[In terms of equality, the Cold War has accelerated the equality of the entire earth. 】

[After the birth of Big Brother, the level of global feminism has been greatly improved, because equality between men and women is one of the core founding ideas of Big Brother. 】

[Women participated in a large number of jobs in Big Brother, the first female pilot, the first female sniper, the first female astronaut, etc., becoming the representative of women's rights in the world. 】

"Instructor: Women can hold up half the sky!"

"XXN should take a look, this is the real feminism. "

"That's what it means to be equal between men and women. "


In many dynasties, many bold and enlightened ancient women looked at the heroic female pilots and female snipers in the giant screen in the sky, and their eyes flashed with envy.

Look at the women of later generations, shooting guns, flying airplanes, and going to space......

This kind of life is wonderful!

This kind of life is called meaningful!

Compare your life to yourself, every day is so monotonous and boring.

The more these women think about it, the more envious they become.


[During the Cold War, the West also made great progress in racial equality. 】

[Eagle Sauce abolished the apartheid system that had lasted for a hundred years since the Civil War.] 】

[For the first time, blacks have equal treatment in life with whites, which is inseparable from the background of the Cold War. 】

[And the global colonial system collapsed under the joint dismantling of Big Brother and Eagle Sauce Country, and a large number of nation-states gained independence. 】

[The membership of the United Nations has grown from more than 50 to nearly 200 in a few decades. 】

[The independence of these countries is inseparable from the support of Big Brother and Eagle Sauce Country. 】

People across the globe are beginning to take up arms against the colonizers. 】

Barrage flying:

"Is this the benefit of the two big domestic rolls?"

"This is more moral, intellectual, and physical beauty than anyone. "

"The sun never sets, the country of Gaulic chickens: listen to me and thank you. "

"The sun never sets, the country of the Gallic chicken: you two are good people, but it is we who are hurt. "

"The sun never sets, the country of Gaulic chickens: dare to be angry but dare not speak!"


See here.

Successive dynasties and successive planes.

The emperors were shocked by the terrifying power of Big Brother and Eagle Sauce Country after they joined forces.

This is the force that can really determine the shape of the world.

Even the five permanent members of the United Nations, the country of the sun never sets and the country of Gaul chicken, have no power to resist. 27

They felt that if Big Brother and the Eagle Sauce Country did not compete for hegemony, but joined forces to carve up the whole world, it must also be possible.


But because of the so-called ideology, the two have to fight to the death.


They also once again lamented the power of the Dragon Kingdom in later generations.

can develop step by step under the suppression of Big Brother and Eagle Sauce Country, and become so strong in the future.

It's an incredible miracle.


In short, the world of the Cold War was such an era. 】

[An era in which science and technology are advancing rapidly, equality is developing rapidly, the gap between the rich and the poor is narrowing, living standards are improving, and modernization is fully popularized, an era in which capitalists dare not exploit workers wantonly, and an era in which globalization does not dare to exploit the third world at will, is a great era in which mankind is gradually getting rid of its chains. 】

[And in such an era, but sitting on the powder keg of nuclear war, destruction may be in the next second. 】

[The brightest progress and the darkest reality coexist, and this is the contradiction of the Cold War. 】

[After the end of the Cold War, the Eagle Sauce Country never had a crazy plan like Apollo again, because there was no motivation. 】

"Eagle Sauce: Open the swing!"

"Reply - Eagle Sauce doesn't dare to put it on the table now, because we have risen. "

"Reply - to be honest, the pressure we are currently putting on Eagle Sauce Country is still not as good as the pressure that Big Brother put on Eagle Sauce Country for the time being. "

"Reply – take your time, we're still developing. "

"The Eagle Sauce Nation now has the Artemis program, competing with us to land on the moon. "

"Reply - Eagle Sauce Country plans to return to the moon in 2027, but it is not going well. "

"Reply - we plan to land on the moon in 2030, and if the Eagle Sauce Country doesn't speed up, it can only watch us go first. "


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin groaned in his heart.

The founding of the Dragon Kingdom and Big Brother in later generations is fundamentally red thought.


After the disintegration of Big Brother, was it the Dragon Kingdom that took the place of Big Brother and engaged in a new ideological battle with Eagle Sauce Country?

I have to say.

Although Li Er is an ancient, after all, he is a Ming monarch in ancient China.

Political insight is sharp enough.


[The gap between the rich and the poor between countries and people is widening rapidly around the world. 】

[Buffett, a predator like Soros can be used as a global idol again. 】

And the third world countries have also been shackled by Western countries one by one. 】

[In globalization, the exploited will never be able to turn over. 】

[And all this is because Big Brother is gone, the Cold War is over, and the super power that dares to speak for the workers is gone. 】

[If the international communist movement is still alive, will the capitalists on Hong Kong Island dare to drive the living into a house with a large coffin?]

[Before the 90s, the housing prices on Hong Kong Island dived to the price of cabbage several times, why has there never been such a thing since the 90s?]

[Dead people can't speak, and people in later generations can make clown movies like "Soldiers in the City" and whip the corpses of dead giants at will. 】

[Perhaps in our lifetime, we can still see the record of the Eagle Sauce Army conquering Berlin, and Big Brother and Hans Leopard becoming the Axis powers.] 】

"The prophet belongs to yes. "

"It seems to be in the game now. "

"Reply—Red Alert?"


[When it comes to Big Brother's black history, whether it's the Gulag, the Great Purge, or all kinds of Big Brother jokes, I don't deny it. 】

[For its black history, those who should be criticized must be criticized. 】

[But no one should deny the righteousness of Big Brother's spirit. 】

[A great civilization must have a great spirit to support it, and a country that can become a superpower must have a great spirit and mission to back it up. 】

[The three superpowers in the history of the world: the Empire on which the sun never sets, the Eagle Sauce Country and the Big Brother, all of which have an irreplaceable role in promoting the progress of human civilization. 】

[So, why did a country with such a strong big brother eventually disintegrate?]


After reading all kinds of information about Big Brother, the emperors of all dynasties were also very curious about this issue.

Based on their experience as the rulers of a country, they felt that a powerful country like Big Brother would never be able to fall in less than a hundred years.

After all, Big Brother is strong in every way.

But that's what happened.

And it happened in a very bizarre way, voluntarily disintegrating.

Why is that?

Emperors of all dynasties have focused their eyes on the giant curtain in the sky, eager to see the answers.


[There are many theories about the reasons for the disintegration of Big Brother. 】

[For example, in politics, bureaucratic corruption, leadership dereliction of duty, and institutional rigidity; in the economy, the failure of monetary reform has led to economic collapse; in society, there is a loss of popular support; in the military, there is a reckless use of military force, and so on. 】

[But these are not the root causes of Big Brother's eventual disintegration.] 】

So, what is the root cause?]

[It's the collapse of ideology!]

[As we said earlier, Big Brother is a unique alliance in the history of mankind with a social system as the name of the country. 】

[Its founding is fundamentally the ideology of red thought. 】

[There are millions of reasons for Big Brother to disintegrate, but the most fundamental one is to abandon his own beliefs. 】

[A country that takes ideology as the foundation of its nation, when it abandons the ideology it believes in, is doomed to decline. 】

[A seemingly accidental disintegration is actually an inevitability. 】


The fundamental reason summarized in the giant screen made the emperors of all dynasties feel a little surprised, but it is understandable to think about it.

The country was founded because of the strength of ideology, and the country was destroyed because of the collapse of ideology.

It makes sense.

They were only amazed again at the power of ideology. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A question that had already surfaced in their minds once again came to their minds:

What exactly is ideology?

The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin threw this question to the ministers of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that this consciousness is our thoughts, the form is the appearance, and the sum is the appearance of the thoughts, which can be understood as a spiritual goal, for example, the ideological red thought of this big brother is to ......"

Speaking of this, the eldest grandson Wuji's brain was stirred, and he quickly stopped.

I can't say anything more about what follows.

Too dangerous.

His Majesty certainly doesn't want to hear about it.

Although the eldest grandson Wuji did not say it, everyone present had just watched the video and knew what the eldest grandson Wuji had not said.

It's just that everyone has a tacit understanding and won't continue to talk about it.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that what the eldest grandson said is extremely true, and the ideology should be interpreted in this way. "

Fang Xuanling opened his mouth and agreed with the words of the eldest grandson Wuji.

By the way, that dangerous topic was diverted.

"Why, then, is this ideology so powerful?"

Li Shimin raised a new question.

He felt it was important to understand the issue.

On the one hand, he is worried that the big brother's red ideas will be widely publicized by the giant curtain, and he is worried that he will be used by people with intentions to endanger the rule of the Tang Dynasty, so there must be a countermeasure.

On the other hand, he had another thought in his heart: Can Datang find an ideology? Can this ideology make Datang stronger?

Because of the same ideology, fifteen countries can form one big brother.

So if the Tang Dynasty can come up with a powerful ideology, can it be exported to other countries, so as to complete the non-military conquest of other countries and establish a more massive Tang Dynasty?

Li Shimin is a good learner.

Although he disliked the attack of red ideas on imperial power, he was able to view the role of ideology objectively.

And the premise of harnessing the power of ideology is that it is necessary to understand why the power of ideology is so strong.


The ministers of the Tang Dynasty began to express their opinions on this issue.

And Li Shimin listened and thought at the same time.


[The former big brother was the leader of the world's proletarians and a haven for laborers. 】

[And the country that went out of Prague, abandoned the Persian People's Party, and used knives against fraternal countries that shared the red ideology, it was a red Tsarist Russia with teeth and claws. 】

[No matter how powerful it is, it is only a soulless shell after all. 】

[And the elites of Big Brother are even more tired of sharing the power of a country with the common people. 】

[In the era of Big Brother, the corruption of the senior officials of Big Brother was just the smuggling of some urgently sold goods, but after the disintegration of Big Brother, the countless oligarchs born in the Mao Bear Country made the people of Big Brother know the true meaning of corruption. 】

[Until the day before Big Brother disintegrated, his army was also invincible in the world. 】

[But a country that has betrayed its soul will inevitably be swept into the pile of old papers by history, and the dragon slayer will become an evil dragon, and it will naturally die, but this does not mean that we must forget its former courage. 】


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Gaochi looked at the content in the giant screen and said with emotion:

"It seems that there is a problem at the top of Big Brother, people, once they have power, they will change. "

"It's no surprise that human nature is changeable. "

Zhu Di replied lightly.

Although Big Brother is from the so-called workers' and peasants' upper echelons, this does not mean that he has always been able to stick to this position.

As an emperor, the complexity of his human nature is very clear.

As far back as the Sui and Tang dynasties, the emperor tried to balance the gate lord clan by promoting poor students through the imperial examination, but many poor students would betray their origins and choose to join the gate lord clan after gaining power.

is as close as his Daming, and some of the poor students he promoted have turned their backs on their backgrounds after they have been awarded officials.

"So, the power of ideology is not invincible. "

Zhu Di thought in his heart.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he would love to see Big Brother's ideology collapse.

This mindset is understandable.

In the ancient feudal dynasties of China, he could be regarded as a Ming monarch.

But then Mingjun, he is also a feudal emperor.

For the red 710 thought of bringing down the imperial power, he had an instinctive dislike and fear.


Seeing Big Brother disintegrate because of the collapse of ideology, he felt a lot more relieved in his heart.

The appeal of that red thought was terrible in his opinion!


[What we miss today, is it Big Brother?]

[By no means. 】

[What we miss is the fire that was kindled in the ice and snow wasteland, who united the hungry and cold slaves, the suffering people of the world, and made the roar no longer the prerogative of the powerful. 】

[What we miss is the Boersvik who fought against human injustice. 】

They took up their shotguns and prayed for exile in the wilderness, and they fled into the darkness and into the depths, praying to bring fire to every place where the light had never been illuminated. 】

[The ideal of red thought gives them the belief in the pursuit of truth, for the people who are concerned in their hearts, for the things they cherish in their dreams, and in order to illuminate the way forward for future generations, the broken bones are just accompanied by the fire that collides from the darkness, and merges into the fire together. 】

[Because they firmly believe that the light of the fire will surely shine brighter than the sun and the moon in the future.] 】

[What we miss is their will to yearn for the light, which is an epic that shines brighter than Prometheus.] 】

[We regret the Boersviks who watched their country sink deeper and deeper. 】

[They watched as the fire was extinguished, and they struggled between the two worlds. 】

[The dreams that call for them in their hearts are drifting away. 】

They don't know how to appease their lost souls and choose death. 】

[Has the fire been extinguished?]

[By no means. 】

[Over the Ural Mountains, at the end of Siberia, where the people have never forgotten the ideals of the forerunners. 】

[There have been doubts, and the footsteps of being too confused and leaning forward have never stopped. 】

[Perhaps in the face of the rampant capital, in the face of the three or two drops of ink spilled on the surface of society, there are also losses. 】

[But the slogan of long live the people has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the Dragon Kingdom has not and will not live up to the red ideal. 】

Barrage flying:

"That's a great point!"

"Homage to the real Boersvik!"

Indeed, what we miss is not the incomparably powerful red giant, but the ideals and beliefs of Big Brother. "

"The sun has risen, and it's time for the lighthouse to go out. "

"The old fire has been extinguished, and the new fire has been kindled!"


Accompanied by narration subtitles, a remixed video of countless people fighting for the red faith was played on the giant screen in the sky.

Listening to the commentary, watching the mixed video clips and many barrages, many ancients in the past dynasties were shocked.

Once again, they felt the great appeal and influence of the red thought.


The emperors of all dynasties were shocked and deeply disturbed at the same time.

They felt more and more in their hearts that this video gave the people an in-depth understanding of red thought, which was not a good thing for maintaining their rule.

If you don't keep it, there are hidden dangers.

At this time.

In the midst of the uneasiness of the emperors.

Giant screen in the sky.

Video refresh.

A new video title appears.

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