In the separate test specially prepared for Pecks, Pex was much more honest, did not resist excessively, but insisted that civilians were not qualified to touch him when taking blood and sampling, and took samples by themselves.

The test was quickly passed, proving that Pex was intact, free from alien infection, and free of humans with deadly viruses.

In the living room of the space station, Convor received Pex warmly.

"These are the specialties of the Euronian galaxy, don't look at the appearance of ordinary jewelry, in fact, it is extremely difficult to mine, and the quantity is also very rare. In the nearby star field, these are all more expensive luxuries.

Conwalt spoke eloquently, ready to bribe and woo step by step.

"Your Excellency, Governor! Please block the space station immediately! Gene stealers have infiltrated in! Pex immediately interrupted the conversation.

“!" Convor looked incredulous as his private encrypted communication rang out.

The boarding force was attacked, six of the eight teams were attacked by a large number of thieves, and the other two encountered orcs.

The space station testing center detected that the survivors of the Knights of Glory had the genes of the Tyren Zerg, and some individuals had begun to violently injure people.

"This... This..., what the hell is going on here? The inexperienced Conwalt panicked, he had never dealt with such an emergency, he was too young as the Governor of the Planets.

Worse news came, the Knights of Glory, who had just been quiet, moved, sinking two of her own destroyers and damaging the most precious cruiser Guardian!

"The orcs are heading for Euronia III in the Knights of Glory! Your Excellency, Governor, what should we do?

"I... I..."

"There are two billion humans up there!"

"Don't care about the damage to the cruiser and the troops on board, this is war, you can't let greenskins and bugs land on the planet world!" Pursue it right away and destroy it quickly! Pex on the side yelled at the communicator.

“... Your Excellency the Governor? The people on the communicator side were confused, they felt inappropriate, but they did not dare to say anything.

"Do as Captain Pex ordered, right away!" Cornwall, who reacted, immediately ordered, and at this moment Cornwall reacted, although he did not understand, but Pex understood.

With dependence, Cornwall's nervous heart eased.

"Euronia has undergone a big change, Captain Pecks, are you experienced enough to help us fight the aliens?"

"This is my obligation." Pex said humbly, "These aliens are also following us, and it is my duty to destroy them." Cheng

Mingrui found that the human cruiser behind him accelerated towards him, and the blue light spear continued to hit the void shield of his battleship.

In this way, the Void Shield system is almost overloaded, and there is still a day's flight to Euronia 4, and the probability of being destroyed halfway is not low.

Of course, ordinary uniform speed forward will not work, you have to think of ideas, find a good way....

In the end, it seems that there is really Brother Mao's care, and after only opening the star map and studying it for about 10 minutes, Cheng Mingrui thought of a good way.

The vast universe is not completely empty, nebulae, meteorites, planetary satellites are all strategic terrains that can be used.

The straight channel of the Glory Knight began to turn, seemingly avoiding the light spear fire behind it, but in fact it had other plans.

"Iron Claw, have the enemies on the ship been cleaned up?" The bugs and humans inside the ship are always unstable factors, and Cheng Mingrui can grasp the battle situation through real-time contact between the nerve kid and his brats.

“... Soon, boss, soon. "Iron Claw's words are obviously very weak-hearted.

"Soon? You haven't even wiped out the light, what are you doing? Grilled Siguger cookout?

"The shrimp were almost gone, and they raided their rear, snatched their boat, and they quickly collapsed. However, those bugs are very troublesome and cunning, they don't fight them head-on, they keep drilling into very narrow places..." The iron claw explained in a smaller and quieter voice.

"Don't listen to the reason, go find more barbecue boys, continue to clean, if you see a bug appear in front of me, I will knock out your teeth so that they can never grow again!"

After threatening the iron claw, Cheng Mingrui contacted all the mechanical boys he could find.

"I want you to build some bombs, bombs that can float in the universe, are magnetic, and will be attached to enemy warships. The more powerful the better, and the more the quantity, the better. In order to make it easy for the mechanical boys to understand, Cheng Mingrui also drew a sketch.

The mechanical talent of the orcs is really outstanding, and the technology engraved in the genes also makes them invincible in creation, and they not only quickly understood what Cheng Mingrui meant, but also made modifications.

Some air mines increase their power, some increase the alert range, some are faster and easier to absorb enemy ships, and some are serial, triggering one can drive an air mine to attack the target enemy ship.

Cheng Mingrui patted his bald head, how was the battle of heaven fought, and the orc kid who had degraded so much was still so terrifying and creative.

After instructing the mechanical boys, Cheng Mingrui personally took three technical masters and a group of help-assisted butt elves to the destroyed macro cannon area to do a damage pipe repair.

As for the command work on the bridge ... Cheng Mingrui glanced down at his feet, where the fart spirit was pulling on his leg.

Has this guy become bigger again, he is now five meters tall, and the clever ghost is actually not very small on his legs?

Orc brats are more reckless, and it is easy to get on the head when fighting. The fart elves are timid and cowardly, but the weak ones are more cruel and cunning.

"I plan to let the battleship sail in an S-shaped manner, providing firing angles for the macro guns on the left and right sides, while attacking the shrimp warships behind and slowing them down."

"But I can't command here, can you get the brats here to do that?" Cheng Mingrui looked down and asked the clever ghost at his feet.

The clever ghost jumped down from Cheng Mingrui's leg, stood in a straight military posture, and gave a military salute to Cheng Mingrui with his right hand.

"Yes, sir! Clever Ghost guaranteed to complete the mission!

After saluting, in order to prove himself, the clever ghost shouted to the orc boys on the side: "The slippery head chief has an order, do you hear it?" To stand up straight and salute like the Blood Axe Boys!

The other orc brats were a little confused, but forced by the majesty of the boss, they all learned to stand up straight, saluted Cheng Mingrui and said, "Promise to complete the task, sir!" "

It seems that there is no problem, Cheng Mingrui has no doubt about the orcs' talent for war.

"You won't salute, you mountain cannon!" An orc kid kicked down the kid next to him who saluted with his left hand.

Well, I hope they won't make a mess....

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