For Zhou Jiang and the others, the sound came from Lu Ran and the others. When they looked over, they saw Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen rubbing their ears, and there was a small magnetic monster lying on the grass in front of them. , The little magnetic monster is surrounded by ten little magnetic monsters.

These little magnetic monsters belonged to Zhou Jiang and the others. After the previous team battle, these little magnetic monsters didn't fly over them all the time. Instead, they gathered together to act as microphones and talk to Lu Ran and the others.

As for clearly one is enough, why are all the little magnetic monsters there... Who knows, it's not a big deal anyway.

But now... Zhou Jiang and the others ran over and looked at the little magnetic monsters who were lying on the ground. The steel body was a little black but did not lose the fighting ability. Then they looked at Lu Ran and the others.

"How are you, what happened, were attacked?" Tian Zhengjie and the others asked Lu Ran and the others, and Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaido, Shanaido shook her head, saying that she had found nothing.

"Explain in advance, we didn't do it!" Mazi raised his hand, showing a wave of presence, and then he was pulled back by the ordinary man. What a shame...

Zhou Jiang ignored the pockmarked face.

As for what he said was not what they did? Of course not...their elves are here, they have all been killed, and they have always been with Zhou Nan and the others, it is naturally impossible, even if there are, their elves can not hide from Shanaido's detection...

" my ears hurt." Lu Ran shook his head, then looked at everyone with a wry smile, "Don't worry, no one is attacking, but I don't know how, the communicator on the little magnetic monster suddenly It exploded..."

"..." Zhou Jiang turned and looked at the little magnetic monster lying on the ground, and found that the instrument on its body was indeed exploded, and the camera and display board were directly exploded in pieces. Take a closer look, there are a few more. A fragment lay at his feet.

"So...the machines it brought exploded?!" Everyone was a little confused, this cheating, this can even explode...

Think about it again that they usually fly above everyone's head, if they suddenly come like this...

Everyone suddenly felt a bit of cold, and one was not good. This would be deadly!

"This is too..." Wang Qingyan and the third daughter's face was a little scared and ugly, and even the lively river water couldn't get up. Now.

"What about the official host? Shouldn't this kind of thing give us an explanation? Such a dangerous thing, I dare to use it, what if it blows up!" Zhou Jiang poked the one that didn't explode. A few little magnetic monsters were a little angry. Although I don't know who the little magnetic monster that exploded originally belonged to, it was definitely one of them.

Usually they are very close, if it suddenly explodes, the flying debris will definitely affect them!

Even if the elves are protected, what if?

Who is right, and their elves were all put in the poke ball before, if it suddenly comes like this, tut!

Zhou Jiang and the others are a bit angry, but Mazi Lian and the three of them are both angry and relieved.

The one who is angry is the ragged thing given by the government. Will Zhou Jiang's and theirs explode, but theirs will not explode? The reason for the relief is naturally that they have been eliminated, and there is no need to worry about it anymore, even if it will explode, it will not have much to do with them afterwards.

Chen Qizhen shook her head, "I don't know, after the explosion, no sound came from there."


Tian Zhengjie looked at the bunch of intact little magnetic monsters and frowned, "The machines carried by these little magnetic monsters are good. Then be careful that the camera should take pictures of the previous situation. We are here waiting for the official Let me know, anyway, there is no rule that you cannot stay where you are."

Everyone nodded and agreed with him. Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng looked at each other and walked towards the place where they were sitting before.

It didn't matter if they continued to stand. Now Lu Ran and the others are safe. They are not injured, and they are not crying in fear. If it weren't for the noises, explosions, and the little magnetic monsters that fell on the ground, it would be the same as usual.

Only when he turned around, Zhou Jiang's ghost glanced at Xue Lu.

At this time, Xue Lu frowned slightly and looked at Lu Ran and the others, her eyes drifting a little, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Of course, Zhou Jiang didn't notice these either.

He just subconsciously glanced over there, it was completely non-brained, unless it was her expression fluctuations or something, otherwise he would not notice.

Three o'clock.

At this time, everyone had been waiting here for a while, but neither the so-called official explanation nor the staff leaving with the pockmarked trio did not appear.

Everyone was divided into three groups and sat under the tree.

Zhou Jiang and the others were with Mazilian and the three boys, Wang Qingyan and the other four girls, and Tian Zhengjie and the three teachers.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten what they had done before, and they were all chatting and laughing, but from time to time, someone would frown and look around, wanting to see a figure in special clothing.

At this time, Zhou Jiang already knew the three of Mazilian and they were able to talk.

The seven of them sat together, with Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan's "matchmaking", naturally they quickly met each other.

Mazimian is called Xu Hui, the ordinary man is Ye Bingwen, and the handsome man is Zhao Junao. The three of them are in the same community and the same building. They met when they were young, plus the same school and the same grade, although the classes are different, But slowly I met and became friends until now.

They are indeed the same as Zhou Jiang thought. Two years after graduation, they are still continuing to practice. Their goal is to challenge the alliance and get a ranking!

As for the first place? Just think about it. Before graduating, they dared to speak harshly. Now they have been traveling for two years, and they have seen the cruelty of society...the first thing, just think about it.

When they talked about their goal, Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed because...

Seeing Xu Feng and their eyes look like monsters, Zhou Jiang was awkward and proud.

"Sa Sa Sa~"

Suddenly, there was a sound of grass and leaves rubbing in the distance.

The Bibi Birds and Bibi vultures resting on the tree immediately became energetic, and their sharp eyes looked in the direction of the sound. Zhou Jiang and others were also energetic. Is this official?


The wizard ball on Zhou Jiang's waist suddenly exploded, and Shanaido jumped out.

‘Be careful, master, it’s from the Rockets! ’

Before Zhou Jiang was surprised, Xanadu heard a voice in his mind. At this time, Zhou Jiang's Bibi Niao also found out that the Rockets came and immediately issued an alarm.


Long call, this is a well-said signal, whoever comes is an uninvited guest!

Only Zhou Jiang knew that it was the Rockets, and the others only became vigilant after hearing Bibi Bird's call. Before, in order to avoid other people's sneak attacks, the three groups of them were not far away. Soon they were a few of them. They gathered together and looked away guardingly.

Zhou Jiang frowned and let Shanaiduo use his mind to take his poke ball to fly away.

Originally, in the show operation he expected, someone separated from the elf ball, and then used himself as a bait to let the elf sneak attack.

Originally, he wanted to throw the poke ball by himself and wait for the pokemon to pop out again when appropriate, but there is no need for such trouble if Shanaido is there. The motivation is to do whatever he wants!

Xanadu directly took the poke ball with his thought force and floated past the haystacks and bushes on the side. There was thought force. Even if the shrunken poke ball flew towards that side, it would not touch the leaves and weeds at all. There is no sound, it is a great way to sneak attack!


As they got closer and closer, everyone finally saw the person who came, who was actually the Rockets in uniform!

Xu Hui, Ye Bingwen, and Zhao Junao were shocked and quickly leaned against Zhou Jiang.

Originally, they thought they weren't official people, but other trainers who participated in the event came over, so they didn't care much. After all, they were all eliminated, but...the Rockets came!

What the **** is this!

"Qingteng Snake, Feiye Storm!" After seeing people, Zhou Jiang directly ordered the Qingteng Snake to attack.

Zhou Jiang with the Rockets would not say anything about not attacking the trainer himself.

Although the Rockets are not necessarily all bad people, and the people in the league are not all good, but at least, the Rockets are mostly bad guys. Isn't that okay?

Is Zhou Jiang going to bet on whether the opposite Rockets are good or bad?

There is nothing wrong with his mind. It is no good to bet right, but he is in danger of being attacked if he loses the bet.

He would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one pass a situation that threatened his own threat.

What does the life and death of others do to me? Who told you to come to my opposite and be able to threaten me.

As for whether other people were threatened to enter, whether there are difficulties, what does this have to do with him, to blame, he can only be blamed for not being strong enough and having bad luck.

And even if he was intimidated, he became a member of the Rockets and went out to do the mission. Is it possible that you were innocent when you did the mission?

The people you attacked, elves, are they innocent?

In short, different positions, no matter how pitiful the other party has, he will never sympathize with the enemy!

Unless it is a beautiful girl~beauty, as long as he is not disgusted, he is still privileged. After all, men, who is not good, let alone he has not yet handed over the virgin...

When Zhou Jiang’s voice fell, the attack of the Qingteng Snake flew out. Because the forest is on the edge, the energy required for the Qingteng Snake to use the flying leaf storm can be reduced a lot. In other words, it consumes the same energy, one-time The number of flying leaves that can be released will increase astonishingly!

The overwhelming green leaves flew densely toward the Rockets. The usual plain green leaves turned into a murderous weapon at this time, beautiful and ruthless.

Regarding Zhou Jiang’s sudden attack, both Zhou Nan and the Rockets on the opposite side were a little confused, and they hadn’t even started talking about their appearances or ruthless words...

More than a dozen Rocket players were shocked, but fortunately the elves could run out by themselves, and there were still quick-reaction people among them. After the elves jumped out, they lay down directly on the ground...

Although the elves of the Rockets all rushed out, each of them had three or four, and the proficiency reached more than forty, but this is useless, and it takes time for the elves to jump out of the poke ball. Moreover, each elf has different levels and perceptions, and the time of discovery is different, and the time when it jumps out is different.

In other words, at the beginning, only a few high-level, powerful elves jumped out to protect their masters, but this time the power of the siberian vine snake's flying leaf storm is not small, and the added attributes are only special attacks. Speed, plus some blessings on the venue...

Except for the few Rockets who reacted and got down to the ground decisively, the others were all cuts by Ye Jian. The injuries were mild, but the skin was cut, and the clothes were bleed. Some were unlucky. Yes, Feiye directly pierced their arms, thighs, and bodies.

Fortunately, they weren't dull, they all fell down after eating pain, and their elves also jumped out, so the injuries were not too serious.

Fortunately, although the elves came out late, they did come out anyway, blocking them before they were alive, and protecting them anyhow, without letting them lose their arms or legs or hang up directly.

This is not an animation. After a flying leaf storm, humans have nothing to do, at most they have scratches on their faces...

Are you better than elves?

After the elves eat a grass-based big move, they will be unable to endure Are you a human being able to break the defense? How can you make the elves feel like...

The evil organizations of the Rockets don't catch the elves. Wouldn't they be more powerful on your own?

The flying leaf storm did not last long. After all, it was the full attack of the Qingvine Snake. After the attack, the flood of green leaves disappeared, revealing a wall of elves formed by a row of elves on the opposite side, as well as patches of green leaves and blankets on the ground. Branches and bushes cut by sharp leaves.

Of course, the blood of the Rockets and the elves is indispensable!


After Feiye Storm stopped, Zhou Nan and others looked at the scarred elves on the opposite side and listened to the exclamation of the Rockets, and couldn't help but take a breath.


But they didn't have a Virgin, and there was no dead person... They quickly reacted and released the elves to attack the other side.

The Rockets are not a talkative character. Zhou Nan and the others launched an elf attack. The people lying on the ground also organized an elf attack, even faster than Zhou Nan and the others. After all, their elves were outside, and Zhou Nan and the others It also needs to be released from the poke ball.

Zhou Nan and their elves have just been released. The Rockets’ attack on the opposite side has taken shape, and they are flying over here, but fortunately, Zhou Jiang’s Qingteng Snake and Bibi Bird, and Lu Ran and their Bi Diao flying systems. The elf is still outside. The Qingvine Snake used the Flying Leaf Storm again, and the flying elves of Bibi Bird used the fierce storm to resist the attack.

Since the characteristics have been changed to the opposite, the special attack of the Qingteng Snake has not been reduced but has been slightly improved, and the power of the fierce wind used by many flying elves tacitly is not as simple as one plus one plus one.

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