After everyone sat down, it didn't take long for Mr. Hua to take the stage.

After Hua Lao talked about the usual opening remarks on stage, he immediately entered the stage of performance.

There are no restrictions on this performance. Anyone who wants to perform is fine. The people sitting below are also very active and the atmosphere is very good.

As an individual goes up to perform, time also slowly flows away.

Finally, after playing late, everyone yawned and the party finally ended.

Zhou Jiang was awakened by Zhang Kui,

Zhou Jiang couldn't bear to sit on a chair and fell asleep early.

Watching this kind of performance may be a bit interesting for them, but for Zhou Jiang, it is simply terrible. It is really like a year!

When he returned to the dormitory, Zhou Jiang encountered a firework about to open the door.

Hua Huo just watched Zhou Jiang snorted and ignored Zhou Jiang. He opened the door and went in, but the door slammed shut.

Zhou Jiang shrugged, opened the door to wash, and fell asleep on the bed.

When Zhou Jiang got up the next day, it was already three poles in the sun.

After washing, Zhou Jiang took some good things and walked towards the backyard downstairs.

There are many battlefields in the backyard, where everyone can learn about elves, and there is a small pavilion next to the battlefield. Older Hua told him that he would go there if he wanted to find him.

Yesterday’s enrollment procedures have not been completely completed, just a simple check-in procedures, Zhou Jiang’s points sign and other certifications have to go out to do it again.

And Zhou Jiang came to the old man to get the certificate.

Before Zhou Jiang came to the backyard, he heard the roar of the elves fighting.

As he passed by, Zhou Jiang glanced at him, and the two elves he was fighting against were of good levels, but that was all.

When he arrived at the small pavilion, Zhou Jiang saw Hua Lao who was lying on a deck chair and sleeping leisurely.


"Uh, uh."

Zhou Jiang was surprised when he heard Hua Lao's voice. He thought he was asleep...

"Hey! Hey."

Hua Lao sat up on the recliner, took a letter from the stone bench next to it, and then handed it to Zhou Jiang.

"You'll know the specific process when you get there. This is the certification letter. You can show it to Miss Joey at that time. It doesn't matter if you go on a trip, but you remember that you must come back in March next year to participate. An important game!"

Looking at Hua Lao's bright eyes, Zhou Jiang nodded solemnly. After receiving the envelope, Hua Lao nagged a few more words. Zhou Jiang rejected Hua Lao's proposal to leave after lunch and left.

Zhou Jiang wanted to say goodbye to Zhang Kui when he left. Who knew Zhang Kui had left.

He is going to do the task.

Helpless, Zhou Jiang could only "leave without saying goodbye", after all, there was no good relationship with anyone here.

The next procedure is to go to the wizard center, and the wizard center is in the L city. There is no wizard center in a small country like this close to the city.

After checking again, Zhou Jiang set off toward L city after finding that everything was packed.

Zhou Jiang asked Hualao that it would take more than two hours to walk from here to City L. Fortunately, there are buses...

After waiting for more than half an hour at a stop sign, Zhou Jiang finally got on the train...

Feeling the air-conditioning inside the bus, Zhou Jiang let out a sigh of relief.

It was almost time for lunch, and the sun was violent. The stop sign on the side of the road didn't even have a sheltered ceiling, and there were no trees around. The wait lasted for half an hour, and Zhou Jiang almost died of heat.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Jiang arrived at the bus station on the edge of L city. After getting off the bus, he changed to another one. After half an hour, Zhou Jiang finally stood at the gate of the Wizard Center.

At this time, there were not many people in the hall of the Wizard Center, and Zhou Jiang directly approached Miss Joey who was sitting at the front desk.

After giving a series of certificates to Miss Joey, the formalities were finally completed under one operation.

Zhou Jiang took the small sign that represented the rank in the inspector, and then took the note with the account password handed over by Miss Joey.

Account These are the internal accounts of the inspectors, which are used to log in to the internal network to connect tasks.

After thanking Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang had a meal in the wizard center, and then Zhou Jiang went to pick up the task.

There are two kinds of receiving tasks, one is to go to the front desk to receive the same tasks as those previously done by Zhou Jiang to catch the wizard, and the other is to log in to the intranet to receive it.

Thinking of that beautiful big sister of mixed race, Zhou Jiang couldn't help being slightly moved.

In front of the beautiful big sister and the cold machine, of course I choose the big sister~

However, it is a pity that Zhou Jiang found out that the young lady at the front desk had changed when he arrived at the familiar mission hall. Although the young lady at the front desk is pretty now, it is far from the big sister Zhou Jiang's memory.

Zhou Jiang was too embarrassed to leave when he came in, handed her the identification card and then asked her to find some tasks from L city to X city or T city.

There are not many small tasks that can be done by a single person, so Zhou Jiang picked up an investigation task to go to T City.

It seemed that someone saw the new elves over there, and Zhou Jiang took it down curiously.

Although Zhou Jiang was a little surprised by the expression of the lady at the front desk who was hesitant to talk, the absence of the big sister made Zhou Jiang's excitement somewhat dispelled, so although he noticed it, he didn't care.

When he finally left, Zhou Jiang was still a little unwilling. He asked the lady at the front desk where his elder sister was going, but she didn't know. Zhou Jiang could only shake his head and leave.

Forget it... maybe this is no fate...

After leaving the mission hall, Zhou Jiang first went to the mall to purchase a lot before setting off.

The appetite for more than 70 people before has directly hollowed out Zhou Jiang's old knowledge. Now I have to add it quickly.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang's backpack is big, and he doesn't need to bring potions, otherwise he might not be able to bring much food.

After spending more than an hour shopping for ingredients, Zhou Jiang slowly walked towards T City.

City T is next to City L, but it would take about ten days to get there by walking normally, and now only five months are left for Zhou Jiang.

But Zhou Jiang didn't panic.

There are only eight badges. If it is too late, go directly to the various city gyms by plane and train. All together, it is estimated that you can collect eight badges in one week. Now it is also great to collect badges while traveling.

Now Zhou Jiang's ivy snake is back.

Zhou Jiang asked Lao Jiang to send it when he was at the procuratorial team base.

His ghost had already been thrown outside.

As Guisi couldn't get into the shadow, Zhou Jiang let it stay hidden not far from him.

If these ghost elves of Guisi are invisible, they will not be discovered if they are not elves [see through] or other specially targeted technologies, so Zhou Jiang is also very relieved about it.

Along the way, wild elves came out everywhere.

And they all became the "dead souls" under Guisi, turning into Zhou Jiang's points.

Along the way, in addition to letting the ghosts attack the wild elves, Zhou Jiang would also release Bibi Bird to keep it exercising.

Bibi Bird is still unable to act normally when the power of the gravity ring is fully turned on like the Big Needle Bee, so its practice is far from over.

Zhou Jiang finally arrived in T City after all the way to sleep and eat.

Although T city can be regarded as the central city in China's territory, this city is basically surrounded by greenery, and it is also the most green city among the many cities in China.

In this city, there are tall and undecent big trees everywhere, twenty to thirty meters high, and big trees that three or four strong men can hold hand in hand are very common here.

This city is said to be a city. In fact, it is like building a house in the forest. It is not like other cities with high-rise buildings. Basically, it is a one-story bungalow, and some people are even in the tree hole of the tree. Set up a home inside!

Due to the density of trees, it is difficult for cars and the like to get in. People also have to rely on elves or special long ropes that are specially hung on the branches of the trees. They swing around like Tarzan, let alone. , The speed is not slow.

Zhou Jiang’s task is to find the "undiscovered elves" in a forest from T city to B It is said that several people have seen it, but they have not seen the whole picture of the elves. , I just said that the elf was black all over, had blue eyes, and was hidden in the shadows, so I couldn't see the specific appearance.

If there is no special requirement, Zhou Jiang would not accept this kind of task, because he would take the task incidentally. Zhou Jiang’s line of action starts from City B, and from City L to City B can only Go from X city or T city.

There are not many tasks for Zhou Jiang to choose, and they are all tasks that are somewhat complicated and require some time. Zhou Jiang's fancy to this task is that it is marked that if you can't find it, you can choose to give up, and there will be no punishment.

There are penalties for accepting the task but not completing it, such as lowering the level points and reducing the credibility of the task.

Although Zhou Jiang doesn't care much about this, he doesn't want to be punished for failure!

Zhou Jiang felt that he could give it a try. Anyway, he had to go there to reach City B. He could stay in that forest for two days. If he didn't meet him, just give up.

Although there is nothing worth stopping in T City, because it was afternoon when he arrived, Zhou Jiang still planned to stay in the Wizard Center for one night before leaving.

After registering the room, Zhou Jiang was about to ask Miss Joey about what she knew about the mission, but what she didn't expect was that Miss Joey kept silent about the "undiscovered" new elf, and kept her secret!

Thinking of Miss Joey's advice to her, Zhou Jiang's curiosity grew stronger.

What kind of elf makes Miss Joey look like this.

Super rare elves?

Or is it really a vicious spirit?

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