What the ancient saint left behind on the green skin, I am afraid that no one in the universe knows, too long has passed since the battle of heaven, and perhaps only a little clue can be found in the most precious historical materials recorded by the spirit race.

In Cheng Mingrui's Jiuba factory, after he returned from the mushroom field, he set aside a separate area as his laboratory.

In this independent laboratory that strictly implements disinfection, under the high-precision microscope, the secret left by Gu Sheng lifted a little skirt corner to Cheng Mingrui.

Before crossing over, Cheng Mingrui's cognition of the orcs was a green plague with strong fertility, and a powerful race that fought with the Tyren Zerg.

Before, he had always had a question about how difficult it was to give birth to intelligent life, and the requirements for the living environment were also very high. How can a race as loyal to war and self-destructive as Greenskins fight more and more?

Even if it is spore reproduction, the harshness of the cosmic environment is common sense, how do orc stump remain active?

And many planets adapted to the survival of gods have atmospheres, even if the orc stump is active, the atmosphere will burn the stump in the process of falling, this temperature can be much higher than the 40k setting in which humans burn with flames and purify the land polluted by orcs.

In addition, most of the planet is barren and dead, which is not suitable for life.

There is a passage in the story of the Bone Crusher: The Bone Crusher found a subspace scrap ship with the kid who followed him, and then kept fighting demons on the way to the subspace, the stronger the war, the more the brats fought, and finally the number was so large that the cabin was crowded.

Without soil, spores can grow in a scrap ship made of steel, giving birth to new brats. At first, Cheng Mingrui thought that it was a bug in subspace and a mistake in setting description.

Cheng Mingrui shook the test tube filled with mucus in front of him, now it seems that he is too young and underestimates the existence of the ancient saint.

Orcs are not just weapons of war, they are a perfect, complete, and almost perfect ecosystem in their own right.

This mucus is the mucus that cultivates the snot essence, and inside the mucus is an ecological flora of thousands of different kinds of bacteria, each of which performs its own duties to form a wonderful collaborative system.

Some can break down the hyphae, some can provide energy for the snot, and some can digest the rocks to absorb the elements in the air, converting them into various elements needed for the growth of the green skin mushroom blanket.

Moreover, in the face of high temperatures, the ecological flora will also secrete a film to protect the activity of the green skin spores inside!

A small tube of slime turned out to be a sophisticated biofactory! Such a thing will only appear in the strain when the snot essence is hatched.

In order to verify the authenticity of his research, Cheng Mingrui also grabbed a snot essence and conducted an anatomical study on its whole body, and the results confirmed his conjecture.

The ancient gods buried a foreshadowing in the green-skinned race, who would have thought that this foreshadowing was hidden on the little snot spirit.

Snot goblin is a green-skinned companion life like fart goblin, and the two look very similar. But the snot spirits are smaller and weaker, and are at the bottom of the green-skinned society, because they are too stupid to have no intelligence at all.

Not to mention other races, even the greenskin himself looks down on the snot essence, and only treats the snot essence as food, toys, props for fun.

It is such a nasal essence, the hormones they secrete are very critical, so that the green fungus will grow and develop better, and the ecological flora will decompose nutrients from the surrounding environment, so that the mushroom field can grow and develop.

The mushroom field can also constantly transform the surrounding environment with the help of the flora and the stimulation of the snot essence, even if it is a bare meteorite without atmosphere, no water.

Green-skinned fungi can also grow inside meteorites after avoiding deadly cosmic rays. Over time, as long as the meteorite is large enough and the trace elements are not too lazy, the green-skinned fungus can transform its interior into a self-circulating microsphere with the help of ecological flora.

Orcs, Sgouger, fart spirits, snot goblins, green-skinned fungi, and ecological flora combine to form a self-circulating ecosystem!

Specifically, the body of the dead green-skinned monster will turn into nutrients to nourish the production of the green-skinned fungus group, and the fungus group will preferentially hatch the snot essence, which brings ecological flora, and the ecological flora ingests elements from the surrounding substances to nourish the mushroom field.

A variety of green-skinned monsters grow in the mushroom field, and the cycle continues.

The spores of the green-skinned orcs can not only hatch the weapon of war, but also transform the dead world and make it pleasant and livable... Of course, this is livable in cases where the occupants do not care that violent monsters will emerge underground.

... Such as the powerful and mysterious ancient saint.

I remember that when I used to read the racial introduction of Greenskin on the Internet, I said that in addition to technical boys, psychic boys, and other professional boys with different characteristics in Greenskin, there is also the most special kid, called wisdom kid.

The wise boy manages all the greenskins, is the maintainer of the social structure of greenskins, and is also the developer of greenskin technology.

But later, a great plague was encountered in the greenskin, which killed all the wise boys, and no new wisdom boys were born.

These things are legends, no one knows whether they are true or false, and no one knows whether the existence of the wise boy is a lie.

Most humans, greenskins, and spirits don't believe it.

Cheng Mingrui, who crossed over, may be the one who believes in this legend the most, combined with the fact that the green skin is in the process of degradation, and now there are so many green skins in the galaxy that there is not a proto-level greenskin boss....

It always feels like some conspiracy is hidden in history, no! No way! If you think about it, you have to grow an extra brain!

There is a real god in the Warhammer 40k universe, and he knows too much taboo knowledge, and if he is not careful, he may be caught by a subspace god.

"Brother bless, brother Mao blessed, you are a down-to-earth good orc..., you must bless you, turn around and erect a big statue for you and make a beautiful golden body." Cheng Mingrui, who had palpitations, prayed in his heart.

Suddenly, an inexplicable concept came into his mind, "You said it! We heard you!

This sudden change made Cheng Mingrui stunned, he just said that the head of the Chinese population is Zen, similar to the blessing of the bodhisattva and the like, who would have thought that the bodhisattva could really speak!

That concept is becoming blurry, as if memories are passing with time, and for a moment, what was just now seems to be an illusion and does not exist.

In order to grasp the tail of memory, Cheng Mingrui fiercely used magnetic force to engrave a paragraph on the steel of the machine tool.

"The main task: immediately erect a statue for the second brother Mao, sculpt the golden body, the bigger the better, the more beautiful the better, the more waaagh the better!"

Half a minute later, Cheng Mingrui looked at the words on the steel plate and fell into deep thought, what just happened? Why do I have Chinese characters written on my machine tool?

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