Following the sound, the clever ghost came out from between the two green-skinned men, and was about to jump on Cheng Mingrui's shoulder, when he was grabbed by Cheng Mingrui's slap.

"Good boy, you still dare to come back!" Cheng Mingrui roared.

"Slippery boss, spare your life! I've found my way to the power cabin! Feeling the strong sense of oppression coming from grabbing his big hand, the clever ghost quickly shouted.

This shout really saved his life, and Cheng Mingrui's hand that was about to clench loosened, "If you dare to deceive, I will pinch you into meat puree, and then feed Jumping."

"Nerve boy! I found the nerve boy! They will use magic, and magic will lead them to the power module! Cheng

Mingrui followed the direction pointed by the clever ghost and saw a strange green skin, a green skin with a strange mask, like a priest of a primitive tribe jumping god.

Nerve boy Cheng Mingrui still knows better, Greenskin likes to call them neurokid or neuropathy, and there is some discrimination against them, but in fact, Neurokid is very powerful and is a greenskinned psychic.

In the Warhammer 40k universe, psionic energy is a very common existence, powerful, can turn decay into magic, and most intelligent life can use psionic energy. Except for a certain blue race.

Power always comes with a price, and so does psionic energy, and all the release of psionic energy must be based on the biggest civilization threat in the 40K universe - subspace.

Subspace is another dimension of the conventional universe, where it is chaotic and bizarre, with no concept of time and infinite dimensions, making it difficult for life in the conventional universe to understand what subspace really is.

No one can say its origin, principle, or operating logic. The current intelligence is that after the battle of heaven, the subspace was spoiled by the mania generated by intelligent life.

Extreme emotions such as anger, hatred, sadness, killing, pleasure, and revenge make subspace a very dangerous place.

The existence of the four evil gods has made this a paradise for demons, and anyone who enters the subspace will face 99% malice and 100% danger.

Almost all life with souls will have projections in subspace, and the stronger the soul, the stronger the projection of life, and the stronger the psionic energy it has.

For example, the spirit race, almost every one of them can use spiritual energy, but their soul has always been the favorite food of the sinister.

The human side is also not happy, their psionics are often seduced by demons, or occupy their bodies, becoming a springboard for demons to invade reality.

Today's human beings are also as big as the original spirit race, and their long-standing belief in the god emperor has turned the emperor sitting on the golden throne into another thing, a spiritual energy sun burning in subspace.

For other races, it is equivalent to the fifth evil god, and I don't know if the future human race will follow the old path of the spirit race and use the future of their civilization to forge the new evil god to ascend the throne.

but! These problems are completely absent for orcs, whose psionic energy does not come from subspace, but from the orc's own waaagh position.

The waaagh of the orcs is not a simple howl and war cry, waaagh is real, exclusive to the soul position of the orc.

And those particularly talented orcs will perceive the waaagh position and use it as psionic energy, so the waaagh position has the biggest feature, the more green-skinned monsters, the more hi, the stronger the waaagh position, the stronger the nerve boy can mobilize, and basically no side effects.

Based on the orc soul, there are two powerful gods protecting the soul of every orc, that is, Brother and Brother Mao, in the concept of orcs, they are all horse boys of Brother and Mao, as cunning and barbaric as Brother Mao.

"The clever ghost said that you have a way to help us find the power cabin of the shrimp, you better really have a way, you don't have much patience." Cheng Mingrui put his hand on the plasma gun on his waist, imitating a traditional green-skinned boss, learning to be smart and threatening the nerve boy in front of him.

"Yes, Brother Mao is guiding you ahead." Saying that, the nerve boy also danced, and the nerve boy in the mask became more and more like a god stick.

Cheng Mingrui frowned, it was really hard to believe such a look.

Let the nerve boy use the waaagh position to attack the enemy, use the brother old fist, engage the big foot to crush the enemy, Cheng Mingrui does not doubt their lethality.

But can waaagh energy do such delicate work as directionfinding?

While Cheng Mingrui was thinking, the clever ghost climbed on his shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Nerve boys are like this, most of them are weird and mentally ill, boss, don't worry, let him try it first."

I also found a lot of Sgouger jumping, their noses can be sensitive, let them look for shrimp, one by one will find the power cabin sooner or later. Glancing

at the clever ghost with his eyes, Cheng Mingrui wondered why this fart spirit was so cunning, and the back hand, I'm afraid that in the general fart spirit with a bad stomach, the clever ghost is also the top bad kind.

This kind of talent, no, it's a pity that the talent in the green skin pinched to death, use it first.

The nerve boy said that his name was Kuka, a prophet, and then began to spread the gospel of Mao Erge, promoting oracles that he did not know whether they were true or false.

If it weren't for the fact that the green-skinned psionic was also more precious, Cheng Mingrui would have slapped it like a traditional green-skinned boss.

He pressed Kuka with his hand to stop him from dancing and told him to quickly find the power cabin.

Probably also knowing that he can't go too far in front of the boss, Kuka started the whole job, he hummed and spoke the language in a twitter language, none of the greenskins present could understand, plus Kuka's embarrassing dance, all the greenskins were dumbfounded.

Cheng Mingrui wondered if he was infected with neuropathy, and actually believed the ghost and Kuka's ghost and let them fall ill here.

Finally, when Cheng Mingrui's patience was about to reach the limit, Kuka stopped his awkward dance, pointed in one direction, and said to the three passages over there: "Second brother Mao gave instructions, let the brats waaagh from that place, and they will definitely achieve their goal." Looking

at the three passage entrances, Cheng Mingrui was silent, which one is this? Have you been tricked.

The greenskins didn't care so much, after seeing Kuka pointing the way, they were all excited, they had been preparing for so long just to have a good fight.

I don't know which disobedient brat shouted "waaagh"!! All the brats shouted, and then poured into the three passages.

Cheng Mingrui's jaw is about to fall to the ground, you guys are too happy! Play! It's really said to go, say waaagh is waaagh!

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