I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 66

In a state of intoxication, revenge on society was unleashed on him. When he was only six years old, he was hung from a tree and beaten severely for a full day and night. Even for a painless person, Ryunosuke has realized the true meaning of this world, the true meaning of death.

He was fascinated by that feeling. The feeling of death gave him, a painless person with no sense of reality, a truly eternal truth that he could pursue.

So, at night, he took a knife and cut three times on his father's neck. Blood was flowing, his father woke up with a start, clutching his neck and went to the hospital for treatment, but he was not punished because of the juvenile law at the time.

He understands his pursuit and the way to make his world feel real, and he is pursuing the eternal truth.

He seems to have become a devout monk. Believe. With respect. Pursue. Generously sow the way of truth for all.

He is so active in sharing the only truth he has, just like when he was twelve years old, he first shared this truth with his much respected and cherished sister. Let her be the first to enjoy this ultimate reality.

He is so loving and broad-minded, but in the eyes of others, he has become an out-and-out murderer.

But this is what Ryunosuke asked for.

A murderer is the best compliment to his generosity.

His hunting skills became more and more sophisticated, throughout the whole country, no one caught him anywhere, no one escaped from his grasp.

Until the boy with red hair appeared.

Ryunosuke missed.

That was his second miss.

Afterwards, he was caught by the boy again, and he manipulated his brain with a method that seemed to be a demon.

Tell him that he is a person who loves life!


Ryunosuke's subconscious yelled, "No! I robbed, smashed, and killed me. I have nothing, so don't try to deprive me of my only real sense!"

However, this method was too clever, his superconsciousness deceived his brain, recalling memories from before he was six years old, thus confronting his subconscious.

Falseness and reality, subconsciousness and superficial consciousness confront each other... Painful yet unaware.

And at this moment, Kiritsugu's primordial bullet hit him.

Because of "Cutting", his [hint] was broken, but because of "Si", his neurological defects were also repaired.

He woke up. But painless people also have pain.

"It hurts...it hurts...it hurts...!"

Ryunosuke felt pain for the first time in his life during the process of destruction and restoration of the abdomen hit by the origin bullet.

Sweating profusely. His face was ferocious. The evil after the age of six brings the real subconsciousness, impacting the beauty and false superficial consciousness before the age of six.

Consciousness and subconsciousness confront each other, falsehood and truth confront each other.

Dirt and innocence, life and death, pain and insensibility, beauty and evil... half of them are filthy and false goodness, and half are pure and real evil. The two with a clear boundary were mixed together in Ryunosuke's mind. Opposite and unified, abrupt and harmonious, false but true...

Is he a kind person who generously shares the true feelings of the world, or an evil person who is jealous and takes away the whole world from others?

——His spirit is abnormal!

When Shirou came over, he only saw that after the police rushed up, Ryunosuke Yusheng grabbed the policeman's gun and pointed it at his chin.


Brain mixed with blood flowed from the bullet hole in the jaw.

Ryunosuke committed suicide.

This ending was beyond Shirou's expectation, but it seemed reasonable.

But he made the best use of everything, and wearing a disguise, he pointed at Emiya Kiritsugu and said angrily, "How dare you sneak attack my Master!"

Kiritsugu wasn't flustered at all, the appearance of Caster was one of the possibilities he thought of, and it wasn't a bad possibility. Without hesitation, he directly used the Command Seal to pull Artoria over.

Seeing that Arturia escaped the boundaries of time and space due to the power of the Command Seal, appearing in front of Kiritsugu as if teleported, Shirou knew that he could not kill Kiritsugu.

Originally, he didn't intend to kill the Master who found Ryunosuke here, because he needed someone to announce that he——, Caster has been eliminated! He also needs someone to wipe his ass and get over the news, otherwise people in both worlds will not let him go.

And Kiritsugu was indeed an excellent choice.

Shirou pointed at Arturia and asked, "King of Knights, is this your dignity? Your master bombed and attacked the house last night, forcing me to escape from my workshop, because the heroism in my heart cannot let you go. I sit back and watch innocent civilians get involved!

And at this moment——, he used the power of the world to force me to release the magic formula of the workshop, and shot and killed my master in a sneak attack!


Is it because I'm worried about not being able to expose the mystery? Is it because of the kindness in my heart that I am afraid not to involve innocent civilians? King of Knights, is this your dignity? "

"No——, no, Caster!" Arturia wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Shirou.

"You——, you——" Shirou clutched his chest, fell backwards, and fell directly into the Weiyuan River behind him, and then canceled the fusion of the spirit foundation, creating the illusion of defeat, and only hovering in the air His voice, "You--, brazen woman!"

"Caster—!" Artoria stretched out her hand with a distressed expression on her face. The opponent she swore to defeat was eliminated because of the despicableness of her Master.

Her oath—— was trampled on mercilessly!

"Good job." Kiritsugu said calmly.

"I——, I didn't do anything." Arturia lowered her head and clenched her fists.

Kiritsugu looked at her with eyes like the dead sea, "So I say, you did a good job."

"Why—?" Arturia raised her head, looked at Kiritsugu, her holy blue eyes were filled with anger, and asked, "Why did you do this? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust your sword? ? Why—, why did you do such a despicable and shameless thing?"

Kiritsugu took a puff of cigarette, and said in a calm tone: "Saber, you are too straightforward, so you don't understand the complexity and ugliness of the human heart. Caster's words are obviously to split our affinity before defeat. In fact, he doesn't have to do that at all. , because I have no relationship with you. Besides, what if I did such a despicable and shameless thing? I have enlightenment, do you have it?"

"What—?" Arturia asked.

"If you want to protect one thing, you have to hurt another thing. Do you have this awareness? People who can't give up anything can't change anything."

Kiritsugu stubbed out the cigarette butt, turned around and left, leaving the last sentence: "I don't hate your integrity, but it will cause trouble for my actions. If you don't have the awareness to abandon everything and hurt everything, work hard. Just live on. I'll take care of the rest."

The Master said such words to the servants, such arrogant words, as if they looked down on the servants at all.

Artoria was so angry that she almost lost her grip on the sword.

——"Al, you can be proud of your justice and integrity, but you have to learn to be flexible. You are no longer the wandering knight you used to be, but the king who rules a country. Even if you don't understand these ways of the world, But you must at least learn to be flexible, and you can no longer be so willful and straightforward."

Arturia clenched her fists.

"...What the hell am I—what should I do?"

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