[Sixth, the principle of scarcity. 】

[When people know that something is rare, they will cherish it, and when they realize that they may lose it, they will cherish it even more.] 】

[When faced with the same gains and losses, the degree of discomfort of loss far exceeds the degree of joy of gaining, which is called loss aversion. 】

[Studies have shown that loss aversion is related to the nervous system makeup of our brain.] 】

[In cases involving loss aversion, three specific areas of the human brain: the amygdala, striatum, and insular region are activated, increasing the individual's response to these losses.] 】

Depending on the intensity of these areas, the individual may be more or less averse to loss. 】

[In other words, loss aversion is difficult to completely overcome.] 】

In addition to consumer behavior, this principle can also be used in other aspects. 】

[Your male god and goddess often show that you don't cherish me and will lose my posture at any time, and your attitude is cold and unforgiving, in fact, you are manipulating you intentionally or unintentionally. 】

[Your boss said that a position is very important, not everyone has this opportunity, it may just want to isolate you through personnel adjustments. 】

[It is not difficult to perceive scarcity, but it is not easy to make rational decisions. 】

[So after we realize it, we still have to think calmly about whether this thing is what we really need, whether this person loves or plays with ourselves, and whether this position is really important. 】

Barrage flying:

"That's how those businesses do hunger marketing, right?"

"Reply - it must be, obviously there are goods that are not sold, and they are deliberately released little by little, artificially creating scarcity. "

"Reply-not only hunger marketing, but also sales methods such as spikes, spot grabbing, full reduction, and time limits are all using the principle of loss aversion. "


Many businessmen who were secretly peeking at the giant screen in the past dynasties were dazzled.

Scarcity is expensive, they know that.

But this kind of artificially scarce hunger marketing method is still a relatively novel technique for most ancient merchants.

They keep it in their minds.


They looked at the words "seckill, grab seats, full reduction, and time limit" in the giant screen and thought about it.

What kind of sales tactics are these?


[The above are the six psychological principles of psychological manipulation. 】

[Having said that, these theories are only the study of people's psychology, and they will not help or harm people. 】

[But if it is disguised and used by people with ulterior motives, it becomes a manipulation technique that is difficult for people to detect and resist.

[Learning these, in addition to helping us be more vigilant, is also so that we can better release our influence on some occasions and make our work and life smoother. 】

[Of course, even if we learn, we don't want to be that person with ulterior motives. 】

[Okay, that's all for this video.] 】


Eastern Han plane.

Watch the video end.

Cao Cao was extremely emotional.

The Dragon Kingdom of the Later Generations is truly a magical country.

Not only is the method of manipulating people's minds so thoroughly studied, but it is also able to allow people to disseminate it publicly.

He really couldn't figure it out.

This is normal.

For ancient dynasties, the most taboo thing for emperors was that someone manipulated people's hearts.

It is no exaggeration to say that in most ancient feudal dynasties, they had the ability to manipulate the hearts of the people, and that was the way to death.


High in the sky.

Video refresh.

[When the abolition of death becomes an obligation-how distorted is the concept of right and wrong of Our Lady of the White Left!]

After the big headline flashed.

It's a preface.

[In 2016, Maria, a girl from Hans Leopard who has always been close to refugees, was killed by Hussein, an Afghan refugee. 】

[Afterwards, Hussein was sentenced to life in prison.] 】

[Because there is no death penalty in Hanse Leopard, life imprisonment is the highest punishment. 】

[In addition, the presiding judge added to Hussein: "Whether you can regain your freedom after 15 years depends entirely on whether you have become a different person by then.] "】

[Why do you say that?]

[Because not only is there no death penalty in Hans Leopard Country, but most of the criminals are sentenced to life imprisonment, up to 17.5 years. 】

[Because they have to have concrete and achievable opportunities for change.] 】

[The victim's father, a senior legal adviser to the European Commission, said after the trial that he had no hatred and wanted to donate more money to the refugees. 】

[It vividly explains what it means that I don't hate you, and even sincerely hope that you can be happy, to forgive, to be fraternal, and to resolutely abolish the death penalty. 】


After reading this preface.

With the giant curtain powering to inform refugees, abolishing the death penalty, life imprisonment and other concepts, many ancients in the past dynasties were confused.

There is no death penalty in a country?

Will you only be locked up for 17.5 years at most?

This kind of magical thing is greatly beyond the scope of the understanding of the ancient Chinese people.

In China, starting from the Shang Dynasty, which has been recorded in writing, no dynasty has abolished the death penalty, and even if there were, it was a flash in the pan of a certain dynasty and an emperor.

Killing people to pay for their lives, and repaying debts, this is the old reason of our country for several years.

So they can't imagine that a country doesn't have the death penalty.

In the eyes of the ancients, this was ridiculous.

Without the death penalty, how can the most heinous criminals be punished?

And also.

Can you forgive your daughter for being killed by someone else?

This kind of outrageous thing is incomprehensible to the ancients of all dynasties.

"Repaying with virtue ~ resentment" has never been the concept of Confucian society.

The original text of the Analects of the Constitution is: "Or say: How to repay grievances with virtue? "

What does that mean?

If there is a grudge, if there is a grudge, then fuck him!

Proto-Confucianism believed that clan kinship was the most important social relationship, and the interests of the family were above all else.

If someone causes harm to the family or a member, then the matter is definitely not over and must be avenged.

Although from the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Imperial period, the imperial court began to crack down on and suppress blood revenge in society.

However, the simple thoughts in the hearts of ordinary people are not so easy to dispel.

Especially when you don't get justice.

"This man is really a father in vain!"

Many ancients couldn't help but curse in their hearts.


[After reading the above case, do you think it's magical?]

[But in some countries in the West that advocate abolition, this is just basic exercises.] 】

[In Ruiiodine, the teacher repeatedly preached that immigrants do bad things because they have been discriminated against and unfair, and the most important thing is to influence them with love. 】

[So many girls came forward and were brutally hurt, and Mezel was one of them.] 】

[She was killed by a migrant about 15 years old while working at a reception center for underage refugees. 】

[In the end, the case was finally closed.] 】

[Not only that, but in Ruiiodine, more and more vicious cases like this have been gently let go. 】

[The result of the exchange of love is: the sexual assault rate of reiodine has been the first in Europe for six consecutive years. 】

[In 2017, the national security report showed that the number of special security zones that are not suitable for entry has increased by 61, and 80% of serving police officers are considering leaving their jobs. 】

[In 2019, a report from the University of Riodin Köping showed that the Ministry of Justice of Riodium pressured the National Crime Prevention Commission to conceal and falsify crime data, demanding that the report be pleasing to the letter.] 】

[To forgive, to be loving, to abolish death, because these prisoners deserve sympathy, they are all kind, and the kindness is suffocating.] 】

Barrage flying:

"Outrageous, does the victim have a second chance?"

"Respect, blessings!"

"I believe that they will be able to influence everything with love. "


Great Qin Dynasty.

Qin Shi Huang's eyes showed disdain.

Daqin governs the country with a legalist, and what he pays attention to is a strict law.

He despised this kind of country with chaotic laws.

How can you not govern the country like this?


[Do they regret abolishing their deaths?]

[That is certainly not regretted, because refugees constitute a lucrative rescue industry chain. 】

[In the case of Hans, refugee shelter, vocational training, etc., are outsourced to private companies, and the government allocates funds on a capitation basis. 】

[Many companies started refugee business back in the 80s. 】

[In 2013, the sale of information on more than 2,000 refugees to telephones, Internet companies and even underground gangs made hundreds of thousands of euros. 】

[In addition, various charitable groups, relying on more and more refugees, get more and more budget funds. 】

[Refugees are a big business that many companies dream of. 】

[In 2013, the heads of refugee camps in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse fought on the spot in order to compete for more refugee places. 】

[In 2016, it was reported that 550,000 illegal immigrants in Hanse Leopard were not repatriated. 】

[Reinal Winter, president of the police union, said Hans Leopard has an industry that "systematically prevents repatriation." 】

[On the other hand, Europe's low fertility rate, high aging population, and lack of domestic labor force limit the output and development of companies, and the introduction of refugees can be a good fill. 】

[In these countries, refugees can receive considerable benefits, and some refugees are even better off than the natives, and even if they are criminals, there is the blessing of "humanitarian care" such as abolishing the death penalty. 】

[In order to let the general public accept this kind of "great love", ideological education should start from the baby and tell everyone to "control violence with love". 】

[Therefore, some girls who have been hurt will speak for the murderer instead. 】

[The central idea is: You don't want to get my hatred.] 】

Barrage flying:

"It's too abstract!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's so miserable, I've been brainwashed since I was a child, no wonder those White Left Virgins are babbling all day long. "

"It dawned on me that it was a business. "

"It's definitely not that simple, any love, it's just business. "


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Di looked at the giant screen in the sky, his eyes calm.

The world is bustling, all for profit, and the world is bustling, all for profit.

He had already guessed.

A thing that is obviously unreasonable can continue forever, there is no doubt that there must be an ulterior motive behind it.


[In the West, of course, it is not only the Hans Leopard Kingdom and the Rui Iodine that have been abolished. 】

[The issue of abolition is not just about refugees. 】

[Boss Giovanni Rusta, the leader of the mafia of the Wolves, was released from prison after killing more than 100 people. 】

[In 2017, there was a shooting in Maple Leaf Country, killing 6 people and injuring 18 others. 】

[The murderer, Bisonette, was sentenced to 40 years in prison and cannot apply for bail. 】[]

[The following year, a shooting occurred in New Southwest, and the murderer broadcast live on Facebook, which eventually killed 51 people and injured 50 others. 】

[The New Southwestern government imposed the harshest punishment, sentencing the murderer Brenton Tarrant to life in prison without bail.] 】


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin was surprised:

"Why did so many countries kill people without paying for their lives in later generations?"

"How can you not be put to death when you have killed so many people, and the crime is so heinous?"

Li Shimin was even slightly angry.

He felt that such a sentence was too unfair for those who were killed.

It's not just Li Shimin who doesn't understand.

Behind him, the Tang Dynasty ministers were also confused.

They also don't understand why so many countries in later generations did not have the death penalty.

You must know that in Datang, there are 233 kinds of death sentences!


[In this regard, New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern commented: I feel relieved. 】

[In this regard, the evaluation of the UP master is: It is indeed harsh!]

[Because in some European countries, at least half of the prisoners are serving their sentences in open prisons.] 】

[You can go to work during the day and go to jail at night.] 】

[As long as you sit in jail for 8 hours a day and pay the room fee on time.] 】

[Even if you are a murderer, after serving a period of time, you can go out to reunite with your family. 】

[After all, no matter how bad a person is, he has a good side. 】

Various barrages fly out:


"It's so abstract!"

"Good guy! I have seen it for a long time! I am worthy of being a developed country! My concept is advanced!"


The ancients of all dynasties were stunned.

The open prison gave the ancient Chinese people a little bit of Western cooking shock.

Can you still squat like this in prison?

It's just outrageous to the extreme.


[Did they regret it after the abolition? Of course they didn't. 】

[Because this is civilized and advanced.] 】

[To join the group with European countries, one of the conditions is to abolish death. 】

[If you want to catch up with this humanitarian trend, the first condition is to abolish death. 】

[So Big Brother has abolished death, Eagle Sauce Country has almost abolished death, and in order to "respect human rights", Mexico and other countries are even more determined to abolish death. 】

[So do the people of these countries really support the abolition of the death penalty?]

[I'm afraid it may not be. 】

[Take Europe as an example, before the abolition, 58% of the Gallic chicken countries opposed the abolition, 55% of the Hans leopard countries opposed the abolition, and after the abolition, 65% of the countries on which the sun never set supported the reinstatement of the death penalty for murder. 】

[Years of rape of public opinion have caused some small friction among the people. 】

[35-year-old Grabowski was acquitted after killing a woman in his apartment.] 】

[Mother Marianne took out a pistol in the courtroom and fired 8 shots at the murderer, killing the murderer on the spot. 】

[At that time, the police were only two meters away from her, but they did not stop her. 】

The video in the giant screen is inserted with a video of Marianne shooting the killer.

Many ancients from all dynasties watched this scene and applauded loudly.

This behavior is completely in line with the simple values of justice (Zhao Qianhao) of the ancients.

The plane of the Great Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth and praised:

"What a strong woman. "


He snorted coldly again:

"It's ridiculous for these abolished countries in later generations!"

Lao Zhu Ke is a staunch supporter of the death penalty.

Originally, during the Yuan Dynasty, the number of death sentences had been reduced to 135, and by the time of the Ming Dynasty, the number had increased to 249.


[In addition to this case, the more famous conflict around the abolition of death is the Ute Island tragedy in Norvi. 】

[On July 22, 2011, on the island of Ute, 40 kilometers west of Oslo, the capital of Norvi, a group of children of high-ranking Norvi government officials were attacked at gunpoint by a man named Breivik while attending a summer camp. 】

[The massacre lasted an hour and a half, until the belated military police landed on the island. 】

[Then, the classic scene appeared, Breivik first skillfully surrendered, and then said contemptuously to the police:

"My finger was punctured by a broken child's head, so ask the doctor to bandage me!"

[The Virgin policeman of Norvi was immediately stunned, and immediately began to bandage Breivik. 】

[After all, "this is Breivik's sacrosanct human right."] 】

[According to the post-mortem count, the massacre in Breivik killed a total of 77 people and injured more than 300 people. 】

[And that's not all.] 】

[Prior to the Utte Island massacre, Breivik had also blown up the Oslo government building in Norvi with explosives, killing 7 people and seriously injuring 15 others. 】

[According to the concept of normal people, such an indiscriminate killing of innocent demons should be able to die dozens of times. 】

The ancients of all dynasties also thought the same.

Killing so many people and committing such a heinous crime is simply unjustifiable without being executed.

Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che snorted coldly:

"This man is so cruel that ten thousand deaths are not enough to forgive his sins!"


What the ancients didn't know was that the next development would completely upend their outlook on life.

They are about to enjoy a wonderful Western dish cooking miracle.

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