【After the Americas gradually became colonized by Europeans, the most notorious triangular trade began to rise, and slavery became prevalent on the American continent.】

【Among them, the North American continent is the area where slavery is most prosperous, especially in parts of the southern part of the current Eagle Country. The land here is fertile and suitable for growing a large number of cash crops, and is even more suitable for using a large number of slaves.】

【And where there are interests, there will be wars】

【In 1756, a battle for interests that was later named the"Seven Years' War" was staged in colonies on all continents.】

【This war resulted in millions of deaths】

【In the end, the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets defeated other traditional European maritime powers with its powerful navy and truly established its maritime hegemony, thus turning the Kingdom on which the Sun Never Sets into the superpower of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.】


Many emperors in the past dynasties were not surprised by the way the sun never sets on the country to establish its status through war.

They know very well that a country’s status is basically achieved through hard work.

Powerful force is the most direct manifestation of national strength.

But people like Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and others thought more deeply.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di looked at the words"ocean hegemony" and fell into thought.

He further realized the importance of controlling the ocean.

The country on which the sun never sets became a superpower because of its maritime hegemony.

Later generations also said that the era of the Ming Dynasty was the Age of Discovery.

This undoubtedly shows that in order for Ming Dynasty to become a superpower in this era, Ming Dynasty must obtain maritime hegemony.

The importance of the Ming Dynasty navy increased again in his mind


【The Seven Years' War within the European powers was also one of the events that indirectly triggered the independence of the Eagle Country.】

【Although the Sun Never Sets Country won this great war, its economy was severely damaged due to the long-term war consumption.】

【In order to continue to operate this huge empire that never sets, they targeted the colonies, and North America was their primary target of exploitation.】

【At this time, in the North American continent, the Sun Never Sets State controlled 13 states. These were also the 13 states at the beginning of the founding of the Eagle Country.】

【At first, the government of the Sun Never Sets had relatively loose management of the North American colonies, delegating power politically and not intervening in the autonomy of the colonies.】

【After all, most of this land is made up of people from the country where the sun never sets. During the hundred years of rule by the country where the sun never sets in the North American colonies, each state had its own different laws and policies.】

【But economically, the government of the country where the sun never sets imposed heavy taxes and restrictions on the North American colonies.】

【In the 18th century, Edmund, a politician from a country where the sun never sets, once likened the management of the North American colonies by a country where the sun never sets to"wise and beneficial neglect.""】

【The government's policy of delegating power but not money also laid the foundation for the federal system that followed the Kingdom of Eagle.】


"I see."

Many ancients in the past dynasties suddenly realized.

It turns out that the coexistence of state laws and national laws in later generations originated from here.

The plane of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very dissatisfied with this governance model of the country where the sun never sets.

Delegation of power and autonomy is It gave these colonies the opportunity to become independent.

If the central government does not centralize power, the localities will have undue thoughts.

This also gave him a reminder.

In the future, when the Ming Dynasty takes over the Americas, it will have to think of a good way to control it.

After all, Alone overseas, too far away from Ming Dynasty

"Let the fourth child go to America?"

Suddenly such an idea flashed through Zhu Yuanzhang's mind.

In the original historical time and space, after Zhu Di became the emperor through Jingnan, he created the Yongle era, which proved that Zhu Di was indeed capable of governing the country.

If Zhu Biao's health is intact in this life, It would be a good arrangement for Zhu Biao to control the Ming Dynasty and let Zhu Di become the king of America.


"Grandpa, this America is too far away. After we conquer it, we still have to let our own people control it. I think my second uncle is a very suitable candidate."

When the Ming Dynasty became the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zhanji began to take the opportunity to ask Zhu Di to get Zhu Gaoxu away.

As his second uncle, he was thinking about his father's throne all day long. It would be best to get the Ming Dynasty out of the way as soon as possible.

"Do you really want to drive your second uncle away?"

Zhu Di glanced sideways at Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji quickly cried out:

"Grandpa, how can this be a rush?"

"The Americas are so important. How can we rest assured when we don’t have our own people in charge?"

"Looking at our Ming Dynasty, who can take on this important task except the second uncle?"

"There is some truth in what you said."

Zhu Di rubbed his chin and replied.

Although Zhu Zhanji's suggestion was cautious, it was indeed a good one.


【As the government of the Sun Never Sets continued to encroach on the economies of the North American colonies, the Sugar Tax Act》、《Stamp Act》、《The Townshend Tax Act, etc., made the colonial government and people miserable】

【Basically, all the necessities of life that the colonial people can use and buy are taxed in different proportions.】

【In 1770, colonial residents held a demonstration against tax laws, which eventually led to the"Boston Massacre". Five colonial residents were shot to death by soldiers of the Sun Never Sets.】

【Then, the government of the Kingdom of Sun Never Sets arrested these soldiers of the Kingdom of Sun Never Set and started trial in the local colony.】

【It is worth mentioning that the person who defended the national soldiers at that time was Adams, who later became the founding father of the Eagle Country and became the second president.】

【The final result of the trial ended with the acquittal of these soldiers from the country where the sun never sets.】

【This trial was regarded by the colonial people as rude and arbitrary oppression.】

【The conflicts between the North American colonies and the government of The Sun Never Sets continued to accumulate, culminating in the Boston Tea Party.】

【On December 16, 1773, 60 members of the"Sons of Liberty" dressed as North American Indians poured all 342 boxes of tea from three ships of the East India Company into the Atlantic Ocean.】

【After the Boston Tea Party, the Sun Never Sets government considered it a malicious provocation by the colonial authorities for political purposes.】

【Subsequently, they immediately revoked the autonomous status of this area and closed Boston Bay, the largest port in North America at the time.】

【It eventually triggered the founding war of the Eagle Country: the War of Independence. 】

The barrage flew out:

"So, this tax cannot be added randomly."

"The colonies did not collect taxes before. If taxes are suddenly imposed, the people will definitely not do it."


"Sure enough, the Eagle Country was established because of tax resistance."


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the officials of the Tang Dynasty suddenly realized.

No wonder it was so difficult for later generations of the Eagle Country to collect taxes and they needed to create such a powerful IRS team.

It turns out the roots are here.

The previous video only mentioned that the Eagle Country is tax-resistant and independent. Now they know the specific situation.

"The sun never sets and the country has acted too hastily. Changsun

Wuji commented.

When it comes to collecting taxes, you can’t act recklessly.

Li Shimin smiled and said:

"The country where the sun never sets is too arrogant."

He felt that only if the country where the sun never sets does not take these colonies seriously would it raise taxes so unscrupulously.


【On the evening of April 18, 1775, the Sun Never Sets Army decided to suddenly attack a colonial military base in Massachusetts to frighten the colonial government.】

【But this secret operation was discovered by Paul, a Boston silversmith.】

【Paul mounted a fast horse and shouted"The regular army is coming" all the way."】

【Yes, he didn't shout"The sun never sets, the Chinese are here""】

【Because until this time, the military and civilians on the North American continent still consider themselves to be citizens of the country on which the sun never sets.】

【Paul's early warning allowed the colonial militia to set up an ambush in advance. When the British army passed through Lexington, the two sides exchanged fire, firing the first shot of the Eagle's War of Independence.】

【Since this was a group of militia groups, and last month they were even farmers without any combat experience, so this group of militiamen was quickly repulsed by the regular army of The Sun Never Sets.】

【The gunfire in Lexington soon spread throughout the North American colonies, and 13 states quickly united to resist the oppression of the government that never sets.】


The plane of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

A question flashed through Liu Che's mind:

Even if the 13 states unite, shouldn't they be able to defeat the country on which the sun never sets?

After all, the country on which the sun never sets is the superpower of the world.

Therefore, there must be other reasons for the establishment of the Eagle Sauce Country in the end.

Liu Che thought for a moment and came up with a guess.

Most likely there is external intervention.

For example, those rival countries where the sun never sets.

The fact is indeed as Liu Che expected

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Why did the North American colonies have the courage to challenge the then world's number one empire that never sets?】

【Who gave them the courage?】

【The answer is Gallic Chicken Country】

【Since the Gallic Chicken Kingdom was defeated by the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets in the last Seven Years' War, the Gallic Chicken King's royal family has long wanted to avenge its disgrace on the North American colonies, and the people of the North American colonies have made good use of the Gallic Chicken Kingdom. The conflict between the Luji Kingdom and the Sun Never Sets Kingdom】

【The colonial government and the Gallic Chicken Kingdom hit it off immediately, and the Gallic Chicken Kingdom immediately secretly transported a large amount of weapons, ammunition and military uniforms to North America.】

【Some historians of the Eagle Country also admit that if the Eagle Country did not have the assistance of the Gallic Chicken Country, it is very likely that the Eagle Country would not have survived the first winter of the War of Independence.】

【And the people of the Gallic Chicken Country are not fools, and the aid of the Gallic Chicken Country is also conditional.】

【They want the Eagle Country to be completely independent and form a military alliance with the Gallic Chicken Country】

【Because in the past, whether it was a dispute with the Sun Never Sets country on the North American continent or in the competition for other colonies, the Gallic Chicken Country was always overwhelmed by the Sun Never Sets country, so the Gallic Chicken Country urgently needed this. an ally】

【Moreover, this ally is essentially a countryman who has rebelled against the sun.】


Many ancient people from all dynasties saw this and understood more deeply that the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said:

"If the Gallic Chicken Country knew how powerful the Eagle Sauce Country would become in later generations, they would definitely regret this decision."[]

Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi smiled and nodded.


【The sun never sets Chinese people are very disdainful of the riots in North America】

【A general from a country where the sun never sets just arrived in North America said this: What kind of disturbance can a group of country bumpkins make? Let's do it, we'll crush these damn rebellions soon】

【With the increasing number of British troops in the North American colonies, 13 colonies held a Continental Congress】

【At this meeting, the 13 North American states drafted an olive branch petition, which asked the government of the country where the sun never sets to agree to a high degree of autonomy for the 13 North American states, but did not demand independence.】

【Just like the current Commonwealth countries such as Maple Leaf Country and Kangaroo Country, these countries have prime ministers and have all the rights to formulate and amend the national constitution, but the head of state is the Queen of the country on which the sun never sets.】


"In future generations, if the sun never sets on the country, there will still be an emperor? Or the queen?"

The emperors of all dynasties were shocked.

This situation was something they never expected.

"Therefore, the monarchy can actually last forever."

The emperors thought in their hearts.

They had just been denied imperial power by the Mayflower Declaration, and they were eager to find the recognition of imperial power by future generations.

The information that the emperor still exists in the country where the sun never sets is undoubtedly what they need.


【If the government of the country where the sun never sets had agreed to this petition, history might have changed dramatically.】

【From here we can also see that after the conflicts between the colonies and the government of the country where the sun never sets at that time intensified, the colonies did not really want independence. They just couldn't bear the exploitation of the government of the country where the sun never sets and wanted to win a high degree of autonomy.】

【At that time, King George III of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets ignored this petition.】

【He also issued a decree declaring the colony to be in a state of rebellion and sending additional troops to the colony to suppress it with force.】


Many emperors did not think there was anything wrong with George III's choice.

The so-called high degree of autonomy is no different from independence in their eyes. They must not agree to it.


【Hopes of final reconciliation were completely dashed】

【In this case, the Continental Congress appointed Washington, a large planter from Virginia and the first president of the Eagle Country, as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.】

【On July 4, 1776, Jefferson, later the third president of the United States, drafted the Declaration of Independence.】

【On July 4th, North America officially declared its independence, and this day also became the National Day of the United States, or Independence Day.】

【The Declaration of Independence combined the contractual spirit of the Mayflower Compact with the natural rights of Winthrop's later sermons, proposing that all men are created equal.】

【They are all endowed with inalienable rights from the Creator, including the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.】


"`.Are all men created equal?"

The faces of the emperors of the past dynasties darkened, and they were very unhappy.

Obviously, this was another idea that shook the foundation of imperial power.

Why are all people born equal?

​​It is simply nonsense!

As emperors, can they be equal to other people?

What if ? Everyone is born equal, why should they be emperors?

Isn’t this the rebel slogan"Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have their own kind?""?


【Of course, the human rights they talked about did not intend to include the black slaves and indigenous Indians in North America. In fact, we will see such double standards in some news today. 】

Seeing this sentence, the emperors' faces became slightly better. (Ma Zhao) They said that it is impossible to truly say that"all people are created equal". There will always be distinctions between high and low.


【The War of Independence began in 1775 and lasted for six and a half years.】

【Although the course of the war was full of twists and turns, in terms of scale and tactics, it was considered a small fight in the history of world wars.】

【The final result was that the army of the Eagle Sauce Country, with the support of the Gallic Chicken Country and the Salt Duck Country, defeated the Sun Never Sets Army and won the final victory.】

【In 1781, the British commander Kang Huali surrendered to the commander-in-chief of the Eagle Army, Washington, and the Eagle's War of Independence was basically over.】

【Later, Washington resigned as commander-in-chief of the Eagle Army, returned to his plantation in Virginia, and continued to be a slave owner.】

【Perhaps it was precisely because he did not have an excessive desire for power that he gained more supporters and was eventually elected as the first president of the Eagle Country.】

【In 1787, state representatives gathered in Philadelphia to draft a federal constitutional bill】

【The Constitution establishes the principles of federalism, presidential system and separation of powers.】

【The separation of powers has also become the core of the government system of the Eagle Country.】

【The so-called three powers refer to the legislative, executive and judicial powers.】

【Separation of powers refers to handing over the three powers of legislation, administration, and justice to three different state agencies, which not only maintains their respective powers, but also checks and balances each other.】

【Specifically, in the Kingdom of Eagle, the legislative power belongs to the Congress of the Eagle; the executive power belongs to the President of the Eagle; the judicial power belongs to the Federal Supreme Court of the Eagle.】


See here.

The emperors of the past dynasties finally understood the difference between the president of Yingjiang Kingdom and them.

They can control all three powers, while the president of Eagle Country can only control one of them.

Da Qin plane.

Qin Shihuang snorted coldly in his heart.

If the supreme leader of a country cannot hold all the power, how can he govern the country with all his strength?

Such a system is absolutely undesirable!

Not only Qin Shihuang thought so, but other emperors in other dynasties and planes also thought so.

From their perspective, they naturally dislike this system of separation of powers..

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