[Thirty years of vigor, the feminist movements of the two countries, the Wa Kingdom and the Stick Country, have each reaped chicken feathers. 】

[But practice brings true knowledge, and we still have lessons to sum up.] 】

[First of all. 】

[The women's rights demands of the two countries are extremely differentiated, and without a unified core demand, the defeat is already doomed. 】

[Let's take a look at the feminist appeal.] 】

[The butt determines the head, and the demands of women of different classes are naturally different. 】

[High-paid women want equality in the workplace, economic equality, and not getting married, while low-paid women prefer each other to earn money to support their families.] 】

[If there is any consensus left, it is dissatisfaction with men, but there is no unified demand for where to change and how to change, and even internal contradictions. 】

[As a result, women are often able to form an organization first, but then they can't find the focus, and eventually radicalize and embark on a male-hateful route.] 】

Barrage flying:

"There's a word for it, oh yes, rabble. "

"Seriously, I support equal rights and real equality, but the key is that some XXN like to engage in double standards. "

"Reply - yes, some XXN plays a flexible switch between gender equality and ladies first. "

"Reply - rights and obligations are reciprocal, but some XXN want to enjoy rights and don't want to bear obligations, how can this be played?"

"Reply - to put it bluntly, some XXN just want to take advantage of it under the guise of women's rights, which is shameless. "

"Reply – if it's true equality of rights, I totally agree. "


Many women in all dynasties agreed fiercely in their hearts.

As ancient people who lived in a society where men were inferior to women, the greatest expectation of many ancient women was the equality of men and women.


None of them dare to ask for equality, and it would be nice if they could improve their status a little.

It's a pity that they can only think about it in their hearts for the time being.

The other side.

In all dynasties, many old-fashioned men frowned.

In their concept, men are inferior to women, and it is natural that they are inferior.

Not to mention extreme feminism, even for the equality and equal rights of men and women advocated in the giant screen, they are unhappy and disagree.

Of course.

Not that all men in all dynasties and generations have thought so.

After experiencing the ideological propaganda of many videos played on the giant screen in the sky, and seeing many women in different positions in later generations, some ancient men have also wavered a little bit in the inherent idea of "male superiority and inferiority".


[And almost all classes of men, regardless of wealth or age, have always had the same appeal to women, that is, they are young and beautiful. 】

[The common interests are clear, the unified demands are solid, and the implementation is thorough. 】

Barrage flying:

"It's really Bengbu!"

"It's called single-mindedness!" 000

"Don't forget the original intention, belong to yes. "


Look at the giant screen in the sky.

Many ancient men of all dynasties smiled knowingly.

Food, color, sex, too.

It is human nature to pursue beautiful things.


[Secondly.] 】

[There is no victory of the group, only the breakthrough of the individual. 】

[The one who wins the most in gender opposition is actually the individual who is good at mastering the rules.] 】

[On the male side, whether it is the country of the Japanese or the country of the stick, the men who have the last laugh are more feminine than women. 】

[Don't get married, don't be responsible, use all financial resources to invest in yourself, and become a refined egoist.] 】

[On the women's side, those who can get involved in the end are also the women who truly implement equality between men and women, oppose special treatment, and focus on improving their own abilities. 】


Henkel posterior.

Empress Lu looked at the giant screen in the sky, her eyes were light but firm.

What male and female rights, in her opinion, are all illusory in the end, only ability and power are real!

If you have the ability, even if you are a woman, who would dare to underestimate it?

As long as she is strong enough, even if she is a woman, she can hold supreme power and have supreme status at will.

Just like she was right now.

and the woman surnamed Wu who was called the emperor in later generations, the same is true.

In Empress Lu's thoughts, she naturally ruled out the important role of opportunity.


[Speaking of which, you may still have a question.] 】

[The feminist movements in the Wa Kingdom and the Bangzi Country both represented a new trend of social development at the beginning, but why did they not solve the problem of women's rights and interests in the end, but instead tore the society apart?]

[The reason is simple. 】

[If you think about it carefully, the feminist movement in the Wa and Bangzi countries, no matter how loud they used to be, only grasped the political correctness of public opinion and the right to consume (strong purchasing power), but did not grasp the productive forces and economic foundation. 】

[But the economic foundation determines the superstructure, and without this core strength, defeat is inevitable. 】

[No matter how fanciful the trend of thought blows, it will eventually be tested by productivity and material foundation. 】

Barrage flying:

"Suddenly it's sublimated!"

"It was all at once profound. "

Indeed, whoever really masters the productive forces has the real right to speak. "


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin bowed slightly.

The saying that the economic base determines the superstructure is indeed a wise saying.

Whether it is women's rights in the Japanese country or women's rights in the stick country, it is because of the economic take-off of these two countries, and in the end, it is because of the economic crisis (CFAB) in these two countries that eventually leads to decline.

Even Li Shimin thought of a question: Why is the status of men higher than women in the Tang Dynasty?

The answer is obvious, because the main force of farming is men, which means that men have mastered the productive forces, and naturally men's status will be higher.

"To be able to sum up such a reason, that great teacher of red thought is really a powerful person. "

Li Shimin sighed in his heart.

The more I think about it, the more I can know the breadth and profundity of this sentence.


[On the issue of equal rights between men and women, we don't need to be superstitious about Western feminist theories. 】

[Because true equality is never about having to have the same number of men and women in a photograph, or requiring the same number of men and women officials in government departments.] 】

[Rather, let the society evaluate a person's value not by gender, but by morality, ability, and talent.] 】

[To do this, it is useless to shout slogans without paying lip service, and the "correctness" of formalism is useless. 】

[The only way to do this is to gradually improve women's education and workplace environment through economic development, optimization of distribution, and improvement of laws.] 】

Barrage flying:

"Yes, equality and independence of personality is the right way, and XXN is crazy in exchange for respect. "

"Agreed, these words should be memorized by XXN. "


Southern Song plane.

Li Qingzhao was very emotional in his heart.

She dislikes the extreme feminism of the Wa Kingdom and the Stick Country very much, and can even be said to be disgusted.

But she is very yearning for the kind of equal society that later generations depict "not by gender, but by morality, ability, and talent to evaluate a person's value".

She feels that in that kind of society, there will definitely be no strange thing that happened to her, "suing her husband and going to prison".


Of course, Rome was not built in a day, and perfection does not exist. 】

[But we should understand that true equality between men and women is definitely not one side overpowering the other, or even one side spurning the other. 】

[We do not deny the problems that arise in the individual, but do not easily rise to the group.] 】

[Internal friction is the most hurtful!Tearing is the most terrible!]

[The instructor said decades ago that "women can hold up half the sky", and decades later, this sentence is still higher than some people. 】

[As an individual in this huge society, don't let yourself be coerced by emotions, be used without knowing it, and finally become a money-making business for some people. 】

[Because of the changed flavor of "women's rights" and "men's rights", at least it is said that it is a lack of morality, at worst it is said that it is a crime, and if it is bigger, it may even betray the country. 】

[Never become a person who knows nothing but hatred, no matter how fierce you scold and complain, you are not as good and powerful as yourself, and you are finally qualified to speak with strength. 】

[Okay, that's all for this video, I hope that the little friends are troublesome with one click three times. 】

Barrage flying:

"The summary is in place. "

"The main pattern of UP is opened!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The core of the instructor's sentence is to top, not to let XXN reach out to ask. "

"I think in fact, most people are not so magical, but some people bring rhythm on the Internet every day, which affects the silent majority, and makes them more and more magical, and these rhythmic people often eat this traffic meal. "


After watching the epilogue of the video.

The mood of many ancients in the past dynasties has not been calmed down for a long time.

The outrageous behaviors of the women's rights of the Japanese country and the women's rights of the stick country really shocked them.

Especially the women's rights in the country of sticks, it is simply crazy.


Right now.

High in the sky.

Video refresh.

A new video appears.

[Killing high-ranking government officials, chasing government troops, and the president being forced to beg for mercy - how rampant are drug dealers in the cactus country?]

See this line of video titles.

Many ordinary people in all dynasties were instantly shocked. []

What is the origin of the drug dealers in the cactus country, who are so arrogant?

Even the president of the cactus country, the supreme head of a country, should be forced to beg them for mercy, which is simply outrageous.

And many emperors of all dynasties were shocked and very puzzled in their hearts.

Although the power of the president of a country in later generations is not as supreme as the imperial power in their hands, he is also the supreme leader of a country, and he holds the power of the country, how can he be bullied by drug dealers?

What's going on?

It can't be deliberately exaggerated by later generations, right?

With this in mind, many ancients, including emperors, focused their attention on the giant screen in the sky.


[In March 2019, López, the current president of the Cactus Country, announced that the "war on drugs" was officially over. 】

[It's just that this is not a declaration of victory, but a declaration of defeat.] 】

[Thirteen years ago, the then president of the Cactus Nation announced a "war on drugs", preparing to destroy various drug trafficking syndicates in one fell swoop. 】

[However, the final outcome is very magical: for 13 years, the war on drugs has had little effect.] 】

[The only change is that a lot of people have died.] 】

[According to Agence France-Presse, in the past 13 years, there have been countless violent clashes between drug traffickers and police and civilians in the cactus country, and more than 200,000 murders have been clearly registered. 】

[Among these 200,000 people, there are the most ordinary policemen, journalists, soldiers, drug dealers, children, the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled, as well as high-level figures: drug lords, mayors, bureau chiefs, etc.] 】

[Many parts of the Cactus Country have become the regions with the highest homicide rate in the world. 】

[This is probably why, the current President López López spoke at the press conference, almost in a begging tone:

"Now officially there is no war. We want peace, and we will achieve peace. "】

[Yes, the president of the cactus country is openly softening - giving in to the drug dealers, begging for peace from the drug dealers. 】

[There are no wonders in the world, and today I can be regarded as an eye-opener. 】


Look at the video clip of the press conference playing on the giant screen in the sky.

The ancients of all dynasties were shocked again.

It's true!

The president of a country, the supreme power holder of the country, should make such a low-pitched plea for peace with his own drug traffickers in front of a large public.

It was a blow to their minds.

Great Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang looked at the president of the cactus country in the giant screen, and his eyes flashed with disdain.

This man is really weak and incompetent.

As the supreme leader of the country, he begged for mercy from the drug dealers in his country, and he was simply the head of a country in vain.

What is 200,000 dead?

For traders who dare to provoke the state, even if another 200,000 people die, they must be completely suppressed.

As the iron-blooded emperor who swept Liuhe and ended the war, Qin Shi Huang's toughness goes without saying.

A king like him naturally can't look down on this kind of behavior of bowing his head to a mere drug dealer and admitting defeat.


[Now when it comes to the country of cactus, many people first think of rampant drug dealers, killing and chaos. 】

[But in fact, the cactus country originally had a good hand.] 】

[In the eyes of most people, the reason why a country is backward and cannot develop is closely related to its lack of resources. 】

[But the truth is that the situation of the human kingdom itself is diametrically opposed to what we imagined. 】

[Cactus Country is located in the southern part of Latin America, adjacent to the richest country in the world, the Eagle Sauce Country. 】

Barrage flying:

"That's the problem!"

"It's not a good thing to be next to the Eagle Sauce Country. "

This has to mention the famous saying: The unlucky cactus country is too far away from the gods, too close to the country of eagle sauce. "

"The cactus country has today's cups, and most of them are due to the eagle sauce country. "


Look at these barrages in the giant screen.

Many ancient people in all dynasties were puzzled:

"What does this have to do with Eagle Sauce Country?"

"Could it be that the Eagle Sauce Country has made a move against the Cactus Country?"

The answers to these questions, they naturally can't think of out of thin air.

It wasn't until they saw the content of the video that they realized it.


[The land area reaches 196.4 square kilometers, although the surface cannot be compared with the big countries, but the ranking in the world is definitely not bad. 】

[It can be said that in terms of land area, the cactus country has enough advantages. 】

[Not only that, the cactus country is surrounded by the sea on both sides, and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. 】

[This means that the cactus country is uniquely positioned to build ports and develop shipping.] 】

[Even in the turbulent Caribbean, the cactus nation speaks well. 】

[In addition, the cactus country is also rich in mineral resources. 】

[Not only is the silver reserves the first in the world, accounting for 37%, known as the silver empire, but also the reserves of copper and graphite are also the third largest in the world.] 】

In addition, oil, coal, natural gas, and forest resources are abundant. 】


"Silver Empire?"

"Great place!"

The Ming Dynasty became an ancestor, and Zhu Di's eyes lit up.

This cactus country actually has so much silver and copper, which are all items that the Ming Dynasty needs very much.

"Adjacent to the Eagle Sauce Country, then it is also in the Americas?"

"Good! good!"

"This America is truly a treasure land!"

Zhu Di couldn't wait for the Daming Sailor to set off to explore the Americas.

This cactus country is next to the sea, so it is easier to find it by sea.

Not only Zhu Di, who became the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, but also many emperors such as Li Shimin in other dynasties had the intention of occupying the territory of the Cactus Country.

After all, silver and copper, in ancient dynasties, was wealth.

There is so much silver and copper in the cactus country, so naturally it is not to be missed!


[Looking at the world, compared with most countries, the cactus country has already obtained a good hand that others can't compare. 】

[But this good hand not only did not make the cactus country an influential regional power, but also made him a vassal of drug dealers. 】

[Because here, drug dealers are the ones who control the direction of the country.] 】

[It can even be said that the Cactus Country is a large "drug cartel" disguised as a state. 】

[Many people know that the drug lords in the cactus country are very rampant, but what the UP Lord wants to say is that what ordinary people know may only be the tip of the iceberg. 】

[The drug lords of the Cactus Country are very rampant, and they are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!]


The eyes of the ancients of all dynasties were more focused.

They want to see what the drug lords of the Cactus Country can become.

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