In a pitch-black confinement cell, the escapist Chuck locks himself up here and awaits his end.

The pistol he held in his right hand was raised and lowered, and after finally aiming the gun at the door of his head, he thought about the desperate situation that his family would face after his death, and he couldn't get his hands off.

Knock knock, a gentle knock sounded on the door, Chuck was shaken in fright, and the pistol almost fell. He did not dare to open the door, fearing that behind the door he would be faced by armed gendarmes who would read his charges and judge him and his family.

However, if he does not open the door, the door will also be opened. Sure enough, a group of gendarmes entered, and the sound of their shoes stepping on the floor almost suffocated Chuck.

A tape recorder was placed in front of Chuck, and Cornwall's voice was played.

"Chuck, you only have one last chance, gather all your forces and hold Capello. If you can hold on until our reinforcements arrive, at least you can protect your clan. Otherwise, your wife, children, descendants, and even your family will be punished most severely, and by then, death may be the most desired relief. A

few seconds after the tape recorder played, Chuck's eyes lit up again with hope in his dull pupils that had been bowed his head.

When the iron claw was making wind and rain on Euronia III, Cheng Mingrui had been leading his brats to fight with the space necromancers in the catacombs under Euronia IV.

At the beginning, digging a new catacombs will be a vicious battle, Cheng Mingrui with a large number of brats, after great losses and hard battles, will destroy the space necromancers of the new tomb.

Afterward... The battle becomes weird, joyful? up.

Each big dig is followed by a large number of green skins, and they have opened a bet on whether a certain big digging can dig the catacombs today.

Digging, the brats who follow the big digging can waaagh in, have fun, and look at the wrong brats red-eyed, and can't help.

Every day, each big digging will redistribute the brats who follow, and the most popular is a blue dig with the head of Mao Ge, which has dug three catacombs.

The second popular is a yellow, large digging with a brother's head, which has dug into the catacombs twice.

Every time the brats compete with which big digging machine to follow, it is inevitable that there will be a big mess, in order not to let the brats die too much in the infighting, Cheng Mingrui also set the rules.

The brats use the lottery to decide which big digging and digging, which one is drawn, and they are not allowed to repent, play tricks. If you see someone who repents, you are locked up and not allowed to participate in the lottery and waaagh for a week.

The execution effect is okay, in order not to be locked up, the brats are still more honest.

As for the behavior of treating war as a child's play, what does Cheng Mingrui think? He is a warlord, the boss of all the greenskins! Change the existence of the game called Warboss, what can he think! He was also speechless, okay!

You know, when he first hit the catacombs of the space undead, he could also fish a little ruthless characters to fight a dozen and vent his energy and violence.

Afterward... As long as he appeared on the battlefield of the catacombs, the brats began to go crazy, and the waaagh energy on his body was like sitting in a stuffy room in the summer, how crazy the sweat was, how crazy the waaagh energy was.

As a result, such a strong boss as Cheng Mingrui has not done much, and the space necromancers in the tomb world cannot withstand it, and they will basically be pierced by a steady stream of greenskins waaagh.

Today, it was such a boring day, Cheng Mingrui created a new power armor, he just teleported to the center of the battlefield, and only killed dozens of immortals.

A flash of golden light flashed, and a Brother King Kong more than a hundred meters tall appeared on the battlefield, and it raised its big claws to sweep through the space necromancy group, and a large number of space necromancy units turned into scrap iron.

In the eyes of Shrimp, the funny and funny Brother King Kong made a big belly action, and the red armor on his chest slowly opened, revealing a super large bombardment gun inside, and the muzzle of the cannon was painted yellow.

Rumble!! With a loud bang, three mushroom clouds rose from the formation of the space necromancers, and the explosion caused devastating damage, and the high temperature melted all the space necromancers in the core area.

Then, the disrupted space necromancers faced a wave of brats protected by the face of the brother, such as the substantial waaagh position shrouded the brats, forming a huge orc big face, this position makes all long-range attacks penetrate this big face will be weakened a lot.

And when the brats charged, this big face swallowed the enemy in one bite like a with a big mouth. This is also the waaagh skill that Cheng Mingrui used in the battle before, and was later officially named the face of the brother by the nervous kid Kuka.

The battle behind is garbage time, there is the face of the brother King Kong, and the brats launched the brother, the space necromancer can not resist at all, and it is quickly swept away.

Seeing that the fun was gone again, Cheng Mingrui snorted unhappily and prepared to teleport away.

The orc spaceship is still being built, he still needs a lot of time to punch the screws, and when the space necromancer finishes fighting, he has to find a new enemy to fight, and he can't do it without a spaceship.

A window opened on Donkey Kong's shell, and Kidd climbed out with a set of red goggles.

"Boss! Slip head boss!

"! Annoyed, don't shout if it's not important. Cheng Mingrui felt that his temper was already very good, at least he didn't give Kidd a big match. Lately Kidd is very jumpy and always comes to grab his own fun.

"Boss, you'd better come and take a look, I found a very strange place below, it is a big kiln, it is empty and you can't see anything." Kidd shouted as he pointed his finger down.

Cheng Mingrui became alert in an instant, and Second Brother Mao said to continue digging, this time it will not be to dig to the place.

Teleported to Brother Kong, Cheng Mingrui got his tattered tablet from Kidd's hand, and after knocking it twice, the picture finally came out.

As Kidd said, the radar detected a hole in the depths of this catacomb, which is different from the picture of the rocky soil, it is a real black hole, as if a piece of space has been dug up.

"Call Kuka, Rambo, and my slaughter squad (Cheng Mingrui's specially formed heavy big guy squad, each big guy is a ruthless character), you call the most clever skill in your hand, the technical boy."

Cheng Mingrui twisted his neck, and his neck made a crackling sound, "We have encountered a hard idea." "

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