The Euronian Galaxy is just an ordinary galaxy.

The third planet of the galaxy is a blue habitable star, the degree of development is not very high, there is no huge nest, there is no too advanced factory, agricultural development is not deep, in the empire is a dispensable existence.

This is just a colonial world that has just been colonized for hundreds of years and has not yet been fully explored, because the planet's resources are still relatively rich, and the human beings born here live a relatively happy life.

A warship sailing out of subspace breaks the calm, and the news from the orbiting space station makes the planetary governor Cornwater look sad, and in the 40th millennium, the plight of the human empire has become more and more obvious.

The empire's arch-enemy Abaddon destroyed the fortress world of Cadian that strangled the Eye of Fear at the cost of a blackstone fortress, and a terrifying galactic rift ran through the entire galaxy, dividing it into east and west.

Unfortunately, the Euronian galaxy is divided by a large rift, and the galaxy located in the eastern galaxy seems to be isolated, but it is not on the main shipping lane.

Cornwater thought he was lucky, the Euronian galaxy is still young, thriving, and relatively remote, far from most of the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods in the galaxy.

As long as you can perform your duties with peace of mind and not indulge in pleasure, the colony can develop stably, and it is not a big problem for you to escape for hundreds of years through life-extension surgery.

The human empire is too big, spread throughout the galaxy, even if there are many enemies of the empire, even if the predicament of the empire is big, it will take a long time for the wheel of collapse to run over him.

Perhaps, by then, he will already be old and dead, and no matter how big the difficulties he encounters, he will also have the wisdom of future generations to solve them.

However, fate is really elusive, subspace storms have become more and more frequent recently, and from time to time there will be lost ships coming to the Euronian system.

Most of them were imperial warships or merchant ships, and the news brought by the imperial navy above was often worrying, as if the front lines of the conflict were becoming blurred, and war could occur in any corner of the galaxy.

"Hasn't that Moon-class imperial battleship replied yet?" Cornwater made direct contact with the orbiting space station through the communication instruments on the table, where the radarman was sweating and calling the Knights of Glory.

Of course, they can't get a reply, Cheng Mingrui and his brats are immersed in joyful rock music.

The effort paid off, and finally several escape boats entered the radar range of the space station.

"Help, help, here are the members of the Knights of Glory of the Imperial Navy, and we are ordered to supervise the situation in the Orc Star Domain. Accidentally attacked by orc pirates, now that the Knights of Glory have been taken over by the barbaric orcs, we are now the only survivors left. "

Along with the escape boat came a distress message.

"Let them deliver video messages." Frowning, Cornwater ordered directly.

Soon, the escape boat transmitted the video message, and sure enough, it was full of humans, most of them were injured Imperial Star Army.

A man in an officer's uniform walked out, he was covered in blood and seemed to have gone through a brutal battle, "My name is Pex and I am a member of the Lampast family. Imperial Navy, captain of the Moon-class cruiser Glory Knight. "

In the honor of the Imperial officers and family, I request the help of this world governor, rest assured, we are all soldiers and non-combatants fighting for the empire here, and there is no threat."

Lanpaster was a famous family of great nobles, and there were many famous nobles in the family, including planetary governors, legion commanders, and fleet commanders. It is said that in the capital of the human empire, the Holy Terra family also has a little influence.

Governor Conwalt's family is much smaller, it is impossible to refuse Pecks, and at the same time offend the powerful nobles, the Imperial Navy, and the Ministry of Military Affairs, and those who do these three at the same time can basically prepare for the aftermath.

"Of course, respected Captain Pecks, it is natural to serve the Empire as the governor of the Empire." Cornwater immediately agreed, and a social smile appeared on his tense and smelly face.

"Thank you, Lord Governor, that even the Emperor's angels will praise you for your kindness and loyalty." Pex said flatteringly.

After instructing the space station to let them receive Pex and the personnel on the escape ship, Convor dialed the communication channel of the commander of the planetary fleet and ordered them to start surrounding the Knights of Glory, which had been captured by the orcs.

Through simple communication with Pecks, a trace of greed also rose in Conwalt's heart, it was a moon-class cruiser, even if it was scarred, the main structure was still intact.

The orcs above are already weak after successive battles, if their own army can land on the battleship and clear the orcs inside, won't it be white to get a moon-class cruiser?

The entire Euronian galaxy also has only one cruiser, and the defensive fleet composed of three destroyers is quite weak. Moreover, the Euronian galaxy does not have the industrial ability to build interstellar warships, and if you want to expand the fleet, you can only buy it.

In terms of price, buying the most ordinary frigate is also very stressful for the Euronia galaxy, which has only one habitable star.

Greed is intellectual, and when the planetary convoy sails toward the Knights of Glory in a bold encirclement stance, it is the beginning of tragedy.

Rock music can really effectively increase the excitement of orcs, so their work efficiency and combat efficiency have been greatly improved. Cheng Mingrui's kung fu for the concert, the mechanical boys completely took control of the battleship.

"Orcs are stronger than shrimp, and one-on-one is not a big problem." Cheng Mingrui, who was also hi himself, directly ignored the three destroyers, and the Glory Knight was in a scarred state.

Seeing two human destroyers entering range, Cheng Mingrui immediately ordered: "First blast the two small boats of shrimp into slag, and then step on the accelerator and hit the big ship of shrimp and smash the big ship into two sections." "

“... Boss..." a weak voice said at Cheng Mingrui's feet, "Our people haven't occupied the turret yet, and they can't fire the cannon..."

"Cheng Mingrui, who just looked reckless, was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, this is his problem, it was he who sang and sang, and he also listened to the brats with him, and did not arrange for the brats to occupy the turret in advance.

"Since you haven't occupied the turret, what are you doing here!" Don't arrange for the brats to go quickly! Cheng Mingrui gently kicked the kid who reported to him into the air, and the orc boss would never admit his mistake.

The smart head died, Cheng Mingrui was the strongest, tallest, and largest orc present, no kid dared to touch the moldy head of the new boss, they all took action, prepared the battleship, and prepared for battle.

At this time, Cheng Mingrui hoped that the human warship would launch an attack later, leaving himself a little more time to prepare.

Coincidentally, the human warships did not attack after entering the range one after another, they released smaller landing ships after getting close enough distance, and soon they will regret their arrogance.

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