As Zhou Jiang guessed, the support troops sent by the Alliance finally arrived just after four o'clock in the evening.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang and the others had already greeted the thunder and lightning beasts before, so when the helicopter rumblingly flew over and landed in the vacated space, the elves were just curiously watching with their heads high and did not make What an offensive move.

A total of two transport helicopters came, and it seemed that there were not many people.

Sure enough, after the door was opened, there were only twenty people who got off the plane, including the pilot.

Except for the elder Zheng Guoqiang, the leader of the team, the others ordered the elves to start unloading the things on the transport plane.

Zheng Guoqiang wore a white Tang suit and white horse coat with an inch head. Although he is an old man in his sixties, he is still energetic, especially his serious face and falcon-like eyes make people know at a glance that he is a character not to be underestimated.

After staring at him, Zhou Jiang instantly felt that he was back in his school days, and then made a mistake when he met the head teacher.

Scalp tingling...

But fortunately, his temperament is already very good now, and because of some reasons he is immune to the aura released by others, so he just froze for a while, and then he returned to normal.

It was Chen Ziang who was behind Zhou Jiang and the others were frightened by Zheng Guoqiang's aura. After Zhou Jiang took the lead and walked towards Zheng Guoqiang, they reacted and quickly followed.

Zhou Jiang and the others came to Zheng Guoqiang and looked at this serious and imposing old man from close range.

Zheng Guoqiang and Zhou Jiang looked at each other and saw that Zhou Jiang did not even feel scared under his own aura. While surprised, they nodded in satisfaction.

Zhou Jiang took the lead in breaking the silence and said to Zheng Guoqiang: "Hello, Senior Zheng!"

Zheng Guoqiang nodded and nodded his head, and said, "You are Zhou Jiang, I have heard of you. Very good, worthy of being a trainer favored by all the kings.

Although Zhao Tianwang asked me to train you, I would not admit to unqualified students. Even if Zhao Tianwang asked me, if you are not qualified, I will only do something to you. Basic training only, but now after seeing you. "

After a pause, Zheng Guoqiang looked at Zhou Jiang again, and almost didn't look at Zhou Jiang before he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very well, I am very satisfied!"

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Seeing Zheng Guoqiang who was talking there, Zhou Jiang was speechless.

And this learning and cultivating elves need to be qualified or not?

It is absolutely absolutely.

What about fantasy?

But although I feel speechless, since he passed his so-called "test" without twists and turns, so be it.

However, Zhou Jiang was quite curious about the content of the study.

Before, Zhao Feng didn’t tell him exactly what to learn. He just said that only the older generation of trainers could understand something, so he agreed, but now he still doesn’t know what to learn. thing.

So Zhou Jiang asked him curiously: "Um, senior... I want to ask, what are you going to teach me?"

"Oh? Zhao Tianwang didn't tell you what to learn?" Zheng Guoqiang asked.

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Yes, he just said before that I should learn from you."

Zheng Guoqiang nodded and said he understood, and then said: "The thing you want to learn from me is very simple, that is,'body exercise'!"

"Body tempering?" Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised

This does it feel that it is not for elves, but for people...

Or is he thinking too much and misunderstanding?

"Yes,'Body Training'." Zheng Guoqiang nodded, a trace of triumph flashed across his serious face.

Zhou Jiang nodded and didn't ask any more, anyway, Zheng Guoqiang had promised to teach him, and by then he would know what it was.

"By the way, let your elves and the things we bring to you first." With that, Zheng Guoqiang turned and walked towards the airplane behind.

After Zheng Guoqiang left, Chen Ziang and the others took a few steps and surrounded Zhou Jiang in the middle.

Chen Yongan secretly glanced at Zheng Guoqiang, who was already on the plane, and his figure was gone, and said in a low voice, "Wow, that old man has a terrifying aura, I was almost scared to pee just now!"

Listening to Chen Yongan's words, Zhou Jiang turned his head and gave him a strange look.

Very powerful?

very horrifying?

Okay, horror is really scary, but Zhou Jiang thinks that it’s because of his stern face. In his previous life, the head teacher of his junior high school was an old man who was about to retire. He was very old-fashioned and serious. The scary face, once a mistake is made, that stern look can almost kill.

Of course, the old man was not just a little serious, nor was he a bad person. He can be said to be dedicated to every student, but he is dedicated to his duties, but this does not affect everyone's feelings of fear of him. At that time, Zhou Jiang was also super introverted, so he was afraid of the old man to death. Even now, he still has an indelible "shadow" in his heart.

Zhou Jiang's fear at the beginning was because he brought Zheng Guoqiang into his old class, that's why he felt scared. Later, when he came back to his senses and figured it out, there was nothing left.

But Chen Yongan said that he was scary and terrifying... Could it be that he was the same as him, had a similar old class before, and recalled the fear of being dominated by the old class?

Zhou Jiang's thoughts turned quickly, thinking about this, Zhou Jiang heard Chen Ziang's voice.

"It's really horrible, that breath, it's as if it's really going to be killed, I don't dare to look at him." Chen Ziang said with lingering fear.

However, he was worried about being heard by Zheng Guoqiang, who returned to the plane to take things, so his voice was also very low.

Chen Fan didn't say anything, but judging from his constantly nodding head, he knew that he was shocked just now.

Originally thought that it was a coincidence that Chen Yongan was afraid, but now that Chen Ziang and Chen Fan also said that they were frightened by Zheng Guoqiang's momentum, Zhou Jiang would have to consider whether he had a problem next week.

Why is he different from them and didn't feel the other's momentum or something?

Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Jiang and asked curiously: "Speaking of how you did it, Zhou Jiang, you actually talked to him under that momentum without changing your face. To be honest, even now, I still have a quick jump. ."

Chen Fan and Chen Ziang nearby also nodded, looking at him curiously.

Just when Zhou Jiang was about to speak, they found that the three of them had retracted their heads and backed two steps together. They came behind Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang looked forward and realized that Zheng Guoqiang was back. No wonder the three of them were like this. obedient……

Zheng Guoqiang walked to Zhou Jiang and the others, and then gave Zhou Jiang a small bag and a red and white ball in his hand.

"This is your fire-breathing dragon and supplies."

"Thank you, senior!" Zhou Jiang took two things, rubbed the surface of the poke ball a little, and then reduced it and received it inside the space ring. As for the backpack with supplies, he could not put it in, so he could only carry it with his hands. .

The money for the purchase of these materials has been given before, so there is no need to give it anymore now.

"Okay, I have the things for you. I'm going to get busy first, and then talk." Zheng Guoqiang said, then turned and left.

Seeing Zheng Guoqiang talking next to a staff member who was instructing the elf to move things, Zhou Jiang shrugged and walked back with the small bag. Chen Ziang behind him quickly followed.

After walking a certain distance, Zhou Jiang asked them: "What do you mean by the momentum you just said, did Senior Zheng just do something?"

"Huh? You didn't feel it?" Chen Ziang, who had been walking behind him for a while, came to him in a stride and asked when he heard Zhou Jiang's words.

Zhou Jiang frowned slightly for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "No, but I was really frightened when I saw him at first, but that was because I saw that he thought of a stern elder before and reacted later. I don't feel much afterwards."

"Isn't it?" Chen Ziang and the three of them looked at each other in surprise.

Chen Fan was puzzled: "Could it be that the momentum was aimed at us, not Zhou Jiang?"

As soon as Chen Fan finished speaking, Chen Ziang said: "This is impossible. Didn't Senior Zheng say that Zhou Jiang passed his test? It is estimated that Zhou Jiang was not afraid under the pressure of his aura, so it is impossible to target us only. ."

Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Jiang's face, then looked at his chest, jokingly said: "Could it be that Zhou Jiang has grown a big heart and won't be frightened by the aura?"

"Thinking too much." Zhou Jiang vomited: "How could there be such a thing?"

"Then why don't you feel it, even if you haven't been scared, it's too much to feel it at all, it's simply unscientific!"

"Huh? Are you telling me that the ‘momentum’ thing is science?" Zhou Jiang gave me a funny expression on your face.

"Ahem, this thing should be regarded as science?" Chen Yongan said embarrassingly, and then looked at Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "This thing is not easy to explain, but strictly speaking, it cannot be said to be in the category of science, right? It is metaphysics?"

Chen Fan vomited: "It doesn't matter if he is scientific or unscientific, the question now is not why Zhou Jiang would not feel the oppression of Senior Zheng's aura?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry about this thing, it's time to order dinner, let's cook, do more this time, give Senior Zheng and the others a "reception feast"?"

Chen Ziang rolled his eyes, looked at Zhou Jiang, then looked at Chen Yongan and said, "It's okay to cook, you guys have to come and help!"

"Ahem, of course, how could we be idle at this time, aren't we one?" Chen Yongan smiled wryly.

"Hey~ What "we are one", don't say so ambiguous!" Zhou Jiang couldn't help shivering.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Chen Fan looked at Zhou Jiang with some confusion, Chen Ziang and Chen Fan were also a little puzzled, not understanding what was wrong with this sentence.

"Okay, okay, it's my problem, don't think too much, let's get to work." Seeing that they don't understand, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to explain to them what philosophy is. The four people live here together. What if he utters the concept of "philosophy" and makes them think he is gay...

So this thing is still rotten in the stomach.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang didn't say anything and started to take out the kitchen utensils, Chen Ziang and the others didn't ask much, and quickly stepped forward and started to get started.

By the time dinner was over, it was already past six o'clock, and it was almost two hours spent!

Although there were twenty-four people, it didn't take such a long time. The main reason was that another wave of "different world" elves came out while they were eating.

This time, there were a little more elves in the "other world", and there were more than ten in number. Although the elves guarding the big pit were immediately destroyed, they were sitting with Zhou Jiang and eating together. Senior Zheng was somewhat interested in Zhou Jiang and the others keeping those elves there, and then after everyone chatted, they talked farther and After finally chatting high, Zheng Guoqiang seemed to drank fake wine. In general, I talked to them endlessly, all kinds of things, such as the things he used to be a trainer, the things that he was on the side after he came out of the "other world", the things he guarded, etc., looking at his seriousness With his face on the ground and his constantly moving mouth, he looked at the juice in the cup in front of him, and Zhou Jiang felt something magical.

Sure enough, Huaxia’s wine table asked that the best way to improve relationships is to sit down and eat together.

After seeing Zheng Guoqiang in the "nagging forever" mode, Chen Ziang's fear of him disappeared. After all, they were afraid of him because of his serious face and the terrifying aura that Chen Ziang said. He is a serious and old-fashioned person. Now that he sees this side of him, the character image is divided much slowly, and the relationship is getting closer at the table.

Washing the dishes, listening to Chen Ziang and Chen Yongan’s feelings of fear disappeared, they chatted in a low voice about the story that Zheng Guoqiang told before, Zhou Jiang glanced and sat on a small stool in the distance looking at documents and other things. Zheng Guoqiang suspected that he was deliberately talking too much at the dinner table.

After all, Chen Ziang and the others were a little afraid of him, he couldn't possibly fail to see it, so he deliberately "blew himself up" just to make a good relationship with them?

I have to say that if this is the case, then he is really good. An elder in his sixties who is about to enter the old stage can also pull his face down and do it.

But no matter what, it doesn’t matter what happened to Zhou Jiang. After all, he is not afraid of Zheng Guoqiang. However, it is good for Zheng Guoqiang and Chen Ziang to have a good relationship with them. At least they will still live together here for a period of time. If the relationship is not good, it will be troublesome if something happens then.

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