Without a doubt, this young person is also the same Sword Fairy known as the Holy Sword!

It wasn’t, it wouldn’t give Lin Beichen such great pressure.

Facing the other party, Lin Beichen shook his head: “I’m not!”

“Right?” asked The Holy Sword incredulously: “I heard that, sitting at The Golden Wall Yun Xa inside the most handsome person is also Lin Beichen, Sword Fairy! Not you, who could it be?”

Looking at it, this is the Holy Sword according to words, too level!

After that, Lin Beichen hurriedly nodded: “You said that one is handsome to Lin Beichen, it is Xia! But, the authentic dude is not the Sword Fairy! It’s all outside hearing the wrong rumors, can’t be considered real!”

“Not likely! Sect Master can’t be humiliated, who dares to fake the Sword Fairy? If it’s fake, the other party claims to come looking for you! But there isn’t, make it clear you’re his good friend!”

The Holy Sword, who had appeared in the carriage, appeared in the carriage.

“Protect the dude!” Mo Like Dew 2 people were dismayed, rushed to draw their swords, and the result was unmoving.

“I’m in good spirits today, no murder!”

The healthy Saint Sword followed beside them, walked over to Lin Beichen in front of him, glared at him, and said with a smile: “Young man, whether you are interested or not, you will not ask for this opportunity!”

Lin Beichen was a little dreamy!

These guys are a bit of a jerk, not that they want to invite me to drink, they don’t want me to invite him to drink!

“I don’t have any money, you want to drink for someone else!” Lin Beichen didn’t hesitate.

The Holy Sword was stunned, and from top to bottom, Lin Beichen glanced a little: “You are so well dressed, your figure is smooth and the flesh is soft, and you say that you don’t have any money?”

“That’s for sure, because I go out with no money — normally it’s someone else who invites me!” Lin Beiyang was pleased with Yang Yang.

“It seems that you are still the one with the status ! Regardless, it’s not for you to invite me today!” the Sword Saint put his hand on Lin Beichen on his shoulder, and said with a small smile: “Young man, let’s go with the coordinates, you are a rebuff!”

In an instant, the two disappeared into the car.

Not long after, they showed up at a small tavern inside.

The restaurant is not big, compared to the deserted corner, the food and wine are also common, but as the Holy Sword you eat up to ten parts of the pleasure.

It seemed that whatever came into his mouth was delicious.

At this time, Mo Nhu Suo 2 people gave chase.

Being stopped by Lin Beichen, there was no movement.

But, still, the same resentment in front of us sits without sitting generals, standing without standing generals.

“Yoke” The Holy Sword beat a full burp, and said with a smile: “This is a very pleasant, pleasant meal! Indeed, it is still the capital inside the most delicious food! Eat well, do the main thing!”

Speaking, bringing himself to be placed in Lin Beichen in front of him.

“I ask you, this sword, and the Sword Fairy Sword, who is strong and who is weak?”

Lin Beichen thought to himself, the reason is that through him, listen to the Sword Fairy with the same level of strength.


Lin Beichen just threw a glance, pouted and said: “You are a universal sword, and the Sword Fairy is eight and a half pounds!”

“High school? Do you even say the universal version? Did you come to know the goods?”

“I understand a sword, write Yuan Yueyuan!”

Lin Beichen opened his mouth: “Blue sword, like a crescent new moon, so call the name! This sword is very strong, nothing is not broken, the speed is extremely fast, holding the heavenly heavenly sutra, the demonic ecstasy sword must be afraid! Whoever takes this sword, has a chance to become a powerhouse!”

“If, as you say, the other one is a good sword, and the same sword is no less!” cried the Holy Sword.

Lin Beichen continued to say: “But, don’t look at this sword that is beautiful, powerful, it is a magic sword, an evil sword! Mortals who wield human swords, will be enchanted by it and infected, thereby falling into the demonic path, absolutely absolute, will only kill! Except for the great human wisdom, the human will, no one can escape the Demon Sword!”

“There’s a lack of protection, but it doesn’t hurt! It is not possible to hold a sword in one’s disposition, faith is not enough, capacity is not enough, so it will be held by the sword in one’s hands!” said The Holy Sword.

“And yet, someone uses a wooden sword, defeating this one!”

Biblical Executioner: “What? Use a wooden sword to defeat The Sword, how is this possible?”

“What a wooden sword! It is extremely common to make wooden heads, the ability is not equal to a hard milling knife! However, the opponent relied on this to make the universal wooden sword, defeating the Demon Sword!”

Lin Beichen smiled: “And holding a human sword, it’s the Master Demon!”

The Holy Sword was stunned once more: “But also the master?”

He asked urgently, “How is he to defeat The Sword?”

Lin Beichen shook his head: “I don’t know ! Regardless, he defeated The Demon Sword and later said only one sentence: “Some people, even though the sword god is in his hand, also lawlessly become the Middle God Sword!”

“Even though the sword god is in his hand, it is also lawless to become the Sword God!” whispered The Holy Sword.

It always felt like this sentence was very simple, but it contained a little bit of reasoning.

Lin Beichen faintly drank: “You said, you said that the sword with the wooden sword, who is strong and who is weak?”

“This . . . I’m not!”

The Blade Saint at the corner of his mouth was a little bitter: “If there is no sword, there is no way to win the sword itself! But the enemy can do it, win the sword, win the ghost, win the mind, win yourself! Indeed, in the senior sword, The Middle Zhi God!”

“I even knew there was a sword, named Heavenly Sword!” Lin Beichen said.

“Heavenly Sword! It’s a big weapon!” the Holy Sword didn’t submit.

Like him, one of the great swordsmen, who did not have the self-proclaimed Heavenly Sword, what kind of status did the opponent have?

“This sword is equivalent to the hegemony, which is innumerable while actually summing up the sword, there is the Heavenly Sword Of Determination! Once executed, such as the Heavenly Fairy wind, the ten thousand heavenly will, the great magic, the honor of the invincible heavenly sword!”

“But holding a human sword, with this sword, reaching the sword, the sword fused within the realm! In the end, it is more about trying to take a step forward, reaching the outer realm, there is nothing else in the realm, which can be caused by the Dao Dao!”

“To the sword, the sword merges!”

“Outside, nothing else!”

The Holy Sword took a sip of cold air: “This is a good sword, it is not too good to call the Heavenly Sword!”

Lin Beichen smiled: “Your sword and his sword, who is strong and who is weak?”

“I’m not equal!” the Holy Sword bowed shamefully.

He however claimed to be the Holy Sword, but when it came to the sword, the realm fusion sword was not completely reached!

Let alone that there was nothing else behind the outer relic!

“I even know that there is a sword, write Xiao Li Feiyi!”

“This blade, with his blade, is a little different!”

“What’s the difference?” asked The Holy Sword humbly.

In front of the two swords, she was stunned, this one in the back, up and down?

“This is a universal sword, it is extremely common iron made into, no need for iron and steel!”

“He doesn’t have that many divisional realms, he doesn’t have that many moves, he only has one sword!”

“This blade is also fast, extremely fast!”

“Before that, you are absolutely not going to look at this blade! But when you spotted this blade at the time, it was basically dead! There are no people, maybe at this place under the sword of life!”

“What is this?” the Ten-Part Saint didn’t understand.

In front of Ma Dao and Tian Dao, their realm, he could even reluctantly explain.

But this blade, just fast . . .

What does this count?

He’s fast, too!

But there is also no such thing as the enemy talking about a form, holding terror as a lethal force!

“Because your blade isn’t fast enough, it’s impossible to understand!”

“Because of the so-called: Martial arts, nothing does not break, nothing does not break! In this world, martial arts, after all, simply pursuing is the same force of speed! Both sides can take it one, you are the champion!”

Lin Beichen shouted: “His sword, this is also the champion of a sword, pursuing the extreme speed of a sword! Converging the whole body of spirit qi one sword!”

“This is to ignore it all, forget yourself, carry all the faith, bravely move towards faith!”

“Only trust me to be invincible, can emit this heavenly horror, terrifying the demon god of terror!”

“Avoiding is also impossible to avoid, it is impossible to avoid, there is only one way to die!”

“This is a one-bladed champion!”

The Great Saint Sword vibrated!


Martial arts, nothing does not break, only fast does not break, makes the speed promote to the extreme of the moment, is also unbeatable!

This blade is also a full-body convergence of one-bladed spirit qi, reaching the extreme speed of a sword!

This is ignoring it all, bravely moving towards a sword!

It’s faith!

Only believing that I am invincible, can unleash the heavenly demon god sutra with a sword!

This is to be avoided and neither avoided nor avoided, only one way to die!

Good champion a blade!

The Holy Sword hurriedly queried: “What is this?”

“Xiao Feiyue!” Lin Beichen smiled and said, “Xiao Feiyue, Li Feiyue!”

The Holy Sword excitedly patted his thigh: “Good one Little Li Fei! Good one Little Li Feiyue! Only then will he win a sword, absolutely will not come back empty-handed! Ha ha!”

“What a sword! Great one! I’d love to see it once!” Guo Shaoyu was fascinated.

“Master, don’t meet! You didn’t listen to the dude, you’re all dead!” Mo Xiang said.

Guo Shaoyu shuddered a little, and laughed a little.

Lin Beichen asked, “This sword, with your sword, who is strong and who is weak?”

The Holy Sword at the corner of his mouth was bitter: “I’m not equal to that!”

“Although the sword is fast, there is absolutely no fast Xiao Fei Dao! Because he has a whole body of spiritual qi, the map in front of him is not even achieved, nor can he find the initiation of the dharma!”

“His sword is faith, holding all faith, ignoring everything, reaching selflessness, being able to claim victory! But the current map does not even dare to claim the championship, nor does it have the belief of championing, naturally it is inferior!”

“The coordinates are crazy, but it’s his sword, the coordinates are really poor!”

“Your sword is inferior to the other ordinary sword, compared to the other the extreme Dao sword that causes the Heavenly Sword, and compared to the less than the Immortal Li Fei. . . . So, your sword is not universal, what is it?” Lin Beichen said loudly.

“Authenticity shames you ! Regardless, these things really exist, why haven’t you heard of them? Are you braided to my dreams?” the Holy Sword let out a questioning flash.

Lin Beichen calmly drank his wine, and said: “You can only say that you have long hair, short knowledge! If it doesn’t exist, how can I have a hand tied to a non-tight cock, not through a reader’s box?”

“That’s right!” nodded The Sword Saint, “It’s not in the senior sword, it’s basically not like that! Don’t know where the other three seniors are? Listening to the Tao without seeing people, it’s a pity!”

After saying that, he looked at Lin Beichen with expectant eyes.



Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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