After finishing everything, Zhou Jiang did not rush to extract the meg stone.

   Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone and searched for "meg evolution" on Qiandu!

   Zhou Jiang is not sure if the world has discovered meg evolution.

   It would be easier if you didn’t find it.

   The big needle bee is just fine with the meg stone. Zhou Jiang would not dare to put it on if he found it.

   One is too ostentatious, and the other is that the enemy does not understand to come by surprise!

After entering   , Zhou Jiang didn’t see meg evolution, he only saw the first "Ugly Ugly Fish Evolution"...

   After turning over a dozen pages and still not seeing news about the evolution of meg, Zhou Jiang was relieved.

   In this way, I can put the big needle bee on safely.

  Extracted silently, and then two things suddenly appeared in Zhou Jiang's two hands.

   A bracelet and a necklace!

   Zhou Jiang looked at the two exquisite accessories and was quite satisfied.

   is a thoughtful little system.

   is also built by itself.

   Of course, it would be better if the ten points were not consumed...

   called the Big Needle Bee, and then Zhou Jiang put a ring inlaid with meg evolution stone on its neck. I don't know what the system is made of. When the ring is placed on the side of the neck of the bee, the ring slowly shrinks until it fits the neck.

   Big Needle Bee felt that there was something in his neck. Although it was not uncomfortable, he curiously touched the neck with a long needle.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Zhou Jiang told him to continue training.

   As for the content of the exhortation, it is nothing more than the thing on its neck is very important, don't lose it.

   Although Zhou Jiang still trusts the system's craftsmanship very much, it does not rule out that he was knocked out during a fight.

   This is only for three thousand points!

   can't throw it away!

   After the Big Needle Bee flew away, Zhou Jiang put the keystone on his neck and then stuffed it into his clothes.

A whole afternoon, several people spent chatting, and the elves were always exercising. Except when they were tired, Zhou Jiang and Wang Qingyan went up and massaged them with other people making fun of them, but they didn’t stop at other times. Have come down.

   I had a hearty dinner.

  Ms. Lu Ran and the others have also personally cooked. Originally, Zhou Jiang thought that Mrs. Lu Ran would not be able to eat them, but he didn't expect it to be delicious!

   As expected, everyone will improve...

   After dinner, everyone chatted around the campfire.

   Although it was late at night, no one suggested going to bed. Even though Zhou Jia, who was somewhat sleepy, did not make a sound, she sat quietly beside Shui Qingrou and listened to several people talking.

   After the past few days, Zhou Jia has changed a lot, and it is almost the same as what Zhou Jiang met when he went back.

   is no longer the same iceberg and taciturn as before, even if others talk to her, they just answer um.

   Now Wang Qingyan and other girls can talk to her and laugh, of course she rarely laughs.

   When Zhou Jiang called her in the afternoon, she actually responded. This shocked Zhou Jiang and made Zhou Jia unhappy.

   At that time, Zhou Jiang began to think about the changes in Zhou Jia over the next few days.

   My mother is the culprit...

   But Zhou Jiang is also a little curious, how did my mother treat Zhou Jia, how could she become...

   However, no matter how curious you are, you won't know this. After all, my mother won't tell him, and Zhou Jia won't even mention it.

   Everyone knows that Zhou Jiang will leave here for a trip tomorrow, so after the topic is finished, even if Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan are chatting, the atmosphere is a bit quiet and embarrassing.

   In the end, everyone sat by the bonfire, listening to the crackling firewood burning, until after nine o'clock, the few people were so sleepy that they all washed and slept.

   Everyone got into the tent with their own thoughts. Some were asleep, some did not sleep, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

   Zhou Jiang fell asleep and fell asleep. After all, this doze has come, and I can't stand it!

   When he woke up the next day, he got out of the tent and found that Zhou Nan and the others were all up.

   And they also made the meal, and it was nothing more than the dinner last night.

   In the welcome of several people, Zhou Jiang walked to the table. After eating, they helped Zhou Jiang to pack things up again. Zhou Jiang couldn't come by himself if he wanted to go up...

   Finally, in the eyes of everyone reluctantly, Zhou Jiang still left.

   Several people are helpless except for helplessness.

   They were traveling when they were away from school and Zhou Jiang was training.

   At the end of the school leave, they were training, Zhou Jiang was traveling...

   Is this a fate?

   After a child, Zhou Jiang found a tree to sit down and rest. Thinking back to the lively life together, now he became lonely again. It was really unaccustomed.

   But I asked for this, and I can’t blame others...

   After a short rest, Zhou Jiang set off again.

   Zhoujiang’s destination is City B, where there is a flying gymnasium.

   And now he is on Road 21, Zhou Jiang is afraid to go deep into the forest and go directly to City B.

   After all, even the gentle water warned myself not to enter the deep forest easily, so I should also be careful.

   After all, there is only one small life, Zhou Jiang did not dare to take risks at will.

   It’s better to be cautious.

   Zhou Jiang plans to go around the forest and pass in front of City X and then go to Road 22 to City B.

   If the elf level is not high, Zhou Jiang is not very imaginary at the periphery of the forest. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Time is not in a hurry, there are eight gymnasiums, and Zhoujiang can also fly to various gymnasiums and cities to compete in the city if it is too late.

   Now Zhou Jiang still wants to experience the feeling of After all, it won’t take that long to collect badges purely.

   In this way, Zhou Jiang and Big Needle Bee walked for three days before finally reaching the vicinity of Road 22.

   The journey was fairly peaceful, but some elves with short eyes emerged, and then they became experience packs.


   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang and Big Needle Bee dodged and hid in the grass beside them. Then Zhou Jiang walked past two men in black clothes with a big red R logo on them.

   "Hey, I don't know when we can go back, when will this **** experiment end..."

   One of the younger men complained to the man who was a head higher than him.

   "Shh~ don't talk nonsense, then the doctor will know that you have nothing to eat!"

   The tall man looked back at the young man with a serious face.

   And the young man quickly covered his mouth, looked around vigilantly, and he was relieved when he found no one.

   "Ahem, what? Brother Wang, I miss my daughter-in-law."

   The man scratched his head embarrassedly.

   The man gave him a blank look.

"I want it too..."

   "Huh? Think? Oh, brother Wang, you haven't forgotten the broken light bulb. I said that it's not your fault. After all, you helped Xiaoyan change it when I was not at home..."


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