we take the nation seriously, these people still don’t want to save, let them kill themselves!”

With a sigh, the anguished Queen closed her eyes.

The imperial court entered silent without speaking inside.

At this moment, a resounding sound echoed the court.

“I think the people need to be saved!”



Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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