On the Guardian, a large number of people are busy running in the berthing area where small transport ships are docked.

Although relatively few ships evacuated in time of the 100,000 expeditionary force, almost every ship was crammed with people, and most of them were wounded.

In order to treat the wounded in a timely manner, many medical classes directly performed surgery, blood transfusion, bandaging and other work on the site of the berthing area.

The wails of wounded soldiers, the busyness of medical staff, and the constant landing of new spacecraft make the already small berthing area even more chaotic and noisy, making people look distraught.

At this time, Pex was very upset, the first landing of the expeditionary force failed, and nearly a third of the living force was directly lost in a battle, even if he was the commander of the galaxy, the blow to the reputation was great.

Coming to the wounded soldiers' area, Pex personally helped the doctors take care of the wounded soldiers, doing some nursing work to help them stop the bleeding and administer injections.

"The Empire thanks you for your sacrifice, soldier." A needle of painkiller was put into a soldier's arm.

"Rest well and recover quickly." Pex patted the wounded soldier on the shoulder, and the wounded soldier had long been moved and did not know what to say.

Buying people's hearts, coupled with expanding the Order, consolidating their own power, in one fell swoop, this is Peix's purpose.

Originally, these soldiers who fled back had resentment against the command, but seeing the dignified galaxy commander personally coming to comfort the wounded soldiers, the resentment in the hearts of the soldiers dissipated.

Even if the commander just came to pretend, then at least he was pretending to respect them, and respect was so precious in this world.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Pex bandaged the wound of another wounded soldier, and suddenly a feeling of heart palpitations came to life, as if life and death were instantaneous.

Several Kashezin soldiers behind him also seemed to feel something, and they all loaded their hell guns and prepared for battle.

"Boss Shrimp, Boss Slip Heads greets you." A low, calm voice suddenly spoke in the air in the lingua franca of humanity.

Under everyone's terrified gaze, 5 orcs at least two meters tall came out of the air, and the orcs smashed almost all the Kashezin soldiers with shotguns in their hands.

The Kashezin soldiers also reacted, piercing an orc's chest with a hell gun and breaking an orc's arm.

The two Kashezin soldiers closest to Pex knocked Pex to the ground, and he was cut in half by a machete in an instant.

The blood-stained scimitar continued unabated and slashed towards Pex's neck.

In the nick of time, Pex moved his neck with an amazing nervous reaction speed, allowing the blade to slash into the deck, and the sparks from the collision left an amazing scar on Pex's face.

"Huh?" There was a sound of surprise in the air.

Pex quickly raised his hands to the air in front of him, and the spiritual energy compressed in his hand, and slammed into something in the air like an air cannon.

An orc boss wearing red goggles, carrying two bullet chains and two shotguns of amazing caliber hanging from his waist was blasted out.

Rambo slammed his slasher to the ground and looked at Pex viciously, his assassination to hunt for the first rank failed!

This series of battles all took place between electric flints, and ordinary people watched Rambo being knocked down by Pex before reacting, and the orcs actually appeared on the battleship!

The crowd was boiling and chaotic, and many people began to look for weapons, and some of the weapons around them had already aimed their guns at the orcs that appeared.

There is only one chance of assassination, and after one failure, there is no chance.

Rambo, who fell to the ground, whistled and made a retreat motion, rolling on the ground to dodge the laser that was coming at him.

At the same time as the tumbling was done, two large shotguns were held by Rambo.

Bang bang, three gunshots, even if he can't hunt the first level, Rambo still wants to try to see if he can kill Pecks.

Unfortunately, the reacting escort blocked Pex with a human wall, including the wounded soldier who had bandaged the wound that Pex had bandaged.

The large-caliber shotgun caused area damage, and a wall of people fell, and Pex was wounded, but not fatally.

More expeditionary force soldiers took up arms and gathered and attacked several orc special operations brats, who were brave but outnumbered, and soon killed two more.

Knowing that there was no point in holding on any longer, Rambo unfastened his belt around his waist and threw all the orbs above.

The assembled expeditionary force soldiers thought that they were grenades and fell into hiding, but Pex had already left the berthing area under the cover of escorts.

A large number of spheres began to explode one after another, some were real grenades that caused a lot of damage, some flash grenades created a lot of chaos, and some smoke grenades were more convenient for special operations kids to hide themselves.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Rambo took his two remaining brats to the corner of the berthing area, where there happened to be a small supply ship, and the crew on it was still confused about what was happening.

"Soldiers inside! As soon as we opened the hatch, there was a huge explosion in front, a lot of people were injured, and we needed help. Rambo touched the supply ship's external communicator and said in the accent of a newly learned officer.

"Obey the order, sir!" The people inside the supply ship did not hear it at all, and they hurriedly opened the hatch.

They were greeted by two flash bombs, and after blinding the shrimp in the supply ship, Rambo rushed in first. The advantage of the two rifles in this small area inside the battleship was too great, and Rambo killed all the shrimp inside like a slaughter.

Before the smoke cover created by the smoke bombs in the berthing area had dissipated, Rambo and two of his men drove the supply ship to break the fixed bracket and fly into space.

Of course, it is not Rambo's style to leave like this, and the memories in his mind are all the stories that Cheng Mingrui told him about Rambo. What a lone camp, with one enemy hundred, every time I recall it, Rambo's blood is boiling, and the whole person is waaagh's no.

In Cheng Mingrui's story, he replaced Rambo's story in the movie with the appearance of the interstellar era, and then made a small change, slightly exaggerated, such as Rambo's enemies replaced with interstellar warriors, spirit races, space necromancers, and finally turned the protagonist Rambo into an orc.

"I said, Boss Shrimp, on behalf of Boss Slippery, I say hello to you." The corners of Rambo's mouth turned up slightly, picked up the remote control on his waist, and pressed the red button fiercely.

The bombs that had long been placed in the berthing area were detonated one by one, and the flames and shock waves swallowed all the surrounding lives, and the entire berthing area became a purgatory on earth, and there were no survivors in it.

After seeing the huge pillar of fire coming out of the berthing area, Rambo smiled even more happily, and he drove the supply ship down towards the Euronia IV in a falling manner.

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