"However, before that, you have to survive the trials in front of you now. The chess game has begun. As chess pieces, you already have the right to fight against your real enemy, and you can not be like an ant. It's just that you were trampled to death by the passing gods without being seen, but you can choose to fight against the gods. Even death is dignified. You have the right to die in battle. Do you want to continue to be the same as the ants? Played and ravaged by Honkai at will, but still want a little dignity and tell the other party that human beings also have the qualifications to survive, you can choose for yourself."

"This is the right she gave you, and we will not give you the right to choose."

After speaking, the harsh alarm sound disappeared, and the holographic projection gradually faded and finally dissipated.

For a time, the entire conference room fell into a strange silence again. This time, even Walter Yang's expression was extremely solemn. Maybe it was because of Miss Xi'er's activity, he had forgotten that Miss Xi'er was only a chess player organization Just a thug in hand.

"What a joke! These guys are just crazy! It's unreasonable!"

With a snap, Siegfried broke the silence and slammed the table. Although it was a holographic projection, the panoramic interactive system still simulated the sound of Siegfried hitting the table.

"These guys, they would actually do such a thing. In order to let mankind learn to unite, they released a doomsday catastrophe that could destroy mankind? Use killing to let mankind learn to unite? If you don't learn, you have to die? They thought it was a filming. Movies or novels?"

Siegfried behaved very rudely, because this time he really couldn't keep his original normal appearance, and the posture shown by the chess player organization is no longer the one that he thought was also on the side of mankind to fight against the collapse ten years ago. Bad organization, but an executioner who will be responsible for billions of human deaths in the future!

This is not salvation at all, this is blatant murder!

They are murdering all mankind!

"Mr. Siegfried, calm down. From a rational point of view, if Honkai is far stronger than we imagined, there is really no problem with the choice of the chess player. It's just that we can't accept this kind of murder out of sensibility. Just imagine, if Honkai really makes a comeback with a stronger attitude, how much capital do we have to continue fighting the Honkai when we started daily infighting because we thought that the Honkai disaster was over?"

Einstein's tone was flat. As a scientist and technician, her thinking was more rational than emotional. If anyone present could understand the behavior of the chess player organization to the greatest extent, it would be her own scientists and technicians.

If there is not a single false statement from the chess player organization, then this is indeed an extremely extreme choice.

"This... dammit!"

Siegfried subconsciously wanted to refute something, but he was choked up just after the words came out. Siegfried knew very well that if it was really as stated by the chess player organization, he seemed to have no better way.

It is true that because of the end of the Honkai disaster, many people in the governments of the world have begun to think carefully. For example, they use a series of advanced technologies such as the Honkai Energy to arm their troops, and use the things left over from the Honkai disaster to make The rise of one's own country and other behaviors, and even these behaviors are already deadly before the collapse and disaster are over, what should I do? You can't kill all these people yourself, can you?

Even if these people are killed, is it possible that there will not be the same people in the future?

Human nature is like this, unless all humans are killed.

"I'm going to take a break, everyone, I'm leaving first, I don't want to collapse in the office the first week I take over the destiny."

Theresa looked at everyone's performance, sighed a long time, and simply chose to leave.

"I'm also going to deal with our internal affairs, everyone, I wish you good luck, I thought I would not be seeing the Archangel..."

Kevin also said goodbye to everyone. As an organization that has just emerged in name, World Snake still has a lot of things to understand in this world, but he has not fully understood this crazy world. As a result, a more crazy world has emerged. matter.

His own civilization was destroyed by the Last Archangel, and this time, this "Ultimate Archangel" could only be stronger than the last time.

Chapter 583: Otto and Karen

With the beginning of Theresa and Kevin, other people have also made their wishes to retire. This incident has had too much impact on everyone. Now there are still many people who have a kind of It's not a dreamy feeling of dreaming and not waking up.

Everyone, now needs some time to calm down and digest.

In the end, the meeting ended with such an anticlimactic announcement. Everyone's expressions were extremely complicated, and they were thinking about their own thoughts in their hearts.

At the same time, a Destiny facility on an isolated island in the sea is being built somewhere.

This is an island outside the world that does not exist on any map. Its existence can only be known in the top-level confidential documents of the Destiny Organization. The camouflage jamming system that will not be interrupted all day long makes this island completely obliterated. It is isolated, and no one can easily break in except for a specific delivery vehicle.

Not to mention, know its location.

A Destiny orbital transport plane slowly landed from high altitude. With the low sound of the engine, the transport plane landed steadily on the apron of this facility under the operation of the automatic control system.

The cabin door opened, and Karen, who had put on a formal Destiny suit, appeared from the cabin door of the plane. Five hundred years ago, she escaped from death because of the Second Herrscher. The woman who was resurrected five hundred years later arranged a complete identity file, and Karen's ability to adapt is also very strong, and it will take a few days. adapted to this modern society.

Although sometimes she still seems to be out of step with the times, and she shows a sense of doubt about the products of some modern technology.

Along with Karen came two A-level Valkyries from the Destiny Organization. After the group got off the plane, the "Island Master" who was in charge of the operation of the island had been waiting here for a long time. The two sides did not talk. already know the other party's will.

Speechless all the way, after passing through one after another of heavy alloy gates, through tortuous passages, and finally, Karen came to the door of a huge room.

The entire room was suspended in a larger arc-shaped cavity, which seemed to be a special space built by hollowing out the stone and soil in the center of the island. The two Valkyries who came with Karen did not choose to continue. Following, the person in charge of the island just gave Karen a "right now" look.

Everyone retreated in silence, and soon in front of the long corridor, only Karen was left.

Karen looked at the square white room suspended in the center in the distance, her expression was very complicated.

Even though she has told other people what she thinks many times, but for this reason, after knowing what happened in the outside world, the only thing she thinks about now is to visit the guy in front of her.

Following the sound of footsteps, all the way through the corridor, Karen came to the front of this special room.

A huge special glass curtain wall can clearly see the situation inside, but the people inside cannot see the outside.

The interior of the room is very simple, with pure white walls, pure white floors, and even a few simple pieces of pure white furniture. It seems to be just a monotonous white world, giving people a complete sense of emptiness.

On the single bed in the corner, Otto at this time is no longer the high-spirited Bishop of Destiny who used to control other people as chess pieces at will. Sitting on the bed with his back against the wall, he seems to be just an ordinary man at this moment. A man, an ordinary man who is no different from other people.

At this moment, it was so clear that the Archbishop of Destiny was just an ordinary human being.

He is not God.

He is just a human.

He is just a human who has committed heinous crimes and has committed so many crimes that even if he is killed a hundred times, he will not be able to pay them back.


Karen stood in front of the glass curtain wall and looked at the man in the room, the man who had a pivotal influence on her, and she suddenly felt that she couldn't say a word of what she thought in her heart along the way.

What more needs to be said in the end?

Thinking of this, Karen chose to turn around and plan to leave here.

"I came here all the way from the Destiny headquarters, but just glanced at it and planned to leave without saying a word. Is the outside world already peaceful enough to waste time like this?"

But before Karen could step forward, Otto turned his gaze to the "white wall" in front of him, and called out to him in a very calm voice.

Even if he couldn't see the outside world, Otto knew very well that he didn't need to "see".

"What are you doing here now? To see me end up like this?"

He thought so in his heart, but Otto didn't say it on his lips. He didn't care whether the other party had left, because he was sure that the other party had not left now.

Even the other's footsteps didn't move a single step.

"You deserve it, Otto, when you did those things, you should have thought that there would be such a day, my biggest mistake was not seeing your inner thoughts clearly at the time, and it turned you into Like this."

"I turned you into a demon, and I will never let go of this responsibility."

Karen finally spoke up, her tone was also very indifferent, showing an attitude that seemed to have nothing to do with the person in front of her.

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