"Well, I'm having a hard time answering your question, Pex. You'd better come back as soon as possible, we need to discuss it in person. With that, Cornwall hung up the communication.

For Cornwall, his dream of becoming a soil emperor was coming to an end. And for Pecks, things didn't move forward in the mood for any of his plans.

Instead of returning to the military council immediately, Pex walked to the edge of a window that looked out over the dead and barren Euronia IV.

It's a pity that the human beings on this planet may not have the opportunity to set foot here, and in the future, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of green-skinned monsters may be bred here, and they will be everyone's trouble.

Commissar Kester is on the flagship of an Imperial Navy fleet, a fleet of one battleship, four cruisers, twenty destroyers, several frigates and transports that are a force to be reckoned with in the universe.

If you are facing an ordinary indigenous civilization, this fleet, together with the two million astral armies in it, is enough to easily extinct ordinary indigenous civilizations.

But using this fleet to fight against the Great Devourer's swarm fleet can only be said to be doing its best and being loyal to the empire.

The Ministry of Military Affairs also did not understand why tactical deductions were so error-free.

How could a swarm Leviathan fleet that was at war with the orc galaxy suddenly turn, abandon the orc galaxy in front of it and not attack, and instead sail to such an inconspicuous place as Euronia.

Ahead of the arrival of the Swarm fleet, Commissar Kester was urgently promoted, and he was no longer an assistant to the Governor of the Galaxy and the Commander of the Galaxy, but entered the circle of command and became one of the decision-makers.

After arriving in Eurona, the commander of the Interstellar Warriors and the command organization formed by the three of them will be the highest command organ in the nearby star region.

There is only one purpose to do so much, to resist the entry of the swarm fleet as much as possible, and to buy time for the main fleet support of the empire.

Sure enough, an emergency promotion is definitely not a good thing! After graduating from the Tadashi Academy and fighting for so many years, Kester first realized this truth.

The mortal Kester must not know that above the ethereal higher latitude, a blue tentacle seems to be stroking a large expanse of star field, and countless silk threads of fate are touched, bounced off, and weaved.

It takes time to weave a conspiracy, and so does letting it ferment.

In a mysterious corner of the universe, in a pure white room.

"Orcs are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the struggle for survival has been won. They evolved a society free of stress and anxiety. What right do we, the Spirit Race who have failed, or humans who are about to fail, have to judge them?

Why do we fail? Because we are after answers, and the orcs simply do not bother to ask questions! We see a powerful civilization and despise its brutality.

"Probably different from the others, this is my perception of the orcs, which most of us scornfully call barbarians."

So what brought the honored prophet to my humble humble humble house? The male spirit poet asked to the female spirit prophet in front of him.

After asking, the Spirit Race poet got up slightly and poured a cup of tea for the prophet in front of him, "Just to inquire about the information of the orcs?" I think the archives of the ark have more detailed information. "

The prophet of the spirit race slowly removed his mask, under this terrifying mask is a beautiful and immature face, the appearance of the spirit race is almost all handsome men and women from the perspective of human aesthetics, and this prophet is also an extremely beautiful existence in the spirit race.

"When I was meditating, I felt the thread of fate..." Osuvis sat solemnly, his bright eyes full of unease, "I seem to see a vision of the future, I see something immersed in a huge cultivator, I also see a large area of orcs fighting endless enemies..." Osuvis was

silent for a moment, "These orcs are different from the records, they are more savage, more orderly, more ferocious... It's also bigger, yes, huge. In all our records, there are no records of such huge orcs, and there are so many!

"I had a hunch that something was going to happen! Very important thing! The

spiritual poet Pakpan took out a book, a book of poems, and while listening to Osuvis's narration, he flipped through the book and read the beautiful verses on it.

Ten minutes later, Osuvis told Pakpan what had happened before meditation, what had happened during meditation, and what he had seen during meditation.

"Didn't you miss it?" Turning a page of psalms, Pakpan asked.

Carefully confirming in his memory again, Osuvis nodded, "I'm sure there is nothing missing."

"Why don't you ask your mentor?" I found me as a poet. Pakpan remained that casual.

"Mentor Suvena said... To say that my practice is not enough, that those troubled things are just a possibility that I see and will not have much impact on the future. Osuvis was very aggrieved, and his frown did not look like a prophet, but an ordinary little girl.

"I know that Mentor Suvena is right, the galaxy is in its most turbulent years, and there are too many complicated threads of destiny. The prophets are all working for the future of our spirit race, finding the most correct thread for the continuation of the race.

Osuvis clasped his hands in front of his chest and said as if very worried: "I know, I am very willful. But prophets and prophecies are my path, and I feel strongly that there are answers on this thread that I am always looking for, answers that affect the future of my people. "

'Touch' is the sound of the book closing, very crisp.

"Is it about the future of my clan?" Pakpan's sharp eyes looked directly at the young prophet in front of him, causing the prophet to look away shyly.

"Many prophets have said similar things, they take their followers through the Internet, and fight all kinds of enemies in various corners of the universe." Pakpan made a crying and laughing expression.

"To be honest, no one can verify whether their predictions and actions are correct, and fate is inherently strange and unpredictable."

"All I know is that they took a lot of people and killed a lot of them, sometimes including themselves." Pakpan's voice became serious.

"I'm tired of this, and since my tribe has created my tribe's greatest enemy because of the Fall, we have failed. After that, all that everyone did was just a survival for our people.

"A race that has failed, unwilling to end the curtain, is as ridiculous as a harlequin performing on a stage play." With that, Pakpan turned his back to Osuvis.

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