【OGAS is an attempt to use mathematics and computers to map and control important cities in human society.】

【We want to use computer decision-making to eliminate corruption, high-mindedness and low-handedness, laymen guiding experts and bureaucracy in manual decision-making.】

【But the prerequisite for computer decision-making is to be able to accurately report underlying economic and social data.】

【And if there is manual participation in this process, the same problem will arise. Human data concealment and tampering cannot be completely avoided.】

【Therefore, data collection and review also require computers to complete】

【In the same way, people may not be able to participate in the final execution process.】

【The entire feedback mechanism must also be fully automated】

【It can be seen that the management of a cyber society requires digitalization and automation from data collection, modeling and decision-making, to final execution and feedback.】


Many ancient people from all dynasties nodded.


To achieve absolute fairness, human participation must be completely eliminated.

But the question is can it be done?

The ancients had no answer. actually.

Even modern people still have no answer.

Even many modern people firmly believe that with the development of science and technology, such as the improvement of supercomputer computing power and the increasing intelligence of AI, one day it will be technically possible to achieve the picture described by OGAS. but.

Can absolute machine control of decision-making ensure absolute fairness?

This is also an unknown issue


【If the collection of data can rely on various sensors and algorithms within the financial system to monitor the index, and the execution feedback can be through artificial intelligence based on machine learning, this is something we can still imagine.】

【How to achieve the most critical modeling and decision-making? It's hard for us to imagine】

【The core question is: Can human society really be accurately described by numerous mathematical variables? In what form should various events that occur in human society be input into the model for calculation?】

【There are too many variables that can affect the economy. What is even more frightening is that human society is a huge and complex system composed of several subsystems nested in each other.】

【For example, the economic system is nested in the political system and the cultural system at the same time.】

【At the same time, it is also affected by the human biological system, and many systems are affected by external ecological systems and meteorological systems.】

【If all mutual influences are really taken into account, the complexity of the system will inevitably increase exponentially.】

【However, if we only consider one or a few of the systems, we cannot make an accurate description.】

【This also means that an accurate mathematical description of the entire human world must be】

【All social disciplines such as economics, sociology, and management must be unified, and then combined with natural disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, science, etc., to form a complete giant knowledge system to solve problems. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Too complicated, impossible"

"The only one who can do this is probably the God of Creation."

"Reply – Hey guys, the end of science is theology, right?"

"I think it’s still a matter of computing power. As long as the computing power is enough, the universe can be modeled, let alone human society."

"Reply – Isn’t this equivalent to saying it in vain? The core problem is that it is impossible to have such a large computing power"

"Reply - Yes, so many variables need to be considered, and the computing power required is too huge."


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked a little confused.

There are too many technical terms in this paragraph.

Although in ancient times, he was an absolute elite.

But after all, I am getting older, my brain is not so flexible, and my ability to understand new things has been reduced.


There are so many professional terms from later generations, which makes it difficult for Lao Zhu to understand.

But it doesn't matter, he still has his great son here

"Boss, do you understand?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Zhu Biao:

"Not completely understand."

Zhu Biao shook his head.

Then he spoke again:

"However, I guess that later generations meant that human nature is complex and cannot be calculated."

"We think so too."

Zhu Yuanzhang said for the first time


【This is simply not a job that ordinary humans can do. Perhaps only superhuman beings can do it.】

【But does Superman really not exist?】

【In the 1980s when OGAS was declining, systems science began to emerge as a new branch of science based on emerging disciplines such as cybernetics and information theory.】

【The person who proposed the overall framework of this branch of science was the author of the aforementioned"Engineering Cybernetics"】

【He was indeed unknown in the field of cybernetics at the time.】

【Because cybernetics was not his main research direction at that time, his real main field of study was aerospace engineering.】

【His name should be familiar to everyone, he is Mr. Qian】

【According to Qian Lao himself, when he was under house arrest in Yingjiang Country, in order to avoid persecution, he decided to write an academic work with a different research direction from his own to show that his current research was safe, in order to divert the authorities of Yingjiang Country. attention】

【Then, the book"Engineering Cybernetics" was born】

【He probably never expected that this random attempt would actually create the new discipline of engineering cybernetics and have such a huge impact, messing up Big Brother like that. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Just write whatever you want...it's so powerful! Mr. Qian is so powerful..!"

"Invincible! Is this the Great God? I'm done with it!"

"As expected, he is a big shot. He is a heavyweight just by writing casually."


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin said with emotion:

"This Mr. Qian is truly an unparalleled national scholar! One person can be worth a million soldiers!"

He thought of what people from the Yingjiang Kingdom said in the video,"Qian Lao can be as strong as the five divisions of the Yingjiang Kingdom." He couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Such purple gold beams bridging the sea and white jade pillars holding up the sky.

It's just Yingjiang. What do the country's five divisions mean?

He felt that Yingjiang Kingdom was completely trying to put gold on its five divisions.

Hearing Li Shimin's emotion, Changsun Wuji and other officials of the Tang Dynasty all spoke in agreement:

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true, this is indeed a great talent in the country!"

"The true pillar of the country!"

"In future generations, if the Dragon Kingdom can obtain Qian Lao, it will be even more powerful than a tiger!"


Although their words were deliberately meant to cater to Li Shimin.

But in their hearts, they all think that Qian Lao is a great person!


【Mr. Qian is mainly known for his two bombs and one satellite】

【The two bombs and one satellite strategy includes rocket and aerospace engineering】

【At that time, the goal of these plans was to protect the new republic and resist external threats. They were highly practical in purpose. Therefore, what Mr. Qian had always done was"down-to-earth" research.】

【But in his later years, as the Dragon Kingdom opened its doors, Mr. Qian also came into contact with many new doctrines and theories from foreign scholars.】

【He realized that we cannot be satisfied with the existing theoretical framework, nor can we be satisfied with the pursuit of pure theoretical practicality. We need to look up to the stars.】

【So he proposed to unify all disciplines such as social sciences and natural sciences, and use a new theory called"system science" to solve the problems of the future world.】

【So what does Qian Lao want to do in his later years?】

【Could the new science he's focused on solve OGAS's fundamental flaws?】

【Can humans really build a mathematical model that can thoroughly describe their own civilization?】

【Perhaps in the future, this little-known Big Brother OGAS project will serve as a prehistoric attempt at a new social form for mankind and become a must-examine subject in history.】


Watch the entire video.

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties could not calm down for a long time.

OGAS's idea of ​​using"supercomputers" to replace"human beings" in managing the country really shocked them.

This was a path they had never thought of and would not have imagined.

So many ancient people are still thinking about it after watching the video, what will happen if the OGAS plan is really realized?

What kind of country will that be?

Many ancient people were very curious


In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refreshes.

A video title appeared on the giant screen in the sky

【Famed as a god all over the world and popular overseas, how popular is"Sun Tzu's Art of War" outside China? 】

Spring and Autumn Plane.

Sun Wu looked at this line of large characters and became extremely interested in the content of the next video.

From the videos he had watched before, he already knew that"Sun Tzu's Art of War" was the name given to his military book by later generations.

He was naturally very concerned about the spread of his military books in later generations.

Except for Sun Wu himself.

In many aspects of the past dynasties after the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many ancients had a strong interest in this video.

《"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is China's holy book of military science, and has been read by many ancients in all dynasties.

They are also curious, how popular is"Sun Tzu's Art of War" outside China?

In the attention of ancient people of all dynasties.

The main video starts playing

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Recently, the Chinese literary organization"Hong Kong PEN" released a list of banned books in prisons in China, among which"The Art of War" was prominently included.】

【According to an interview with the Associated Press, there were two main reasons for banning books in the Eagle Country Prison: safety and astringent sentiments.】

【《"Sun Tzu's Art of War" naturally has nothing to do with astringent feelings, so the reason why Yingjiang Prison banned"Sun Tzu's Art of War" can only be safety.】

【So, do people in Yingjiang think that prisoners can plan a prison break after reading"The Art of War"?】



Many ancient people in the past dynasties were stunned for a moment, and then felt that the practice of Yingjiang State Prison seemed to make sense.

Prison breakout can also be seen as a war between prisoners and jailers.

It's very reasonable not to let prisoners read military books.

So why is"Sun Tzu's Art of War" banned?

Many ancient people speculated that it must be because the Yingjiang State Prison felt that"Sun Tzu's Art of War" was too powerful, and was afraid that the prisoners would learn more effective escape methods from it.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no need for the Eagle Country Prison to do this.

Listing"The Art of War" as a banned book just shows the importance it attaches to this book


【After the news was announced, it instantly aroused an uproar, from the Associated Press, Fox News to the Guardian, a country where the sun never sets, and even the New Delhi TV station in Asanguo reported on it.】[]

【Because"The Art of War" is abroad, it has always been a well-known book with a high status.】

【Regardless of the Japanese country, the Bangzi country, or the Western English-speaking world, they all regard it as a masterpiece.】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin said:

"These people from foreign countries outside China are quite knowledgeable."

"《Sun Tzu's"The Art of War" is indeed an unparalleled work by a military strategist."

Li Shimin unabashedly expressed his praise for"Sun Tzu's Art of War".

After Li Shimin's death, Li Jing and other famous generals of the Tang Dynasty were not surprised by this.

They all knew that their majesty admired"Sun Tzu's Art of War".

For example, Li Jing once I heard Li Shimin say to him personally:

".I have looked at all the military books and found out nothing about Sun Wu. In Sun Wu's thirteen chapters, nothing about the truth is false."

This kind of evaluation can be said to be extremely high.

"Your Majesty, I doubt that people from these foreign countries can really understand"The Art of War"?"

Li Jing raised his doubts

"Then take a look and you will know. Li

Shimin replied


【The Kingdom of Japan and the Korean Peninsula were the first areas to be affected by Sun Tzu's Art of War.】

【Among them, the peninsula should be the earliest】

【According to the records of the Goryeo history book"Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms", during the Eastern Jin Dynasty,"Sun Tzu's Art of War" had been introduced to the Goryeo Peninsula and was used in military practice.】

【You don’t have to worry about this being stolen at all.】

【After all, Goryeo's record in history was too poor. It was beaten to the point of crying by the Japanese at every turn, and it came to the Central Plains Dynasty for help again and again.】

【Now he can only rely on TV dramas to make up for his troubles, and Li Shimin will be blinded at every turn. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Speaking of which, this is outrageous! Li Er has been shot blind in several Bangziguo TV series."

"Reply - What's even more outrageous is that in the TV series"Bangzi Kingdom", Li Er knelt down and begged for mercy from Yeon Gaesumun, and then Yeon Gaesumun chased Li Er into Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Er was forced to cede the Large tracts of land were given to Goguryeo as an apology gift"

"Reply - Damn it, Bangzi Country is really shameless, how dare you brag!"

"Reply - It is indeed the Kingdom of the Universe, so capable of YY"

"Reply - If Li Er knew that Bangzi Kingdom arranged him in this way, he would probably not be able to hold down the coffin board."

"Reply - To be honest, when I see Bangzi Country being so YY, I just feel like laughing."


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin obviously couldn't laugh.

He looked at the mixed clips of related Bangzi TV series inserted into the video on the high-altitude giant screen, and his face became extremely livid.

"court death!"

"I must conquer Goguryeo!"

Li Shimin said angrily.

These actions of the Bangzi Kingdom in later generations simply made him mad.

"Your Majesty, I request you to lead the army to attack Goguryeo. I swear not to return to the army until Goguryeo is attacked and destroyed!"

"Your Majesty, I invite you to fight!"


Li Jing and other famous generals of the Tang Dynasty opened their mouths to ask for orders one after another, with murderous looks on their faces.

"Your Majesty, Goguryeo is so bold and shameless that it dares to slander Your Majesty like this. We must send troops to attack you!"

"I agree that the immortality of Goguryeo is not enough to demonstrate the power of the Tang Dynasty."


Changsun Wuji and other civil officials also spoke out.

Their faces were extremely angry.

The Lord humiliates the minister and dies!

Goguryeo insulted their majesty in this way, and they were full of murderous intentions towards Goguryeo.

Although this matter was done by the Bangzi Kingdom in later generations, Bangzi Kingdom and Goguryeo have the same origin, so there is nothing wrong with Goguryeo’s head for this account.

"Let craftsmen speed up the development of gunpowder"

"When gunpowder is successfully developed, we will send troops to attack Goguryeo!"

Although Li Shimin was very angry, he still kept calm.

The last time he conquered Goguryeo, he could not capture Anshi for a long time. As a result, the weather was cold and the food transportation was poor, so he was forced to withdraw.

After the Tang Dynasty has gunpowder this time, let's see how Goguryeo can defend it. city?


【I don’t know if it is necessary to make up for whatever is missing. Bangzi Kingdom has always been keen on studying"Sun Tzu's Art of War".》】

【From 1953 to the present, there have been more than 300 translations of"The Art of War" by Bangzi Kingdom, as well as books related to it.】

【However, Bangzi Country has troops stationed in Yingjiang Country, and the command during wartime is also in Ami's hands.】

【So, what can we say about Bangziguo’s study of"Sun Tzu’s Art of War"?】

【It’s a country where people are treated like dogs. No matter how well you learn the art of war, it’s useless.】

【Let’s talk about the next one: Japan】

【There are many opinions on when Sun Tzu's Art of War was introduced to the Japanese country.】

【And until the records in the Goryeo history book"Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms" were verified, the Japanese country always believed that it was spread to the Japanese country first. Tie】

【Who does it reach first?】

【These two countries have been fighting for many years】



Many ancient people in the past dynasties were a little puzzled.

Why are you fighting over this?

Is it possible that whichever country"Sun Tzu's Art of War" was spread to first will feel more glorious? have to say.

Some ancient people's guesses are close to the truth..

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