【Years of war had destroyed Napoleon's health, and his exile from the civilized world had worn away his will.】

【In his last moments, he left the following sarcasm: I have won the French Empire Crown and the Italian Iron Crown, and now the people of the country have given me a more glorious crown: the Crown of Thorns.】

【On May 5, 1821, on a stormy afternoon, Napoleon died suddenly at the age of 51.】

【On his deathbed, he was still reciting silently: France! army! Army commander!】

【Nineteen years later, Napoleon's coffin was transported back to Paris and an extremely grand state funeral was held.】

【On that day, more than 1 million Gaulish people saw him off in Paris.】

【Napoleon's old troops and the Old Guards also rushed to Paris from all over Europe just to see their emperor for the last time.】

【These loyal warriors followed Napoleon deep into the deserts of Egypt, across the snow-capped mountains of the Alps, witnessed the red sun of the Battle of Austerlitz, and withstood the cold winter of the Bear Country.】

【But now they are all old, their uniforms no longer fit, their names have been forgotten, only the weathered faces seem to tell: They once created an extremely glorious empire and witnessed it with their own eyes. destruction】


Along with the narration and subtitles, the video image of this scene appeared on the giant high-altitude screen.

Seeing the Old Guards of the Gallic Chicken Kingdom lined up neatly on the giant screen high in the sky, many ancient people from all dynasties stood in awe.

In ancient times when loyalty was advocated, such a loyal army and such loyal actions were enough for them to recognize and admire.

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin opened his mouth to praise and said:

"What a loyal teacher!"

As an emperor, he naturally appreciates these loyal teachers very much.

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true. They are indeed loyal people!"

"They are all loyal and patriotic people!"


After Li Shimin spoke, Changsun Wuji, Li Jing and other officials of the Tang Dynasty began to praise him.

As a minister, in front of the emperor, the position of loyalty to the emperor must be firm. certainly.

From the bottom of their hearts, they really appreciate this act of loyalty.

Not only in the realm of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

In other dynasty planes, other emperors are also praising these old guards of the Gallic Kingdom.

From their standpoint, loyalty to the emperor must be vigorously promoted and encouraged.


【What were the negative reasons for Napoleon's empire?】

【One view is that Napoleon betrayed the revolution and launched a war of aggression for his own ambitions】

【In this regard we should ask: Which revolution? What kind of revolution?】

【It is true that the Gallic Revolution was one of the greatest revolutions in human history, but in the final analysis it was a bourgeois revolution】

【Let me ask, is there any successful bourgeois revolution that has not been transformed into an imperialist war of aggression?】

【Freedom, equality, and fraternity were the banners of the Gallic Revolution, but its ultimate goal was to destroy backward production relations, open up the external market, accumulate industrial capital, and release advanced productive forces. 】

The barrage flew out:

"correct! exactly!"

"too real"


Many emperors in the past dynasties looked indifferent.

From their perspective, they didn’t think there was anything wrong with Napoleon’s approach of sending troops to and occupying other countries.

Countries in this world will become stronger if they are strong, and will perish if they are weak.

Regarding Napoleon's defeat, they were more concerned about Napoleon's strategic mistakes rather than justice.

As the head of a country, national interests are eternal justice


【From this perspective, Napoleon not only did not betray the revolution, on the contrary, his genius military ability enabled him to achieve all the missions assigned to him by the revolution, including the aggressive war he later launched.】

【Because capitalist society itself has strong endogenous crises】

【Even if Napoleon did not launch a war"inspiringly", could overproduction be solved? Can social conflicts disappear? Can cyclical economic crises not break out?】

【The bourgeoisie of the Gallic Chicken Country only remembered to condemn Napoleon's"betrayal" after the defeat in Leipzig. But where were they when the Battle of Austerlitz was won? What were they doing when the Treaty of Tilsit was signed?】

【While enjoying the dividends of economic growth, we are calling for the implementation of a continental blockade, and we are dreaming of a unified European market.】

【This bourgeois revolution cannot be promoted by one person, and naturally it cannot be destroyed by one person. Its own limitations are the fundamental reason for the collapse of Napoleon's empire.】

【Of course, if Napoleon could break the blockade of the country on which the sun never sets, the revolution might have a different ending】


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di nodded slightly.

In fact, throughout the entire process of the Napoleonic Wars, from beginning to end, the biggest opponent of Napoleon and the Gallic Chicken Kingdom was the Kingdom on which the sun never sets.

Everything is because the navy of the Gallic Kingdom cannot defeat the navy of the Kingdom where the sun never sets.

If the Gallic Chicken Country could defeat the navy of the Country where the Sun Never Sets and attack the mainland of the Country where the Sun Never Sets, then the outcome would definitely be different.

Although the comprehensive national power of the Sun Never Sets Country is strong, he feels that the foundation behind it is the sea power controlled by the Sun Never Sets Navy.

"To conquer the world, we must rely on navy.!"

Zhu Di thought in his heart


【Let’s just imagine, if the tragedies that happened in the country of the duck and the country of the woolly bear happened in Latin America, on the coast of West Africa, and on the Indian subcontinent, would they encounter the same level of resistance? Will he receive the same level of condemnation?】

【The answer is: no】

【Because the colonial history of the next 100 years has been clearly written】

【It can be seen that it was the blockade that the sun never set that strangled Napoleon's empire.】

【The suppression of land power by sea power has become an irreversible trend after the formation of the world market.】

【Then why couldn't Napoleon give up land power and concentrate on competing for sea power with the country on which the sun never sets?】

【Because the country where the sun never sets did not give him such a chance】

【1.5 billion pounds of aid and seven anti-French alliances have firmly targeted the main force of the French army on the European continent.】

【Facts have proved that the Sun Never Sets country can not only blockade the Gallic Chicken Country at sea, but also suppress the Gallic Chicken Country on land. This process does not even require it to die personally.】

【Those countries that are deeply tied to it economically are all its die-hard allies.】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the giant screen high in the sky and didn't quite agree with the narrator's words.

He felt that Napoleon was not without a chance.

The targeting and suppression of the country where the sun never sets certainly caused many difficulties for Napoleon.

But Napoleon's own diplomatic and political mistakes cannot be denied.

One bite cannot make you fat, and one step cannot reach the horizon.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that Napoleon's pace was too hasty, and his entire career was a non-stop war.

Although Napoleon was an extremely outstanding military genius, war alone could not solve all problems.

For example, in terms of understanding other European countries.

Zhu Yuanzhang believed that even the allies of the country where the sun never sets would not want to see the country become a dominant force.

As long as Napoleon and the Gallic Chicken Country can grasp this, they will have a lot of room to take advantage of.

It comes down to it.

Zhu Yuanzhang believed that Napoleon was too superstitious about his military abilities and believed that he could sweep across Europe.

"Want to be the first emperor of Europe?"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head.

Everyone knows that it was the First Emperor who unified the world in the past, but they often ignore the sentence"Fen the Sixth Generation".

The national power of the Gallic Chicken Kingdom is simply not enough to complete the feat of completely unifying Europe.


【This brings us to the direct cause of the negative effects of the Napoleonic Empire: Old Europe headed by the Bear Country. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【To make a metaphor that is not so appropriate and not so accurate, the Napoleonic War in Europe was actually very much like the American Civil War that was staged in advance.】

【Because this is essentially a dispute over the development line, a contest between the industrial party and the comprador party, and a confrontation between capitalism and serfdom.】

【So why did the North succeed in the Civil War, but failed in the Napoleonic War?】

【Because the power of industrial society at that time was not enough to crush agricultural society. Economically, it did not have factories, railways and trusts, and militarily it did not have machine guns, explosives and telegraph machines.】

【During the Napoleonic Wars, there was no generational difference in weapons and technology between the two sides.】

【Therefore, when old Europe learns Napoleon's war ideas, it will be able to arm an evenly matched army.】

【What's more, behind them, there was also the support of the people of China. The two joined forces and finally buried Napoleon's empire.】


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji suddenly had a whim and said:

"If Napoleon had the weapons of later generations, such as machine guns, planes, tanks, etc., he would definitely have won."

Hearing this, both Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi burst into laughter.

If there is such a big gap in weapons, we don't need a military genius like Napoleon. Anyone who leads the army should be able to sweep across Europe.


【But the victory of old Europe was only temporary】

【Ten years after the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Decembrist movement broke out in Russia】

【After the young officers who marched into the Gallic Kingdom saw the light, they could no longer bear the darkness in front of them.】

【In 1848, the revolutionary wave swept across Europe. An uprising broke out in Munich, Paris drove away the king, Gallibody invaded Rome, and Metternich escaped from Vienna.】

【The ridiculous feudal monarchy order in old Europe only lasted 30 years before it collapsed.】

【Because advancement will surely defeat backwardness, science will eliminate ignorance, and civilization will replace barbarism. This is the iron law of history.】


After reading this.

Many emperors in the past dynasties were horrified.

Some people were wavering about starting the Industrial Revolution.

If the country's strength comes at the expense of them handing over the throne, then they really don't want to.

But at the same time.

The attitudes of other emperors remained firm.

They are the heroes of all dynasties and have strong self-confidence. They firmly believe that everything is under control.


【Finally, I want to talk about Napoleon himself】

【There is no need to describe his significance to history.】

【Few people can combine personal destiny with the destiny of the era so closely like him that we need to name an era after him.】

【But what I want to say is that aside from those dazzling auras, he is actually just like you and me, a mortal with joys, sorrows and joys.】

【Napoleon left many letters during his life】

【These letters clearly demonstrate his character. He is brave, confident, determined, enthusiastic, and frank, but he is also arrogant, arbitrary, irritable, and arrogant.】

【All this constitutes his unique personality charm, which is why countless people support him and follow him from the bottom of their hearts.】

【But what surprised me was that in an era that valued rationality so much, people finally chose Napoleon, who had such obvious advantages and disadvantages, and unconditionally obeyed many of his irrational decisions.】

【This may be because after the Gallic Revolution, while humans began to fight for abstract concepts such as ideals, beliefs, and ideologies, they still yearned for a concrete, flesh-and-blood individual who could carry our love and respond to us. demands, promising our future】

【Napoleon was such a person. He happened to be standing at the crossroads of an era that was undergoing major changes unseen in a thousand years.】

【Behind him, the old world is collapsing and disintegrating; in front of him, the new world is being established and completed】

【His story is not the end of this book, on the contrary, it is the prologue of this book. Next we will enter the 200 years of rapid development of human civilization.】

【We have created unprecedented wealth and committed shocking crimes.】

【We have invented technologies that have changed the world, and we have experienced wars that have destroyed civilizations.】

【To this day, we're still not sure where we're going】

【But don’t be afraid of history. History may be cold, regular, and independent of human will, but we who live in it can still choose to live our lives vividly.】


In the final epilogue, the video ends.

This great revolution of the Gallic Kingdom and the legendary life of Napoleon gave many shocks to the ancients of all dynasties.

They witnessed a great revolution with the goal of overthrowing the feudal monarchy, and their awe of the supremacy of imperial power was loosened in their hearts.

They have a deeper understanding of the natural human rights of"all people are created equal."

The seeds of new ideological enlightenment were planted in the hearts of some ancients.

Just as the Enlightenment ideological movement promoted the Gallic Revolution, these seeds of ideological enlightenment may also trigger institutional changes in ancient society at the right time, when the level of productivity is reached.

This is just like the sentence mentioned in the video on the giant screen:"Those who have seen the light can no longer endure the darkness."

Perhaps due to various constraints, this seed cannot germinate, bloom and grow.

But with the rapid progress of ancient productivity brought about by the transmission of knowledge on the giant screen, one day it will bear fruit earlier than the original historical time and space.


In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refreshes.

New video appears on the high-altitude giant screen

【How terrible is the thought transformation in Yingjiang Country? Let’s take a look at the real experience of Japan. 】

After this (very good) headline flashed on the giant screen high in the sky, there was a preface immediately following.

【The Japanese people bombed the Japanese cities, seized the Japanese women, and plundered the Japanese wealth. However, the Japanese people did not hate the Japanese people at all. Not only did they not hate them, they even showed gratitude and respect to the Japanese people.】

【In 1951, when MacArthur, the five-star critic and Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Japan, left Japan, as many as 200,000 Japanese people saw him off along the way from the Allied Forces Headquarters in Japan to Tokyo International Airport.】

【They cried bitterly and reluctantly shouted the name of their"great benefactor"】

【Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru even wrote a farewell letter with a heavy heart. He said sincerely in the letter:"You left our land in a hurry without warning, which shocked me so much and made me so sad. At this time, only silence"】

【There were even some Japanese craftsmen who made a kimono tailor-made for MacArthur. This kimono had 70 million stitches, which means that 70 million Japanese people worked with one stitch and one thread with one heart and one mind.】

【This outrageous scene has exceeded the awareness of other countries in the world.】

【Even a large number of people from the Yingjiang country can't figure out why the Japanese people don't hate them at all? 】

The barrage flew out:

"Little Days: Where is dad going? Dad, don't go!"

"Ancestor arts from childhood"


Looking at the video picture on the giant screen in the sky and listening to the narration, the ancients of all dynasties were confused.

They had seen from previous videos what great things the Yingjiang people had done to the Japanese people.

That was a direct bombing and destruction of two Japanese cities with an extremely terrifying weapon such as the atomic bomb, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Japanese people.

They felt that this kind of hatred was enough to make the Japanese people hate Yingjiang Country for the rest of their lives.

But what do they see now?

It is the people of Japan who are grateful to the general of Yingjiang Kingdom.

Japanese people are really mean!

The ancients despised Tao.

(The original video was blocked. The reviewer said it couldn’t be written and had to be replaced. I’m sorry to all the readers. I’m sorry.)

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