【In order to raise taxes, Louis XVI is preparing to convene the Estates-General, which has been suspended for 175 years, to discuss state affairs.】

【The so-called Estates-General refers to a meeting held by representatives of the people of the Gallic Kingdom at the call of the king. It was first established in 1302 by King Philip IV of France.】

【Meetings were usually convened by the king of Gaul to seek assistance (often to approve the king's imposition of new taxes) when the Gallic Kingdom encountered difficulties, so they were held irregularly.】

【Participants in the meeting were representatives of three estates. The first estate was composed of clergy of the sect, the second estate was composed of national aristocrats, and the third estate was composed of civilians, so it was called the Third Estate.】

【During the meeting, the three estates discussed bills individually, and only met jointly when formulating answers to the king.】

【In addition, each of the three levels, regardless of the number of representatives, has one vote.】


Many emperors in the past dynasties were stunned.

They couldn't understand this way of discussing state affairs.

The way they are more familiar with state affairs decision-making is that they, the emperor, discuss it with the ministers of the court, and then they make the final decision.

Even in extreme cases, as emperors, if they want to force a certain decree, they can do it even if the ministers object.

The words"imperial power is arbitrary" are not said casually.

Although there were limitations to the imperial power in ancient China, overall, it was still supreme.


They were very surprised when they saw that the king of the Gallic Kingdom, who they understood as the emperor, actually convened some kind of three-level meeting to vote when he wanted to increase taxes.

If he doesn't even have the final say on national affairs, then why should he be an emperor?

Unless this emperor is a puppet emperor.

What made them even more outrageous was the composition of the three-level meeting of the Gallic Chicken Country.

They can somewhat understand it if the nobles are involved.

What happened to the clergy and the common people?

When did these two classes of people get to participate in deciding national affairs?

And why are priests the first estate?

According to their understanding, aren’t priests just Taoists and monks?

Why do these people rank ahead of the nobles and become the first class?

With so many questions, the emperors continued to look at the giant screen in the sky


【In the traditional rules of the Estates-General, voting is based on rank】

【This means that the two privileged classes, the first estate and the second estate, together account for two-thirds of the votes and can dominate the outcome of the Level 3 meeting.】

【Naturally, the third estate, which represents about 95% of the population of Gallic Chicken Country, is not satisfied with this.】

【They strongly demanded that the number of representatives of the third estate be increased and that the vote counting method be changed from caste to head count.】

【In this way, the Third Estate can dominate the outcome of the Level 3 meeting】

【In this regard, King Louis XVI was vague and did not make a clear position when he restarted the Estates-General. This also became one of the triggers for the outbreak of the Gallic Revolution in the future.】


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties were shocked.

The fact that the common people of the Gallic Chicken Country could participate in voting on major national affairs decisions already shocked them.

Unexpectedly, the ambitions of the common people in the Gallic Kingdom were so great. They were not satisfied with just participating in voting, but also wanted to have the right to decide on national affairs.

This makes them unbelievable

"snort! Not greedy enough."

In many dynasties, many emperors snorted coldly.

Although it happened in the Gallic Kingdom, they didn't like this kind of behavior that was a bit provocative to the imperial power.


【In the feudal era of Europe with backward productivity, most civilians were struggling on the line of life and death of hunger and ignorance.】

【Only a few clergy who monopolize religion and knowledge, and military aristocrats who monopolize armor and war horses, can rule far more ordinary civilians than themselves.】

【However, this pyramid-like feudal structure actually existed in name only by the end of the 18th century.】

【Because the production model has changed】

【The spinning Jenny came out in 1765, and Watt improved the steam engine in 1769. Humanity has stood on the threshold of the first industrial revolution.】

【Factories are rising from the ground, and sailing ships are sailing around the world.】

【This force swept across Europe with an unstoppable trend and completely rewritten the balance of power in the European feudal era.】

【The emerging capitalist class, originally located in the third estate, has more wealth than the first and second estates, but it has never been able to obtain the political status to match it.】

【Therefore, the enlightenment ideas that opposed feudal royal power became their most advantageous weapon.】

【And the war of independence of the Eagle Country that took place on the other side of the ocean made them see the possibility of kicking off the feudal privileged class and allowing the bourgeoisie to fully control the country's power.】


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di frowned.

He did not expect that the Industrial Revolution in Europe would have such an impact.

At this time, Zhu Gaochi on the side asked:

"Dad, do we still study steam engines in Ming Dynasty?"

Zhu Gaochi was very hesitant.

On the one hand, from the previous video, he saw the start of the Industrial Revolution, which brought about earth-shaking changes in European countries such as the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets, making these countries become stronger quickly.

But on the other hand, At this moment, he heard again that the start of the Industrial Revolution would threaten the imperial power.

He was worried, what if the Ming Dynasty developed a steam engine and started the Industrial Revolution, and there would be a bourgeoisie that would attack the imperial power?

Would it endanger the Ming Dynasty?

Zhu Di understood Zhu Gaochi's Worry.

He has already thought about this problem quickly

"Yes, Daming must develop a steam engine!"

Zhu Di replied without hesitation.

His tone was extremely firm.

One cannot stop eating because of choking.

The industrial revolution can give Ming the opportunity to become the first superpower in the world and the first empire on which the sun never sets. He cannot give up.

As for threats to imperial power, Problem.

Zhu Di is confident that he can handle it well.

If he doesn't even have this ability, then he is too unworthy for future generations to call him"Emperor Yongle".

As for his future affairs.

Although his fat son is not good at martial arts, But he is by no means a mediocre person.

There is also his great saint grandson, who is both civilized and military.

What’s next?

Tumu Fort God of War?

Zhu Di’s heart skipped a beat.

But then he thought that there would never be such a person again in this life.

So Zhu Di stopped thinking about this problem.


Except for the Great Ming Dynasty Chengzu plane.

In other dynasty planes, there are many emperors who are thinking about this matter just like Zhu Di.

Different emperors made different decisions.

The confident heroes are not afraid of the bourgeoisie that will appear along with the industrial revolution. They are still determined to continue to develop steam engines and strive to start the industrial revolution.

But those mediocre people began to hesitate, feeling fear and panic. Between strengthening the country and ensuring imperial power, they preferred the latter.

In their view, if they lose control of the country, no matter how strong the country is, what does it have to do with them?


【The upper levels of the Third Estate are fighting for power, but the lower levels of the Third Estate are fighting for survival.】

【The development of industry and commerce will definitely produce a cluster effect】

【As a result, population and resources move towardsCrazy influx in Paris, the capital of the Roji Kingdom】

【On the one hand, this has caused the decline of rural areas and a crisis in food production. On the other hand, it has also given rise to a new class, the urban civilian class.】

【In Paris, they were contemptuously called"sans-culottes""】

【Compared to farmers who at least still own land, they are truly proletarians】

【However, industry and commerce are precisely the industries most severely affected by economic fluctuations and are prone to large-scale unemployment.】

【By then, they will have no means of survival except government relief.】

【Throughout the 18th century, the population of the Gallic Kingdom increased by 35%, reaching 28 million. The contradiction between man and land was very acute.】

【The defeat of the Seven Years' War made the Gallic Kingdom lose the possibility of transferring its excess population to the colonies.】

【Therefore, from top to bottom, almost no one in the third estate, which accounts for 95% of the total population, is satisfied with the current system.】

【All this makes the Gallic Chicken Country a huge powder keg, and only one fuse is needed to ignite it.】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin listened to the narration on the giant screen with his eyes thinking.

These are all problems that may arise after the start of the industrial revolution.

Write down these problems now so that you can prevent them in advance after Datang starts the Industrial Revolution.

Especially these new classes that came with the industrial revolution, such as the bourgeoisie above, and the urban civilian class at this time.

How to balance their interests and how to effectively control and manage them will be problems that the emperor needs to solve.


【The trigger was hatred of aristocratic privileges】

【Compared to other European countries, French aristocrats are actually relatively enlightened and progressive.】

【Many of them were supporters of the Enlightenment】

【But the most essential difference between them and other European aristocrats is that they have been deprived of formal power.】

【Since the end of the Hundred Years' War, France's centralization of power has continued to strengthen】

【By the time of the Sun King Louis XIV, local administrative powers were basically taken away by centrally appointed governors.】

【But as compensation, the nobility retained the privilege of tax exemption, which made the French aristocracy a complete rentier class.】

【You know, rights and obligations are always equal.】

【Ordinary civilians cannot obtain protection and protection from nobles as they did in the past, so they naturally cannot tolerate the unreasonable privileges enjoyed by nobles.】


"Are rights and obligations equivalent?"

Many people in the past dynasties were stunned for a moment.

Then they thought again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It makes sense!

Why don't the princes and nobles pay taxes?

Why don't the gentry pay taxes?

Continuously follow After seeing so many advanced ideas of later generations, many people began to doubt the idea of ​​"imperial power and heavenly right", and began to doubt that nobles and gentry were superior to themselves.

This can be regarded as the role of the Sky Giant Screen to the people of ancient China. a kind of ideological enlightenment


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly0..

He remembered that Zhu Dijing did the same thing after he was unable to seize the throne.

Take away all the power of the feudal kings and imprison them.

In the end, the feudal clan became a huge burden on the court.

Moreover, the people will definitely be dissatisfied.

Especially after the high-altitude giant screen instilled so many treacherous and unethical thoughts into the people, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that supporting the vassal king in vain would bring greater harm to the Ming Dynasty.

So, how to solve it?

With Zhu Di's example, Zhu Yuanzhang also had some doubts about his original strategy of"the vassal king guarding the border"[]

"Maybe we can let them explore outside the Ming Dynasty……"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought in his heart


【Politically, the aristocracy was deprived of power by the central government, and economically, it was completely overwhelmed by the emerging bourgeoisie.】

【Huge resentment is also brewing in their hearts, and the finger is directed at the king himself.】

【This was the situation that Louis XVI had to face at that time. It was unlike any crisis in Gaul in the past 1,000 years.】

【But Louis XVI obviously did not realize this. He also imagined that he could solve the problem by restoring tradition and dialogue with his subjects.】

【Little did he know that this decision would lead him to the fateful end.】


Ancient people of all dynasties looked more intently at the giant screen in the sky.

They know the highlight is coming


【On May 5, 1789, the Estates-General was officially held in the Palace of Versailles, Paris, the capital of Gaul.】

【Louis XVI announces plans to raise taxes】

【But the members of the third estate said that if they want to raise taxes, they can do it. You can write a constitution.】

【Before the Constitution, the Third Estate would not contribute a penny to the King's bill】

【Louis XVI originally thought that the First Estate and the Second Estate would be on his side】

【But to his surprise, these people eventually chose to join the Third Estate and jointly put pressure on him】

【On June 20, the National Assembly, composed of members of the third estate and some members of the second estate, solemnly swore at an indoor tennis court in the Palace of Versailles: If a kingdom constitution is not formulated and implemented, They will never disband】

【Translated, it means to abolish the autocratic monarchy system and implement a constitutional monarchy in the Gallic Kingdom.】

【What is a constitutional monarchy?】

【That is, on the premise of retaining the monarchy, through constitution, we establish people's sovereignty, limit the power of the monarch, and realize republican ideals in affairs but do not adopt a republican form of government. 】

The barrage flew out:

"Louis XVI will definitely not do it! This is tantamount to directly depriving him of his supreme right to rule as the king of Gaul."

"The end of the constitutional monarchy is that the king"rules without governing" and has no actual power. He is just a mascot raised by the country, like the queen who never sets on the country."

"Reply - Ahem, the queen is gone and has been replaced."

"Reply - It's not easy. Charles has been waiting for so long and finally got the position."

"Reply - To be honest, if Louis XVI had agreed at that time, the Gallic Kingdom would still be a constitutional monarchy, and the Bourbon family could still be king and continue to rule the Gallic Kingdom, albeit in name only. of"

"Reply - Impossible, how could a king voluntarily give up his power?"

"Reply - Under a constitutional monarchy, it seems that some 2.8 kings still have actual power"

"Reply - That is a dualist constitutional monarchy. Only a few countries are like this today, and the power is also limited. It is different from the supreme power under an autocratic monarchy."


The emperors of all dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky and were instantly shocked.

Is there such a system?

Think again.

They feel, isn't this just making the emperor a puppet?

If they were the Emperor of Gaul, Louis XVI, they would not be able to agree to this condition. at the same time.

They finally understood why the country where the sun never sets will still have a king in future generations.

It turns out to be just a symbol with no actual power.

For many heroes, this kind of emperor already exists in name only and has little meaning.

If an emperor has no power to decide national affairs, can he still be called an emperor?


【This kind of request and behavior of the National Assembly, to use a high-sounding term, is called starting from scratch.】

【In layman’s terms, it’s called rebellion!】

"court death!"

The emperors of the past dynasties commented.

This kind of open rebellion, no matter what dynasty or dynasty, is a treasonous act! It will definitely be severely suppressed!

Not only the emperors thought so.

The common people of the past dynasties also thought so. Think so

"What a courage!"

"How dare you threaten the emperor so blatantly!"

"Aren't they afraid of death?"

Many common people in the past dynasties were surprised. How could any civilian group rebel so blatantly in the capital of the dynasty? There must be a large army stationed near the capital to defend the capital. This is basic common sense.

Wouldn't such behavior be suicidal?


After all, the Gallic Chicken King sent troops to suppress it.

With this thought, they continued to look at the giant screen in the sky.

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