【Legislation was a step forward for Napoleon, but he also took a step backward, which was to welcome back the church】

【The Gallic Kingdom has a total population of 28 million, of which 23 million are farmers living in rural areas. Most of them are illiterate and must rely on spiritual beliefs and cultural services provided by the church.】

【For them, the revolution that took place in Paris had nothing to do with them. Instead, it was the new government's forced food requisition and church demolition that aroused their strong resistance.】

【Peasants are the main force of the Gallic army, and the army is Napoleon's iron bank.】

【Therefore, in July 1801, the Gallic government and the Vatican reached a"State-Religious Agreement", which allowed the church to move freely under the premise of abiding by the law and staying away from politics.】

【Relying on this agreement, Napoleon successfully penetrated his influence into the rural areas of Gaul.】

【Countless missionaries sang his victory, read his communiqués, and mobilized millions of troops for him. 】

The barrage flew out:

"From a modern perspective, this is a step backwards, but at the time, it was Napoleon's most correct choice."

"The Gaul Kingdom is not religious, which is as unrealistic as China completely abandoning Confucianism"

"Separation of church and state achieved in a gentle manner"

"The church was indeed a backward force, but under the circumstances at the time, it was able to help Napoleon stabilize the situation in the grassroots rural areas."

"It was a compromise, but it was a good move."

"It doesn't matter whether it is advanced or backward, only whether it is suitable or not"


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang approved of Napoleon's approach.

Although he didn't know what the church in Gaul was exactly, the fact that it could help Napoleon stabilize the peasant group was enough to show its role.

This means it has value.

What is advanced or backward is not a problem at all.

For a superior person, whether it is useful or not is what needs to be considered.

Just like when he started, he was more or less related to the three major folk religions: Mingjiao, White Lotus Sect, and Maitreya Sect.


At a later stage, when these major folk religions were of no use to him and even had side effects on his career, he decisively divested himself of them completely.

In addition, after he established the Ming Dynasty, he also knew how to use the power of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism for his own benefit. 06In a nutshell.

All decisions are based on the needs of real interests



【Napoleon's reforms were also effective in other respects】

【He reorganized the gendarmerie and within three years completely wiped out the bandits active in the countryside of Gaul.】

【This achievement is even more popular than the brilliant victory he achieved in Italy.】

…… at this point.

Ancient people of all dynasties could understand it.

Bandits are a very hated group, no matter which dynasty they are in.

Oh, no, except for the later generations of Eagle Sauce Country where"zero dollar purchases" are rampant.

Not only does it not crack down on bandits, it also legislates to protect bandits.

It's simply magical


【On the other hand, he also actively strives for the support of the financial bourgeoisie】

【In January 1800, the Bank of France was formally established and stabilized the value of the franc through the gold and silver bimetallism system. The inflation problem that had long plagued the government of the Republic was finally solved in the most thorough way.】

【All this is attributed to financial capital’s confidence in Napoleon’s governance.】

【But what cannot be ignored is the wealth he plundered from Italy and Austria's war reparations.】


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di looked confused:

"Gold and silver bimetallism?"

"What does it mean?"

"Boss, do you understand?"

Zhu Di asked Zhu Gaochi.

The problem of the continuous depreciation of Ming treasure banknotes has always troubled his Ming Dynasty.

Since this gold and silver bimetal system can stabilize the currency value of the Gallic chicken country, if Ming Dynasty can learn from it, will it Can it stabilize the currency value of Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes?

Zhu Di himself didn't understand what the gold and silver bimetallism was, so he put his hope in Zhu Gaochi, a good man who was good at internal affairs.

After Zhu Gaochi was stunned for a moment, he shook his head and replied:

"Dad, I don’t understand."

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Zhanji on the side again.

"Grandpa, I don’t understand either."

Zhu Zhanji quickly replied.


【Facing the financial world, Napoleon gave good advice】

【Facing the media, he directly attacked】

【He ordered the closure of 60 of the 73 newspapers in the country, and the remaining 13 were all his mouthpieces.】

【Napoleon made little secret of his views on the control of public opinion: a newspaper is an arsenal, and allowing it to operate freely is tantamount to sleeping next to a powder keg】

【From the above reforms, you can clearly see that Napoleon was both the most radical reformer and the most stubborn conservative. It all depends on what he needed at the time.】

【Therefore, both groups were very dissatisfied with him, and he himself suffered several assassinations.】

【But one thing that no one can deny is that these swinging policies miraculously stabilized the chaotic situation in the Gallic Kingdom and enabled Napoleon to successfully crown himself emperor of France.】

【Now, he finally has enough strength to face his real enemy: the country on which the sun never sets】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin nodded slightly.

This man is indeed a hero.

Not only is he great at leading troops in battles, but he is also very capable in domestic politics.

It can be said that he is both civil and military.

After Li Shimin's death, the officials of the Tang Dynasty felt more and more that this man named Napoleon was very similar to their own Majesty.

You can fight a war if you mount a horse, and you can govern a country if you dismount.

Wen Zhi and martial arts are all good at it.


【at this time】

【The sun never sets on the country that has completed the bourgeois revolution. The biggest demand is to kill the revolution in the Gallic chicken country.】

【Because the underlying logic of the operation of a capitalist country is: while maintaining efficient production, it destroys the production capacity of competitors and allows them to provide raw materials and markets.】

【Therefore, after the Great Revolution of the Gallic Chicken Country, the Sun Never Sets Country was more nervous than any feudal monarch on the European continent.】

【Because it clearly knows what kind of production capacity will a France that has completed its revolution and unification unleash?】

【In the 7 anti-French alliances, the Sun Never Sets spent a total of 1.573 billion pounds in order to completely kill this potential competitor.】

【But what is even more frightening is that this astronomical sum of money only accounts for 10% of the country's fiscal expenditures every year on average.%】

【Behind the bottomless financial resources of the country, there is an extremely complete and efficient financial system, hundreds of large factories that work day and night, an annual export of 200 million pounds of cotton textile products, and an annual supply of funds provided by the Bank of England. 30 million pounds of special treasury bonds】

【Not only did this war not bring down the economy of the country where the sun never sets, it even stimulated the industrial production of the country.】

【Therefore, William Pitt Jr., Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets, knew very clearly before the war that no matter how many battles Napoleon won, the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets would definitely win the war. 】

The barrage flew out:

"The country where the sun never sets still has the wealth plundered from the colonies"

"Dimensionality reduction has taken a hit, and the comprehensive national strength is not at the same level at all. The comprehensive national strength of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is too strong."

"The huge gap in national strength determines that the fault tolerance rates of the two sides are not at the same level. The country can lose many times, but Napoleon cannot afford to lose."

"The main reason is that the geographical location of the country where the sun never sets is good. It is difficult to attack the mainland across the strait."

"30% of the financial expenditure is used to deal with the Gallic Chicken Kingdom. It is not a small amount, which shows that the sun never sets on the country."

"The country where the sun never sets is a troublemaker in Europe and does not allow a powerful country to emerge on the European continent."


Emperors of all dynasties were shocked by the terrifying national power of the country where the sun never sets.

He is simply too rich and powerful! thus.

Many heroes became even more determined.

They must try their best to develop steam engines to start the industrial revolution in their respective dynasties.


【In July 1805, Britain, Austria, and Russia once again formed the third anti-French alliance.】

【In September of the same year, Napoleon led 170,000 French troops to march eastward. They quickly crossed the Rhine River, then turned 90 degrees to the right and headed straight for Ulm on the Danube River. This maneuver was called the largest in history. Changes on the front lines】

【It completely disrupted the deployment of the anti-French alliance and cut off the retreat of the Austrian army returning eastward.】

【On October 20, the Austrian army in Ulm announced its surrender. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Napoleon captured 17 generals, 23,000 soldiers and 59 artillery pieces almost without firing a shot.】

【What is sad is that 100 years ago, the Sun King Louis XIV, with the same troops as Napoleon, was locked in a nine-year bitter battle at the same position.】

【However, it only took Napoleon one month to penetrate the Austrian defense line. His decisive use of troops and rapid action were terrifying.】


"Such as pointing to the arm."

These four words came to the minds of many famous generals throughout the dynasties.

Napoleon's military command ability was indeed great.


【On the second day of the Ulm victory, another legendary battle was also going on simultaneously on the North Atlantic.】

【The famous naval admiral Nelson of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets led the Royal Fleet of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets and completely defeated the French and Spanish combined fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar.】

【This battle completely ended Napoleon's dream of conquering England and completely established the country's century-long maritime hegemony on which the sun never sets. 】

The barrage flew out:

"There's nothing we can do about it. The Royal Navy of the Kingdom of China is invincible during this period."

"Reply - Indeed, naval experience can only be accumulated in actual combat. Once you have a first-mover advantage, it will be difficult to overtake. During this period, the quality of the navy, which never sets on the country, is too strong."

"Reply - The navy of the Gallic Chicken Kingdom has a close relationship with the royal family. Many generals were purged during the Great Revolution, and their talents were exhausted."

"The only gain for the Gallic Chicken Country was that the sniper killed Nelson"


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di looked at the giant screen high in the sky and once again raised the importance of the Ming Dynasty Navy in his heart.

In the future, if Ming Dynasty wants to control the world, it must rely on powerful navy


【Now let's shift our perspective from the sea back to the land】

【After the victory at Ulm, Napoleon continued to lead his army eastward and occupied Vienna unimpeded.】

【But the regrouped Russian-Austrian coalition forces are also planning a counterattack】

【In the end, the three emperors Napoleon, Emperor of Gaul, Alexander I of Russia, and Franz II, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, brought their respective armies to the place of their fateful decisive battle: Austerlitz. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Famous scene: Battle of the Three Emperors!"

"Take the emperor’s masterpiece!"


Ancient people from all dynasties suddenly became interested[]

The great battle fought by the three emperors personally was undoubtedly very exciting and interesting.


【A grand battle plan was running rapidly in Napoleon's mind】

【He deployed his left wing on Thornton Hill to form an impregnable line of defense. This was led by Lannes and Murat, the bravest and most fearless men under his command.】

【He deployed his right wing in the village of Ternitz, a densely populated river network, and took the initiative to show weakness to attract the coalition forces to attack.】

【This road is the most stressful and must be commanded by his most powerful commander, Marshal Davout.】

【In the middle, Napoleon set his sights firmly on Plasen Heights in the center of the map, a commanding height that he had previously ordered to voluntarily abandon.】

【That will be the decisive place for this battle. The experienced Marshal Soult will be the main attacker along the way, assisted by Bernadotte.】

【If necessary, he will go to the front line in person and decide the outcome in a battle.】


Along with the subtitles and narration, a high-definition version of Austerlitz's three-dimensional topographic map appeared on the high-altitude giant screen.

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at the map on the giant screen high in the sky and deduced the battle situation in his mind.

"A masterstroke indeed."

Li Shimin looked at the Plassen Heights on the map and admired in his heart.

The southeast direction of the Plassen Heights is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the French army occupied the Plassen Heights, then the only offensive route for the Plassen Heights coalition forces would be to the north. A relatively flat road.

In this way, the war will become a purely defensive war.

Napoleon will not have much room to use tactics.

And 417 and.

The coalition forces that cannot attack for a long time are likely to withdraw their troops and avoid the war.

If the two sides fall into a long-term A war of attrition was unfavorable to the expeditionary Gallic Chicken Army.

Li Shimin guessed that Napoleon must have wanted to defeat the coalition forces in one battle.

Therefore, Plachin Heights seemed to be the commanding heights of the battlefield, but strategically, it might have caused the French army Passive.

Therefore, voluntarily giving up this high ground seems to be giving up the commanding heights.

But it allows Napoleon to have greater strategic space.

Moreover, although Plachin Heights is the commanding heights of the battlefield, it is not a"complete"Commanding heights.

One of the most important advantages of the commanding heights is the broad field of vision, but standing on the Plachin Highlands cannot have a clear view of the surrounding situation.

This is because of the undulating terrain caused by the hills and valleys. As long as the troops are deployed behind the hills, The enemy troops on Plachin Heights cannot be discovered.

Li Shimin believed that Napoleon would definitely use this terrain advantage to ambush the army near Plachin Heights, waiting for an opportunity to take back the high ground.


【After ensuring that all generals fully understood their mission, Napoleon issued the order for a general offensive】

【The sun in Ostris is about to rise, and the heavy fog gradually disperses. The whole of Europe is waiting for the outcome of the battle of the Three Emperors and their future fate.】

【At 7 o'clock, the Battle of Austerlitz started on time】

【The coalition's battle plan was exactly as Napoleon envisioned, concentrating superior forces on the village of Ternitz.】

【With a numerical advantage of 4 to 1, the coalition forces captured the village of Ternitz in just one and a half hours and began to press the French army's center.】

【Just then, Davout's reinforcements arrived】

【After receiving Napoleon's order, he completed a 110-kilometer rush march within 48 hours. After arriving at the battlefield, he immediately organized his troops to launch a counterattack and forcibly recaptured Ternitz from the allied forces.】

【After that, the coalition forces successively invested heavily, and the two sides fell into a bloody tug-of-war.】

【Due to the extremely tenacious resistance of the French army, the war situation of the coalition forces was not going smoothly, and eventually the Russian tsar was tempted to make a fatal mistake: ordering the Russian army on the Plasen Highlands to send more troops to the southern front】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at the three-dimensional battlefield terrain and situation map on the high-altitude giant screen, shook his head slightly and said:

"The defeat of the coalition forces has been determined"

"Why did the father say this? Li

Zhi asked in confusion.

Li Shimin did not directly reply to Li Zhi's question, but ordered Li Jing:

"Pharmacist, please tell the pheasant slave."

Li Jing nodded and said:

"Your Highness, please take a look"

"The main force of the coalition forces has been mobilized to the southern front, and as long as the Gallic Chicken Kingdom ambush their troops in the Plasen Highlands in advance, they can occupy the highlands at this time."

"In this way, the coalition forces will be trapped in this small triangle area and unable to move, and will be encircled by the Gallic Army."

"Until then, it will be a matter of catching a turtle in a urn."

Li Jing explained to Li Zhi while looking at the map on the giant screen.

"But will the Gallic chickens ambush the army in advance?"

Li Zhi asked.

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