“I definitely have eyes without irises! Just thinking about me being stupid because he does so many things, the possibility of someone dying because of me, I also feel like I’m full of blood and filth!”

Guo Shaoyu raised his face to the sky and sighed: “I’m not 20 years old, why do you want to take it all in?”

“Young Marshal, don’t think so much, thinking a lot will only find trouble on your own!” Lin Beichen let out a cry.

“Dude, are you comforting me?” Guo Shaoyu was a little touched.

Lin Beichen shook his head: “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean this at all!”

Guo Shaoyu: “. . .”

Lin Beichen fingered in the distance: “You see that the river is not there?”

“See, how?” Guo Shaoyu didn’t understand.

“It’s jianghe gold, the river is fast-flowing, at least there are three deep staffs!” Lin Beichen said sincerely: “If you really think about it, then jump away, this kind of affliction you don’t have, you can atone for your sins!”

Guo Shaoyuan: “Gah!”

Her children . . .

I came to you for comfort, and you pulled my strings to jump the river!

Is there still a little bit of humanity?

Lin Beichen patted Guo Shaoyu on the shoulder with force: “Rest assured, I will absolutely not hold you tight, nor will I give others a chance to save you, you can safely die!”

Guo Shaoyuan: “Gah!”

“I feel like you’re still a good thing alive!”

Guo Shaoyu was filled with genital bridges and said, “It’s just, I don’t know what to do right now? Lin dude, you are highly talented, you are brave, can you teach me a little?”

“Just now, didn’t I teach you?” Lin Beichen winked and said.

“Teach, no a?” Guo Shaoyu became even more fascinated.

“Teach, I taught you two kinds of methods!” Lin Beichen raised his fingertips: “First, you can go up and hang yourself! Second, you can jump the river to kill yourself! These are the two largest types of painless methods! If you still don’t like it – you can hold your sword at your neck, simple! You picked one yourself?”

Guo Shaoyuan: “Gao!”

To say it back and forth is to let me die!

What do we come to the end of, what do you want to treat me like that?

Guo Shaoyu was very desperate, feeling that he was looking for the wrong person!

“Now, come across me comforting, how does it feel?” Lin Beichen asked with a smirk.

“Comfort dude, my heart is colder!” Guo Shaoyu touched the heart in his chest, saying so.

“It’s hot, it’s good! For the time being, go back to rest, have a nightmare in the evening!” Lin Beichen waved his hand.

Guo Shaoyu’s mouth shrank: “Dude, I’m going to go first!”

In the end, at Lin Beichen below, Mo Xuanyu thought clearly, decided to reform the regulars, moved his head to Lin Beichen on this side, and continued to be the liaison.

Lin Beichen was very excited, but these two people were a little stupid, but it was good!


Deceive up, one versus one easy!

Especially Mo Like Dew, this silly woman, Lin Beichen felt that he didn’t need to cheat!

Just by looking at this face, it is possible to make the opponent do everything!

“Lucky to meet me, it’s not like the seller is replacing the person who makes the money, not even the number for me! At least, I’m just asking you for one person, the other doesn’t care!”

Thus, after a day, Lin Beichen finally arrived at the inner city.

The drought had long been met with good rain, and the evening with Li Su was a comforting one, a night of feng shui that went without saying.

Day 2, again early tide.

The full-faced Female Emperor looked at Lin Beichen: “Lin, you certainly don’t let me down! In the evening to Tangzhou, the 2nd day did not waste a good army to deal with the rebels! Great Martial has you, you’re lucky!”

“It’s all your majesty’s merits, you don’t dare to take credit!” Lin Beichen sighed.

“Lin Aiqing, go ahead and listen to Feng!” The Female Emperor shouted loudly.

“!” Lin Beichen took a step forward.

The Female Emperor said loudly: “At the Great War Sect Master inside, Lin volunteered to take the lead, bringing the two Apostolic Masters to leave the capital, avoiding frequent damage, reducing many casualties, preserving my face!”

“In the inner training water, in time to detect the high-ranking people who want to sabotage the military exercise, steal me the airbag, and at the same time inform the court, recover many losses, once again preserve my face!”

“Now, deal with Tang Zhou again, ten great merits!”

“Therefore, special agent Lin Ai is promoted to one level, because it is the four officials, continue to be in the Imperial Palace!”

“Good field hundred acres, white money, Jade Dragon pearl 10 tablets . . .”

Later, it was a succession of pompous rewards.

Lin Beichen had all become habitual!

It’s also a habit!

And yet, considering that he had become a habit, he was still very jealous!

It’s crazy!

Let this king rise again!

Moreover at himself under the eyelids!

But to think of the other party for the past few days, it’s all natural, there’s no objection to the status!

It can only be said that this little fox is getting harder and harder to deal with!

After the award was completed, Lin Beichen said loudly: “Your Majesty!”

The Female Emperor smiled and said, “Lin, you are the pillar of the country, I value you very much! I hope you continue not to forget, grind forward, for the sake of the people!”

“Yes, Your Majesty! The current god has a starting capital!”

“Sweetheart, there’s something to talk about!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Lin Beichen raised his head, wiped a tear, and said: “This time, I only went to Tang Zhou to recruit the counter-army, which was already embracing the mind-suppressing army! And yet these people are anti-establishment, touching the vi god very much!”

“They however killed the general and the heavenly general, but inwardly but as old remembered The Great Martial, still the same made themselves the Great Martial Soldier, unwilling to leave! Because they knew how to leave later, they were honest!”

“After all, volunteering to take over the 10 scepters, also want to return to the barracks! This is how lovely a soldier is, how patriotic a soldier is, how lovely is this a!”

The sympathetic Queen nodded slightly.

“And yet, there are people for their own sake, embezzling these soldiers, not bringing soldiers as lookers, not fighting, scolding, really evil crimes, unforgivable!”

“And this kind of person, don’t know how many there are?”

“Your Majesty!” Lin Beichen clasped his hands, and said sincerely: “Need to know, the people are the root country, the soldiers are the base nation! If you don’t keep the generals’ interests, then of course the military mind is unstable, the combat power is completely absent, what is the ability to protect me Great Martial Land, protect me Great Martial Sect? Then we Great Martial, will destroy!”

“You’re right!” The Female Emperor nodded slightly: “So, what do you suggest?”

“Definitely investigate, check all the generals! Once you find out, don’t give in!” Lin Beichen spoke with mettle and said, “Because the so-called upper unrighteousness is in chaos! I feel – maybe first follow the infantry, then slowly expand the whole army!”

The Queen Emperor smiled and said, “You make sense! This is Lin you said, so this is from you to the charge, I trust you will definitely complete this task, will not let me down!”

Lin Beichen was a little dreamy, he didn’t even say it himself, the Female Emperor immediately gave this task to him!

True authenticity . . .

What a knowing of his heart!

Lin Beichen said with great joy: “Your Majesty, I will definitely die, and stop it!”

The high priests and the bureaucrats were all furrowed!

If you let this mess come in charge of this, you’ll have to go to their house and clean it up!

The ministry, too, is a trail!

Twice a, stealing to go in, both of them were tears running out!

Li Kai guang was a little panicked and said, “Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible!”

“What’s impossible? Isn’t that the other one?” The Female Emperor said.

“The other one, but there’s no need to hand it over to Lin!”

“I feel like it’s not bad to give it to Lin! A few times before, Lin Ai did very well, extremely excellently! It’s a matter that doesn’t bother the two masters, so it’s still for Lin to handle it!” The Queen said with a smile.

Lin Beichen’s brow furrowed: “Your Majesty!”

Li Kai guang was frantic: “Your Majesty, it’s not possible . . .”

“Li Kai guang, you shut up!” The Female Emperor shouted: “One thing, I didn’t even look for you! You’re now three times four times, do you have a problem yourself?”

“Your Majesty, you misunderstand me, I am a piece of iron heart . . .”

“Shut up, you’re not in a position to talk now!” The Female Emperor shouted again.

Li Kai guang closed his mouth.


He was a little shocked.

The Female Emperor opened her eyebrows!

Since Lin Beichen entered the court as an official, she has become more and more pronged!

Because, Lin Beichen’s ability is too strong, like everything he knows, helps her solve a lot of problems, does not let her be like that!

Don’t rely on, nature is prongs!

“So, this matter is put Lin in charge! Whoever dares to obstruct this, does not submit to the arrangement, the other is the same one that cannot pass, I will not give in!” The Majestic Queen said.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The reluctant official spoke up.

Holding the great power later, Lin Beichen sharpened his sword and pointed at the infantry.

In order to pay homage to the high priest, Lin Beichen decided to follow his house first.

This one round came later, considering the value of 350 lakh gold and silver treasures.

“Agent, you know what to do? There’s no need to teach you either?” Lin Beichen stood at a pile of gold and silver treasures in front of him, and said with a smile.

“Lin Beichen, do you really want that so much?” Li Kai guang said angrily.

“Agent, look at you this . . . The bureaucracy has opened a path! It’s just that considering you’re home, you’re still the same head, you’re saying I’m too much?” Lin Beichen said.

“I’m too much, I don’t have you too much!” Li Kai guang said: “The mandarin is only 300 lakhs, but you have participated in more than 1000 lakhs, what are your qualifications to teach the mandarin?”

“Agent Li, I understand you very well now! But if you don’t coordinate, I can’t do anything other than invite the saint to punish you!”

“My punishment?” Li Kai guang laughed coldly: “Who dares to take it down? It must be known that in recent years, if it weren’t for the fact that I accepted the infantry, the infantry would have rebelled soon, the Great Martial Army would have rebelled! Therefore, your majesty will absolutely not touch me halfway!”

“Agent Li, you are half a person, how can you do it now! No one had touched you before, it was because no one could replace you! Once someone replaces you, it’s okay for you to have it without it, eventually turning into nothing?”

“Who can replace you?” Li Kai guang said cockily.

Lin Beichen pointed to himself: “I!”

Li Kai guang: “You?”

Lin Beichen nodded: “It’s me!”

Li Kai guang: “What talent do you have?”

Lin Beichen smiled and opened his hand and said: “Li, you can ask this question too outside the profession! What do you say, by your instincts, and your opponents, on what can’t sit on this position?”



The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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