When the slimy tentacles let go of Cornwall, his expression was completely like a changed person, and the blue and purple lines in his pupils were obviously eroded.

As if sensing the impropriety of his eyes, Cornish blinked, and his pupils returned to normal.

He now understands the task that his master wants to give him, and he continues to lurk first, get ready, and wait for the best time to complete his master's task.

In the void, the swarm fleet seemed to be stimulated by something, and they changed their uniform movement and began to accelerate towards the Euronia system.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, a larger war will be waged in the Euronian system.

Cheng Mingrui didn't know this, he killed crazy in the dimensional prison.

He didn't pay attention to the time when he killed in silence, after all, in the dimensional prison, there was fog everywhere, and there was no subject at all to distinguish day and night.

Only the number of monsters killed was carefully recorded by Cheng Mingrui, which was waiting to go out to compare with the big guys under him.

After knocking the flesh and blood giant more than twenty meters tall in front of him to the ground and crushing its head with a power fist, Cheng Mingrui drew another 1 on his points board, and every time he killed a monster in a dimensional prison, he would record a 1, whether it was alone or a group of monsters.

Counting the previous killings, the total number of monsters and monster groups he killed has exceeded five hundred.

The only feeling is that as the battle continues, these monsters not only become more and more weird, but also become more and more powerful.

Cheng Mingrui can basically determine that these monsters are all man-made, and there is a high probability that they were created by the necromancer named Afenst.

Was it made for war? Indeed, these monsters are terrifying, powerful, and their bodies are hard as gold armor, which can shoot lasers and spray streams of high-temperature particles, and their lethality is amazing.

Such a monster can hurt Cheng Mingrui in battle, but compared to Cheng Mingrui, he is a little more monster, and after waaagh got up, he also tore it to pieces.

Just in terms of combat effectiveness evaluation, the monster is very strong, but put on the battlefield ... The cost performance is relatively low, the various arms of the space necromancer have been very perfect, Gaussian weapons can overcome everything, living metals can also be restored, and it is not necessarily useless to spend so much effort to create new biological weapons, but overall it is redundant.

What made these monsters for?

Cheng Mingrui's brief thinking made him stop, he was ahead of his subordinates in the score, and he could take some time to think.

The space of the dense fog shook, and Cheng Mingrui felt very strange, from the perspective of time, it would take a while for the spatial fusion to be right.

"Dear smart boy, Afinst greets you, your subordinates call you slippery? It's an interesting name, a good example of the cunning and treachery of orcs, but not enough to show your intelligence.

Afenst's voice filled all sides of the misty space.

Because he couldn't figure out Afenster's purpose, Cheng Mingrui still sat and didn't speak.

"Well, you're smart enough, I won't go around in circles. I am very interested in you, even if you ruin my dynasty, but the situation now is that we have to cooperate to get through the crisis.

"Hmph, if you trap Li and tie it to your lab table, you will never cooperate with Li Shuo." Cheng Mingrui said contemptuously.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, I was well-intentioned. Cooperation is such a thing, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, right? In the past, we could cooperate with the spirit race against the Orc Empire, but now we can cooperate to fight against a common threat.

"Do you think that with this dimension, the prison can trap you?" Cheng Mingrui said disdainfully, "This space has been mastered secretly, we only need to kill it, we can complete the positioning, and we can teleport it at any time."

"No, no, no, I'm not doubting your intelligence, this level of dimensional prison certainly can't trap you. Well, talking to smart people really shouldn't be so crooked. At the beginning, I really wanted to trap you and treat you as a test object, a collection. "

Afenst's electronic voice carries an emotion, an excited, fanatical emotion, as if discovering a peerless emotion! Yes, a peerless treasure!

"You may not know how special you are in this day and age, and if one of my friends knew that you existed and were my collection, he would go crazy with jealousy." His emotional module will burn out with jealousy, change it and burn it again.

"I see that you are not far from madness, why do the space necromancers sleep for too long, and their brains sleep badly?" Cheng Mingrui said sarcastically.

"Sorry, sorry. I was too involved just now, and you know, our lives are endless. In such a long life, we always have to pursue something, and the mechanical body makes us no longer able to have the rich emotions and feelings of flesh and blood life.

In order not to be dragged down by long hours and emptiness, all sane people will look for a little hobby, or entertainment. to meet their own recreational needs. "

Afenst's tone became calm and playful again, much better than the 'crazy' just now.

"I don't know what you know, you're a smart boy, and you've probably reached the level of a smart boy. How much does your genetic heritage tell you? From what age the knowledge was passed on.

"Of course, I don't mean to probe your secrets, only when I know your situation can I give more suitable conditions for cooperation."

Green skins have genetic inheritance! This is rare to hear precious information, but unfortunately Cheng Mingrui himself did not feel the existence of genetic inheritance, wait a minute, those strange technical knowledge that popped up in his mind is inheritance?

It seems that the more you know, the more you get confused.

"You don't know the inheritance?!" Seeing that Cheng Mingrui did not answer for a long time, Afenst deduced the truth, and his surprised electronic voice became sharp, and a virtual shadow was projected in front of Cheng Mingrui.

The body is no longer the same, but the head still has the one-eyed one-eyed, or the appearance of Afenst.

"This can't be! How could this be? What a shame!! Afenst showed regret and regret, as if lamenting that a golden city was overwhelmed by waves.

"The inheritance of each wisdom boy represents a path of scientific and technological knowledge, even if it is just a branch, you can benefit a lot, and you can trace the origin of the branch upwards, and even reach the backbone of science and technology."

"It seems that the gene virus has been transmitted for too long, the effect is too strong, and the wisdom boys of the previous generation may have forgotten to maintain their genetic inheritance..." Afenst sighed, every piece of metal on his body revealed regret.

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