[You will underestimate Sima Qian. 】

[He synthesized rumors and official files.] 】

[After entering Xianyang, Xiao He and others urgently rescued the archives of the Qin Dynasty, so that some official documents could be preserved. 】

[Also, Li Guang, a family left behind from the Qin Dynasty, is also in Sima Qian's circle of friends. 】

[Moreover, the Sima Qian family itself was also passed down from the Qin Dynasty. 】

"Li Guang is a descendant of Li Xin. "

"Ma Qian of Taishi Company is a descendant of Sima Cuo, and he is indeed a lineage of Great Qin. "


Warring States plane.

Sima Coo, the famous general of the Qin State, looked at the giant screen in the sky, and was a little surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, among his descendants, there was a historian who seemed to be famous in later generations.

You must know that Sima's surname is not derived from the name of the place, but "the official is the clan", and Sima's official position is equivalent to the Minister of National Defense, and he is in charge of the power of soldiers and horses.

His ancestors can be traced back to the lineage of Cheng Boxiu's father in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Cheng Boxiu's father was the Sima of the Western Zhou court at that time, in charge of the imperial army, because of his great contribution to the suppression of the rebellion, he obtained the permission of King Xuan of Zhou to take the official position as his surname.

Since then, there has been a Sima family in his lineage.

In other words, their Sima family has always been a family of military generals.

Therefore, Sima Cuo was a little surprised that his descendants abandoned martial arts.


[The second-generation circle plus the official archives, the credibility is still quite high. 】

[In other words, the records of the historical records, on the one hand, came from the oral accounts of relevant people, and on the other hand, from the official archives of the imperial court, and were finally compiled by Ma Qian himself, the Taishi Company. 】

[Will Comrade Sima Qian bring personal emotions when he tidies up, which is commonly known as private goods?]

[There must be.] 】

[In addition to being not very professional in some fields, Sima Qian's attitude towards certain characters actually represents the attitude of some people towards them. 】

[For example, Wei Qing and Huo Quzhi are recognized heroes, but Sima Qian expressed his disdain for them between the lines. 】

[Historical records say that Huo "653" went to illness, he was not equal between officers and soldiers, and when he was fighting, he always thought about delicious food, and even played football (Keju) without doing his job. 】

[In fact, this record is that some literati do not know soldiers. 】

[Football can strengthen the body, it is the daily training activity of the Han Army, and it can be called the Han Dynasty's version of the Strong Army Cup, so it is not right for Sima Qian to say that Huo is not doing his job properly when he is sick and playing football. 】

[Similarly, he recorded that Wei Qing was corrupt and bribed many times, such as taking 500 gold to hand over to Mrs. Wang, or helping the ranger Guo Xie to intercede when he moved to Maoling. 】

[Angry that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said that a person who can make my court general intercede, can that be an ordinary person? 】

"Hahaha, Le. "

"Guo Jie: I knew that I wouldn't have interceded with Wei Qing if I knew this. "

"Reply - whether to find Wei Qing or not to intercede, Guo Xie has to die, just by what he did, he is lucky to live for so long. "

"Reply - indeed, I don't pay attention to the law and discipline of the court at all, it's strange that Liu Che can tolerate him, if he doesn't die, who will die. "

"When the court thinks that you are not an ordinary person, you better really not be an ordinary person. "

"Reply - to be honest, Guo Xie is really not an ordinary person, he is not only the grandson of Xu Cheng, the female physiognomy who was named the marquis because of physiognomy, but he is also very powerful, he is simply the originator of the Internet celebrity in ancient China and the godfather of the East. "

"Reply - his life experience is legendary enough, when he was young, he hid fugitives, robbed property, minted coins privately, dug graves secretly, did all kinds of bad things, and when he was older, he suddenly changed his evil and returned to righteousness, repaid his grievances with virtue, and was anxious for justice and righteousness. This is much in line with the example of the prodigal son's return, hehe. "

"Reply - this guy has a lot of fanatical fans in the Han Dynasty, and there was once a person who sat on the side of the road in an improper posture and looked at Guo Xie a few times impolitely, Guo Jie's fans were very angry when they saw it, and they wanted to step forward and kill that person. "

"Reply - Guo Xie did not let this person kill this person, but helped this person be relieved of forced labor, and finally this person openly went to apologize to Guo Xie with his chest exposed. "

"Reply - this guy has a bit of a trick, no wonder he is so popular. "

"Reply - it does have a strong appeal, because of the order to move Maoling, Guo Jie's family moved away, and the gifts sent to Guo Xie to see him off exceeded 10 million, which is simply outrageous. "

"Reply - good guys, this is a support party!"

"Reply - his fanatical supporters are more terrifying than the current extreme fans, and whoever dares to have the slightest words and deeds that are unfavorable to Guo Xie will kill people. "

"Reply - that's right, the official and the official's father who included Guo Xie in the migration list were killed by Guo Jie's fanatical fans, and the official's relatives wanted to go to the government to complain, but they were killed by Guo Jie's fanatical fans. "

"Reply—there were also irrelevant people who said a few bad things about Guo Xie because of this matter, and they cut out the man's tongue. "

"Reply - that's it, these fans of him are afraid that he won't die fast enough!"

"Reply - Wei Qing interceded for him, wouldn't it be because he was afraid of harassment by his fanatical fans. "


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che looked at the many barrages in the giant screen in the sky, and remembered Guo Jie.

This person does have a way to die.

Ranger is forbidden by force.

His Han Dynasty did not need rangers to act chivalrous and righteous, and everything had its own court laws and disciplines.

A ranger like Guo Jie, who has no regard for the laws and disciplines of the imperial court and acts only according to his own likes and dislikes, is an unstable factor that endangers centralized power and social order, and must be eradicated.

Not only Guo Jie, but all lawless rangers must be eradicated.

His Han dynasty did not allow such people to challenge the authority of the imperial court.

Otherwise, if the people of the Han Dynasty follow suit, wouldn't there be no law and discipline in the world?


[Then Sima Qian recorded this because he looked down on Wei Qing and Huo Quai?]

[For example, all dynasties will commemorate the construction of Dujiangyan by Li Bing and his son, but only the laborers who participated in the construction in the Qin Dynasty will not. 】

[Wei Qing, the era when Huo Quzhi made contributions in Mobei was precisely the era when the people of the Han Dynasty tightened their belts to support the front line. 】

[At that time, a folk song flowed out, don't be happy to give birth to a man, don't be sad when you give birth to a girl, you don't see Wei Zifu dominating the world. 】

[After all, from the perspective of the people, what kind of general?

[If you want me to say that you still have to go through the back door, if you are born well, he is not as good as marrying well!]

[Therefore, the small song pen of the historical records represents the dissatisfaction of the people in that era with harsh taxes and forced labor, and Wei Qing and Huo Quzhi are naturally the shields for being scolded. 】

"It's so real!"

"It's true that Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are relatives, but they do have real skills. "

"The credit of the two of them is their own real swords, and the relationship with Wei Zifu is just an opportunity, not a decisive factor. "

"There are relatives like Wei Qing and Huo Quzhi, which emperor doesn't like it?"

However, the reputation of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing did not start to improve from the Eastern Han Dynasty, and later generations gradually understood their achievements. "


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Wei Qing looked at the giant screen in the sky, his face calm.

No matter how good it is in the history books, it can't withstand the fair evaluation given by the years.


In the eyes of the Chinese people thousands of years later, he and Huo Quzhi are not mediocre people who rely on nepotism, and what they did was also right and made great contributions.

That's enough.

Sima Qian's family's words, why should he take it to heart.


[Of course, in addition to this kind of record that reflects the dissatisfaction of the people, the historical records also have Sima Qian's own preference for a certain figure. 】

[For example, the tragic description of Li Guang's life may have something to do with the fact that they are all nobles left from the Qin Dynasty.] 】

"Not only that, Sima Qian's wife is Li Guang's granddaughter, which is a relative. "

"Li Guang is really miserable, lost once, and is said to be a lifetime. "

"In the siege of Mayi, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave Li Guang a chance, but he was not able to grasp it himself. "

"To tell the truth, Li Guang is good at cavalry and archery, but he is not good at leading large-scale battles, and his personal ability is still insufficient. "

"Li Guang is difficult to seal, because his military merits are really insufficient, and there is no such thing as seniority in ancient times. "


Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Che looked at the barrage of comments on Li Guang, and agreed with it in his heart.

The siege of Mayi was a war he planned in order to inflict heavy damage on the main force of the Xiongnu, and if successful, he could defeat the Xiongnu to a great extent.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it failed because of the leakage of news in advance.

Although Li Guang can't be blamed entirely, Li Guang's coping ability is really mediocre.

Even if the news leaked, the main army of the Xiongnu had already come to a position very close to the encirclement of the Han army.

However, the Han army did not respond in time, and finally let the main army of the Xiongnu run away.

And if it was Wei Qing's commander at that time, Liu Che believed that this would never happen.


[But even with emotional tendencies, Sima Qian still recorded the exploits of Wei Qing and Huo Quai, and retained the qualities that a historian should have. 】

[This is commendable. 】

[Another example is to stay in the marquis Zhang Liang to determine the country, and to go down to An Lishu. ] In our concept, this is naturally a perfect person. 】

[But Sima Qian still deeply participated in the dispute between the prince and the prince in the evening, and shouted for the Lu family, secretly invited Shangshan Sihao, and the descendants were liquidated, etc., and recorded in the family of the Hou family in 1510. 】

[Similarly, Sima Qian himself also had a materialist view of history, such as Han Xin. 】

[The historical records did not hesitate to use a whole column to describe Han Xin's own contributions, merit is merit, and it is excessive. 】

[In stark contrast to the Book of Han.] 】

[The Book of Han puts the four kings with different surnames Han, Cranio, Ying, and Peng together, which at first glance gives people the feeling that it is a bound book of anti-thieves. 】

[But in fact, it is very clear in the "Historical Records" that these 4 people were all killed by Lu Hou. 】

[Then since the "Records of the Historians" is different from the official "Book of Han", and there are some places mixed with the author's tendencies, how should it be understood?]

["Lisao" without rhyme. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[The "Records of the Historians" itself has many contradictions in the records. 】

[For example, Ying Zheng in the Qin family was a loud bang in Handan, and the crystallization of love appeared, but in the biography of Lü Buweilie, Ying Zheng became the crystallization of adultery. 】


Great Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang's face was filled with anger.

This is the most taboo thing for him to mention.

Unexpectedly, in later generations, there were historians who wrote this matter into the history books.

He was furious in his heart.

As a historian, he doesn't record the facts, but actually records these rumors that catch the wind and shadows, which really deserves to be killed!


[This conflict suggests that this account is a timeline of a story, and it is mostly transcribed from official archives without any emotional overtones..........]

[And the specific biography may have added a lot of hearsay and anecdotes, and the authenticity is not necessarily guaranteed.] 】

[After all, in the field of communication, the more deviant it is from the facts, the more outrageous it is, and the more satisfying people's dirty psychology is, it is often the version of the most ruthless communication. 】

"Brother News, Sister News, Uncle Lawyer call you an expert!"

"It's true, it's not news that dogs bite people, people bite dogs do. "[]

"For example, the history of the Three Kingdoms: Zhou Yu faked his death and married Huang Yueying to Zhuge Liang incognito. "


Eastern Han plane.

Liu Bei's side.

Zhuge Liang was stunned.

What kind of messy history is this?

Liu Bei and the others on the side also looked stupid.

How could there be such an outrageous wild history?

The other side.

Sun Quan's side.

Zhou Yu was furious:

"Who is so bold as to orchestrate such nonsense?"

"If you let the Pontus find this man, you will not be spared!"


[So the question is, since this record comes from the official archives, will Sima Qian write or vaguely express something in this record?]

[Yes.] 】

[As the beginning of Emperor Wen, Jing, and Emperor Wu, his legal rationality and sacredness naturally need to be rendered, but the problem is that Emperor Wen operated through a palace coup, and coups had natural malignancy in ancient times. 】

[On the one hand, it is the righteous soul of the historian, and on the other hand, it is the truth of the crime that cannot be put on the table. 】

[What to do?]

[The witty Sima Qian did not put it into the Benji of Emperor Wen, but quietly put it into the biography of his relatives and the Benji of Gaohou. 】

[For example, the Lu family once married many daughters to the Liu king. 】

[Emperor Wen, who was still the acting king at that time, must have married a daughter of the Lu family. 】

[So Sima Qian wrote that the Empress Dowager Dou was not the queen back then, but there was someone else on behalf of the queen, and the four children born to him died of illness. 】

[The record of killing the Hou Shao Emperor is also very interesting, because after Emperor Wen entered Beijing, the Hou Shao Emperor has been alive, after all, the emperor is the Son of Heaven, and no one can do the matter of the minister killing the monarch except for the Sima family, how to write it?]

[If you directly remember that Emperor Wen ordered him to be killed, it will definitely not work. 】

[But if you don't remember it, you can't do it, the emperor doesn't dare to explain when he dies, and he has to look like Emperor Wen is overbearing and forcing you. 】

[So the "Historical Records" recorded that the acting king exercised power when he entered the palace, and on the evening of the day, the relevant departments killed the Hou Shaodi. 】

[You see that if the acting king is replaced by the relevant department, the subject is changed, and the characters remain the same, and the meaning of this expression is immediately different. 】

[Did you mention the emperor's business?

"Sure enough, it's traditional wisdom, "Yousi", hehe. "

"The wisdom of the historian, the penmanship of the Spring and Autumn Period. "

"Sima Qian, this old clever ghost. "


Many scholars in all dynasties saw this and suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the right way to read the "Historical Records".

This kind of Spring and Autumn penmanship hidden between the lines is really not something that every ancient reader will be able to read.


[But on the other hand, looking at the Book of Han, you can detect the careful thinking of the Han Dynasty officials.] 】

[The Eastern Han Dynasty royal family knows very well that no matter from what point of view, this is the initiative of the Hero Group. 】

[After all, Liu Xiu's lineage is said to be after Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. 】

[So for the legitimacy and legal rationality of its own 4.0, it needs to weaken the fact that the palace coup is on the throne.] 】

[So Hanshu deleted the entire coup d'état in the Gaohou Benji, and then secretly transferred it to the biography of Zhou Bolie, from the Benji to the biography, directly downplaying the importance of this matter. 】

"This is said to be very spiritual. "

"Needless to say, Liu Xiu has a complete pedigree. "


The plane of the Great Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth and said to Zhu Biao:

"Boss, see it, the records in this history book can't be trusted. "

"These historians, all of them are very shrewd, and there are hidden meanings between the lines. "

"You need to think more about yourself, and you can't just believe what they say. "

"I remembered. "

Zhu Biao replied.


[So.] 】

[Since Sima Qian was able to record history covertly under external pressure, does this mean that the historical records are perfect?]

[Not really.] 】

[One of the major limitations of the historical records comes from the lack of records, especially the history of the Qin Dynasty and the Six Kingdoms. 】

[The Qin Dynasty actually kept the archives of the Six Kingdoms, but unfortunately they were destroyed in the war, and this cannot be relied on by Sima Qian. 】

[However, the content compiled by Sima Qian himself in the biography will inevitably have some distortions. 】

[These transcripts through the aftermath of the parties, although they pursue the truth as much as possible, but the memoirs will inevitably turn the facts outrageous for the sake of their own reputation. 】

[In particular, some Taishi Gong visited the local area and listened to all kinds of anecdotes told by the locals, such as Han Xin's drifting mother in his early years, and Lu Gong begged Liu Bang to marry my daughter to you and sweep the floor, etc., all of which have a certain degree of romance. 】

[Similarly, when evaluating a character, there will also be a question of stance, that is, from what angle should the character be evaluated, and from what standpoint should the character be evaluated?]

[So, how are these reflected in the Historical Records?].

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